HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-07-26, Page 7'SWOON -SUIT FOR SOMEONE --BUT RE -MADE Canadian Bobby-Sockers are literally getting the In Montreal recently Frankie gave one of his Price Board's Consumer Branch . . It will be and sent across Canada along with the Remake they can save material by making old garments the coat •on for fit and receives smiling approval visor of ReMake Centres, looks on. clothes off the back of swoon -crooner Frank Sinatra. swoon -suits to the ReMake Centres operated by the made -over into a smart suit for a high school girl Revue wardrobe which shows the younger set how into new . Here a pretty Bobby-Socker tries from Sinatra. Mrs. Irene Gougeon, national supers l ®TTA A REPORTS Tributes Paic'_ To First Canadian Army And To Canada For Her Part In The War Tribute to the First Canadian Army was paid by Baron Silver- cruys, Belgian Ambassador to Canada, on his recent return from )Brussels. At a press conference here he stated, "It may well be said that the liberation of the Scheldt. is ,essentially a Canadian epic." Major Kenneth Brown of the Royal Corps of Signallers, a British officer now visiting Can- ada, said of Caen that the fight- ing the Canadians went through there was not sur assed by any- thing at El Alamein, the Sicily or Italian campaigns or any other fighting in western Europe. He also advised, "Don't under -estimate the job you Canadians are doing in the war, because Britain certainly doesn't urder-estimate it.'-' * * * Between 400 and 500 soldiers with five years' overseas service are expected to reach Canada on a 30 -day leave by Christmas, and ocher groups will arrive at later intervals, the National Defence De- partment has announced. * * * The inquiry into the tax position of co-operative enterprises by a commission appointed by the Min- ister of Finance will involve more than 1,600 organizations with a membership of nearly 600,000 ac- cording to figures released by the economics division, Dominion De- partment of Agriculture. Total business lone by co-operatives re- presenting all provinces of the Do- minion amounted to more than $352,000,000 in the year ending July 31, 1943. Up to the present co-operative enterprises have been tax-free. * . * * Cattle sales at yards and plants from the beginning ti; the year to the week of November 23 total- led 1,301,796 head, compared with 1,067,498 in the same period last year, states the latest livestock snarket review of the Department of Agriculture. Calf sales for the year . so far are 653,000 compared Make it a Producer with y0 r i drIL J. B. Sutherland, Mara, B.C.writes : `last year I bad 7 cows I couldn't get in calf, which nearly knocked me out. I went to a farmers mooting in Armstrong to tee what could be done about it. A man there, Sam Hawksworth, said he had 7 heifers which he oouldn t get in calf. He fed them Rex Wheat Germ Oil and GOT THEM ALL IN CALF) Following bis suggestion, 1 used Rex Oil and got the Mame 106% results. I will swear by Rex Wheat Germ Oil, it sure helped me". Ilex Oil helps organically right animals to overcome shy breeding, slowness to mate, absence of heat and other common breeding trou» bier because it supplies,, in a con-, eentrated and stable form, the factors necessary for successful, profitable breeding. Turn YOUR boarders into profitable producers --- start feeding ILEX OIL. A few drops a day does the trick. Available at FEED - SEED DRUG ST'OR'ES d ox. - $1.26 20 ox. « 55.00 irmORlN (CANADA) LI !TED ll. i;,D. halal 0 Montreal, (1 ti Anglers Meet One of the most successful meetings the Toronto Anglers' and Hunters' Association have ever had took place in Toronto, Dec. 5, when "Viv" B. Gray of the Cleve- land Pain Dealer showed a big Kodachrome film and gave a talk on fishing Rainbows and Cut- throats in the mountains of Idaho, Wyoming ar Montana, Mr. Gray enjoys a continental reputation as an angler. He has fished across the United States and Canada from coast to coast in the last thirty years, and is a great lover of Canada's Northland, He has made more than a score of trips into this country, in colabor- ation with the publicity depart-. ments of the Canadian National and the Canadian Pacific Rialways. Members of the Ontario Feder- ation of Anglers and Hunters Clubs were invited by the To- ronto Club to attend. with 603,000 last year, while sheep and lambs are up practically 100,- 000 head at 862,000. Hog gradings since