HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-07-12, Page 5ZURICH, ONTARIO ZU 'H BUSINESS CARDS .WANTED 'CASH 'FOR FOX HORSES ---Dead animals removed, Two-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47e15, colleet. Jaek Wil- liams. P.T. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Am IN A POSITION TO CON - !beet any Auction Sale, regardless .tet to size or article to sell, I solicit Four busineas, and if not satisfied will Make no charges for Services •Ren aered. ARTHUR W'RR—Dashwood Phone 57 r 12, 1.0r. W. B. COXON, Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON reffice with Residence, Main Skreet, Opposite Drug Store Phone ---96. Zurieh BUTC F R Zlirieb s' P °pill •MBA MARKET 'Let Us supply yon th? very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bologs, Sausages, Ed., always on hand. Kept Tresh in Electric 'Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices or Wool, Hides and Slans H. Y tingbint & Son 'PRODUCE Farm Produce N T E Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Cohrnzfl NOTICE All parties interested :a -,„::•ading their children to Exeter High,:aelio are to get in contact with ,teeechaie:= man of Zurich .School Bs Seevice at once—Theo. lieberme FAM FOR 5'A • Consisting of 118% acres, being Lot 3, L.R.E., Hay Township 3,i -mile south of Drysdale; well drained, well fenced, has good frame :house, • kit - 'ellen attached; 1 barn 60x40 ft; 1 bain 48x213 ft; good roof, henhou.se; e'.!; close to church and sehool. Pos- session can be .given in this fall. Fox further particulars ,apply to proptie7 tor, 905 Howard Ave., Windsor, Ont. e OR SALE 15-30 International Tractor with steel lugs in good condition, Samuel Brenneman, R. R. 1, Millbank, Ont. Location 1 miles north of Welles- ley Village. Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad. trig Machine which gives the producer every aclvantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm. Phone 101, rien Res. e4, Zurich ituicao CaiY STRAYED ' Unto my premises, Babylon line, Hay Town:ahip, a 2,year-old steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses.—Wm. Watson, Phone 35r19, Dashwood. FOR SALE Parte for a Goodison Thresner. Ap- ply to Earl Gingerich, Zurich, Phone 22-96. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all par- ties assessed on the Bender Drain and Truemner Drain schemes, that' they can pay their entire aasessment on or before the second day of July 1945 at the Township Clerk's Office, Zurich. H. W. Brokenshire, Cl.erk. LOCAL NEWS Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Bedard of Windsor were visitors with friends in this vicinity the poet Week. Pte. Dennis Denornme of London, is spending two weeks leave with his wife .and family here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien and Mies Olive, Mr. C. Fritz and Miss Laute,iWurtz are camping at the nd. Master Gerald and Ray Wilhelm of Crediton visited c. ver the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Tetreau The Zurich Lions Club are holding tle,lo fad picnic at Turnbull's Grove 4. is Wednesday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey of De- troit were holiday visitors with the fox- nes mother, Mrs, C. Ayotte the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess and family intend leaving for .a few we- ek's vacation in their cottage in the Pinery starting this Wednesday eve. Mrs, H. H. Happel and daughter of Jackson, letieh; Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Breeman of Detroit called on friends in town on Tuesday evening. Born—At the Farwell Nursing }Lome on July 5th to Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Westlake a daughter, (San- dra Isabelle.) Mr. and Mrs. John Cudney and Mrs. Roy Pask of Clawson, Mich., visited last week at Mr. end Mrs. Isiah Tetreau. Some astronomically minded citiz- ens gazed at the skies on Monday morning with intentions of seeing the Partiel eclipse of the sun, but owing to the heavy cloudiness of the skies it was not visible. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hooper and da- ughter Alice of Detroit are visiting with relatives here, Mrs. Hooper was the former Clara Fleischauer of this district. PIGS FOR SALE Young pigs and Sows for =med- iate sale.—A. A. Oestreicher. Your Horne Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered crearr We are equipped to give e fi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. NOTICE CAR OF ALBERTA COAL We are receiving a carload of Al- berta Coal in the near future. Place your order at once.—Stade & Weido FOR QUICK SALE One Brown Cocker Spaniel, male pup. A real beauty.—Hess, the Jeweller, Zurich. FOR SALE A 6 -foot cut ..Deering Mower, in good. condition.—Jos. Druar. The Department of Highway having a coat of asphalt placed Highway 83 between Russeldale the Blue Water Highway and Highway 84 between elensael Zurich. FOR SALE Two purebred Shorthorn 'Bulls,' 13 months old, one red and one dark roan; also a black General Purpose filly rising four.—Apply to George L. P. :d, err lea. INSURANC,E Western Farms' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK TELE .LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MU'- FOR SALE • Modern 8 -roomed 2 storey dwelling in Zurich. Hydro and water installed; garage and. trees. Immediate possession. location. A re -modelled '1 % storey brick dwelling in good condition with over two acres of land. Well located in Zurich. Hydro and town water installed. Obtain particulars from A F. Hess, Realtor, Zurich. CARD OF THANKS 'Having diseontinued the grading of eggs 1 wish to greatly thank all my Patrons who have brought their eggs during these years 1 have been in the business, Again greatly I Tank You. W. R. Davison, Henson. TENDERS WA1N1 Tenders are asked to,•,,,suPPlY 150 ton Of 114 or 1% inch At, pea and slack stoker coal, 25 ton of anthra- cite, stove coal and 25 ton of coke fel' the Huron County Home, Prices to be for coal laid down on the tracks at Clinton; content to be given. Tenders to be in the hands of the „County Clerk, Court House, Goder- toh, Ontario, not later than July 21st, N. W. Miller, Clerk, County of Huron. best man waa leather wallet, and the bride pre,ented the bridesmand with e. heart -shaped gold tot A •weeLling dinner was :set' 'ea at the home of the bride's in 5er. -1Thv table was beautifull pink and white with • ding cake and two t f and white carnation groom left on a 1 neymoon and on their return will reticle on Piccadilly street, London. Campbell—Mann are on and on and' A. wedding of widespread interest was solemnized at the Metropolitan United Church, London, on Saturday -when Rev. 13. Cronk u•-ited in mar riage Rowena Alice Mann, eave)tet of Mrs. Richard Austin an tze. late F. T. Mann of Ilderton to Keith ander Campbell, son of Dr. and Byron A. Campbell of Toroeto ane formerly of Zurich. It was the 111111iV- ersary of the wedding of the groom's parents. The bride given in marriage by her brother Lawrence ntnn was charming in her grac:-Iu: gown of , NO PAPER NEXT WEEK As. has been our custom for many years to take a week's .holidays we have made aerangementsIo take this annual week off next week. So our next publication will be on July 26. Mr. Francis Kipper of Biggar, Sask., is visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Fanny Bender and other relatives in the distiict. Francis, who farms a full sectiDn of land M the Mager 1ic-•!..Ar5. C!,M1.171(11 1 7.'.. ee e me, r,-, ' • - ialet, is the only son -of 31fr. • John i en't ""‘" - '11 ''';'He t't 11 and the l't' Mrs. Kipn•n• who left i ..green eve. London. Zurich eir;hteen; yiam-s ago when; 3 i1-lf.;.-:: — MirAt. he was twelve seers old. And what; . . • was then one of the so called bare. -1. ', F.4 llariface R. C. Churei 'I.;-:.... foot youno: lads, is.,now a- very lane I Vik-', the setting of a 10,t' young man. - . ; WO' , 1.0V. ” whey Lu •1i . , al!)•::iag,.7 ';:herQs? 