HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-07-05, Page 8ZURICH. ONTARIO 1-4FIRrIgt.P.1 Itsegday, July 5th,. etgila ;Lilt at. • :14 ...,,,•••••••r41.•1114.41.1....••• r,•••••••11X1P12.••••••••••••••••••.... • 0 1 only, Needlepoint set, '31 picces ;98..C;0 1 35.00, 2 only, As:hol. 67 pes T9.E-13 1 ony, Spc...:ziE...1.7 7 71e.ces 2 only, Gilt Band, &place set, 67 pieces 15.75 1 only, Gilt Band, 6 -place set, 45 pieces 10,73 White Glass, Cups and Saucers, per dozen- 1.50 Glass Jugs, at each 29c 2 dozen Teapots, at each 69c TEA TOWELS 12 dozen in Blue and Red Checks, large size, Extra Special at 3 for $1. Gascho Bros. ZURICH TELEPHONE 59 CP • • C(1'. Of' LOCAL INTEREST l:essra. Stanley Smith and Lorne ;Jon) are on ae fishing, crop ae Vane .d this week. Mrs. Bowden and .hid orWoods- ock is holidaying at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. Turitheno. Mr, Andrew Coxoni of Milvereon, .• ‘e. vi.iitor at the home of his. son De. and Itvirs. W. B. Coxon tawn. . and Mr.', Dan Oswald -were at the home of the latter'a sister at Beatarth,. -Ale and Mrs. J.lero Moueeeen and Iveghtere are enjoying this :week at -.-eleeelell's Grove, ceunpinge z.nd Mre, J ohn Wagner of ! e',fro( .iph are visiting at the Wagner! LOCAL MARKETS • r. eel every Wednesday) Eg'gs, dozen -1I41, 2,4.20 ieeleee eerI.- 38 Chickens, dreesed, . au. to 2g, Wheat ..... Leg Cats, bushel 501: Barley, hush. res Buckwheat,. buele.L. ..„, 70 , Binerte and bran; . ton !Iklidillings, ton • 32.00 Flour, cwt. ...... . fie .4 4 ledel. to t',e Allies have declared their belief that rockets within the next five to 10flyearawillspeedla, on of mail across the-Atlantie•rn 40;min- ' utes and within 15 to 25 year will • make regular ...passenger • runs7.bleteeeen Europe and North America:e 4• i 14 4 • t, GENERAL INSU • ANCE EXCEPT Li VE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Et1 Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative 11111111111M1111101111KIMMIMINIIIIMENIMIIMISEr ••••••••••••—•••..••• Zurich Zurich home in town.1 • Th' many friends of Miss Jerninia Johnston are pleased toe hear that, she ie peep:rsing very .favourahly..at S'a fe.-ele hospital. Me, and Mrs. Carl Burn of .Milver- ton spent the holiday' weak -end • at the home of their:. parents„.Mr, and - Mrs. J. W. Merner.• Mr. and Mae W,Lard: Irritz and.. dthio.ter Mary Lou are Inelfelayir'ng in the Parry Sound, diStrikt for a few weeks. Mr. C. Eilber and( her SiMer, Mrs. T. :'..Sritchell are attending the funeral of a relative the Ilfurondlale dis- teict. Mr. and Mrs:. Brad-Ler:1 and Miss Rosabella Albrecht of Hamilton, were week -end viSitareat the -home: of the lattex's Ramie, Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. Congratulatiims• are being extend- ed to Theresa, Dietrich, Kathleen -Hess and Jo.yce Mousseau evha were succe e7sfel in passings the recommendation examination:, ars. MeClinthey and daughter, al- eo her infant child left for their home near Varna). after spending a new weeks at the' home of the former's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel. Mrs. Arthur Edighoffer and son Grant have' moved to Grana Bend, where the farmer's husband is op- erating hie barber business for. the summer, months. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson LitwilIer, of the Argentena, South America, who are in this vicinity on furlough, will give a iecture on their work in that country', in the Bronson line . Amish church on Friday evening at '8.15 o'clock. This will be very inteeest- ing to attend. The public is Cordially, invited to attend. • Guess The Beans . • Anyone desiring to guess the num- ber of beans are in the container: at Gascho's Store for the price of: 10c a guess may holdeethe lucky enme- ber for the beautiful quilt alsOyed in their store and pieced by the pup- ils of Miss Olive O'Brien's school room and quilted by the Ladies of the local Red Cross under •the con- venarship of Mrs. John Albrecht. Shoes From Holland Mrs. Peter Schwalm of HenSall, has received through the mail, a•pair of Dutch shoes sent to her by her 'sole! Austin Schwalm, who is attached to the 98th Battery 4th Anti -Tank, in Holland. 