HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-07-12, Page 1Established 1900 L)Lr1U1 1 ST.. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church zuRteli --- ONT. Rev. E. W. Fleinarich, Pastor /0 a.m.-Divine Service&• 11,15 a.m.-Sunday School. 1,30 Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. °such, Organist STJNDAY SEetVICES 10 a.m.-Divine Worship. '11 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m. -Divine Services. Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS he Better Oil Permanents applied -with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY iviorONG, JULY 12 1945 the a .es of you. (02EMX=====5127=22=OORGAZ"..ZrardrillaWZMMTS'21. nevi a GRAND BEND ljl itno .11 DANCING EVERY NIGHT STAN. PATTON'S Sensational.. All Sax. Orchestra With lovely Yvonne Lee, Vocalist CONCERT AND SHOW BY Stan Patton and His Orehestra SUNDAY, JULY 15th, 9 p.rn. FEATURING: -Jack Dann, Electric Guitaiist, Don Frazer, Vocalist; "The Vibratones' Quartette"; Rudy Toth, Piano and Vibraphone; Jerry Toth, Sax Soloist; Presenting many of Stan. Patton's own arrangements of Classival and 1VIodern Tunes and many Novelties. SILVER COLLECTION ALL 'PROCEEDS WILL BE GIVEN II0e.WARTIME BOARD TO HELP THE RETURNED MEN. YOU WILL HELP - WON'T YOU? HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hay met in the Council' Chambers on Tuesday July 3rd, 1945. After .the reading of the 'minutes of the previ- ous meeting andspecial meetings the following motions were passed: Correspondence; C.N.R. re • snow seeeeee • so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST 61, OPTICIAN GO/EMRICH - ONT. Good Glasses. at Re-tame:hie Prices COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES. C- E. Zurbrigg, R.O. CPTOMETRIST at EXETER fee Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. • • 16arito 19 -oilman moral reo' Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and + +4. ++++++++++++++++44++++++++44+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. et. 0* MEMBER Funeral Director. OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 10.ashwood - Ontario fikt III It 111111.1411 r ePry • St ••••••••••••.••••••••••0•1•11, re When you are 'looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as Ine always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our het to purchase our supplies the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits 'in scrawl; Canned Goods, a.nd r3en:,,r other lines we offer at very moderate prices... • Visit Our Store and Be Convinced rer oe;L:.171.0) PRODUCE WANTED. 0 v.1R7:!tir7, Phone 16.5 • lerJ Chester L. Smith, Publishno $1.50 a Year in Advancers isits an fences; T. R. Patterson, re Alexand- er Drain.; Tom Laing re: report 01 In spection of the Wildfong Drain, Eacrett Drain, Aldworth Drain and McDonald Drain. • , couple weeks with her aunt in Wind - That the petition for drainage seree,, work as handed in by William' For- e'r lIeisses Frances and Ethel Fowlie rest, Willie:in Alexander, Mrs. Alice of :13ayfi.eld, Mr. Laurie Fowiie of S. Troyer be accepted and T. R. Lorid6h, were visitors at the- home of vi 11117 ft -0 cy )JLi'JL .......***erme.•••••••• .....,.,"44--..c:r 1 , ..... ...-,___._........"-- •.-.-- ...„ ..,...., •7. .--- " .'C''''',.............;14 ''; Miss Elaine Geiger is spending her holidays with relatives at Toronto. Mrs. J. W. Horner is *ending some' time with her children at Varna. •Mr- and Mrs. Gordon Rau of De- troit were visitors with the former's mother; Mrs. S. P. -Rau -the, past week • Miss Goldie Reith -of Ingersoll was a visitor for a week at the home of Mr, ,a,nd Mrs.. Ed. Gascho. • Master Donnie Weber of London, is ependirlg his holidays at the home of his grandparents, •Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber. Mr. Victor Diunin is at present • taking a special summer course in manual training at Hamilton Technic al School. . Mr, Victor Edighoifee of Montreal is spending Some time at the home of • his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Edigh- offer. - Mrs. IYIary Stephan of the • Pa..re line, and who has been laid up, is at present staying with her daughter, MIand Mrs. Len Wagner. elVliss Cecelia Hartman of the Gos- hen ,line south is spending the next Patterson Engineer be appointed to survey 'the area and present a report to the Hay .Couneil as soon as poss- ible. theik sister, Mr. and. Mrs. Gideon Kochier. . _ .1Vtit and Mrs. Clarence Farwell of That consent be granted to the Tote to are spending .a two week's Canadian National Railway to replaceevaCaepeeet-irlee-leenee„-es.see----esa- -We-:h. and Mrs. George Fax - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gascho and 'family 1eft Saturday. evening for Toronto' where they joined friends to motor to Lake Akmrc in, the Bulks Fall district where they in- tend to haVe a very pleasant holiday for a few weeks. Local Red Cross the present:Station at Ithenext;i:.Dei..,, ,--eereia,eneeirseariTiEgiecr rreigat and waiting room 9'4"x18', as outlined in request. • . That the Reeve be given authority ta sell the present Hay Township crusher for the offer given by the Dominion Road Machinery Co. That pernission be secured from the Ontario Municipal Board for the selling