HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-07-26, Page 1Established 1900 en "*1 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY in th ar I 7 es of yo. vorammaolai••••••••*.morma..../1m*.aom,...••••••••••••...../........*•.. Chester L. Smith, Publisliat $1.50 a Year in Advaned ••••,..m,...144010.1 IL er 'sits an ST, PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - 4NT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 a.m.-Divine ;Services. 11.15 a.m.--Sunday School. 7.30 Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUE 'EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oeseh, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.-Divi'ne Worship. 11 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m Divine Services. Betty Anne Beauty Shop THEHOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS 'The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and quipment. And besides .all this 'is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. iGIVE US A CAW Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCH0,- Zurich Aare You Stiff Heaikeitied From If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Method and Equipment at A. L.' COLE, OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN • • GODERICH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices 111 Fi Entertainers in the Evening. ..1 iguesamarmuism,mmssEssasamommegmaszumarmw N.s.lozoosac=- Lakevi ew '774, &no GRAND BEND Thursday, July 26th ONE NIGHT ONLY Mart Kenney AND HIS WESTERN GENTLEMEN Admission $1.00 each. (Only appearance in thil, district this year). TAVISTOCK BRASS BAND and ENTERTAINERS SUNDAY JULY 29th. • Street Parade in Afternoon; 461 111 COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. CPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing psed. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. vaam....worawavemaremaremsSn 4-4•3-4.4-1.4-÷+++++++.1-14++++++++ g. -t-÷44++++1444++++++++.++4•01 arq offinait nag .34 4.v. • i• Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance '''' of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and . * -4. Funeral Director. .1., MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. -./. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 3: '.§. Dashwood - Ontario In Police Court Ihg 1.ll1 FE their splendid vacation with friends 112 fl I in the northern d o untry. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Frifz and dau- ghter Mary Lou have returned from r a few- weeks' vacation in the Parry t Sound District. fit Mr. and Mrs. Win. O'Brien and 1111' daughter Miss Olive, have returned from holidaying at the Fritz's cottage !,1 at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brunk of Kit- -thener and 111r. and Mrs. Vernon Brunk 'of Waterloo visited at the flA Thome of Mr. and.Mrs. Sam Bopp this ' week. '11' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Datars and daughter Marion had a very enjoy- able -trip to Niagara Falls and the Peninsula, also visiting at other points of. interest. 4°i;42‘tir;. Trmoamawsnanatema. •,10,11121a..1111.012ECIVO. Mrs. Gideon Koehler has returned home- after spending a holiday at the home of her sisters at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch and daughter Kathleen visited at Kitch- ener and other points last week. Mrs. Ed. Datars, Sr., .and daughter Anna visited relatives at Kitchener and enjoyed a trip to, Niagara Falls. Mr. Campbell Krueger has left to enjoy a week at the Lutheran Edge - wood Park boys camp at Guelph. Mr. and Whs. Kenneth Brakey were week -end guests at the cottage in the Pinery with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gascho have re- turned home much refreshed after Mr. Arthur Treniner of Toronto, Goderich Chare•ed • 1.11.3.....442i..veelp... 11117 entering and that at the- Sea- forth Creamery on June 17, Charles and Dayton Plat re ten, brothers, ap- peared befoMagis. Cook and were remanded a week without being ask- ed to plead or elect. -Win. McNeill Hooper, Seaforth, charged with fail- ing to report for military training, e. 4. 4. 4. 4." 4- 4- 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. erlei• 44+ 44++ 4- ++444444 4.4,444-44.144•4-1- 4.4. 4- +++44 44 + 4.4.44 `11IIN am man inlaratiolloommullomoniiiiiiito mipitaiwitun Zt- RI fl'S Grocery Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do MIS best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Menno Oesch Zurich PRODUCE: :WANTED•. Phone 165 E P11111911 01111111111V. r"r 111'ililiolilli1111.1111111111.110111111111:11hl:11:11111ii1i.0 1111111111111tliirld, '11111'111 tine homes of his sisters, Mie Wna S. Johnston, ,Mrs. Milne Rader of town, and:Mis. Ted. Rader, Goshen Line. Mr. Leonard Wagner mer with a painful accident when he tried to make adjustments to his lawn mower and in: some way his finger became badly damagedl ut is progressing Visitors ifocals Krypt ks YES, ANY TYPE OF STYLE OP BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY DUPLICATED PLUS A SAVING EITHER FROM YOUR PRESCRIPTION OR FROM A BROKEN PART OF YOUR LENSE when asked to do so, was convictcd. nicnow. ' by the Ildagistrate and given suspen- ely ded sentence. -John McKay, farmer, Rev. E. Heimrich and son Ronald after pleading guilty to the theft of and Mr. Jack liaberer are enjoying a total of 71 pigs from Andrew Mit- chell of Turnberry Twp., was re- wood Park near Guelph. The form - the Summer Boys' Camp at Edge- er will take Dart in ome lectures, manded to jail until July 26 for stn- tence.