HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-06-28, Page 8V*ICsH. ONTARUO•. ZURICH HERALD 'Thursday, Tune 2441i, 1945. 3 8 TrP 8 Gov 40 Npws psi m r are 1 only, Needlepoint 6 -place set, 51 pieces $28.50 1 only, Orient 8 -place set, 65 pieces 35.00 "2 only, Athol 8 -place set, 67 pieces 19.50 1 only, Special Floral 8 -place set, 67 pieces 25.00 2 only, Gilt Band, 8 -place set, 67 pieces 15.75 1 only, Gilt Band, 6 -place set, 45 pieces 10.75 White Glass, Cups and Saucers, per dozen 1.50 Glass Jugs, at each 2 dozen Teapots, at each 29c 69c TEA TOWELS 12 dozen in Blue and Red Checks, large size, Extra Special at 3 f©r $1. TELEPHON59 Cit 0 Bros ZURICH EXCEPT LIFE Auto, Oasualty Fideh Local Representative se*st:. oteX?..Weeesase. t w'et's tso Geese easseepaen sof sees, eese a e +, i M' HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE You are going Through This World �orl3 d Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietilne dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv - Ies product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices... Lower Priced Stets Automatic Watering 146 OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, 1' unlace Work, Evetrou:ghing and Tinsmiah- ing our Specialty. Full line .Df heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STrADE . j WEIDO ZURif.311 — ONT. QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE Bili REFSs4 rldl OOtes r4eW@f 4mdGlflAsl d IIMO*****0 4` a .;,.a • fEMS OF LUL ll' FRET I. and Mrs. E. E. Wuerth were vealt-end visitors with friends at carnia. Mr, Christian Bechler and children of Iowa, visited relatives and friends. in this vicinity last week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Datars of near Dashwood were Sunday visitors at the home of the former'e mother,' Mia. E. Datars, Sr. Mr. Or+title Ehnes of Detroit, ac- s^emenied by his uncle Mr.. David Heist of Buffalo were Sunday visitors at the Williams home. 'lr. and Mrs. Harold- Overholt and family of Stratford were week, end guests at the home of the fora - er's mother, Mrs. Mary Miller. Mr. Jacob Wurm of Seaforth, vacs a visitor the past week with his fat r; in town, Mrs. Emily Fuss and Mrs, Bertha Black. Strawberries are in full swing at the present and seen to be au out- standing crop, only for the scarcity of sugar, one could put away a supply. Rev. Sol. Baechler, his wite; Mr. - and Mrs. Mose Erb and Mr., Ephriam Gingerich' of the Bronson line, at- tended a conference at Tavistock. last. week. Mrs. Clara Decker spent a day at Exeter visiting her daughter Miss "e;a who has returned home after. ,:p2ndiree .several months in Albeit° in Mission Service Work. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Merrier of the 14th concession enjoyed a very i:1eesant trip last week to Stratford, isise.asestes Hamilton and Burlington. The local Dairy acres its custom - ere lea return as 'Jan as possilble .all empty milk bottles, as they are ex- periencing quite a shotarge at this time of year. - Monday will be observed as a pu'slic holiday in Canada, as July 1st known as Dominion Day falls on a Sunday, consequently Monday will be observed as the holiday. Mr.. Lennis Calfas arid daughter, ltaiioe and girl friends of Kitehe iee were weak -end visitors at t':;; hof•^ of the farmer's parents, Mr and. Mrs. All Melick. • Pro, ress is beni.g made in the ::sic; residence erected by Mr. and R. F. Stade of town. The brick wo:k is nearing completion, and it will indeed be a very comfortable home - when completed. The many Zurich •friends of Rev. Father L. , W.. Power were indeed, pleased to see him in Zurich over the: week -end, and looking so well. He is in charge of the parish at Ridge- tovvn, and was in Zurich for the First Mass Celebration of Father Bedard. Ffew, Hot! On Saturday and Sunday it really did warm up and old Sol did make his appearance with some real balmy weather as on Saturday tale mercury did climb up to 86 which Is plenty warm for this time of year. TO CELEBRATE HOL.szeAY Elebrate preparations are being made for a celebration of Dominion Day at the RCAF. Radio School at Clinton. The famous RCM,. silver band from Toronto wi!1 Make its first appearance in this d' iict, after the band numbers an as .i ...Lade will be put on at the Radio School's swimming pool, with some of Can- ada's foremost diving stars featured. A tennis tournament will be another event. In the evening there will be a carnival,- and a dance by the or- chestra from Toronto. GAS RATION TO STAND Ottawa—Munitions Minister' Howe said that no immediate action is con- templated to increase the value of the gasoline ration coupon, which was .raised from three to four .gallons last month, or to remove it entirely. A report that it might be increased to five gallons a coupon within three months and that rationing niay be discontinued after that time, has been denied by the Minister ane that he had not made any such statement. DROWNS AT GRAND BEND Orry W, Callow, 15, of London, drowned while swimming at the mouth of the Aux Sauble River, at Grand Bend on Friday afternoon. It was the first fatality of the season at that place. With another boy the lad had been attempting to swim across 'the river mouth when he got into difficulty. He was in the .water for about 1.5 minutes before being pull- ed out by Roy Jones of London and Hairy Gill of the Bend.re- •piration was applied for a consider- able time, with no results. The lad was pronounced dead ;. ,, , :'ose. 0 p.m. -by Dr. Hubberd, coroner of Forest, who attended i? t1h is+, W T. . to.an.ey of i;'arkhili. The body was fist removed to the T. Harry Hoff- man funeral home at Dashwood be- fore taking it to Loii'iree. 'Pie boy's father James T. Callow, is in the army stationed at Sherbroo,c, Que. Orry Callow had just completed his °third year at the H. 13. Ileal Technic- al School where he was a member of the Air Cadet Squadron at the Tech- nical Schoo] and attended St. Paula Anglican church. LOCAL AL MARKE FS (C.orreeted every Wednesday) Egos, dozen 31, 29, 22, 20 Butter per lb. 38 Chickens, dressed 30 to 20 Wheat bushel 1.09 Oats, bushel . 