HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-05-31, Page 2Vii;: S ?:•h... Mark Your Baht X • a�r�Mry�k^. ZURI HERALD VOTEI!FOR _TilESE 1fAA BRANT BR, ANTFOJD r, 4T Thursday, May :A1st, 1945 VORESENTED in these pages are your Progressive Conservative Carldidatlection to Vie: held ovince of Ontario, who are seeking your support in the on 'Monday, June 4th. d. Neatly one half of d overseas service. There are e candidates are ima urneY risen whohave haprofessional meat; nearly all farmers, business men, p cane -with previous experience in municipal and ' affairs. All are risten worthy of your support. Vote for the Progressive Conservative Candidate•ora MONDAY,, JUNE 4th. Return the Drew Government to power witin c WORKING MAJORITY. BRUCE Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario —Soldier, author, statesman, former alderman, ex -mayor of Guelph, lawyer, anda fight- ing leader of his party leads ninety candidates in the fight to free Or.tario from the threat of State Socialism. s hfor vote on Monday, the Progressive Conservative Candidate is a vote. for Freedom. ESSEX NORTH ESSEX SOUTH P. Johnstone, A. H• Acres, Walkerton Britannia Bay Farmer. 3rd genera- Member Legislaturetion farming 'home- since 1923• Farmer. Li ck dealer spe- stead. Specializes in. cive tog in imported jersey cattle. 4 Restock. years councillor, 3 ember County years reeve Brant Council lar several Twp. One son in years. R.C.A.F. overseas. FORT WILLIAM GLENfwsy ` 4 .... W. Murdock. H. Drouillard, Harrow Rive:gide :Sales Supervisor. Horn in RiversideFrench- 'Canadian o -well-known family., Ras served as coup cillor, deputy reeve, reeve and mayor of Riverside. Past War- den Essex County. 1f1AMILTON CENTRE Vernon C. i3amil on Knowles. Sales Manager. Ban in St. Thomas, g ad- nate Columbia Uni- versity, Now York. Extensive experience in sales and n adver- tising r- timingbusiness. Hilton Alderman, City Council. RENT WEST Geo. W. Parry, Palncourt Farmer. Born in Kent County. Past presi- dent cFederation fAultue.Vi e of nOntario Bean Growers' Mar- keting Board. Trustee Dover of Raleigh school board. MIDDLESEX SOUTH fleeted to Legis- lature. eislature. 1943. Con- servative IMIalp. tp. Ia wholesale egg busi- ness. Born in England. t everal years on Harrow School Board and Town Council. HAMILTON EAST giarry 151. Allen, Larnboth Farmer. timber dealer. Born in Dela- ware Top. Public school trustee 6 years. 4 years on Delaware Twp. Counian Stir na'Victory altoatt Committee flan Dela* Male, R. K. "Bob" Elliott. Hamilton Foreman. Born in Simcoe County, 23 years citizen of Ham- ilton. Has wide ex- perience in Industry and understands la- bor problems. Ten years service Hamil- ton City Council. KINGSTON Dr. H. A. Stewart. Kingston Elected to Legisla•• lure 1943. Dentist. Born in Halton Ca. 5 years overseas mar - vice s war let FieldAmbulance. Board of Education 0t g-0 7 years, yealre Alderman, Mayor 0 years. 11..0A. Keane, rod William O.C. famous Lake Superior Regiment Joined when first mo- bilized. Returned to join paratroopers, in- jured. Rejoined drake Superior's. One of youngest command- ing officers in field. HAMILTON- WENTWORTH MUSKOKA-ONTABIQ Russell, T. Kelley, Hamilton Advertising execu- tive. Chairman On- tario Blood Donor Committee, Can. Red Cross Society. Direc- tor Hamilton Cham- ber of Commerce for nearly 25 years. Past President Na- tional Council .Y.M.C.A. LAMBTON EAST Major Arthur "Tiger"' Welsh, D.S.O.. Sunderland Soldier, farmer. Served iron Croix Inst war., Commander (Belgium). 