-A. E. Brown, 72, paid a fine etc.,i whi 1iis s of $5 and costs of $10.80 after he. eraieinctrch. sponsored by the Luth- was convicted of a charge of reckless......-=---- . driving arising out of an accident on 4,------ -- 'eet'llowas' for'''W the square in Goderich when the car Honors for the largest family in he was driving struck Mss NorineHthis area to receive the family allow - Drennan, 17, as she was walking a-.:'ance goes to Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert cross the road. from the sidewalk to: Smith, who reside three miles south the park.; of Zurich, on the Goshen line, with a -family of 13 children -all under 16 . years of age. 4. 4. 4. • ENTRANCE RESULTS Those successful in passing their High School Entrance Exam.. in this district are: Dashwood - Mona Baird, .Margar- et Becker, Murray Desjardine, Beat, tie Desjardine, Lucinda Dinney, Pearl Eckstein, Morgan Gill,Betty Green, Ronald Green, Eugene Hart- man, Robt. Haugh, Marion Hicks, Glen Ireland, Bernice Luft, Paul Levi Peachey, Doris Rader, Orville Reg - ler, Wm. Smith, Dorothy Tetreau, Ronald Turnbull, Valeria Vincent, Raymond ein, Grant Wildf °lig.' Un- der Reg. 10 (6) -Harold Musser, Mar- garet Rader. OBITUARY Late Vernon Schwartzentruber The community was shocked upon learning of the accident, followed by death of Vernon Schwartzentruber, Aged 26 years, 8 months and 26 days, at the Kitchener Hospital, on Thursday July 19th. He was a son of Joseph Schwartzentruber and the late Mrs. • Schwartzentruber, and was born on the home, Goshen Line, south of Zurich: The accident occurred at New Hamburg on Wednesday morn- ing when he was engaged as tinsmith and was putting up eve troughing, and was drawing a spike when he overbalanced and fell to the ground 14 feet below, suffering a fractured spine and shoulder blade. Medical aid was at once given and he was rushed to the Kitchener Hospital where he passed on :the following day. Previous to going to New Ham- burg he was engaged by Wein Bros. of .Dashwood. He was married a year ago to Evelyn Bowman, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bowman of the New Hamburg district, and they resided in New Hamburg. Sur- viving besides his bereft wife and father there are four brothers and a sister; Harold Schwartzentruber of Zurich;. Delton, Kitchener' Orland and Hubert at home and Mies Lyla at home,The body mated at his home, New Hamburg till Friday, and iuneral was held from his father's home, Hay Township on Saturday afternoon, with interment in the Goshen Line Mennonite church. Ow., ing to the large funeral the services was held in the Zurich Evangelical church. ..The bereft have the sym- ratil of a large of friend& . Rendall - Ellen Bell, Mona Cald- well, Lehard Clarke, Charles Fee, ohn Lavender, Wm. Lemmon, Hel- en Love, Betty Mickle, Patricia Mit- chell, Ian McAllister, Pearl McLeod, Edna Petzke, Robt, Speir, Joyce I. Stephenson, Bessie Stevens, Robt, J. Traquair, Eleanor Venner. Zurich - Rebecca Corriveau, ginia Deichert, Theresa Dietrich, Rose Marie Denomy, Cecilia Duche- Donald Ducharmerme, Donald Duch- arme, John Ducharme, Kathleen Hess Doreen Hendrick, Elgin Hendrick, • Herbert Klopp, Bernadette Lapovte, Alma Martin, Veronica Meidinger, Eileen Miller, Norbet Mittleholtz, Juanita Joyce Mousseau, Russel Sni- der, John Steckle, Mildred Steckle, Charolette Laporte. Hayfield - Mary Beatty, Carolyn Campbell, George Castle, Helen Er. ratt, Audrey Harris, Betty Heard, John McConnell, Dorothy .MoGnire, Norman *rah, Jack Sunktn.er, Gloria Westlake, Raymond Voting. 4 AG. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. WID -- For positive identification the World's Finest Anthracita ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coale 0.1=114••••1.......•••••••••r•••.•••••....* Roe Farms Milling Co.: Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hen3all eeeeeeeeseeeee eat) seeace 063)6006)69 qi Westlake - Brokens lire ral Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent Phone 158, Zurich /3ay and Night Service ere eedevetereeeeeeleeeeeveeseiseeteeceeeeeeeecoeteoeoeoe 5. 1 a Sale 50 IRONING , BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of. Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! , • F. C. RAL3FLEISCH & SON - ZURICH Phone 69 12.JReft.t.'0441....4f ti.n4e7:2.• • 'CAP.. 4. JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, WE HAVE FE FE 'D Pioneer Big 3 Laying Mash and Hatching Ration, Pig Starter and Concentrates The Chick Season is just around the corner. Start .your Chicks right with Pioneer Chick Starter. In spite of the difficulties in securing them, we have the following Items to offer: Cod Liver Oil, Bone Meal, Mineral Supplement, Oyster Shell, Hen and Chick Grit, Etc. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 111111E BLAKE STORE Eanituid Swartzentrulier, Prop. Phone: 1147,