HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-06-21, Page 7ROLL YOUR n acdonaldCI; FINE CUT Ship Dairy, Draft Animals To Europe About 50,000 dairy and draft ani- mals will be shipped to five .Balkan countries during the next 18 months to help replace Eur rpe's decimated livestock herds, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adminis- tration announced last week. About half the animals are sche- duled to conte from the United States and the remainder from other United Nations in the west- ern hemisphere. The first shipment, 300 dairy heifers and 900 draft animals, will .leave the United States for Greece within a few weeks. In addition, 800 bred heifers and 300 mares pro- bably will be shipped shortly to Yugoslavia. UNRRA said its livestock pro- gram r?as. d 19igned to replace one percent. of the 5,000,900 animals • destroyed during the war in Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslova- kia and pollsnd_;• The ,friis§„ sly�'lA.ulent was drrect"t to Treece, it said, be- eatise of Ter "extreme need." Belgium is in desperate need of meat and is said to be slaughtering Iiriillc cows and young beeves in an effort to meet the daily meat al- lowance of 85 grams a person. 4 um at.111oo.c.row.,a.R.„arareo.n.oa00.11 l 1 Because 'this firm conducts a Commission Broker- age business . d —its advice and re- commendations are given without bias. Our only source of revenue from clients is the commission received from busi- ness executed. 44 Adelaide St. West TORONTO 1 Telephone ADelaide 8611 PARTNERS L R. Crane Tr. G. Denier (Limited) L,1C,. Mailman E. D. Scott MEMBERS Toronto Stock Exchange Calgary Stock Exchange Vancouver Stock Exchange Winnipeg Grain Exchange i 1 ALIENRU ' oath Lemon Juke Men and women who softer nagging aches and pains caused by Rheumatism, 'pleuritis. of Liinrhagu want to relieve ouch symptoms . promptly To get such relict . , , ery ALLENRUI Mix 2 table- • spoons ol this fine medicine with one table:41min of lemon juice in a glass of water, Untold thousands .of 'folks use RLLENRU. Get Al;1:ENItl l r+itav . ,. "SSU .at any'drug •score. Write for lirfoilento 1' heekle't Here's Good efee l t•h to Yon" 1'o udtr'0r0, IL .Uohnt 9t., (Covent°, +Oil GERMANY'S LAST "SECRET WEAPON/' Built in high hopes by the Germans, these dimin. Live one-man submarines remain on the _ docks at Ijmuiden, Holland, an object of curiosity for the amusement of two members of the Canadian Provost Corps, left, L/Cpl. J. Lang, Shawinigan Falls Que., and right, L/Cpl. P. C. Ajas, McLeod Valley, Alberta. TOJO NO GOOD' Wavingoneof the "I surrender" leaflets dropped behind enemy lines in northern Luzon, a bearded Jap soldier emerges from tall grass crying "Tojo no good. Ameri- cans very good." Alert for a trick Yanks keep him covered. The fly -amanita mushroom de- rives its name from the. , fact that • a poison for fly -paper was made - from its tissues. You Will Enjoy Staying At 1:2 ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO 4 ry Etonr with Rath, Show. , s nod Telephone. 0 single, 52.50 up— Double, $3..0 np, p Good Food, Dining and Dane - Ing Nightly, Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA, 4135 KILL mosquitoes A MOSQUITO lays eggs in stagnant water to hatch into a swarm of dis- ease carriers. Fly-Tox, sold everywhere, in- stantly destroys - , this menace. Get - a large bottle today. 40-12 ITt Bel S. OPPORTUNITIES PRINTER WOULD LIKE TO SE- cure active and financial interest in weekly newspaper ,and job shop. Will rent or make good down payment on purchase • 'if reasonable. C. A. Moffat, P.O. Box 714, Newmaelcet, Phone 502. IEABY CHICKS STARTED PULLETS, BARRED Rocks and White Leghorns, 2 weeks old 26c. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Britannia Heights, Ontario. ROCK X LEGHORNS ;11.75, AUS: tra Whites $12.50. Shipped C.O.D. anywhe"ire Willowdale Chick- ery, Newtoiibrook, Ont. CHECKED 111 a ✓iffy -or Money Back REDUCE PRI S FOR BARRED ROCKS 12c, LEGHORN Pullets 22c, Barred Rock Pullets 20e, Leghorns are Barron strain. Rocks are O.B.S. Breeding,', and all breeders are blood -tested. B. R. Cockerels to six weeks old. also Leghorn Pullets eight weeks old, fully feathered and roosting. Hybrid Broilers four weeks and over. One dollar books your order now. Johnson Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. For quick relief from itching caused by eczoins,; athlete's foot, scabies,pimples and otheritrhinl' p 0. 