January 1 number 7,734,104 compared with 5,888,986 in the same period last year. * * * D. 13. Copland, Australian price commissioner, told a press con- ference here that Australia had profited from the experimental work done in Canada and had adopted almost entirely the Can- adian . price control system * * * Rural teachers who prepare a hot beverage or serve sandwiches to pupils unable to go home for noon lunch may register with a branch of the ration administration as quota users to get extra sugar, butter and preserves. Headache Nothing is more depres- sing than headaches... Why Buffet?...Lambly's will give instant relief. Lambfy's is good forear- ache, toothache, pains inyl back, stomach, bowels. Weld O HEADACHE POWDERS_ is You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL ✓ un ONTO O Every Room with hath, Show- er and Telephone. • Single, 52.50 up— Double, 58.50 up, • Good Food, Dining and Dane. Ins Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 SENTEMINI ITC CHECKED in a Jiffy -or Money Back For quick relief from itching caused by eczema; athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. 0. 0„ PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intenseiitc'iing. Don't suffer. Ask Pyaurdruggist t today fol. O. D. 0. PRESCRIPTION. YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM if you suffer from hot gashes, dizzy spells, irregular periods, are weak, nervous—due to the "middle -age" period in a woman's life, take Lydia B. 1'inirham's Vegetable Compound, It's helped thousands upon thou- sands of women to relieve such symptoms. Pinkhaiii's Compound is also a tine stomach toniol Worth. trying!' Made in Canada. ISSUE 50--944 VOICE OF THE PRESS THEY REMEMBER, TOO If the . Russians are not overly cordial towards us, is it surprising? Remember what we used to say about them only a few years ago? Well, so do they. — Fort Erie Times -Review. DOWN TO THERE Lucien, the barber who served Field Marshal Montgomery in Brussels, says he once cut Goer- ing's hair. He was probably sorely tempted to cut it about eight inches too short. —Windsor Star VARIED GAME Some came home from the North with alibis, others with deer. — S't. Catharines Standard. LIFE WORTH LIVING If you will check up on the kind of person who says life is not worth living, you will most likely find that the kind of life he lives is not worth living. — Sherbrooke Record. Now ., eading Bible For 130th Time Rev. Terry Harper Maxwell, paotor of Hephzibah and Blythe Methodist Churches in Atlanta, Ga., claims the title of Georgia's champion Bible reader, says The Sault Ste. Marie Star. Mr. Max- well says he has read the Scrip - SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CASK Oman -FIRE and 'I'I3IEVES. We ' bate n size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit iq or write for prices, etc. to Dept. W. e .&cj.TAVLEIR LIISNITEO TORONTO SAFE WORK 545 Front St. E., Tomato Established 1855 tures 129 times and is on his 130th reading now. Twelve chapters day, four after each meal, is his minimum, the veteran churchman adds. For`i °cze Make up your mind today that you are going to give your skin a real chance to get well. Go to any good drug store and get an original bottle of Moone's Emerald 011—it lasts many days because it is highly, concentrated. The very first application will give you relief—the itching of Ec- zema is quickly stopped—eruptions? dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same is true of Itching Toes and Feet. Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum and other skin troubles. Remember that Moone's Emerald 011 Is a clean, powerful, penetrat- ing Antiseptic Oil that does not stain or leave a greasy residue. Complete satisfaction or money' back. ACCOUNTANTS & AVDITOItS INCOME TAX REPORTS, COM- plete Bookkeeping Service s, Small or Large Businesses. Trav-• el Anywhere. Albert Brett & Co., 8 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN IN TOWNS TO handle the sale of 200 guaranteed products on a part time basis.. Very attractive proposition. Par- ticulars, Xmas Pamphlet, Cat- alogue FREE on request; FAM ILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. AN OLD ESTABLISHED CHICK hatchery wants agents in cer- tain localities in Canada to take orders for chicks in your spare time. The commission is' good and the chicks are well and fav- ourably known. Write for full details Box No. 182, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. BUSINESS OPI'ORTITNI'i'IES WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR a business located in Toronto or other larger Ontario town 2 ad- jacent farms of 100 and 156 acres, located 100 miles east of Toron- to. Highest class buildings on both properties. 