HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-06-28, Page 5ZURICH, ONTARIO Z RICH HERALD WANTED CASH FOR FOX HORSES --Dead animals removed, Two-hour ser- vice .day .or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r15, collect. Jack • Wil- liams. P.T. 4-6-`41 UCENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex t AM IN A POSITION TO CON- duct any Auction Sale, regardless ae to size or article to Sell. 1 solicit pour business, and if not satisfied will awake no charges for Services Ren- Aered. ARTHUR WEB ER—Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 VFTERINA.RIA.N Or. Nr.. r•.LOMJLV, B.V. Sc. v S' leleelaY SURGEON I tie . „ Reeidet).ce, Main Street, Opposite 'Drug Store Zurich Phone -96. BUTCHER . 7i :richS' Popul air M1AT MAVTTWr Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept l resp in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins FT, y11ngi)1i- t & Son PRODUCE Farm Produce WANT b Lost, Founds Etc. Ada in this Coltxrnn. FOR SALE Parts for a Goodison '1'heesner, Ap- ply to Earl Gingerich, Zurich, Phone 22-96. Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad - ng Machine which gives the producer every. advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Win., O"Erica i hone 101, Re 94. Zurich Zurich Crews NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all par- ties assessed on the Bender Drain and Truemner Drain schemes, that they can pay their entire aaecssment on or before the second day of July 1045 at the Township Clerk's &Net, Zurich. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry: Highest Cash Prices paid plus e premium for delivered crearr We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in Charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellen - Proprietor.. PIGS FOR SALE Young pigs and Sows for immed- iate sale.—A. A. Oestreicher. NOTICE CAR OE ALBERTA COAL We are reeoiving a carload of Al- berta Coal in the near future. Place your order at once—Stade & Weido FOR QUICK SALE. One Brown Cocker Spaniel, male pup. A real beauty. --Hess, the Jeweller, Zurich. FOR SALE A 6 -foot cut Deering Mower, M good condition.—Jos. Druar. FOR SAL_' used M. -H. bean Scuifler; 1 small sized Allis-Chalmers Combine. Hyde Tractor Co., Hensall. STRAYED Unto my premises, Goshen line, a white young sow, about 100 -lbs. Owner can have same by paying ex- penses.—Edmund Oesch. FOR SALE Two purebred Shorthorn Bulls, 13 months old, one red and one dark roan; also a black General Purpose filly rising four.—Apply to George L. Reid, Varna. (11 . 'tit :AL VI 4 'Mrs. C. Silber and sister, Mrs. Mitchell of Hensall spent the week- end at the farmer's home in town. eVIr. and Mrs. R. P. Heyman, of Detroit and Miss Jean Ernst of Ak- ron, Ohio, were Sunday visitors with and Mrs. R. F. Stade of town, aye. rind Mrs. Bari Thiel; ear, and Laois a'hiel enjoyed a pleasant weer -end at the home • of Mr. and airs. Morley Witmer, in Detroit 1 near future, the re.cxeatio:?11 pencil of ir 0 SMN. Ray ScRetabe of Mon xe a , was directed by Mrs. A. W. K•Irk• and friend, Miss Beta Loghrin, .i.atforct were week -end visitors at home of the former's parents, Mr , _'.:red Schil'be. Ray is FOR SALE Modern 8 -roomed 2 storey brick dwelling in Zurich. Hydro and town water installed; garage and fruit trees. Immediate possession. Good location. A re -modelled 11/s storey brick dwelling in good condition with over two acres of land. Well located in Zurich. Hydro and town water installed. Obtain particulars from A Hess, Realtor, Zurich. INSURANCE 'Western Farmers= Mutual Weather Insurance Co.. OF WOODSTOCK ME LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT. ''JAL COMPANY DOING BU1 hNESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Rank and Bonds. $275,133. E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH ,Agent, also Dealer in Lightn• a Rods and all kinds of Fire insurance Job Printin ' It' YOU REQUIRE MATTE) ANY .I ,supper, 'Mrs. A. E. Munn, presided for a brief rneeting, The secretary, MTs. R. Elgie gave an interesting re- port of the district • annual held at tensa l: recently. The roll call Was answered with ' liow t, ;: ^.'.e y :r Institute a failures sy^ :a l . ^...t • - ion for Ditty Bags : ! he .':r.:) up at the September na.ating t. be :sold at the 1i'..r.13 of ' v �. 'rue, an .r. oeerecas i,o: -•.s the fall, With the e: ..i a , o - local boys recently ariived overseas who will have theirs forwar.-.;d in the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of GEORGE BECKER, late of the Village of Dashwood in the Co - and Mrs. N. Stanlake. Ce ,r.:; your husband to dinner coeit? i,, e I:el- '' mund Geiger captu e '. 1 A. l . s:. an 1 4 Thursday, June 28th, 1945 • rationed s..::t the Navy in 1VIontreal. Mrs. George Hess ?