0 RESCIRIPTION. Greaselss liquid stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms Intense SRI.vssist todayf�r itching. stiffer /wk. Do yon suffer from MONTII,Y MMUS TEISION with its weak, tired feelings? periodic disturbances alto., youfeelf nervinal youfeelnervnus tired,resi]ess — at such. tunes-- try Lydia E. Pinkhan:'s Vee - table Compound to relieve such •sy p toms. Pinkharn scotnpound is oneof the most t'ITCCi.lye mai Tits for this purpose. Follow label directions 13uy for aayt TWO WEEK OLD STARTED, CHICK" bargains while they last for im- mediate delivery. Non -sexed: Bar- red Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks pullets 02.95, cock- erels 16.95. Pullets: White Leg - horns, ,Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Austra Whites . 25.95. Non -sexed: Assorted Heavies 14.95, pullets 20:95, cockerels 15.95; Assorted Medium or, Light Breed pullets 23.96. 3 week oid add 5e, 4 week old add 10e. Also day old chicks at rock .bottom Prices. Shipped 'C.O.D. Send'.. for,. complete price list.' Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario., VICTORY CHICK SALE FOR JUNE AND JULY BARRED' Rock Mixed 10c, Barred Rock Pullets 16c, White Leghorn mixed 90, White Leghorn Pullets 20c, White Rock Mixed 15e, Brown Leghorn Pullets 24c. Goddard Chick Hatcheries Ltd.. Britannia Heights, Ont. STARTED CHICKS, 2, •3 AND 4 weeks old in many popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non- sexed, pullets and cockerels. Im- mediate delivery. Also day olds. • Send for reduced prices tor June and 'July. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED PULLETS, 1 WEEK` old 22c, 2 weeks old 20 cents. Im- mediate delivery. Carleton Hatch- ery, Britannia Heights, Ontario, BABY CBICgs JULY PULLETS, CHICKS, . COCK erels should be ordered now to insure breed and shipment date required. For immediate shipment somery,e390 started JohnN., Hamilton, TiltHatch; on, Ont. British Get 'Less Flood- That Needy May I -lave More Life has been exceedingly lough for British civilians' 'throughout five years of war, says the Minne- apolis Star Journal. It will be tougher' as regards both food and clothing before it gets better be- cause of continuing shortages.. There would be more to ..eat and more to wear for the British if they curtailed the war effort against Ja- pan or shut their eyes to the misery of the liberated peoples of Europe. The British will do oeither. With commendable altruism the British are making plans to get along without further clothing and other relief from the United States in order that needier European l•, - berated peoples may receive the fullest possible measure of Ameri- can assistance, The British War Relief, which during the past five years has con- tributed 050,000,000 to nee;.'/ Bri- tons, will terminate its activities October 1. By British request funds raised in the national war fund campaign next Autumn will be uti- lized for sufferers on the continent while the United Kingdom will care for its own needy without American assistance. Waterloo Bridge Across The Rhine London's "temporary" Water« loo Bridge that was used for seven.« teen years until the permanent Waterloo Bridge was .opened in 1942, now spans the Rhine at Re- magen,. It was dismantled and shipped across- the Channel afterthe cap- ture of Antwerp in readiness for an emergency, its time came when Remagen Bridge — at that time the Allies• only bridge across the Rhine — collapsed soon after it hadbeen taken by U. S. troops. Special • trucks rushed the dismembered bridge to Remagen, section by sec- tion, and 'army engineers worked night and day under enemy fire to rebuild it over the Rhine. Within a week tanks, guns, trucks and men were pouring over Waterloo Bridge and on into Ger- many. NON. —that a 100 package of'WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more dice than $5.00 wortth of any other 6y killer!!! Grocery, Drug, recommend and General LY PADStores Sell and. ELECTRIC WATER_ HEATERS! I1tiIMERS1ON TYPE, COPPER CON- struction, 