170 acres till- able. Lots of running - water. Valued at 512,000. Box No. 186,,' 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. i1A11Y CHICK 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY OR.VER 00' 1.00 PUL - let chicks, we give 100 fee chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $19.95 per 100. White Rock Pullets $24.96 per 100. Brown Leg- horn Pullets 524.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, ' Ontario. GET THE RIGHT START start Top Notch chicks. The first • step to success with e. flock of chicks of any size is the proper selection of 'starters" that's more important than either breed or age. Top Notch chicks are all f r o in Government Approved bloodtested breeders. Save Money, don't delay another day send for Early Booking Discount for de- livery anytime throughout the hatching season. Free catalogue. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. YOU WOULD BE WISE TO ORDER Bray chicks now. We can give immediate delivery if desired, and If 'ybu want January or Feb- ruary delivery, get our pricelist and order soon. Substantial dis- count for delivery those months on orders placed now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Ham- ilton, Ont. (Some pullets avail- able, prompt delivery.) BUY GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHICKS EVERY BREEDER GOVERNMENT banded and blood -tested. Avoid disappointment by ordering your chicks early. Write for 1945 prices. and catalogue containing the proper brooding and methods used in raising better poultry. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monkten, Ont. LAYING AND READY -TO -LAY pullets for immediate delivery, Barred Rock, New Hampshires, White Leghorn, Hybrids. Also booking orders for day old chicks. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. 51.00 BOOi'S YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed 512.00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed $11.00 per 100, Barred Rock Pullets $19,00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets 522.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed 516.00 per 100, white Rook Pullets 524.00 per 100, Brown leghot•ns mixed $18.00 per 100, Brown Leg- horn pullets 524.00 Der 100. We guarantee 100 e live delivery. balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN $50.00? if so, send for contest folder at once. If you are not interested in the contest we know you will be interested in the money you can save by placing your order for Tweddle chicks early. There's profit in poultry—lf you start with Tweddle chicks—and there's still snore profit if you start early. You can depend on Tweddle Chicks because they come from bloodtested breeders, and are known for their stamina and high -production, Tweddle 1-Tartch- eries have built thnt reputation over a 'period of 19 successive. successful -years nr produei1lg 5 nrly a e a r e first-cln,s .hir.i .and fo hooking prim list today, Alto free range laying and ready -to - lay pullets for immediate doliv- ory. "Tweddle Chick Ttateheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BABY CHLCKS EGGS AND MEAT ARE THE TWO cash sources of poultry income, get our calendar and pricelist and learn why our high egg rec- ord, large bodied birds will make snore money for you. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. Box W. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them, Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100, white leg - horns mixed 511.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn pullets $22.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckls. $6.00 per 100: Leghorn Ckls, $2.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz. eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed' 100% live delivery. 51.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, .Chatham, Ontario. BARRED ROCK, NEW RAMP - ?hire, White Leghorn and Hybrid laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Also booking orders for 1945 chicks now. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby •chicles, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, $11.00; White Rocks, 515.00; Brown Leghorns, $13.00. Pullet prices; Barred Rocks, 519,00; White Leghorn, $22.00; White Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, 524.00. 