HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-06-21, Page 1stablished 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 21 1945 Chester L. Smith, Publish,* $130 a Year in Advance y buying Gov't Securities you protect your homes ST. PETER'S •Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. .Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor li0 a.m.—Divine Services. I111.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 17.30 Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. /1 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL, PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this in our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich IIII►111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII11111111111111111111111118111 1111111111111111111111111111► 111111111111111111 -74 Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Grand Summer Opening SATURDAY -- JUNE 23. DANCING EVERY NIGHT STAN P A T T O N S Newest All Reed Orchestra CONCERT - SUNDAY, JUNE 24th 8.45 p.m. Thedford Brass Band 1111111111i11111iiiNllil1111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111 IIIIIIIIlI111111(1111111111 U1III111111111111 IW111►11111111I►1111111111 x,1.111111 11111111111111111111 Premier Is Defeated Canada's Prime Minister Mackenzie Xing, is like the fellow says "All Dressed up and no place to go." As the result of the count of the Soldier vote he is defeated in the riding, of Prince Albert, Sask., which- he has contested and won for several elect- ions. He .had won by a very com- fortable majority till the soldier; vote came in and now he is on the short end of . the count, being defeated by his opponent Bowerman the C. C. F. Are You Suffering From Headacbe4 so; Have your Eyes Examined with 'the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices candidate by 120 votes. However, Canada is a big country,, and it sure- ly will"fin& a suitable seat for its Prime Minister. TEACHER SHORTAGE COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of.. Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. ti 4,144.4..g...++4.+++++++++++•F^i'+++ i-++++++++++++++++++++++ +44 + it`d `art ffioffmaa vaunt ane -4* -4* -4. Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and injured.Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT•;R•i:EP,BONE No. 70 Dashwood Ontario y>S..¢•+m3r3r•'s•+a'-++4"E•al..I..g.°g.I.4.•fry'd^+•3•+.E'.t•K•'v4•.D•-3.•y.•Md•t.1.++•i•+.i••i••i•3••f••S..i'.I..I.•C. Mr. Jacob Haberer made a �uusiness trip to Toronto last week. -Miss Anieta ,Datars has taken a position as sales lady in the general store • of Gaacho 'Bros. Miss Emma Dinsm7bre spent a few days 'at the home of Miss Jemima Johnston of town. Mr and Mrs. Herbert K. Eillber of Crediton visited at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.' Ward Fritz, one day last week.: Miss .Daureen Schilbe and Miss Pauline Haberer were 'busy over the week -end at Oaik*vood Inn, under the supervision of Mr. Fred Walker. MisS..Mae Smith' of the Technology Staff of Victoria Hospital, London, was .a week -end visitor with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Hire. W. F. Finkbeiner, and dau- ghter, ;l\ iss hazel of Stratford, were 'Sunday visitors with the former's sister,, - Mrs. W. II. Hoffman, •also attending tlhe Decoration services. Goderich—•L teacher shortage in North and South Huron for the next three years was .predicted iby R. O. Staples, inspector of public schools, in an address to the Huron ,County Council June session. 30 resignations were received from the -teaching staff, he said, included nine teaching married women and five from women leaving .to . be maw 'line remaining 16 were going^ to city ;schools: fors se- evil• ,sons., , r ! i I IIIIIIIIIIQIIIIiIIIIIIIIf IIIL111i + }ilii i#ii liillfll Ni 1tI l Illillllllllllillilll 1►IIIIIIIillllllll►iiIIIIIN11i11TINId111iliI1J{IrlLijlluh 1, l V� it" s GrocerY Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard from et, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading su ply houses... Oranges, aL and many and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goo other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our 'Store and Be Convinced Menuo Oesch PRODUCE WANTED. INC, I 41 of I tgli Zurich Phone 165 Mrs."Dennis Dcnomme and child- ren wilco have been with Mr. Denno- mme for some :weeks at London, nave return0 to their' home here in the Eckel , Apartment.. Mr. nd 1VIms .II: W. Brokenshire and sol Allen, Mr: and Mrs.' Wm.' S. Johnstqu spent.a few days with re- latives and friends lir the State of Michigan- over the vrvek-end.. ERY GOOF NEWS We in receipt of tTe'following �Qyi xr fror tlic'.r,��,n�-,�e•,,�..zsws- and .IstschlivSii'rromri The Bank of Mon- treal Headquarters: "R is the in- tention of the Bank of 'Montreal to re-establish their Zurich Branch on a full -daily (basis of operation in the near future when they expect that through ; ;demobilization- a suita1ble. number oitheir employees will have returned from• active service to pro- vide the necessary Staff:"' SALVAGE COLLECTION; JUNE 2'6' During the afternoon of Tuesday June 26th, the pupils of Zurich School will call at:homes iii tire VI1 age to collect waste paper and rags. Tb aid in this important work. Please tie SECURELY in SEPARATE bun- dles thenewspapers, and'tlie smooth finished magazines. Tie rags seturrp Ty in bundles or in bags: Place