660 -watts. Just drop it en a pan of water and almost in- stantly the water is hot. Handy 3n the kitchen, wonderful for shaving etc. Postpaid. $3.00. The Radio Hospital, Tracadie, N.B. . FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE THE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER CAN BE FITTED TO SWATH board of any mower. Will replace is help usually needed to fork hay behind mower in heavy crops. .Also save time, as thereis no logging of knife or knife guard. Guaranteed satisfaction. $7.50 fob. Bristol, Que. Sole Mfgr. and•, distributor. for Canada and U.S.. LOCAL, SPARE TIME AGENTS WANTED. A. Af$1C, BRISTOL, • QUE. WATCH YOUR . INVESTMENT grow with Top Notch chicks. That is "good news" in any lang- uage and remember many are dying in Europe for the lack of food. So, Mr. Poultryman take full advantage of the world egg and poultry market. Top Notch chicks are from Government Approved bloodtested breeders, Prices of a Jew unaftee 15th. Non sexed brees forltverWhite Leg - horns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Austra Whites 9.45: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires. New Hampshire X Barred Rocks 9.95; Assorted Light and Medium Breeds Heavies 8.95. Pullets: lvh assoeto d Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Austra Whites 19.95, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires X Barred Rocks 16.95; New Hampshires 17.95: Assorted Light and Med- ium Breeds 17.95; Assorted Henv- les 14.95. Cockerels: White Leg - horns 1.50; Barred Rocks, Nev Hampshire X Barred, Rocks 10.95: New Hampshires 9.05: Assorted Heavies 5.95; White Leghorn X Barred Ge, 3ocks week bold 2Add weekd week old add 10e. 1s enc gl t for Sem r plete price list, t. l •agaptige.n old and older i free Top Notch Chlelreries, Crueiph, Ontario. "BIG, OAKS FROM TATTLE A.COUNS grow" and husky, heathy big producing birds come' from of eprodticinly first es ks ons' grade chicks is jealously O'unrded, Yes, to maintain the Twoddle high . to hatchyhealthyat pains ehielse that taken are from Government Approved blood - tested breeders. 01 is not too late to order Twaddle chielte and have them ready for the Fall. .A11 the poultry meat .and 'eggs we can produce will be needed' in 1545 and 1640. Send for reduced price list for Jtine and July. Prompt delivery on clay olds, 2, 3 and 4 week olds in ail popular ha eedc, Also free rnnge pullets 8 weeks and older. Free catalogue. T\ved- dte Chicle Fla tell et•ieft limited, 'Femur. f)la aria _ HAVT11 Vflil ANYTeri Nti etTeleI' dyeing or clennine? Write to. n= Inc lnrnrinntinn we ere nand to answer your questinns Pan/1H. mnnt T4 Paric er':s Dye \l tulle Limited, 791 VOnge StrrOt, ronto. • FOR SALE ;tsdeE �h DWELLING, aide, detached, large lot, cement basement, 60 x 25, all conveniences. • Separate sale, jew- eler's safe .and fixtures, Phone Arthur 02J. Brill.inger, Arthur, Ont. LAUNDRY AND DRI CLEANING Plant in Western Ontario. Doing over $2400 weekly businesswith excellent post war ,opportunities for expansion. Good 'money matter, row overbena; real estate eon silting of brick buildings includ- ed. •Fully •equipped and capably staffed. Requires• a capital of $60,000. cash. Reason tor 'selling 111 health Apply Box 01, 73 Ade- laide. W., Toronto. A 80 BED MAtPERN1T Y HOSPITAL for sale, going • concern, good business, only Hospital in town. Any Ontario . Registered Nurse could: operate this business. Own- er will stay on and will help for one month from the date of sale. Reason for selling is poor health. All latest equipment. Hospital has been,runnng far 6 years. For further information. and inspec- tion apply in writing to Post Office, Box' 329, Delhi, Ontario, Canada. I HAVE TEN GOOD FARMS FOR sale, ranging hti price from three to twelve . thousand dollars. For particulars, apply. Jas. Donohue, Donohue Garage, Renfrew, Ont. FOR SALE, SUCCESSFUL CRIDAM- ery and dairy businees in pro- gressive` Ottawa Valles/ Town, owner retiring on account of ili- health, price right. For further Adelaide Particulars Wap Toto Box 35, 73 Toronto. BUSINESS FOR SALE. FARM MA- chinery, other articles and mach- inery, 'large lot and buildings with high moving beam and blocks for wrecking and loading. Suitable machinery for repairing. Two minutes'. walkto large stores, banks and postoffice. Particulars given. W. E. Rutledge, Newmarket. Ont. REGISTERED ENGLISH SPRING- er Spaniel Puppies, 10 weeks old. Reasonable. Tako, 3127 Turner, Sub. 12, Windsor, Ont. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, pedigreed, champion stock, S oucot, 51Cardiff 'Rd, oron- to .Ont. COLLIE PUPS 9 WEEKS OLD, smstarted to Male ae$1.0. AdaniEdwrd, R.R.0, 6, Cobden, Ont. REMNANTS 15YARDS, A MEAS- ure $L98, consist LINEAL3, lbs.un- bleached cotton, cushion covers, rainoapematerial, flannelette, woollens. C.O.D., postage extra. Refund if unsatisfectorv. Pubiex Sales, 377 Parliament. Toronto. DTESEL PDS0 International iC8 tiIPHorse- power, orepower, 4 years old: D.7700 Cater- pilier. 70' HP; D4600 Caerpiliar 16 i 2 years nice; T)14 inter- national08 iF;1'T)40 Inter- nationnl 50 UP• Leventhal & Co., Machinery Dealers. 'Winnipeg. 1 45-TiV. OAST) MOTOR, iN GOOD tanks conledlerensnnnble rafortor cnsht. Apply Box 15. C4rantnn, Ont. FOR SALE VTOSSOT 1.3" BALL bearing'rtven 0 32 T'. motor efirst fiches rrtcndi- tinn Anew J, A. Inge`, Te mpt- vllle, Ont. This IS. 't411'Y' HAND PT.ANTT,+IR TO PLANT CORN end disiriTitrte fertiliee.r (11 one operation. PTnces fertilizer at plow depth and spneed from seed. a r instnhle. A tiny cnn neva t r. e, n 1. nner�tr, Price %'ifteen 1'1011 re, t/nquire-oernyity T'lantor Co, Roblin, <)ntnrio. n1,vsoTTIT(' mtvrtIRG NIOW t1GErt l,outtht enld rehnilt' hells, pnl. lays. brnohee Allen ieinetrir Porn. pane Ltd., 2226 ruirrnrin qt „ To- ronto r—rnnto ISSUE 25---1945 FOR SALE GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids you retain Slender Figure, turns your food into energy instead of fat. GUARANTEED;, HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs, no exer- cises or drastic diet. Month's supply $1.00 postpaid Dominion Herb Distributors 1425 St. Lawrence ' Blvd., Montreal FARMS FOR SALE 150 ACRES, TWP. OF NOTTAWAS- age, large bank barn, frame house, two good wells—$5,000 cash. Write E. L. Taylor, Streets- Stayper, On or see A. E. Culham, FARM LANDS FOR SALE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED 1N buying Farm Lands at reasonable prices and terms, in some of the very hest districts of Western fora our, ninvitedou are new 34 page catalogue farm lands for sale. Free upon request. -'We also handle Ranches. Business Opportunities and City Properties throughout Western Canada. Whether you desire to buy orsell. it will pay you to eommunleate with s. R. e 65 . J ROLLIS & CO. LTD., Red Deer, Alberta. Offices also at Calgary and Lacombe, FARM FOR SALE -193 ACRES 1 - mile west of Kitchener limits. on Kitchener -Stratford high w a y. Charles W. Moser, R.R. 4, Kitch- ener, Ont. IIAIIR DItE$SING LEARN bsnTPIE Roeron method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 13'1 Avenue Road, Toronto. MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write 'MulveneY's Remedies, Specialists.Toronto 3. DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM 0E - strays offensive odor instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. PROVEN REMEDY—EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- , gin' OttaMunwa. Postpaid Store,91.00. El - CHIROPRACTOR H. S. 28 Bl otiN Street HEat, Toronto. Hours 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. OVPOtUTUNITiEs FOR WeMION BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN GCANADA'S Opportunity, LEADING L SCHOOL Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel sys- tem.graduates. 's Illustratedieacataloguest. free. Write or call MARVE SCHOOLS HAIRDRESSING 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 Bing St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BUDDINGTON BUYS, instru- ments, Cl uerch, Torontos musical 2. FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 Xing n g West, Torontocon to. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PROI'ERTlEs WANTED TO BUY WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING FOR chicken farms, market gardens. town or village houses in all parts of the Province. Send full particulars in confidence at once —we make no charge unless we sell, Powell and Company. 