HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-06-21, Page 8XONECif, ONTARIO 4P • ZURICHI HERALD 1 only, Needlepoint 6 -place set, 51 pieces $28.50 1 only, Orient 8 -place set, 65 pieces 35.00 2 only, Athol 8 -place set, 67 pieces 19.50 1 only, Special Floral 8 -place set, 67 pieces 25.00 2 only, Gilt Band, 8 -place set, 67 pieces 15.75 1 onli, Gilt Band, 6 -place set, 45 pieces 10.75 1.50 29c 69c White Glass, Cups and Saucers, per dozen Glass Jugs, at each 2 dozen Teapots, at each TEA TOWELS 12 dozen in Blue and Red Checks, large size, Extra Special at 3 for $1. Gascho Bros 'ZURICH TELEPHONE 59 TENS OF LOCAL MITEREST Mr. W. IL. Edighoffer was a vfe- tor to London on. lVionelay. IVIre and Mrs. Victor Dinann, atten- led the wedding of friends at Tor- onto on Saturday . Mrs. W. H. Hoffman is spending a Wheat bushell LOCAL MARKETS OknTEKted every WedneedaY) Eggs, dozen ..... 31, 2.% 22'1, Butter per lb 38 Chickens, dressed .. . . . 30 to 20 T}r"sitaarY Slum 0444,.1,946 41. 44410441.44414444###44#44.4401 W9+#10414344.4.4041#4#####34444 4. # • # 4) " • # H ard V and Furnitaile 4 73 , • 'ORE YOUR S, . Finkbeiner, at tratfordBarley, bu•1 few weeks with. her sister, Mrs, W. F. Oats, bushel 50c sh. Mrs. C. Elba- and sister, Mrs. 3110 131.1.ak Wheat, bush. . ... ......-,-.. 70 4: Mitchell of Herrsall were week -end Flour, cwt. ............ ... , . , There is nee spot on the eobe Middlings, ton visitors at the former's home here. , Shorts and b 30 00 ran, ton . Prof. and' Nese Alvin Surerus. 82.0e where conditions- are fundamentally rounder or better' than in Canada. a home of Clifford H. Keys„ of Varna, Toronto were week -end visitors 'atrecently, drew a good crowd of buy - the home of the formerMrs. s mother, Gertrude Steerus, Bronson line izedTo ers and some fancy prices were real - Mr, and Mrs. HiltonMaple Emblem. Champ. 12'5th, a yr -old Truenmer and . rprieve of $45B was" ,paillIfette family of the PitTat Con. 'and aabull of W. A. raand Mrs. Ward Fritz attended ParkofWatford Augusta the Snidee •Culbert purchased hy -Gall' wedding head at S " arnia, Rus. er. ' 112th, a year-old heifer, owned iiy June 9th. Mr. Milton Dagg and sister Miss Andrew C. Gaunt, was _purchased by Tw,yla of Lama A red heifer called on friends he A. W. Green, of Laurin for $449. our village on Monday evening. Mil- • owned by C. H. Keys ton has just finished esthehie year's work was purchaed. ley- John ,rville, Iowa, for p.mSuper Greig, of at Toronto University and will for waerved'. on the farm. .. p the summer season again take up s sH E N.SALL clerical work at the . Kallefleisch mills• in Zieriefi.. Miss Margaret. McD.onal.d. ha,s, ac - On. Ira OSunday, • June . 24th, Rev, cepted.a.pesition at., Elliott's groeery Richard Bedard C.S 1S.R. NVill cele- store. `IT brate M's• first; Solemn High -Maas in Miss Margaret.iGienn. of. thea seaff St. Bondi -ace Church, &rich, at 10 of thee Bank. et Montreal ia, enjoy - o'clock. All' are welcome to atEend. Inge a., two, week's, vacation. Childrenfs Day will be observed Friends of Mrs.. Russell Broslerick in. the: Evangelical church on Sunday vrei-gotriaretia.toseilairtais,h,eiontisio, ,14-confitvarieslog toto morning' at MN, and in the evening 'illness and hope, fox a.sp,eedye recov- at 7.30 the Calvary Girls' Trio, of arya. Kitchener. will put on the program. .i.'' he condition of John Richardson St. Another week of very vet weather who) lAndtment art olnexaticrni in nuiwas '10.aelYits• lioNitale, Load.aoi,, iis some - e_v.ailesil and •the ground Which GENERAL I URANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eto. on thoroughly soaked ,agate is now grad- what mallrskYesle 'Mrse ' uallyt„daying off. It will greatly pro- 414 bP-ell with. her husband in. London IPte. Laird Hudson who arrived at bong the seeding of late mops, and his home in London after 21/2 years will also do considerable damage to i , rank; somo!., a craps are growin:g very viameed during hoe crops, while the wheatthe past week with higrandparents, and grass 1"134'12.•e6 c'il'edwaae wheat has been broken down witla' Mr and Mx,se tOrao„ eatedean. He suf- .