HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-06-07, Page 5k g* .1- b.. b- et cic sc re • vy at el- al- ks, Un ng n- o.E me ve, 3- ils, set ng fl lbs,„ tge iar ub- 4.• ro, mainipoirammaammilio, orsommunionsisamommounw_ vssicmemommosomiumememiumiantronniau Hold High the Torch of Freedom rrr. ..reffprmmerrrv,zo=v. 1 flIfl Nee,,,,,Nomora••••ambracalarJrreafgabousulamblf rad Who stand ELECT ..14,0CAL NEW'S MIL aittls Thiel visited triaatisis ,sancaassos, last week. .ur. ud jVIrs. Ed, Lossing of DO -1 roiL and family visited the home 01' ner sister, iVfr, and .c.trs. Petex znert„ Jr., over th... we,els-end. 11-:. ano son. 1:10.1b. td. Gascho an JaugLtel 1.3.epty attended the U'k. oxiiivr'S youngest ene at Stream a G:n.:,•41 viednesduy alterneon. Scarlet fever has vitited the home of Mr. Sam, Hergiritai and Mr, .viorris Masse of t„te kliglIW ay 13ut all pats ale re- i ported progressing very favoul a oul yi and will soon .13e in mod health again Mr. and .Z..rs, Amos Oascho and Jorothy un..1 Kerman of the Bran- Gaccho of Zurich 11. i1.1 Rader, niece J. tne ,parted attend- tn.. : late R. k, faiif:1, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1Se ,or • ^: peen wore Saturday visitors In town. Dies at Bad Axe, Web, Joseph R. Brnneman, 53, of 4204 Hancock, Saginaw, Mich, died on 3unday last at Bad Axe General o,f the United Brethern Church. Thc Hospital. Mr. Brenneman was born funeral took place at 2 p an. Wednes July 21,1891 nar Zurch, Ont., day, May 30th at the Case 'Chapel. eiand •yber 3, 1929 he married Nellie Henn, Rev. John A. Bradley, assisted bv went to Michigan in 1911. On Oct - This family lived in Detroit until Rev. Jewel, officiated. Burial took 1044 wlim they moved to Sagkaw. inaiv, ..lich. place in Oakwood cemetery, Sag - its .12.2-4.5rosagg-..kazamtraevaroursArmstleziaikmasathtsormil4.- - Liberal , ,out :,,..-ii,,,, ZURICH TOWN HALL SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 9th. 9 p.m. I- ::...ra51.•;.tr Egg In Support of BILL GOLDING ro.i'h; to onr office a moii;,Ler egg Mr. Leona... rirb of the ParrLiberal Candidate Line' ihith was layed by a White Rock 0 MUSICAL PROGRAM in circumference, and would make 43 iSPECIAL SPEAKERS Lien, 1::.;!. cp.; measured 62i.o.8 ne:ies 3 ni.:.re than a breakfast for the aver- age per.,on. It : ELECT BILL GOLDING! ib• • to _ ,...,,,,,,,,....,,,,p, - r. et•••:..733e...ww,,-•-:. 4Tmazreseuro-mw•Rsamems-wsreefergyaeme ,.. ,,, .....a.o.omorweimnammamsnummosimm.vorsoerssinalgtaamomen=urc==e===‘a,. Mr. Brenneman. had been employed by the Pere Marquette Railway for 32 years. Ile leaves, his wife, one daughter Dolores Ann at home, one brother, Zrohn 0.Brenneman of De troit; one sister, Mrs. Amos Gascho of near Zurich. Ile was a member 7s. .1e7ZirP,14,74 fcr the best lith Plan for our Aro,ed Forces Individual Freedom, Social Security, Family Allow Farm Ln Act, ances, and National -lousing Act, plus Long Term Markets for Farm Products with Guaranteed Floor Prices. k , -111111111nEffireEffiaM Ct ;II --chp •. L. venament roven zle King to the Peace Table • • Vr.i? rrrr; Owing' to our heavy volume of i work we were unable to get the cor- rect election results from the Mon- day contest, and will try to give this ' later on. - Economical Durable SPRING and SUMMER MARRIED PEOPLE DO LIVE LONGER And happier too, as the extraord- inary 74 -year bliss of a Wisconsin FOOTWEAR i couple proves anew. Dr. Laird, em- inent psychologist, explains..in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (June 10) issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times. why sich a companion- ship is the best recipe for a long hap- py life. Get The Detroit Sunday For Work, Sport Wear ED. J. DATARS and Dress RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON °face with Residence, Main Sreet. Opposite Drug Store Phone -98. Zurich Times every week. pd11.1.1...................••ftwormras.i.e•MKOMIlgtexelfsasulenve.maneesnaratrormunmort......./M*•••••*1 rampoi ES MI011E11111 1 1 1 1 11 1111E111E1 FA • • saysJohn Bracken, the Farmer "When 1 speak , of agriculture, 1 mean farmers and farmers' wives and children and all those •-. . who are dependent upon the prosperity of farm- ing for their material welfare." • STRAYED Unto my premises, Goshen line, a white young sow, about 100 -lbs. Owner can have same by paying ex:, penses.—Edmund Oesch. Meeting of The Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, June 12th at 2.00 p.in. All accounts, notices of deputations land other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the lhands of the County Clark not later I than Saturday, June 9th. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Ootario. \ Zech Creatinty Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus , e premium for delivered crearr 1 We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate serVice. Egg 1 apc1 Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Meliett •• Proprietor. , KLPP'S GNE-STP SERVICE KR A AT 0 AS • A Gas known to every motorist 'Why take chances in inferior Gas whei you can t Good Gas at Regular Prices .nginered Lubrication At Klapp's yoo get tIsioranteuci Indian Lubrication, using 1 kindt of Crease We 'nvite yuu to watch us Lubricate your Car and iet nol. Trained Attendants Greaso Cars Expert Repairing w ase ,.vie KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor 025 FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon flatteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires .sea3 so,' Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date. Garage and Service Station. )riVe in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD ICLOPP, LESSEE C Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection ..• For more than twenty years, as the undefeated, progressive leader of Farmers' Party, John Rracken has fought unendingly for the economic rights of farmers. To -day, this great farmer's lifelong struggle to raise the living standards of farm life in Canada, has become .national in scope —Dominion-wida in the .devoted intensity of John Bracken's life purpose. To•-aay, th:s. fa -visioned farmer -leader of the Progressive .Conservative Party calls upsn all Canadiafl farmers to enlist tinder his progressive. banner in order to achieve, here and now, a far better life .for the farmers of every community, in every Province of: this great Dominion. • ONLY THE BEGINNING— of John Bracken's nation-wide Campaign for - Farmers, is the assurance for every farmer of a fair, prosortionate share of the nation's income — throrsrh guaranteed prices for farm product:s. WE GO ON FROM THERE — Our Policies embrace every aspect of Canadian farm life — the life of the farmer, his wife — his children. They are typical of our farmer-eader's human, progressive approach to farm problems. To these measures, John Bracken is pledged :— • HEALTH — In many rural areas, due to economic conditions, medical and hospital services are totally in- adequate. WE SHALL — provide the financial assistance required to place and keep health services in rural areas on a par with those in urban areas and raise the standard of both. e EDUCATION — In Canada, educa- tion depends largely on land taxation. Consequently, in many rural areas, revenue is insufficient fbr educational needs and many children are unjustly deprived of adequate educational facilities. WE SHALL see that the Federal Government, without interfering with Provincial jurisdiction, provides fin- ancial assistance in order that Provinces may make possible a high standard of education in every section of Canada. In this way, as well, the burden of land taxation will be lightened. s FARM MACHINERY — In order to preserve thefamily farm in Can- ada, a unit now threatened by the competition of larger unii:s in tla;ss and other countries . . . Wei SET.A.LT., — reduce the overhead'', vr ri.:.incry required on farms.. by Osis for co-operative ownership and, where advisable, by state or municipal ownership of power equip- ment. The cost to farmers of securing the advantages of mechanization will thus be greatly reduced. e FARM WORKERS—In off-seasons farm worhers frequently lack em- ployment. WE SHALL — plan supplementary employment for farm, workers in off- seasons by the development of addi- tional enterprises. We shall encour- age the &centralization of industry and the location in rural areas of suitable small-ecale industrial enter- prises. e RURAL ELECTRIFICATION — In order to bring more modern con- veniences, at the lowest possible cost, to women in rural homes, and to f armers — WE SHALL start an immediate program that will ultimately carry the benefits of electricity to every last farm home. These are but a few of our far- reaching Progressive -Conservative Farm Policies founded on a new, pro. gressive conception of the rights of C'anadian farmers in every commun- ity of every Province. To -day a farmer fights for farmers' rights. Help John Bracken to raise the living standards of the forgotten man — the Canadian farmer. Vote for Y r PROGRESSIVE COME i'VATIVE CAM F-4 Publi.bed by the Progre-..iive Ona.ervative Party, Ottawa. =1.6werrerviriOrir -rorr;;;;;J=e;ArriMairerrii.i.Wirarime7kiriri.iig*rearsriirikekvi.a. VOTE THOMAS FRYDE for HURON -PERTH