5 St. Clair Bast, Toronto. vno'rooltAPHI' • TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE VIC E SATISFACTION C7'IO N andS Your filmo ur„pri1,erinted4 :ievelnpcd tom 6 UR 8 EXPt1GUUT11'. ROLLS 25e REPRINTS 8 tor 250 FINEST 3N1.A51(11N,8 91011' ICE You may not gel all the Alms you wait this sear, but you can Ret all the quality and eervtec You desirf by ?01lt(l1R Your flltne to ' i1ll'Id111Ag T'al'e( •41-'11% ten Station .f, Toronto TRY CANADA'S'LARGEST' PHOTO FINISHING STi.DIO "e Get better pictures at lowest' cat. Don't take chances 'with your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again, PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll — 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A customer in Cape Breton says, "I have been sending films to you for 4 or 5 years. Would not send them anywhere else.' SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29e (4c extra) is sent with film roll. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed on ivory tinted mats, 7 x in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or 'Black Ebony finish frames, 59e each. If enlargement colored, 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photeereph or snapshot . 01111 rnak' :tny number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost is reasonable Send us !'our picture and tell us what you went done and we will all you the •eist before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, T rento Print Name and At -Meese Plainly on Orders. STAMP COLLECTORS. APE" OV- als for medium collectic ;it reasonable prices. Free ee ;rre•m- iums. James 0. Smith, P.O. 13ox 50. Edmonton, Alberta. TI•.ACts1'II18 WANTED PROTESTANT ILACFiLft F U R S.S. No. 15. West l:aratt:,xa. Please stat 011 111.1';,' and •ct:al!- ficattons. Apply to A. U. F let.'her, R.R. No. 1, l,elwuod, Ont. REDL(ITT 1thltat:To :S C\\U FIRST' Class Teachers Fthout 50 l,upils in the School. Principal grades 6 to 10 iucluiIVe. S l tr i `' ate ,y year, MAI,E PItJ11"Et AEU. Junior Rontu ( acts 1 to . in - elusive, Salary wl,-UU n ye;:r td - dress applirntle,ns to E. 13. 1VEST - COTT, ItEDDT TT, Ont. WANTED —TWO QUAL II'II1D teachers for lluyu Tutt hip School Area 00 ttiro H.ts't is county. No. 2 eicArthuree Sills and No. 5 H rrtsmert (;00d mod- ern rural schools. Term, lid --45. .P1otestant, salary $1,100. State qualification. A. W. ltnmsbc.:om, Hermon,. Ont. TEACHER WANTED FUR S.S. NO. 4. Township of Enniskillen, Lt.nib- ton County. State experience, sal- ary and phone number to John W. Piggott, Secretary, 011 Sp:•Ings,' Ont. ETON -RUGBY; QLTALiFII:D TEAti ETON -RUGBY — Q II A L I F I E l? teacher for 033.8. No. 1, S' lnry 91300.00. Apply to C. A, Mattson, Sec. Eton -Rugby, Ont. FIRST CLASS TEACHER. WANT - ed for S.S. No. 12 liitzroy. Duties to commence September 4, 1945. Apply stating salary and exper- ience to C. R Campbell, SeCy.- treasurer, Fitzroy linrbour, Ont. KENT 00. TEACHER WANTED for S.G. No. 15. Dover Twsp. Sal- ary 91100.00. Apply stating qu•tii- fieations and salary eenected to Adrin.rd Tetreault. R.11. No. 2, Ilea.r ('Inc. Ont. er f lr Public S011001 of 18' pupiis, starting September. State quail - lien Hoes and sugary exported. Edward Marinnes, Secretary, Lee - burn, Ont. IHI.T t 'WANTED STItONO, A1OIAI WOMEN FOR general housework, 560 - 890 month. bed, hoard. Girls, i Tung women- for summer resort n;ty according age, ability, MIS fed r•nuple. man boy, 10111 en Olin. Mrs, 'Boyd, Carirthed Springs. Ent. 17..15E1 TX MAN Okk 51 RONi.LAT) for ninttiy acre tree! or f t to Rood milker and tenmetrr, near Toronto Gond home. State it gas. Box 2, bThshville. Ont. IV ANT En TWICNTT-FIVE TO ONE HtTN-. dred arses within Iwo hnr•lred miles Toronto. Must be sitn:,ted on Lake or Tiiver. Buildings im- material. Pox 31, 73 Arlelnidc Toronto. HOUSEKEEPER WANI'TCI) ON' Farm 2 miles from Tillsottbarge All city 001)vrnienc rs. 2 c'h1111ren, 2 faint 1. Gond wn es. J. A. Mc - On be. Tillsonb1Tre., 0111. WANTED -1936 CHEV. MAGTTS1t t'Y1.TNIiTIR TTt1TATt wait 1y. 1'r1)r111s11. Write .\ri'd TC• Lahti. e rrWE rBUY 0118, hunrlrrdn nt (letI't I,0,,I0, r,•?s,. ilorrirs, V1„wer" 1 ,•ayes, rte. PRICES HIGHER NOW \\'rite tor 11111 11s' r-'-'I5O5yi Herb Diatre.m.rtors 1425 $t. Lawrence Beide ;Montreal.