HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-06-28, Page 1.................. Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, "THURSDAY MORNING., JUNE 28 194 5 y buyi ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH ONT. 4v J + Rev. E. W. Heiinrich, Pastor 10 a.m.--Divine Services. X•.16 a.m.--,Sunday School. ?Y.30 Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor, Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES /0 a.m.—Divine Worship. 1 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m. ---Divine Services. Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and '-'Equipment. And besides all this is our years of 'Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CAreF,l 'Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich Are You Suff ig From Headaches? :1 of so; Have your Eyes E amined with' the Latest Methods and Equipment at' A. L. COLE, R. OPTOMETRIST 3e OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good • Glasses at Reszonalle Pricers v't Securities you prstect your homes :` - +sra-:,�=•-�' r&ay.,.r.:: _... •..r.,reg.., GRAND BEND 4, + + m •• 4. 44 THE NEWEST BAND •- of 1945, and A SMASH HIT ON. OPENING NIGHT y, 6'STAN PATTON'S .. ALL SAX ORCHESTRA 1 Featuring _ "" • Lovely Yvonne, Lee, vocal' ist, Rudy Toth, piano and 1 vibraphone; Jack Dann, El- ectric Guitar; Don Fraser, vocalist, and "The Vibratones" -Quart- ette. Stan. Patton MIDNI i'' DANCE -- JULY 2nd, 12.05 a.m. •SUNDA ' Ff./ENING - CONCERT, JULY 1st. Fred Funk's Variety Entertainers- BALL ntertainers- B n x -•L TOURNAMENT JULY,2nd. " • Afternoon and Evening I-I�nsa - Dashwood ,Lewery - Grand Bend No. 9 S.^.T.S. Centralia Brass Band on Parade \ COMFORTA Rp.E GLASSES. At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zu rb igg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER {he Newest Approved Method of yesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. :++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ +44.+++++++++++++4+ + 4. �II+ + 4 44 .s. 4. • 4. -3h ..g. • .•� 4 4. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rt aro) ffthan I .uncrat Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR, NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwo i .i •– Ontario • 1ls N!Illiill!1mho II li ii Il lel 1111111 mew Grooery S ellen 11100-. :Jr:11 When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain. to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines Are at times hard to get, yet m -e, do 07 10 l %t to A t. rc'h ase our supplies from the leading supply" houses.+. Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits iwtl . _..» r g:, filed Goods, and manv other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store •ar id Be Convinced M r o eh PRODUCE WAN x ED. III . illllijq'iill,lhxl ts'l rill#i111illll Zurich Phone 165 ail d . it l l Ilr1iii 1Ni lel If ill r_ 11 IlllIMI fIG - :M .4 A 4 MI, Mr. and Mrs. •Chris. Gascho and Mr. Jos. Swartzentrulber and,.: daugh=•, ter Lyla 'attended' th f inere= or; Mr. Andrew Bechler prominent citizen of Tavistock which was held on Mondaiy afternoon. MUSICAL PROGRAM The Calvary Girls ;Trio of Calvary Church, Kitchener, presented a nius- ical • program in the Evangelical church Zurich, on Sunday' evening. The three young ladies who sang, we're: Miss Marion CalIras, Miss Dorothy Jackson, Miss Dorothy Sahli and Miss Pauline Robinson was the accompanist. This well balanced Trio sang such numbers as: Joshua, a Negro Spiritual; I'm Listening; The Rock that Shelters me; and Heaver: is Nearer. Miss Calfas sang "The Lord's. Prayer.,. Miss Robinson am? Milton Dagg played a duet on the piano and organ. The program was enjoyed by a large audience. TICKETS ON SALE The ticket selling campaign has commenced sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club for their First Frolic to. lse field late in August. These tick- ets .entitle you to the draw of $200: given' away in Government securities and the more yon buy the greater will. be your chance to win one of these handsome prizes, and of coarse you will help boost the Welfare Fund of the local Club which every dollar is used for civic purposes and goes back to the community. A very prominent fanner of the community and who knows something about the great work Lions are doing, drop- ped in and made a personat donat- ion of $25.00 towards this campaign of raising funds, and were the local Lions ever grateful for such a don- ation, and are welcoming any similar donations. Call on W. A. Siebert, the local secretary or C. L. Smith, the treasurer. Thank You! Sumner Bible Seim At el ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH i �, 1 r, Rheinman Kalbflerseh of De.. troit was a week -end visitor with re- latives in Zurich. Mrs. Philip Hartman of London is visiting at the home at her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mittlehattz. fen some time, Mt. and Mrs. Chas. Hagan and daughter Mary of Seaforth were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and : Mrs. Ted. Mittleholtz, • Miss Alpha Meyers, R.N., has re- turned to her duties at the Stratford General. Hospital after spending two weeks with her parents here after her igraduation. ' Mr. 