7ilitry. da LI %..11. - • A Sb"..rt li:rill C5/ -P . Mr. And 1:sl.rs. Walter Miller, a1 - Local apne•••tii-:ari,dse us tint th7-.. ..,,11, Alexander Juke, son ,;i- :. . honey crop AbiS year Tvill-b1 ver, ,in' ti Mrs. Alec. Judge, Londen. I." ; • . dn-ei- -1.;--;- the s look- -of. tTiings. 1-- • , - • • . brick town fruit Good Talbot south of BaylielCi. The bride was given in marriage- by her father took hr place.before so arch dee. oat with Canterbury bells and spring flowers, to the' strains of the Bridal Chorus played by.1Vliss Maude Macalilath, Goderich. Te bride's sis- ter; lYliss Betty Harris, was maid of honor, while William Armstrong of 13ayeeld, was best man. Rev.. Tra- venor of Hohnesville United :church,1 performed the ceremony. At the ree-1 eption _following the wedding both the bride and bridegroom's mothers! Thursday July 12th, 1945 received.. .A iunaieou was served to about $0 guests, The groom's gift to the bride's attendant was no trentifi,- cation bracelet; to the best mart a , leather bill fold, and to the pianist, gold earrings, Later the bridal couple left on a honeymoon to Toronto and Niagara Falls, the bride travelling in a silk jersey dress wth white access- ories. On their return they will re- side on the groom's farm on the Blue Water Highway, south of Buyfleld. Guests were present from Lindsay, Stratford, Goderich and Bayfield. Dr..2111467.21=40.....1.011010M.M121. sarcalinsmcnispaumestroaai,nmeasix.e.tierippinaator...alca. White georgette and De, nrange • blossoms. She wore pearls and car- ried a shower of red roli>s. Miss Ver- na Mann as her sister's bridesmaid. chole pink georgette with matching headdress and carried Briarcliff° ro- es, As flower girl Patricia Ann Jack- son, young niece of the bride, wore a• yellow floor -length frock and car- ried Talisman roses Clair Tooze of Toronto was groomsman and the ush- ers were Jack Miron and Jack Delve of Hamilton, After a wedding recept- ion at the hont_e of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Arrarci, Hyde Park, and UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS' OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $275,133. E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn. kw Rods and all kinds of Fire Intnarance Job Printing latatinilinVOIMOMIMIMI/Stiellt KLOPPS CE - STIP DICE MARATH N GAS A Gas known to every Mo7-.orkl. clances on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch our trained Attendants Grease Cars. Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor. Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up -To - Date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in Connection. ari gie mariea.fre 1) '• • 73, enott ill . 'The; weati•cr is entirely to') cold for 1 t. 4 1, lovely ie. a 11.-e' he • bee': to cle -Tro•eb- e;13''LlaerIng I1''..x4ratin gown, with sweetneart t, c,1 . :. and it is to be reared tli:nt man--- hivei :ong ia;•-,-.-rine: :1,-eVel ,i.nd 1; q will have to he fed with ma -11 s.1''''1 She •• 'Ore '...._ 17.“;Inl'8 gli'L, .. o 1I. which is a1i-) V 61.V scar --e ice- rli-.-• ! „:„..., .., , „..,,,, ;•,., : Th • • '- 1 • -0 - 1,, ", • I -1.i.t.1- • '' ;-"1 to the repo. t 3 Of housevive-. , ee e 1;1 '.., ,... . Alt +. . ., / .t. maple season wo.:-.1 preoti-elle n f:.:1' led c:•,..'e I .I.:,a k .....• , Ura, so we mut 1tim.,..1 to fog ebon4 ! ;&acinn+; •,•-0•,, inta Pre . ' , :•. that "sweet tooth""anfl pot Mgt" rl•ent• l'.;01114 1 ..0-...1, 11:.; 11111 id 0 r 11(11101 :1', ti anything thee will sorta fill os no fo, rice Miler, sister of tile tride, o, the time lining. ' ' ZUR.ICI-.1 LIOINN f %, j..,;; was Arthur Deane, London. Jeroro,i Denotiam•-•,, o; .;:f... C•1•11... 1 ,'• : ' Colnizainity W. ! ..i,..., We W:0 to draw, . 1-.!1 :1.-nti )r. NI Rooney, Lond -n nm') 0 I,.e . .-it of the pctrp11- "1 ZLI i 211 tiec: ,1 .•tri?'. 9. Dietjell proci1.-1 at the 0-,,,..n !.