--the: mach heavy rams. Wed the roes af. his; right leg when lig steppe calrn Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Bedard and' Hlien'salr BoyiliteE111 ' 1 eetietadrY. • members of the family along with John D.Buchanan F,A.S., F. A.I. se.vexal •friencle attended the oedikete A., who was elected. iresident of the ion. of their son Richard into the -Canadian Life Insurance Officers As: Priesthood of the R. C. Gluerclea 0., soe10.tileat it; the anneal meeting in I Woodstock on Sunday, and who, hay ''oronto, June 12th. Mr. Buchanan I been a student of that Seminary. ia aasistant, General. Manager and His many friends here wish hinamany Chief Actuary of the London Life congratulations. He will slag li's linveranat Cempany. He is an old' first High Mass in St. laoalface Hansa. Bay and a son of Mrs. Bu-., Church, Zurich, on Sunday exhaling, chanan of this Village. June 24th at ten a.m. . ‘: , The annual picnic of the Mission Cerde of the United church was hekt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth, Thothp- on the lovely lawn of Miss M. Ellia... son of Los Angeles, Cat, visited Wed. afternoon, June 13, the iCilPie for the past week with rereativee-here. was well represented togethee with a Mr. Thompson, who is an the Engin- ri_, umbetof guests including iMise- Tr- eering staff of the US.A. Abny Forces has been doing some eiTeeeial elleerDonglas of London, forma* tap - work in the State of Indiana and he 'emitelident ' of the circle' A ini*de- work here, and this is his first visit to these which was much enjoyed by- every supper was served is a relative of the Deichett 'families liet"s 'Picnic parts, while Mrs. Thompson is the , ''''''' Miss Douglas gave a yea./ inter - former Myrtle Raabe, a niece of Mr, esting talk relative to her work at 1the Friendship House in Landon, and Andrew and George Hess of Zarich.also extended an invitation to the Cir - Although from the land of sunshine cle members to hold theiraSept. meet and beauty, California, they are.: very . ing in London, which wae accepted. much impressed with the splendid country here in the Zurich district. YOU'LL GO BY ROCKET What will the first magical red ley suit of last Monday'e Federal elect - rocket plane be like? In the American ion in the Hurege.Perth riding At Weekly, with this Sunday's (June 24 will be seen Roz 'Tqweeship gave Weil issue of The Detroit Sunday Tunes, ing a few am g% than his entire twee Louis Bruchiss, takes you aboard one : ority of tht vicop.g, of tomorrow's huge air liners for a,c .. a,000 mile 50 -minute jaunt to Lond-' Hay Townahipan:u Marale de euesteellt Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Ma1911111ANEW• eleal414124 Zurich NEW ENAMELWARE: We are veryffortunate in receiving a .6hikmerre of New Enamelware; such as Cooking Utensils, wfnch seem to be, of very good quality, and some attractive Icolor desikasi To appreciate these,artielbs; ono must see -Ahem.. We invite yourinspectibrs MATTR, ESSES MATTRESSES Our Stock -of Mattresses is very good', ant/ you: have a fine range:to: choose from, a fine: stock of Spring Filled' Mattresses, also the usual Felt- finial Mattresses Priced Very Reasonably- + BED ROOM FURNITURE . .11 We have:some very attractive and newlif,,desivd Bed Room•Sirites just in, which are of the newest patterns ; and. ffinilles. Be sure and see therm if'interested in 414 this line of Saniturea. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Everything in Shelf and' Mawr Mrdware Johnston & Kalbfleisch dware & Furniture. Phone 63 e•4I r•14 *****421M1B0190640441041141144114.464M14M 4mcs?re,WeE13.24113,44%.,t /',7zfx"' HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. • - Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances.value of farm. Improv- es product. • Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls -Exceptional Values at Lower Prices, .. Lower Priced Stags Automatic Watering ,,31e • ."," , ' • • .."414 I • OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line af heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. TADE 4 WEI DO 1 ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE italkORKM/60004141•49.44110.000004414190111106.061011011100.1110.011061041 ELECTION RESULTS Following is a mega complete re- on and Paris. .Get The Detroit Sun- day Times. • BIG TIMBER ORDER Ottawa - Trade Officials' said that No: 1 , : 8 No. t; , • • •• 0 No, 8A , • .. 