1st Battery in Sicily and Italy. Awarded i3,S.0, at Leon Forte Sicily and Har at Ortotnq, C. E. lanes. Watford Treasurer Warwick Township for 34 years. Life-long Wat- ford resident. Chair- man local Red Cross, Viae - President People's Telephone Co., Forest. Ossle F. Villeneuve. Manville Has one of the larg- est livestock busi- nesses in Eastern Ontario. Born at Manville, French:- Sanadiaa ;parentage: erved 5 years an municipal council, 5 years on High School Board. HASTINGS EAST NIAGARA FALLS Roscoe Robson, Holloway Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Farmer. school teacher, sold- ier. Served overseas last war with 7rd Battery• Long ex- perience in munici- pal field. Reeve Thurlow Township several years. Carl D Hnn niwwell. Niagara Hydro Commissioner. Born and raised on farm at St. Dtrvid'a. Graduate Commerce and Finance, 3 years University. and 2 alderman yearn Mayor Niagara Falls. LAMBTON WEST Michel ic IelarscU6., Mining business:'.. Born in Que'b".es„ resident Cochrane, district for past' 25. years. Served om Hearst Town Council:. ar 've Trustee School Board. aatirousarmeAs Bryan Cathcart. Centrum Business man. Born in Spokane, Wash., Canadian parentage. Lived at Courtright and Corunna for past 44 years. Mem- ber Moore Twp. Council, Children's Aid Society for Lambton. Hon. Geo. $t. Chatting.. Idorrisburg• Vice - ChairmanOn train Hydro Commis, sten, Minister with- out Portfolio. - Mem- ber Legislature ets'ber''Legislature eines• Inaugurctedt 5 -year 'plan' tm else' trill. rural ^pntarlo, completely. 1uISTINGS WEST' NIPISSING johNn Allen. Insurance under- writer. Veteran last war. Has executive post in North Bay Branch of Canadian Legion. Wide bank- ing experience. in many Towne in North- ern Ontario. John t. L Tingle. Arde Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Born at Arden. Hardware merchant, Hereford cattle breeder. Mem- ber school board since 1926. Chairman 7 years. COCHRANE SOUTH I. Fred Wilson. Bnllev}UIe Farmer. Borer in H Hastings. CmurtT. Member 5ld;ney Township Council 10 years. Sir years Reeve. Ie" present t Warden Qperatgs County. dairy farm.. 4, L. E. Bernick, Kirkland Lake Druggist. Graduate Ontario College of Pharmacy Trtoto. Licensed pilot. Ex- pert linguist. Mem- ber public school board. 2 years on municipal council. Hon.G�p Place H. tt, Carleton d PublicirgWork o . First elected to Leg- islature, 1937, re.elec- . led 1943. Butt addi- tion at Ontario Hoe- pital, Orill. gins postwar plans highwaysantee system finestario system in Canada. NORTHUMBERLAND GREY NORTH John A. Fullerton. Thessalon Furniture and Under- taking bus nears Thee- rn on farm alo. aseen stablished in Thee` salon 14 years, 10 years on Thessa- 1g municipal coun- DUFFERIN-SIMCOE Capt. John P. Eraser. Burtord Farmer. Born at Burford. Was 0 •,C,, Squadron jet 2 219 9. Dragoons. for overseas. Long member militia. Councillor and Reeve Burford Twp. Past Warden Brant. PUMAS B. P. Thiene Capt. Her. A. W How. pc. Port Hope Downer. Duntroon Clergyman. e Elected Legislature 1937, re-elected 1943. Served overseas padre 151Canadian in Army. Italy. Now at Camp B or den.terested in soldiers In welfare. GREY SOUTH W, A. Goodfellow'. Codrington Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943 by largest majority ever polled in county. A fanner. he is keenly interest- ed is agricultural and municipal sif' faire. Dr. Phillips,Mnoun Owen Sound physician. Served with 45th Artillery overseas last war. Grad, Uni- versity, Medi- cine, Post Gradu- ate, Harper