•n:1 . that your lo:•;t1 .L10:1:4 --------------, ;0: "AN e 7),;aria" .1,;,a.1 sun,, durine t he NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of GEORGE BECKER, late of the Village of Dashwood in the Co- unty of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of March, 1945, are requested to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or •before the 14th day of July, 1945. And' notice is further given that after this date the executor will pro- ceed to distribute. the -estate having regard only to the. claims of which he then shall'have eotice. Dated this 2fith clay of June, A. D. 1945. ' • EMIL BECKER, Executor, Dashwood, Ont. IF 'YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE- IMEMRER TO CALL. AT THP 34ERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES ARE D ALWAYS LOW ANWORK- MANSHIP. GOOM Smart Economical Durable a Frolic: ea eete ea ie • nupte " Th!.. . for CommuniLy Welface w va).ion •' riar.•,,rt-i„ The 1•ithi'. ' kinds. Fe• eeeenple, Care of the ; in a • dl. , with Slind, the Crippled and, nu -flings, The bridegroom's mother teudegne:ti IL'.11erwthlitlee every purp0.4e by inotm. r -r Niagara and imaginablo for the futihefc w ofH1 1 n'a ;17, - onv • :..11 all year rountl fof Community Bettermont. be held in connection with thisl ;Ijigiee3owfillrerdeiiid•o,sein. le and good mii.os are given fo thy() is for the pirpt--se of raising. ner '; the tH- I • 1 .• SPRING and SUMMER FOOTWEAR For Work, Sport and Dress Wear ED; J. DATARS A4111? FOOTWEAR and TIZIRP13 AND SUITCASES holding thi:. lucky tilwts. Talbot—Harris ckets. W,, would like to see every man, woman and A pretty -lawn wedding t Ok Pi nC the home of Mr. and Mrs John child be the holder of at least one at ticket and get behind the Lions Club Harris. Holmesville, when their yowl - and give it all the help possible Er- gest daughtere, Ruth Hella. I'e- ery cent of the money white will he came the bride of George Dow 'r taken in will be spent right in this bot, son of Mr. and Mrs. Williome district for the benefit of the people living here. When you are asked to in -chase some of these tickets don't think about the prizes given but the servicc you are doing yourn7Z, you). children and the district as a whole. Your kind co-operation is solicited in this drive for funds, so please do all you can to help. If by any chance you are not asked to purchase 1.1' book of tickets, make it a point to get some from any Lion of the Local Club, He wil be only too happy to look after you. HYMENEAL Beckman—Walper A quiet but pretty wedding wa aolemnized in the Trinity Lutherae Church, London, with Rev. Einem officiating, when Mildred Esther, da- ughter of Mrs, Jacob Wolper and the late Jacob Wolper Of Dashwood, be- came the bride of Ming ,11. ilectenee son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beckman. of Eriksdale, Man. The brere lovely with a string of pearls a her only ornament, a gift of the gron7n Miss Hilda Wolper, sister Of te_c brithl was bridesmaid and Theodore Pe4:- man, brother of the groem. noted :v.! best man, The groom's gift to the GEORGE W. SPINNPY, C 1, Preeiden:. of t'‘e Bon'. : ••.e i„........H___ ,e','..., ..: 1:' t. • ''''''' 1., 1 • - ' , 4. • • t -7, • . o•e' 'tee' , cee e • As a fanner, you know that anyone who thinks he can learn he involved science of good farming "in one slioj easy lesson" is just fooling himself. But many things look easy when you know very little about them. Adequate electric wiring, for instance. When it comes to wiring your farm, don't be fooled because it looks easy. You may think the Smith boy could do it "because he's so handy," but you'll save plenty of future regrets if you get an expert on the job from the start. You'll find ('particularly if you watch the electrician wire your farm) that it is a job for quite a skilled tradesman. Start off by getting the best man v011 can, to do the best and most complete wiring job For all your immediate cind future needs. It is easier to add to your electrical equipment cis you want to IF YOU START RIGHT with ADEQUATE WIRING.