`d• the w•ee the :Ir. and Mrs. Louis Prang and ;"I broom, .:. Lorne Chepr.-:. 1 t and j 1iis:; Lai ioeta `Truemner spent a few. Mrs. Mary I3uel):u)a) 2nd; Welkin- I contest 1st Mrs. .I. G. Drysdale, 2n '. days at Detroit. They were aecom; Mas. R. Elr) banana contest, win- anied to the city by the former',nen; were M).'. Ill -tie, Mrs. T.herr- daughter, Mrs. A. Aulerich anti so.itt, Mrs. C. Forret, Mrs. H. 4lc.i 2+niL - who visited at the hoarse of her lea on. The high:: ;h-- of the game, w ents for several days. • the knocking off hat of dummy with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith were a rolling pin, the credit of the eel - pleasantly ruin); -,•a when their f endid effigy goes to Mrs. Kerslake, ends, Dr. and Mrs. McEwen and MI Lucky spat winners were E. Plum of Gee.e, stn., called o: Mre. Normington and 12rs igt It Li them Sunel iy alt , on. - They - tide •' on a motor tour trough this part o,t Canada. Congratulation.; ;o to Mr. Mi14o. Dagg who attended Toronto Unive:• sity the past few terms, and he was again successful in all his exams. Milton is spending the :sumuner, months in Zurich being engages at the Kallbfleisch Mills. Miss Vera Decker, who has been with the YtW.C.A. War Services al the Calgary Relief Centre, has re turned to her home i Eve: ;r. Mi: Decker was one of t :c youngest I W.C.A. hostesses doin.e work wit'. the forces in Canada. She has enjoyed 1 the work and has had •some rernarl,• able experiences woiiking with army navy and airforce personnel: Exete_ Times -Advocate. With the few nice and warm days recently things are growing most wonderfully, it seemed to be a long time to get out of the cool and wet season, but things surely are pushing ahead now. Farmers are busy with the beans and later crops. ;some are re -sowing their beans for the second time, and after all this extra work and expense we hope they will reap an abundant harvest. Gnr. Laird Theil of Halifax is sp- ending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thiel of town. CHILDREN'S DAY The Children's Day Service in the Evangelical Church on "Sunday was exceptionally well attended. The program uncle). the leadership ofM Nola Kruen.er, -Miss Helen 0':Brien and .Mrs. Milton Oesch consisted• o' Recitations, exercises, musical select- ions and pantomine. - The mission- ary offering amounted to over' ei lt i dollars which was more,: than tweet dollars ,over the objective. RALLY AT TAVISTOCK Allan • Raegele, Stratford, was el- ected president of the Stratford Dis- t f Huron Gentleman deceased trict Religious Education of the Ev- un y o , ' who died on or about the 20th day angelical church, at the annual rally o'. Marek, 1945, are requested to fo. t.n .i t ::'r claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of July, 1945 held in Zion Evangelical church, Tav- istock last week. The session opened with an address by Dr. R. H. Mueller of Cleveland, Ohio, general secretary "Delegates were present Irak: Sebr- Ar this dateat is furtherecu given that ingville,Milverton, Rostock, Aldboro a•1'ter the executor will pro- ceed to distribute the estate having numbering over 40. Rev.1.-.:o. Heck - regard only to the claims of which endorn of Zurich presided tui some he then shall have notice. Dated this 2:5th day of June, Al 945.D. 1 EMIL BECKER, Executor, Dashwood, Ont. of the sessions. INSPECTING WATER PLANTS Members of Lucan Village Council have started a eerier, of visite to ilar municipalities to inspect their water :systems, with a view to determ- ining what would he best :or their village, and is headed by reeve Rar- old Corbett. The council, uccu.apan- ied by Luca.n's manages' of the Bank of Montreal, Mr. r.'st. Dagg. who i$' formerly from Zurich, were in the EconomicalVillage last Wednesday afternoon. and looked over t:he to^te preesure ' system in Zurich, which is provjng to Durable be quite satisfactory. SPRING and SUMMER FOOTWEAR For Work, Sport and Dress Wear ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES MINISTER'S WIFE DIES HYMENEAL Martin—Steckle A happy matt ominal event we.e. celebrated at the home of Rei S. M. Peaehey, near Dashwood, on Sat '• urday afternoon, June E;,rd, when i the minister united on Holy weddlock I Mi s Selinda Steckle, of the Bronson Lina, Stanley, and daughter of the ! late Mr. and Mrs. henna Steckle, Sr.