3 No'. 3B 4 Britain hopes to bey timber valued N.°. '4 Golding Pryda. • • f .744, assey-Harris Advise ORDER YOUR MAQIINES EARLY FOR 1945! 1 HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 to 60(1. SIZE at $70.75 400 to 4 SIZE(:* $59.50 850 to 990 SIZE @ $82.75 (LlaERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSAMS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS. ---BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel: Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Rea. 67, MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. 446 57 38 21 27 60 12 82 19 7 73 182 94 9 170 102 91 4i8 92 at $140,000,000 from individual Cam- No. 5,, • " • • • 0 adian shippers during two Years af- No• () • 7 ter the end of the war in Europe un- No. 7 • 0 der contracts sOtall to he negotiated. No. 8 ........0 Commenting on a London ,announce -1 ment that arrangements for the -euP- ' 31 of , Stephen Township i No. 1. 5 ply of considerable quantities Canadian tiniber have been complet- 8 ed, a spokesman said Britain would , o• 3 purchase approximately 1,2001000,- ! NO. 3 • 13 000 board feet of timber during ' No. 4 5 each of the two years. That would , No• 5 work out to $70,000,000 worth of I 7 timber each year. No. '7 - STANLEY TOWNSHIP No. 9 . . .. , 6 I Much .sympathy is extended Mrs. G.1 • 50 H. Beatty, Varna in the bereavement Stanley Tow.nship of her mother; iChristene Murray, ,re- i No. a 1 lict of the late Matthew Welsh of , No. 2 1 Huron Township. . • 1No.3' 1 Mr. John Rathwell has returned No. 4 8 home after spending several months I No, 5 .. , S with his son Fred and wife. No. 6 8 Mrs. John Rathwell has returned No, 7 1 after visiting at Windsor. No. 8 ' 4 Mrs. Stelek has returned to her 848 323 50 91 26 61 '78 120 159 67 31 98 113 • 53 30 28 82 119 .91 639 619 47 89. 29 41 23 79 60 54 48 37 43 149 60 49 6 1.03 home in Varna after spending-, the 14 winter in Varna. Summary: .... , ed the graduation exercises of. the Full arton . . Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh attend- Seaforth 17 Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, when 124 rUHibbert .... 18 gee latter's niece, Miss Mildred Keys 23 'laughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. xeter 58' Key e of St. Marys, was one of the s4bm.ne Hay .. .. . 31 16 nurses graduating. Engagement • Stephen .... 2650 Elva Ruth Snell, daughter of Mr. Wm am oun eed of ffstualntel etty The engagement is 14 Snell and the late Mrs. Snell of Lon:- Ttilielir°sPinith- : 16 13 &tabor°, to Gordon Webster Keys, It Hensel] • 2 GAF., son of Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Keys of Varna. The marriage will take place quietly in Stine. Good Shorthorn Salle The Feye, Gaunt, Culbert Shoet- horn Sale at Elmandorph Farm, the 418 495 531 879 523 308 252 848 689 483 418 504 465 , 186 466 396 269 505 714 323 619 374 495 253 375 182 Total 287 5488 4971 Pheralty for Golding -512. After the Soldier vote has been eonnted, it reduced Mr. Golding's majority to 466, Your best investment ;4117474.17„ RI( PA 4RW,•Vv,,, n • A DURO' PUMPING SYSTEM Running water under pressure speeds farm production -the need for running water in your home and farm building is greater than ever today. You': investment in a • .. NEW DURO PUMP you will never regret:- saves Time and Labour everywhere used. New Duro Pumps are available in greater quantities today, but shortages of Materials and Labour will not allow the Duro Factory to produce enough to meet the demand. All Duro Dealers are on a quota basis and permit to purchase must be approved by W.P.T.B. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS For Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry. Visit your Eruct) Dealer for available styles. for 14' increased production Stade 8r VVeido - Zurich tritiory MCD, ?Edioa c[111qa •• 1•46.t7 :^a<: • EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., •,tiMATED • • r,orn culyjAvs.h„ . a ''-V-AVer 4onaon kan:intoni; l'oropq7. ..k .71,4,4t, 4 4,07.r 4