kft such salvage ins front of your home or business place before noon; Tires- day, 'uerday, June 26th. Annual Picini FulVue bifocals Kryptoks YES, ANY TYPE OF STYLE OF BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY DUPLICATED PLUS A SAVING EITHER FROM YOUR PRESCRIPTION OR FROM A BROKEN PART OF YOUR LENSE Huron County. Council Huron County Council: convened at the Court House, Grodericii last week for the June session, and it. was dec- ided to levy the same rate as . last year, namely 41/2 milk; the' estitmat- ed expenditure .is $244,8281 and the revenue will be- $24'541K, leaving a surplus of $6.9.6. The -toads' commtws- ion reported that $55,937:84 had been spent during the first: sit' nront1fs of the year, snow clearing cost was $24,06'7.80. Sinci09January a cater - Pillar power grader was purchased. The reconstruction of the. Kipperr bridge has been included in this year's program. A grant or $5,00'0 was authorized ,•too the reforestation and conservartion commmittee for its work. Also $25. to each fall fair for a children's depaat trent.. A mot- ion by Reeves Bowman and Tuckey that estimates for refurnishing 1frhe court room be obtained' to, be provid,. ed for out of the post-war find, was carried. The health .and' hospi'tai •com- mittee reported that an office had been secured in Clinton for the scho- ol nursing plan to be inaugurated in September, that Miss Mildred Hab- erer had been engaged and Miss Gar- dner, of Niagara Falls, had been re- commended biy Mite Moore as super- visor.. The Council authorized a grant of $25,000 to Clinton Public Hospital Board toward the building of a $.93,000 ad'di'tion to tat hos- pital on the recommendation of the executive committee. The grant to' be paid when the building is completed. Reeve Bowman, a snember of the ex- ecutive, stated he had yet to hear any adverse criticism. on the council's action in granting $25,000 to Wing - ham Hospital last year. 110 j•;(ll 1QillkVLIIIIII�h11111114+;� A G. HESS Jeweler stud Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coa1d Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fee Eggs according to Grad W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel! More than 3,000 picnickers gather- ed at the Lions Pork, Sead'ortn last Wednesday for the tlhiW'. =mar field day of the Huron Federation of Agri- culture. Holiday spirit: prevailed a- mong the hundreds or famnilies which turned out en masse, from the small tots to grandfathers. of 8'0.. J1Qrr Hun- ter, well known radia: news comment- ator of Toronto, a FTurbai aid boy, officially opened the field day which featured sports, exhibits, ball games, square dancing contests and a dance in the evening. The Centralia RCAF. kiltie band was in attendance. Summer Bible School At ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH JULY 3rd to ,13th, 9aan. to 12 noon Childrens Classes from the age of 4 years to Hg11 School age. ...Ur SNDSNSSi h1 .N ei...SNSs• ss•o__iwi.NS S Westiake BroIenshire- ' 6 rinea 1 i Z rC G Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent • 1 + Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich w•••oesaes"�oeoo®••ea••••••ar • ++++++4+++++•§ ++ 44 ++++H•++•F••I•+ a • i a • Por Quick Sale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needle! F. C. IKALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 6% Z.441 Q'i•+++++++++4.++++++++44+++++++++++++++++++4-1-4.÷÷....4 ZURICH 1 4 4 LIONS er-XIB NEWS Lions 'Howard Klapp, .Orville Wit- mer and J. W'. Morner were at Strathroy one evening last week, where they paid an otficial visit to the Lions Club of that place, and report a very good time. Monday evening' of this week was the last supper aneeting of the Zurich Lions Club till after the holiday sea- son, September 3rd. The meeting, as usual was held in the dining room of the Dominion House who have P.0 well and ably catered to the Zur. ich Club since its organization at the beginning of the year. The guest speaker for the Evening was Judge T. M. Costello of Goderich, who very ably filled this place. The Judge possesses a very live •and in- teresting humor which is always very acceptable at a. gathering of this kind. Lions Albert Traquair, Sandy Elliott and Sylvester Taylor of Exe- ter were also present, and helped the reentbers of the local Club to ar- range for a monster Lions li"rolio to be held in Zurich in the latter+ part of August, to which the entire corn- lnunity e ni,1t lid invited tCl eitend. The Bible, the basis of all courses of study. Topical, Old and New Testa- ment Chweacte1 i•tnxlie • Thn Life Paul. and teachings of the Apostle i-Tsnd Craft and Memory work. A cordial invition is extended to ell children regardless of crew.. No Pr osel yting. For Transportation within a reas•x oncbie distance of Zurich, write to or Phone the undersigned. S. M. DEACHEY, - HAY, ONT, t'hone Da;siliwood 21 'Gt. JUS WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, WE HAVE FEED FEED Pioneer Big 3 Laying Mash. and Hatching Ration, Pig Starter and Concentrates The. Chick Season is just around the corner. Start .your Chicks right with Pioneer Chick Starter. In spite of the difficulties in securing them, we have. the following Items to offer: Cod Liver Oil, Bone Meal, Mineral Supplement, Oyster Shell, Hen and Chick Grit, Etc., FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND ITU% LAK( STORE &lemma Sw'artzeiatrub ex, Prop. Montt, 11-97