25 free chicks, . our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 10.0 day old pullets ordered. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights, Ontario. i)YI•".(NG .l` fti,T'AMING HAVE YUU ANYTHINti NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTOR4y'. NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; b e 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Duffertn St., Toronto. WINDSOR TURRET LATHE FOR SALE, 2% -INCH CAPACITY, now operating.' 650 Runnymede, Toronto. BANTAIUS MILLE FLEUR BANTAMS, PAIR $3150.? Keith E. Hunsberger, Box 3 ONE WADE DRAG SAW, COM- piete; 5 -foot blade, almost new, 5250. J. W. O'Connor, Long Branch. REGISTERED BEAGLE PUPS, springer spaniels, a 1 1 ages, promptly shipped; 60 young reg- istered Southdown ewes, good service rams. i'eter Porter, Bur- ford. Phone 280. LOVELY BOSTON TERRIER MALE puppies, 8 weeks. Ideal Christ- mas gifts, reasonable. E. Zadow, Eganville, Ont. JERSEY BULLS FROM SILVER Medal Dams, by our AA Senior Sire Edgeley Standard Noble Lad, classified very good, by the Silver Medal Sire, Brampton Jester's Standard 2nd Reasonably priced. Vaughan .Acres Limited, R.R, 2, Maple, Ont. AYRSHIRE, 7 CHOICE REGISTER - ed, bred heifers, 20 months old, sired by Le Moines Point Ring - land, 254'048. All from high pro- ducing dams. Accredited. Neg- ative. Martin Sands R.R. 5, King- ston. Ontario. FIV?] REGISTERED D SIHORTIIORN bulls, 9 to 12 months, $100 and up, J. 71 Jackson, Ilseiriston, Ont. BROAD BREASTED B 11 O N Z 01 Turkeys, vigorous, healthy stock, Also Jameswny sectional, hot water Incubator, capacity 6500 egg's. We can still boot( a few orders for Poults, both bronze and white FIoliande. S. 11. 33d - wards, R.R. 4, Watford, Ontario. PASTURE MIN I'VR.1eS—A LP:ALFA ALFALFA SEVID—ONT, GB OWN DON'T WAIT. OTl l)E R N 0 W. Quantity limited, secure your re- qulroments white it lasts, of hardy, adaptable home grown seed of high purity and germ- ination, posittvei;4 the best seed' we have ever offered. Fancy No. 1 Government graded seed 87o per pound delivered; samples on request, Also hybrid seed. corn, pasture mixtures, registered oats, benne and Vette, We supplied 11 d the Ontario Department of Ag'rli:ul- t.trr'e during. 1944 with special reef( and clover seeds. Apply to: W, E. Rollet, Box 108, Chat,hain, Ontario. FOR SALE BREEDER TURKEYS, NARRA- anset and genuine broadbreasted bronze from government tested stock. Males up to 25 and 80 lbs. December delivery. Glendon MoDonell, Greenfield, Ont. FOR SALE—CLYDESDALE GELD- ing and filly rising 3 to 4 years. .Apply John A. Wallace, R.R. 2, St. Paul's, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE $12,000-100 ACRE FARM, LAKE frontage situated on No. 8 High- way near Palmyra, (ant. Tiled about every 4 rods to lake. Good buildings and very good soil. Apply to Box 2, Glencoe, Ont. 175 ACRE FARM, 6 MILES FROM Exeter, sandy loam, all under cultivation, no waste land, abund- ance water, 70 acres Fall Wheat, Brick house, hydro, telephone, banked barn 70 by 40, 2 concrete silos, poultry house 60 by 40, three floors, capacity 4,000 lay- ing `hens, tool shed, 1 acre or- chard. Price 512,000. Apply to: W. E. Reid, Box 103, Chatham, Ontario. FARM MACHINERY FANNING MILL (KEINE) SEED Grader, Farmers highly recom- mend, also screening. Kline Manu- facturing, Box 124 Weston, Ont. FARM HELP WANTED ATTENTION — TRAPPERS, LUM- _bsrman, farmers, a marvelous se - era To snare foxes, five times luckier than traps. Address Louis 'Roy. Estcourt, Que. HELI' WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE - work; small home 4 miles from Toronto. Christian. Good wages. Write Mrs. Locke, R.R. No. 1, Todmorden. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. IIArR GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing ,..ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for particu- lars. • WHITE'S RAIR GOODS 255 Yonge St., Toronto. Ontario MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells. exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. MACHINERY REPAIRS MACHINERY REPAIRS GENERAL MACHINE SHOP WORK ELECTRIC ANT) ACETYLENE WELDING METALLIZING HAVE YOUR WORN. SHAFTS AND BUSHINGS MADE LTKE NEW BY THE NEW METAL SPRAY PROCESS ALL WORK GUARANTEED Godson Contracting Co., Ltd. Union St., Toronto JUNCTION 7360 MEDICAL BAUMEEKA COOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa agent, . tlemmen Drug Store. Ottawa. STOMACH ANT) THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Wily not find out if this is your trouble! Tnterest:ng par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists, Toronto 3. CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, liver trouble, depressed head- ache, quickly relieved with Fig - Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig -Lax, 25e at Druggists, TRY IT! EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid 51.00, STOMACH SUFFERERS LET 7371. McLDOD'S STT(' I SSFUL scientific, remedy Stamnrhic, clear up ynur stomach trouble. like it has fee so many others. One user stated: For years I was troubled with gnawing pain below breast- bone. it roused gas end. bloating. I tried many remedies, but my only relief was soda, and that for short time only. After meals It didn't bother me for few hours, then, it I ate something, it stopped. coming again after some Utile, The pain bothered me worst at night, After taking three bot- tles of Dr. McLeod's Stomnchle, i was free from pain. T kept on improving, end have now been well for several yen TA enjoying my mems without medicine. Stom- achic Is useful in overcooling gas. bloating, sour stoma.eh. pain aft- er eating, and is especially help- ful for nlsrht indigestion. $1.20 postpaid, Deng stow•or write McLend's Shone oleic Co., 160 Hur• en 'St., Toronto. MEDICAL BREENATONE HEALTH SALTS positively does relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism. Painful, swol- len joints reduced no matter how long you have suffered. Months supply $1.00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver, B.C. GOOD RESULTS—EVERY SUF- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCRUM.; Great Opportunity, Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful, Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 ging West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. • PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ," wonderful book free, Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y, HITLER'S •L AST WILL AND Testament! Big laugh! novelty 10c. Catalog fir e e. EMPIRE NOVELTIES, Peterboro, Ont. HOT((RArYIS TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films yott want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 prints mounted on attractive, embossed greeting cards, with envelopes for mailing, for 69c. The most original greeting cards you can get—the kind your friends will keep—cards that men on active, service at holne and overseas like to get. Order early. (2 Photographs on Cnlenclars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, 'Toronto "Your quality in colouring and de- veloping is excellent," writes a cus- tomer at Peterborough, Ont., "and your service is prompt and guaran- teed. T am particularly fascinated with the coloured eelar;enlents and Christmas cards. Your prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and I npprecinte your prompt, reliable service." Any Size Roll -5 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRIN'I'I:ID 23e 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENT!: 25e Size 4 x 6" in beautiful Easei Mounts. Ynu can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional eharge. Framed Enlargements 4" x 6", on ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9", Burnished (Gold or Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 59r; if enlargement colout•ecl 79e. Print your name and address plain- ly en ttl! orders. STAMPS WANTED, OLT) C ;.NAD 1 A N Stamps on envelopes also will h 11 y collections of Canadian Starnes at good prices. Write now to K. C. Vtzzard. Jeweller, Wheatley, Ontario. 250 MIXTED STAMPS. BIG VAR- iety, Big value. Only ten cents. Thomas' Flvercd, Hopewell, Nova. Scotia. '58 AVP8U fir�S t'iiPT.I sde NEWLY "TNVTINTED ATITOMATIC Snare Trap." The simplest and fastest trap, anybody can make it in 10 minutes, can set snare 3 tinges size of ordinary sets, can use any kind of wire. Excel- lent for snow sets. Guaranteed will catch any suspicious anima' from bear to weasel. $1.00 for plan and instruction. Peter Bel). nig. Waltham, Quehoc.,_ . ,. W AN'3OI1 111(;111151' PRTt T:C, PATil FOR RAW Pure Rabbit Skins,. Ginseng and t4oTd'en Seal. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Ship to Heller and Fra' leiCh, 147 1Tarriaon Street, 'Yes ionto.