Hospital, Detroit. Coroner for GrZey County. HURON Dr. R. H. Taylor, Dashwood Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Physician.. Born in London, is, graduate of Univer- sity of Western On- tario. President Warr Services board lm his district, LEEDS Walter B, Reynolds. • Brockville First elected to Leg- islature, 1937, re- elected 1993. Chair- man of Conservative Caucus, Deputy Speaker of Legisla- ture, 1945. Mayor of Brockville 6 years. ONTARIO Minister of Health. and Welfare. Elected to Legislature• 943_ Graduate Taron.to University. Keenly - interested to cancer resease•b;, public health: and hovpited- tinhor . R HALDIIIAND- NORFOLK Chas. H. Mercia. H. A.McCauley. Stereos Flesherton Planing mill opera- tor. Served overseas 214 years last war. Wounded. President Flesherton Legion. Reeve 7 years, past Warden Grey County. Chairman Flesherton High School Board. HURON -BRUCE T. K. Creighton. K.C.. Oshawa Lawyer. Born Mid- dlesex County. Gra- duate Political Sci- ence University of Toronto. Graduate Osgoodo Hall. Serv- ed overseas last war with 75th Btn. Chair- man Board, Oshawa Gan oral liospitai. W. Hanna. Wingham Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Merchant. His firm has been established. for 60 years in Wingham. Has served as coun- cillor for 8 years and mayor for 5 years. LINCOLN Hon. Chas. H. Daley. St. Catharines Minister of Labour, Chairman of Niagara Parks Commission. Ex -mayor St. Cathar- ines, 5 terms. En - 1 916 4th Am. Sub -Park, nerved overseas. Elected to Legislature 1943. 7, C. OTTAWA EAST Elected to Legisla- ture, by election. March 20, 1944. Long- established in music business in Simcoe. Born in Walpol5 e. Township.. member Simcos School Board, 2 Tears Chairman. Christie A. McDonald. Ottawa Business executive. Son of. Irish -Scottish parents, 5th genera- tion to be bona in Ottawa Valley. Co- founder junior Board of Trade. Founder and first chairman Citizens Forum. KENORA Cpl. Stanley H. Dye• Brantford Born in England, Brantford resident 15 years. Enlisted 1940 Royal Hamilton ound d Infantry. at Dieppe. Actively interested in `sports and community work. ELGIN 7- G. White, Wahigeon Engaged in mining Business. Born in England. Grew up in Haileybury anal. knows Northern On- tario thoroughly. At- tended school in Kcrileybury, and To- ronto. Oldest son in Navy. LONDON Fletcher S. Thomas. St. Thomas Farmer. Born Peel County. Enlisted with Can. Field Artillery Iasi war. Wounded in France. Gradu- ate O.A.C. Has been ' Agricultural Repro- • of Elin }927attoe April, 1945. Hon. W. G. Webster. London Liquor Commissioner, Minister without Port- folio. Elected to Legislature 1943. Graduate Engineer, Toronto University. Served overseas last war. Operates 4 fac- tories employing 400. HALTON Stanley Hall. Streetsville Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Life-long farmer, born in Hal- ton County of pier.- eer family. Manager Milton District Co - Operative. Keenly interested in agricul- tural improvement. KENT EAST Hon. W. G. Thompson, Blenheim Minister Lands and Forests. Elected to Legislature 1943. Farmer and grain dealer. Reclaimed for Ontario 13 miI- lion acres Crown Lands wrongfully leased. MIDDLESEX NORTH Thomas L. Patrick, Ilderton Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Live -stock exporter: Member several Sheep Breed- ers' Associations. Former Vice -President London Twp. Agricul- tural Council. Former councillor and deputy reeve London Twp. KEEP ONTA 10 STRONG Re- Ei-eRe-Elect the Drew Government