of Debentures for the Hay Municipal Telephone System, to be used for Switchboard, cable and line extension. That the half interest in the Und- erwood Typewriter No. 6 Serial No. 4117644-12 be and is hereby re- leased by the Township of Hay to Mr. A. F. Hess. That H. G. Hess proceed with the Ted Laporte telephone problem as set forth in the letter . dated May, 1945, That by-leav to authorize the bor- rowing of $15,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal be read a third tune. That the various accounts be paid as per voucher; as follows: Hay Twp. Roads - Horace Pfaff $5.40; .H. Bassow 1.80; H. McAdame 2.90; Percy Campbell 5.08; Arnold Campbell 3.60; .Bruce Koehler 13.30; Jack Corbett $6; Robert Adams 8.10; William Parke 8.12; James Masse 100.80, do 39.15; Simon Hoffman 5.40; Arnold Merner 7.60; Wm. Wat- son 12.05; Henry Brown 4.50; •Ed. Erb 5.85; Art Weber $7; Alf Reich- ert 6.75; V.. L. Becker 4.10; Robert Tinney $3; Gordon thermos 9.00; A. Meidinger 3.60; Lloyd Campbell 16.95; Alphonse Masse 42.30; Ed- mund Becker $126; Garnet Ware 10.50; Charles Becker 2.50; Stewart Blackwell 3.60; Louis Masse $96; J. M. Ziler 5.85; Frank Denomme 5.40; Ed. Turnbull .90; reter Dei - chert 2.70; Ed. Kalbtleisch 5.40; Passniores Garage 279.40; a. F. Hess 5.82; Klopp's Garage 36.03; Merino Rose 43.19; Wm, P. Jenni4ort 2500.00; Heney Lawrence $64, Loaal shipments to the lieu Cross Headquqrters by the Zurich Society were •as follows:. 20 boys sleepers, 1.12 girls blouses, 7 infants gauze di- apers. The Society also gratefully acknowledges the following donations Women's Institute 1 quilt; Ladies of St. Boniface church 1 quilt; U. S.S. No. 1 Stanley and Hay 1 quilt top; Mrs, T. L. Williams. 1 quilt; Mrs. A. Mellott 1 quilt; Zurich School Room No. 2, 1 quilt top. The Committees are very gratefull to these parties in doing their part in making this sucirea success. OBITUARY REV. DR. EHNES PASSES Dr. Morris •Wellington Ehnes, 72, of Park .Avenue; Leonia, N. Y., for many years an. ()facial • of the Method: ist Church in, New York City offices and prominent in the Foreign Mission fields, died atEngiewood Hospital on Tuesday last following an operation. Pneumonia,. caused complications. The funeral washeId: f,rom the Leona Me- thodist church with interment at Brookside-. eesotetery. Dr, Ehnes was born in Dashwood, Ont., March 3, 1873. He•Ventto the U. S. in 1891 and was graduated from Ohio Wes- t eyan University in 1898 with an A. 13. degre.e. He did special work in. the college for two years receiving his D. D. degree in 1923. He was married to Miss Belle Gates at Pains- villee, 0., 47- yeers ago. They moved to Leona in 1008 and have since re,. sided there but for a few years. Dr- Ehnes was a missionary to Rhodesia. Relief - John uplat $rear several years after leaving coil - 5; Morrie Denornme $25. ege, later he served as general sec - S ?: retary of the college Y.M.C.A. at Del - General - Thos. Laing $1.7e 00 ; .- eware 0., he W tA4„.L1180 clitor of the 0 W . Broken eh ire 11.5. 'elineton Sr, Nallifieisch 3.08; 111iiton ieitz 7,10; -Bank of Ala -areal $25; (.'-',estetner Co. $i3;Lawrence .,e; Roe -elerner $1.4. l'eleelawne Stetiee .--- it, te. 335.65; Bell Telo, Co.252 88; Recei- Mre. Margaret Cenner and, .erleTe";‘,1.1.ee,.10(:(2;g38e'irl; en.t°;.;(1;1,11011,.„1:1,. fee, Ilelon (4rammerst orf, both of ! and Mrs. E:il.:abotli Welsh of ib them Electric. Co. 2.12.01. • yneviinc 1r,land; and ontl on, Berard. • .; to meet en on Teeee,„. q 7th it 8.Pil oen. " te Lae,. • '•, • 1 ''.• 1311 111'41/'7&',,'•1111.'(`, 11.. IWillm, , e eeee. L4kW. 1 • • ifo Kryptoks YES, ANY TYPE OF STYLE OF BROKEN- SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY DUPLICATED PLUS A SAVING EITHER FROM YOUR PRESCRIPTION OR FROM A BROKEN PART OF YOUR LENSE A G. HESS • Jeweler and Registered • Optician. For positive identification oi the World's Finest Anthracite • .askfor BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal. Roe. Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDS N Pone 10 Hensall Al100104.61=•••••=••••••••.••••=1.0.... Missionary Education Movement len SOMC thne. The Ehnes WaS treasurer oe .t.u.)..ny of the v i ii o u M fssionary encietieeeef tee, ehn roll of hie choice. Wee It me nil r0I1.110 Masonic °flier Stn".'h'i AP: hiS widow, aro his OZO*012,00600a3000040 a a a a 6 °se Westlake - 06.36430t0000,646400 unorral Sorvioo Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent • Day and Night Service Phone 158; Zurich • stssaseeeeteeetseemaaozce.eeisezeseeoeseesooaeo seee • For (pia ale %-n-n 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! Y. C. NALBELEISCH & SON • - ZURICH • Phone 69 1 NMMIIIZOIN1 IIIIIIIMEMSSIMEM.110110;181EMMESIMMealeeerialigetlalaiSESCRICOMPROMMEIRMSSIDAle. JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, WE HAVE FEED r IED Pioneer Big 3 Laying Mash and. Hatching, Ration, Pig Starter and Concentrates The Chick Season is just around the contler. Start .your Chicks right with Pioneer Chick Starter, In spite of the difficulties in securing tbern, we have the following Items to offer: Cod Liver Oil, one Meal, Minnral Siann,.ment, Oyster Shell, Hen and Chick Grit, Etc. FRESH GROCERIES ALNYANS ON HAND iEdround A Phone.t 11.41