• I to Mr. Enos Martin of Elmira, and son of Mrs. Martin and the late Men - no Martin. The couple a ere un- MR. ALEX MACLAREN Director of the Ontario Farm Service Force Mr. Maclaren is urging all ;:sties and towns to organize local Farrn Commando Corm mittees. And asks that those interested write to the Ontario Faun Service Force, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. for detailed information, attended. Followin the ceremony 1a wedding dinner was held at the, home of Mr. Asa Steckle, atter which the couple left on a honeymoon ito the Bruce Peninsula, after which they will reside on the ar nu.n-, farm Mrs. Kr otz, wife of Rev. W. F. , near Elmira. Those from a distance Krotee pastor of Zion Evangelical who attended the wedding were Mrs church, Tavistock, passed away in her ( Martin, mother of tl:' ..;ant, ni sleep during Friday• neve sae had' sister Lydia and four eras. Beit been in failing health for three years friends. Was the former Violet Schrnoetn and Annual Picnic was born) in Wallace Township in ' The lovely farm home of Mr. and 1896. Following her marriage at; Tt.,. A. W. Shirray vel the scene of I,istawtl on April 1924, she left with a delightful affair fit', ,l ',day Jun•e'. Mr, 1Grotz for Western Canada, re -!20th. for the annual pie:tie of the turning to Ontario and Tavistock in ? Hensall Wotnens' Inetitute. The wen- directed 1943. While in the West she ther ideal, there •e.r )r direetcrl the musical activities in con- entation of members a td uest Pre-' I,RINTED noction with the parish work of her: sent. A picnic supper w e ?rved husband at Regina and other points.; front attractive table- 07' the beauti- ; 17"Jlw'I,IONERi', O 1" Beaidee ler htaeband she is survived fail lawn, and wits rated as one '`t . by a biother a.nd two sisters The wishes ar• er:terMeei ,, 1.:ir .,,:.ay r.r.r„ i•. we le •tslt n to Wallace, for the best mealy Y'-` 'OTHER i RIJX TA'R'T WORK, RE,bu.'y.l. stitttte picnic. At 1'Vlit ADER ro CALL AT Ti'.. j ' WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH CHRIST? JUDAS betrayed Him. PETER denied Hila. FILA"E condemned Jewscrucified Him condemned Him. The The WORLD at large rejects Him. .JUT MANY have accepted iIHini as their Lord and Saviour, My friend, what will YOU do with Jesus Christ? Will you accept Him, or reject Him? • To accept Nina means everlasting LIFE. Torejeet -Him means you will PERISH and suffer eternal punishment, "For God so loved the world that He gave Hie only be- gotten Soni that v;hosever ,believeth on Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.—John 8. 16. TUNE IN; CHAS. E. FULLER., P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Old-fashioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at various times. l? 'ts;- l Network, S+ e.eley s.. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor 14004.1, K1 PM C - STOP SERVICF if MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take chances on inferior Gas when you can buy the Best Engineered Lubrication At Kbpp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication. using 7 • kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch ou: t• a:n,.d Attendants Grease Cars. Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to TUNE UP your Motor. Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up -To - :Date Garage and Sexele., Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE Ward -Fritz Used Car Lot in Connection. i 44 t I eVbt , ice - ;14,.0)\ . No fewer than 94 out of every hundred establish- ments in the manufactur- ing, wholesale, retail and services fields are small, employing less than 13 people. Together they em- ploy 37% of all the workers engaged in these classes of business. (From 1941 census) Ordinarily one Canadian in every six gainfully employed, earns his livelihood in a "small business." It may be a. farm, a store or a lumber -yard; an architect's office or a service station. Taken together, these individual enter- prises provide a very substantial part of Canada's total jobs—must continue to do so after the war. During the years ahead many people who dropped small business for war reasons will want to return to their accustomed or new ways of making a living. Thus old businesses will be revived. Many new ones will be started by returned men and people now in war indus- tries. The commercial banks will do their part to afford assurance that no sound credit requirement need be left unserved in the field of small business. As such businesses grow, they create additional job openings; that has been the pattern of Canadian enter- prises. Most large companies began in a small way.. And practically all could name some bank which played a part in their growth by providing the loans they needed to finance their day-to-day operations. Your bank stands ready to serve businesses, small or large, well established or just starting out. Banks dor not initiate such businesses—but they do furnish neces- sary working capital and many other forms of banking service. This Advertisement is Spor,sor'ed by your Bank