'Jacob Deichert aiu1 niece Miss Inez ';Y;ungblut and Mrs, Chas. Weber and daughter Mrs. Flossie Brown' Igrz,. and Mrs. Clarence Datars and • daugliter Marion visited Mr. Roy Oliver who is a patient in the Gen- eral Hospital, Stratford. PRIEST CELEBRATES FIRST SOLEMN HIGH MASS A happy event took place in Zur- ich on Sunday June 24th, 1945 when the Rev. Father Richard Anthony Beda41„ celebrated his first Solemn High :Mass at St. Boniface Church, Zur'al ,' The occasion was an out- standing one as Rev. Bedard was the first hbsy of the Parish to be ordained priest y;• Thi aew'ly ordained is the son of rs. ennis Beegal,Sr., of t e age,, who were married -forty years,.ago• at. St. Peter's Church of Drysdale, and is a member or a large family- of ten boys and four girls. He rias born in the Village and at- tended Zurich public school where he received his primary education and two years of High School, He com- pleted his High School' education at Mount Camel after which he attend- ed the University of Detroit for a period of one year. From there he entered St. Mary's College of Brock- ville, Ont., for one year to enroll in the Congregation of The Holy Red- eemer, and served his Novitiate at St. Peter ,s Novitate at St. Johns, New Brunswick, Later he received his Bacculaureate Degree 'at Laval Uni- versity of Montreal after having com- pleted his studies at St. Joseph's Col- Ie.ge of Aylmer, Quebec, an affiliate college. He'then entered the Semin- ary of St. Alphonsus at Woodstock, where he has been for the past four years. On June 17th, 1945 he was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Excellency Bishop Kidd of Lon- don. Assisting Father Bedard at Mass were Rev. Leo Power, former Pastor of St. Boniface now residing at Ridgetown, who acted as Deacon;Fr. Fogarty of Mount Carmel as Sub Deacon; Pr. Lucier of Zurich, as Arch Priest; Rev. Fr. Con:ogue C.S. S.R. delivered the semen. Rev. Bedard's brother, Clair, acted as Master of Ceremonies and Donald as Thurifier. Two of his nephews act- ed as acolytes, Present at the Mass also were Fr. Martin, Rev. Mother Euginie, aunt of Fr. Bedard,. and Rev. Mother St. Dominic, a former teacher. After Mass Father Bedard and his immediate family were guests of the parish at a sumptuous banquet serv- ed at the Dominion House at Zurich. Mr. David Ducharme delivered the presentation address on behalf of the parish. At the banquet he was also presented with ,a gift of a portable typewriter from his graamm11otber, uncles and aunts. The presentation address was delivered by Mrs. Joseph JULY 3rd to 13th. 9a.tn. to 12 boon I Bedard of Chatham, Ont. Father= Children. Classes from the age of 4' Luci r acted as Toastmaster, i'e: years to High School age, members of the clettigy present were; The Bible, the basis of all courses of :;turfy, Topical, Old and New Testa- ment Character studies, The Life and teachings of the Apostle .Paul. 'Irrnd Craft and Memory •work. A cordial invition is extended to all children regardless of creecr. No Droselyting. *For Transportation within a teas- onable distance of, Zurich, write to or Phone the undersigned. S. 1t', MUMMY, - HAY, OTT, Phone Daskwood 250. Reverend Fathers Power, Fogarty, Martin o•f Drysdale; Flt. Lieut, Abel R.C. Padre of the R.C.A.F, at Clin- ton; McDonald of Clinton and Clair - mount, C..S.S.R. of Woodstock. In the afternoon a reception was held at -the home of his parents where many relatives and friends gathered to honor and congratulate the newly ordained priest. Father Bedard will remain at his home for a•few days and then return to Woodstock where he will take lip work in the Congregattert o f the Holts Redeemer, + 4 444;434.44444++++.4.44+4•44+44.,+- !l•'!~+d •I .* fi 3• s'•d i ti��` b @ >: ifocals a ryp o s YES, ANY TYPE OF STYLE OF BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY DUPLICATED PLUS A SAVING EITHER FROM YOUR PRESCRIPTION OR FROM A BROKEN PART OF YOUR LENSE. A G HUS feweler and Registered Optician. Chester L Smith, Publishtl PHONE YOUR For positive identification the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co, Vitirnized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fag Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVI>f'SN Pone 10 - Hensel] g m s1 a 0 Westiake - Broken s ire Funeral Service Comfortable H ed for Rent Day and Night Service tiR' VOC/ QOCUYeuticiv' fi�J�ii G'aim g•ibegoe Ceee+5aseaf., aceue2e)Ce Phone 158, Zurich c$+±° 52`++•44•++++•i.+c.•i.s�,�g..i..;".g.+ '•y ,• d s � fr°S K 3 .. �r ; _ ... - „ .. y 4 4 2 ® Bale ... or, u.� 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. 4 Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. Ca KALBFLEISCH ALBJL' LEISCH & S V.J-7 t•-. Phone4 69 - - - - ZUI2ICH 3 + 4 Wastonomme e "' Mti`.t rfil ''SNR•Y"' OrMSSI M:F: v?^sRcti CSSIO ksainlaiNitiOrzn.'atn'Sami s JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, WE HAVE FEBI. n5EIE Pioneer Big 3 Laying Mash and Hatching Ration, Pig Starter and Concentrates The. Chick Season is just around the corner. Start ,your Chicks right with Pioneer Chick Starter. In spite of the difficulties in securing them, we have the following items to offer; Cod Liver On, .done Meal, Mineral Supplement, Oyster Shell, Hen and Chick Grit, Etc. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND !THE x+ LAK Edmund Sw*rtzertr, ler, Prop. Phone: 11-97 voamostormo' :ti'T': '.r 3i.tgwvorewrorogMyryq y i t segoogrooilo IM1