50c Harley, bush. .. , 73 A Buekwheat, bush. . , 70 Flour, cwt. :'..60., 2.75 Shorts and bran, ton 30.00 Middlings, ton 32.00 Mr. Paul Hess of Toronto spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mass of Wind- sor aro spending a few days with fri- ends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deters .:r., made a business trip to Kitchener on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Earl Heywood and daughter of near Exeter is spending a zew days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thiel. Messrs. J. E. Geseho, W. H. Edi- ghofi`er,-Syly. Witmer, A. Melick and Roland Geiger were at Mildmay on Thursday last where they attended the aminal Evangelical Cainpmeeting Mr: and Mrs. Gerald l;ecrard and family of Toronto were ween -end vis- itors at the hone of the former's par- ents„ also attending the former's brother Class Celebration on Sunday Mr. and Mn.sExias Chrrrette and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Du- charni.e of Detroit, M.r. Russell Du- chariue of Windsor visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Du- charrne. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Thiel and dau- ghter attended the 25th wedding an- niversary dinner of ivlrs. Thiel's sis- ter in London on Saturday evening, also visiting with relatives in that city on Sunday. A miscellaneous shower was held on Friday evening at the home of Mr. Asa Steckl'e, Bronson Tine, in honor of his sister Selina (bride el- ect) who''s wedding took place on Saturday to Mr. Martin of Elmira. Mr. Albert G. Hess advises us that while sitting at the lake near his cottage the other day he noticed a large flock of wild geese, 150 at least flying over the lake. This is unusually late for Canadian geese to be around these parts at this time of years STRANGE OCCUPANT OF HER SECRET ROOM What odd conviction prompted the tler.•ly author -teacher to keep her mother's body in her bedroom for 33 years as others previously had done in 'the vain hope their loved ones would. return? Read "Strange , Oc- supants of her Secret Rooin", in The American Weekly, with this Sunday's (July 1) issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times. ONE MONTH IN'• J?'JL Goderich — On Friday morning last .Mrs. Ethel Johnston, . Colborne township, was convicted by Judge Costello of wilful damage of over $25 to property and was sentenced to one month in jail. It was shown in evidence that lath had been removed frori an upstairs room of a house owned by Lloyd Young and tenanted by Mrs. Johnston. Siding on a back kitchen was also removed. In passing l sentence Judge Costelld told the ac- cused there was a penalty of two years' imprisonment for such an offence; but I am sentencing you to one—the won an swooned ..berore he added "month." MEAT RATIONING NEXT? If rationing of meat is necessary to save millions of people in other lands from starvation Canadians will accept it. They may grumble and fret, but they know that they have fared better than most other people anywhere in the world. Current fig- ures on the .the level of civilian consumption show 3,435 calories a day for Canadians; 3,367 calories for Americans and 2,923 for Brit- ons. On the continent of Europe peo- ple have been existing until recently i on 450 to 500 calories a day. The main shortages are meat, sugar and oils and fats. 'Canada produces • a good deed of meat. We have already cut our sugar ration to the level of Britain and the U.S. But we are eat ing snore and better meat Mian ever before inour history, and we could get along well on considerably less. HYMENEAL 1 • 'Married Overseas In. St. Sebastian's Anglican church Workingham, Berkshire, England, on June• 112th, Lieut. Nursing Sister Hazel 1, (11CAMC.), daughter of Mr and Mrs. Chris. H. Flaugh of Bruce - field, became the bride of Major J. I S. Usher, LD.SH. (RC.) son of Lt- ' Col. J. T. H. Ussher, of Nancy Duke Farm, King, Ont. The ehurai, which was effectively decorated with Mae and white flowers, was filled to cap- , acity, and small nosegays marked the paws. The bride was given away by Lt-.Coi. Basin, 0.10. of Surgery in No, 17' Canadian General Hospital. Col. Basin was formerly from Toron- jto. The bride carried a shower of white bouquet of. white roses and 44.44.4.(415.414.1444444444141.044*+ t++++++++..+++•t++.. 4 4 4 + 4w + 4, YOUR are i Finilhu tfz,21' NEW ENAMELWARE We are very fortunate in receiving a Shipment of New Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which seem to be of very good quality, and some attractive color designs, To appreciate these articles one must see them. We invite your inspection. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES a Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have a fine range to choose from, a fine stock of Spring Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses PricedVery Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE We have some very attractive and newly designed Bed Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see them if interested in this Iine of furniture. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements fts Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware 4 Ka1bfleich 6r d war rn cur . Phone a I 1K s Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1945! HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at $70.75 400 to 450 SIZE.i $59.50 850 to 900 SIZE @ . $82.75 (LIB.ERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—.BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS Th e Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. carnations with two types of fern. l'atar est investz zat for imeasei a1 production A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM Running water under pressure speeds farm production—the need for running water in your home and farm building is greater than ever today. Your investment in a NEW DURO PUMP you will never regret—saves Time and Labour everywhere used. New Duro Pumps are available in greater quantities today, but shortages df Materials and Labour, will not allow the Duro laactory to produce enough to meet the demand. All Duro Dealers are on a quota basis and permit to purchase must be approved by W.P.T.B. EMCO FIVTURES AND FITTINGS For Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry. Visit your Emco Dealer for available styles. Stade & Wei& -- Zurich