HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-05-31, Page 8Ie P d• tl A rev+ a M an ra ra: ft ne; ern an; sha the w -al 5. I^1 of : ee wor and once. LAI tnod• the ' atior legs; of d FIX labor !Lebec mane ltrbor re -oro (tore; FORiT obeli i work: VCA Cation, *dory COMP Worknl 16se rets and .fs review men fe MORI kn indu shorten sionditic ,Kora e? period. Weshall ttie Tion to a of, -def Onto lEi lht Xe, 4 s► v ZURICH H OVI G'' CE OF ONTARIO ERA!. ELECTION,' JUNE 1945 ICE ice Voters bsentfrom their units ,. ,....... gr.,. a...,.....,....,......... The attention of members of the Navy, Army and Air Force and all other persons who qualify as Active Service Voters under the — Ontario Active Service Voting Regulations, 1945, is directed to the following provisions. 1. Active Service Voters et their homes. Active Service Voters who are in their place of ordinary residence on polling day may vote in the manner prescribed by the Election Act for civilian voters, whether or not their names are on the Voters' List, on taking a declaration (Form SA) before the deputy returning officer. Such voters may vote at the regular polling place for the voting sub -division in which they reside, 2, Active Service Voters on Leave or Furlough. Active Service Voters who are absent from their units but not in their place of ordinary residence, on leave or furlough, including such voters on farm leave or industrial leave, may poll their votes with any commissioned officer appointed to take the votes of Active Service Voters, on producing to such commissioned officer docu- mentary proof that they are on leave or furlough and provided that they have not already voted in the election. Such voters should apply to the nearest Naval, Military' or Air Force headquarters for information as to the location of the Commissioned Officer nearest to their present address. Alex. C. Lewis CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER, PROVINCE Of ONTARIO it Y^r• y......:l" NOW OR co ,This picture of an at:: lea pay„ e. }' } <:, taken tiara rl rnqeillg jr;r.t:ir}^(- tilxn, "�-1" Vliiti;l1 will be shb'wn in many read areas . t,,.s::; of the Eighth 'Viet e:•r Loan Campaign. gratia of rnsrn rirrnir,nrr yrito 4 .';.^..•c` ryt, 1° Alnevi a '1y ! flim shows . 1 . mess destroyed .just, a ,.,lor t wly;?„ :+riavirxsly by robot bomb As they work thea l; a ;CIU • . •!tilnr iy'' the?Se dreadful meet 'n err " ' hr ,, ti, 1'.w ' death <I � i'. R.:..a . :vote the itis . :op end .(all }?,,•� att;o_.a of rob- tow' ob- to anxie , , hi ,. r of tr workers as they speculate whether or ; reit teatat:aa te, :, r .y.: tie another target, Them is f o :,....v,t v .r til "Sunbonnet Jane of . Sy'camere" a gay and modern comedy, woe presen- ted to a full house in ,the Town Hall Hensall, Friday eve last, by pupils of Hensel' 'Continuation school. A de- lightful presentation with comedy at its best, the play excepta:ona"lry well given was directed by Mr. Morley Saunders, .principal, and Mrs. A. E. Munn .assistant. A draw ror two five dollar war certificates, and one two dollars worth or war savings stamps took place and was in charge of Lila Moir, president; and John Lavender. The 'proceeds of the tic- kets were :38.50, and the winners were: Shirley Flynn, Violet; Hyde, Ivan Kipfer, all of Hensel'. Between acts Doris Buchanan, D. McNaught- on and Elaine Carlile gave Irish dance numbers. $121.00 were the door receipts. Major Wm. Howard Hemphill, whose wife resides in London, has received ,frons her • husband certific- ate signed by Field Marshall i111ont- gamery acknowledging outstanding. good :service and '•devotion to duty during the campaign in Northwest Europe. Howard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hemphill of Hensall and just a year ago was psomited from the rank of Captain. 'The I.0.0.F. attended divine wor- ship in ,Caerinel Presbyterian church Sunday evening and were addressed by Rev. Rebt. Bruce, of Nairn, who chose to speak on "The Lord is my light and my Saavation." The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Malcolm Dougall render- appropriate numbers. Following ;the services the brethern marched to the Lodge where brief speeches were given. •Mothers' Day services will ,be ,ob- served in the local ;churches Sunda neat. lolly Day servicceu will be Bell at the morning servicer or the Unta .: church, when members of the Su °- clay •Sc}iool will take part in program, . Anniversary services will be in the UMW(' church Sanoay, 27th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pan. Si cal 4peake:r will be Rev. Agnew London, Dr. and 141x.5. A, R. Campbell Bin of:Guelph spent the week- -with Mr, and Mrs. R. Y. MacLa and while .here called on manyends, who. were pleased to Meet th • •Sunday, May lath has been p claimed a day of prayer os Than giving in all churches across Cana BUSY TOURIST YEAR Attended by nernbers of the G ericlh ,council and • others, a din was held at Hotel Bedford, Coder to hear a report of a trip made G. L. Parsons, president of the 131 Water Highway Association, and t secretary, C. Manore, over the Rig way from Collingwood to Goderic An unprecedented boom' in the tot ist trade was forseen by the officials They reported that accomodation in hotel:, tourist homes, -cabins, etc., is booked up for July and August at] along the route. Because of the .car - city -of lumber available for building purposes, there ,is little new aeoomo- tiation being constructed, with the the suggestion being made that those having accomodation to rent • should open it in June, in order to make it available to. people who could use it then; so that others who have child- ren could enjoy it for the school holi- day months of July and August. HENSALL the held May pee - of and end re�X,. fri.an c r o- ks- da. od- Iter fah by ue he h. ta'- Mr. Reid Kirk, Mr. Fred Findlay, Fairgrove, Mich., were Week -end vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drys- dale. Mr. Kirk is a cousin of 1YIr. Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laramie of Cen- tralia, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lam- mie and Greta, The Masonoc Lodge 2124', will at- tend devine services in the. United church, .Sunday evening, June 3rd. and will be addressed by Rev. R. A. Brook. There will be Slime' music by the choir. , Miss Ida :Stacey returned to Tor- onto on Sunday, after spending the holiday 'and week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Soldan. The many friends of Mr. J. W. Ort wein were pleased to zee him able to attend church twice on Sunday last. Mrs. R. 3. Paterson of town has received word of the death of her Aunt, Mrs. J. Hohl, whose death oc- surred at her home in Ontario, Calif. The former Margaret E. Wren, she was the youngest daughter of the Iate Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wren, of Chiselhurst. Surviving are a son and a daughter. Mr. Gordon Clemas of London, weed known in Henson district" is in London Hospital, the result pf an accident he suffered when he had the misfortune to put his hand through a glass leading into the basement of a new home he recently purchased, and while trying to withdraw his hand he severed two arteries. A friend happened to call at the time rushing him to the hospital, other- wise be would have died. Several blood transfusions were given him. Mrs. -Clemas is the former Doris Bolton of Hensall. Anniversary services were obser- ved in the United church at Rensall, Sunday, May 127th with large con- gregations attending, and lovely ear- ly summer blooms made an attract- ive appearance. Guest speaker for the day was $.sv. 3. A. Agnew, of Empress Ave. United Church. Lond- on, who presented two very fine dis- courses. At the morning service John Cook of Clinton rendered two lovely solos, the choir also sang; at the ev- ening service Hugh. Gage, news an- nouncer of Wingham, talented viol- inist. delighted the congregation with his fine renditions. The choir was under the direction of W. 0. Good- win. - Miss Greta Latnie at the organ; Thuteday, illy 31.•'?l, .11)",7i VOTE Dr. HOBBS TAYLOR A PERSONAL MESSAGE TO THE ELECTCR ; OF HURON FROM Dr. Hobbs Taylor YOUR PROGRESSIVE. CONSERV- ATIVE ONSERV AT IV1 CANDIDATE Toronto, Ont., May 29t1i, 1945. Dear Fellow Electors: Unfortunately I have been ill as you all know and have not .:been able to take an active part in the election campaign. I am doing exceptionally well here (Toronto General Hospital) and ex- pect to be home soon. I a:tn happy to know that my friends in ' Huron are working hard for my re-election and I will be ever thankful to thence for their assistance. If re-elected I will advance the in- terests of the riding in every way as in the past. H'OB'BS TAYLOR. The following letter contains the latest report on Dr. Taylor's condit- ion from his specialist, H. E. Rykert, M.D., M.R.C.P. . Toronto, Ittay 29th, 1945, los has been under my care. His pro-, This is to certify that Dr. H, Tay - grass from the health stand -point has been excellent and in a short time he will be able to resume all usual ac- tivities. (Signed) H. E. Itykert. DR. TAYLOR'S RECORD IS A PROUD ONE AND SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. VOTE TAYLOR JUNE 4th Authorized by the Huron Progressive Conservative Association. Private funeral services for the late Mrs. Ezra Kipfer were held froze the family residence, largely attend- ed by many relatives and friends from a distance. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the service and ,preached the memorial service. Mrs. Maude Hedclen and Miss Greta Lannum sang a duett "InI the Garden." Mrs. Kip- fer, the former Jane Baker, died suddenly in Victoria Hospital, Lon - on, Friday evening following a major operation in her 48th. year. She was born in Hay Township, and has been a resident of Hensel]. for many years, Surviving are her husfband, two sons, Ivan, in HensalI and Pte. Cecil Kip- fer, with the armed forces overseas, one daughter Miss Erma Kipfer, Hen- sall. Her father, Mr. Peter Baker near Zurich; five sisters, Mrs. R. Ad- ams, Zurich; Mrs. Ferguson, Walker- ton, Mrs. Ryan, Toronto; Mrs. Ains- borough, Toronto; Mrs. Frew Adams Seaforth; two brothers, J mes and con.sol. Jack of the Zurich district. Burial Late Mrs. Ezra Kipier was in Hensall Union Cemetery. • THE MANDATE AND DREW 1.ieuf. James Preeth, cernmandista 1-l.lvi.t. lv'ardale, in co - ra eatt Wifll Premier George brew as the Royal Navy minesweeper, b n CA _nada, propare for active service. The Pear,;. sive Cee ct ,fig , in Ontario, under Drew`s leadership, roofs a t.r.,ndcta on Monday, June 4tt,, They have had nineteen to e o . t : "...• constructive loadership, wham fhts < C.F.. Cs.:Y �.•,rs,. "ganged up" on a minor iasurl lorcrnn }nl Mr141,:ii,t: tits. r, air