0040.0404r941.84•10•10$0.944.0•414.901t ••••••040,91040101014100,4*~ -9804 • HARDWARE — SEEDS You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls—Exceptional Values at Lower Prices. and FURNITURE Lower Priced 3ta's Automatic Water:rig 3 OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, irurnace Work, Evetrough mg and Tinsmith- 6 ing our Specialty. Full line .1f heavy and shelf Hard- "1 ware always in stock. , 51; e 4g,."10 D QUA IliTY — SERVICE -mosee.,e,,osKtem.c.m.uvanatnoltl,P*14:452014gfon,oate4043,-Omex40,90>c.P4',19 4, 4 SPAN OCEAN ;IN 40 KiNUTES Paris --- German. seientisrs wno naw are turning over their technical know - 4 4 4 4%. OFF TO CAMP Some two dozen members- of the Huron -Middlesex (Reserve) Mist -Bat talion left. G:Oderieli,. on !Sunday morning for to week's trammg. at Thames Valley- military camp. The men travelling- in- military- trucks. which were sent..up ter •therrn They will be part ' of 'an- approximate, 90•0 reservists who will' attend" the first camp. 4, END g WAR OPER-ATIONS; • Detroit — The $100,00'0,000 low Run bomber plant canes to the end of its job ow June 28' with the completion- of" the, ihst fur -eng- ined Liberator- bonibere plane: With the end of the European- phase. ofthe war, the, United- States- Army- Air Forces annountg-cl it had' all' the Lib - Liberators it needed; other. types, of bornlbers would take• over- the Seeb in the Pelcifit. TAYLOIrS3PLI.IRAtiTY RED.RiGED The. official Count by the iettu:rning ofter, Clark FL 'elem. in the pravencial elitction in Hurome. cornbirebleg• the civ - Bean and the seedier:- wetee, leas, reduc- ed the pluralty- of Drl. Taylor, Pro- gessive Coneovative,, bo,,, 02 votes. The majority given Dr. Taylor on el- ection night, was 1,981. and now it stands at 1.429. The' teat votes are Dr. Taylor7;0)811; James, BalIantyne, Liberaj, 5,162; J. 111. Huck:ins, C. C. F., 4211_ To Pave Highways We understand that tenders are being called for the hero -surfacing of Highway No. 83 from Eusseldale to the Blue Water Highway, and also No. 84 from Hensall to Zurrch. This will be welcome news to those who use these much -travelled highways. —Exeter Times -Advocate. KILLER IN THE CREW Stark tdrroe. and. 'dreao suspicion gripped the tanker's, crew. The cap- tain had been hacked to death, the ship set afire, and only one of them could' have done it! Read "Killer in the Crew," in The Atherican Weekly with this Sunday's (July ,8) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. 4 4 4 4, 4 4.104,44.4440-4144,44044,40141•1W4le*44404.4414,04.44,44.4,4040.4444100 110' YoUr arc and Furniture )1, NEW ENAMELWARE -3 4Y; We are very, fo- dunate in receiving. a Shipment of New; rbt. Enamelware;. such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which, seem to be -of very good quality;. and some attractive color designs. To, appreciate these articles one knusti seellienr.. We invite y3caur inspection. MATTKESSES MATTRESSES; Our Stock or Mattresses is very; good, and you Nave -- a fine ranger choose from, a like stock of *ring, Filled Matttesses, also the usuallFelt filled IVIattresses, Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE We have sonie very attractive and newly designed-Sedi Room Slitter, fast in, which are of the newest Rattenis, and finishfera. Be sure and sae them if interestecti Ifli this line of hirealare. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements, Everting in Shelf ancillfleavy Hardware. Johnston & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone Ff. 4 •F•Fl A WELL-BRED, SIRE • A son of Meadow Glade Meg Pt Huron county's best -producing Hol- stein cow, has been secured froneher owner, W. Hume Clutton, uoderich, by the Huron County Home, Clinton to head their purebred Holstein herd. He is Meadow0Iade Admiral Pabst, now sixteen months old. "Admiral" is a high-class individual, having been first prize junior yearling at the Clin- ton Spring Fair held June 5th. He is a nicely-marlegi, deep -bodied bull of outstanding type and should prove an excellent herdsire, AT LIONS CONVENTION Among those who attended the big three day Convention of Lions of Ontario and Quebec at Quebec City the past week we notice: of Exeter: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bowey, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Elliott and T. 0. South- cott, motored to Toronto and from there they went by boat. From God- erich Sheriff Nelson Hill and , Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hay and Mr. Bruce Tenant, president of that Club. The three-day Conventron was a most successful one with an attend- ance of delegates and their ladies • n• 4 • • • 4.,•,1••• 4'4 •‘• 41•10640 Massey -Harris Advise ORDER YOUR MACMINES EARLY FOR 1945 :41:AVE A FEW CREAM! SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE $76%.73 400 to 450 SIZE e $5945:0 850 to 900 SIZE $82.21 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON 'TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN.' WHO KNOWS.--.•SUY CANADIA19 MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149' °soar Klopp Req. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. KIPiPEN WOMEN FIGHT FIRE Credit for saving the barn of H.H. Domm, Kippen, last Thursday night from being destroyed by fire, goes to the women of the village who quick- ly formed a bucket brigade and did valiant work in dousing the flames. Mr. Domm's son was in the barn re- pairing a car with a blow torch when in some way the cardboard on the side of the barn caught fire, the flam- es reached to the hay loaft. Hensall Fire Brigade also rendered valuable was ,assistance. Not much damage numbering in all 625. . Lion Dalton reported. Higgs of St. Thomas, 'and who was very instrumental in organizing the Zurich Club, was elected district gov- ernor of district Al which ineludes the Zurich Club, PASTOR TRANSFERRED Father 0. A. Martin, Pastor of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph Parish, goes to St. Philippe's Church, Big Point, Ontario. Father Meetin's untiring zeal has won for him a well deserved promotion from his 13ishop, During his seven years as Pastor of the St, Joseph's Parish Father Martin has built a new resid- ence for the teaching Sisters and a new Parish Hall, He was responsible fee. bringing electricity to the com- munity. The Parish Church has its own water syetern. He also hasre- the &lurch and rectory. He pieced stokere in both these buildings. ...ether Mertin has made a host of friend:I in this district; we are „all eeery to see iihn leave us. However. en able man like Father Martie and a good Priest deserves a well earned promltien, and his Bishop has re - emit -1 !lire with a larger parish. We all •vish Rev. Father Martin miudi sreeees in his new parish, May God Me 4 him; and we wish to assure him the oor prayers will follow him. ---"A P .iehoner," , eele ecke 1i; eteeemee THE GYPSY PATH There's a Gypsy lilt to -Meet Peehu- kova's Soprano voice that nee coma from. .•inttig Rninteallede and ( enopeliten ollee.e.,,e. This vi 1 to the Cr.I.,"4, Trane. Cann& network as featueed veloist in " Ro- many Triale," Tueetlae, July 3 et .1 MILK PRODUCTION 171 If .. .• Constant running water on the farm will save you TIME and .111the, baru gt the twist pf the wrist your stock tan be watered laborioits pumping or carrying water. Fresh, clean running water in the house is a delight for eyery- 6ne. It the Kitchen Bathroom and Laundry— so essential to the family's good health. NEW DURO PUMPS are available in greater quantities today, but shortages of Materials and Labour will not allow the Duro Factory to produce enough to. meet the demand. All Duro Deakrs are on a quota basis and permit to purchase must be approved by . W.P.T.B. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS For Xitchen, • Bathroom and Laundry. Visit your Eine°, Dealer for available styles. Stade & Weido r'urich r