Zurich Herald, 1945-05-17, Page 2"KING", EX SERVICEMAN, STILL SERVES Po Let No One Fail On Horne Front The home front has an important battle to win•t it is the Victory Loan Campaign. Victory Loans provide the sinews of war. The obligation is strictly up to every individual to "dig down" to the last popper to see that every last piece of equipment is provided to the lads overseas from the dollars that are available here in Canada, says Public Opinion (National Pro- gressive Conservativ" Paper). Victory Loan campaigns are a wartime activity into which any citizen should throw every last de- gree of energy without considering the political implications of his ac- tion. Victory Loan bonds repre- sent the common means by which all can harvest, in practical fash- ion, the inner prayer and wish for victory. The Victory Loan Campaign is sponsored by our government — our government until a new one is elected—and no effort should be shirked or evaded because of poli- tical considerations. The election date comes later, and any antip- athy to the government should be expressed then and not before, particularly in response to the Vic- tory Loan appeal. There can be no let -down in our efforts on the home front. The prize is too great, and, in view of tate superb organization and the human lives at stake let no one on the home front do less than the last best effort. with Lenton Juice Men and women who suffer nagging aches and pains caused by Rheumatism, Neuritis, or Lumbago want to relieve such symptoms promptly. To get such relief ... try ALLENRU! Mix 2 table- spoons of this fine medicine with one tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of water. Untold thousands of folks use ALLENRU. Get ALLENRU today 815c at any drug store. Write for informative booklet "Here's Good Health to You" to pt01oCtOt.D 9, 172JohnSt.,Torono, n Back in civvies, this four -footed ex -sentry of the Royal Canadian Air Force attended a rally in the 8th Victory Loan campaign of the Canadian National Telegraphs, and literally "stole the show." "King", a direct descendent of Rin -Tin -Tin of motion picture fame, is an Alsation Shepherd owned by H. C. Milne, superin- tendent, C.N.T., Toronto. So thoroughly did he become imbued with his role of warrier that doubt existed as to his ability to return to civilian pursuits His normal, peaceful nature seemed a casualty of war, But, he regained his affable and affectionate personality and, now securely repatriated, he is assisting in the sale of 8th Victory Loan bonds to hurry the demobolization of his friends who are still in uniform. Photograph shows Mr. Milne (left) receiving a salesman's 1dt for "King" from W. M. Armstrong, general manager, Canadian National Telegraphs, with messengerette Helen Ruthven acting as aide. STATESMAN SMUTS Vandyke -Bearded, warrior -states- man Jan Christian Smuts, one of the major participants in drafting the League of Nations Covenant, is expected to take a leading part in planning international cooperation for lasting peace at the Security Conference. The 75 -year - o it d General who fought the British in the Boer War, then helped f o un d the South Afri- can Union, is now a powerful spokesman for the British Dominions which want the right to act as separate states. Though h e helped to organize victory in the first World War, Smuts protested that ' the Versailles peace would cause another war. His argurnent —then, as now—that the govern- ment of the world cannot be rul- ed by a military machine, but by principles of equity, justice, fair- ness and equality. Born in the backveld, the future Prime Minister of the • South African Republic didn't learn to read until he was 12. He studied law at Cambridge and became a not too successful lawyer. He hit him stride as a man of action. He organized the "AF during the last war and helped plan London's air defenses. After sev- eral years in semi -retirement, Smuts again became Prime Min- ister of Union of South Africa in 1938 and quickly organized his country's resources and defenses for war age nst the Axis. Smuts Of 11,900 locomotives in France before the war, only 5,000 -odd were said to be still serviceable at the beginning of 1945. IV Canada's sons --Canada's best—are on the lob:. :: and they will stay In the fight until it's finished. Everyone knows this is no time to "taper off" No one questions our determination to buy $1,350,000,000 In Victory Bonds. The only question is by how much will we top that figure. How much more are we prepared to do, this time? VEST 1N THE BEST KEEP BIN''°!'r';!G VICTORY BO TRULY REMARKA!D;g,F, is the "Radiant Roast" used in the manufacture ,tf Maxwell House Coffee. It captures all the flavor and. goodness because it roasts every coffee bean evenly,. all through ! You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO !Every Room with )lath, Slow- er and Teleplhone. t) single, 02.30 ap— I)ouble, 53.30 op. 19 (Good !rood, Dining nnd Dame - hog Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 Nothing is more depres. ( sing than headaches... Why suffer?...Larnb will give instant retie ILam bty'sisgood for coo a. ache, toothache, pains in ' bask, stomach. bowels. Ilea HEADACHE POWDERS_ se Good gay To Wrest Sore, Painful Piles N. Y. Plans Biggest Airport In World New York will have the biggest and it may be the model for those airport in the world after the war, of the future, Describing the plans or Idlewild Airport, Fortune Ma- gazine says that the foresight ul Major LaGuardia will make New York as great a port for aviation as it is for allips, On a wheel pat- tern, 'with twelve great runways feeding out from the loading plat fora; hub in the ceutrt, it will be pos. ib,e to handle 300 takeoffs and landings every hour, with some 30,00 passengers going through every day, almost a thousand of them to foreign countries. A new glass for plane pilots ' re- moves blinding glare and invisible light rays. ,,CCO1'roe AN'I g A AUDITORS lti11O11E IiiIs, REVi'oB'0S CUM- plete floukkeeptng Services Small or Large Businesses. ')'ravel any- where. Albert Brett & Co„ 8 Weilington St fl.. Toronto. Ont. BARI' CIIICICS 51.00 ROOKS YOUR V llDLit ORDER YOUR 1945 CI—HORS NOW: and not be disappointed. All chicits are fr.m guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Barred Flocks mixed l p$100 White "earemed 1.0p 11 Brd Rock Pullets $1e.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22,00 per 100. white Rocke mixed 915.00 924.001 per 100 ite We guarantee Pullets live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery. Che them, On1nrit, 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOR YOUR ORDER FOR CHICKS from a real breeding farm. Don't take chances on just ordinary hatchery chicks. Order chicks NOW for May or June delivery. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter. Ontario. It you suffer agonizing torture from sore, painful, itching piles, here is a chance to try a simple, home treatment with the promise of a reliable firm to refund the coot if you are not satisfied with the results. Simply get a bottle of Hem-Rold from any druggist. This is an in- ternee treatment whose medica- tion is directed to the removal of the cause of piles. Hem-Roid is a small tablet, easy and pleasant to use and pleasing results are quick- ly shown. Itching and soreness are relieved, pain subsides and as the i treatment is continued the swell- ing and inflammation are reduced and the sore, painful pile tumors Vial over, leaving the rectal mem- branes clean and healthy. Get a bottle of Hem-Roid today and see for yourself what an easy pleasant way this is to rid yourself of pile misery. NOTE The sponsor of thin notice Ix a reliable firm, doing buatnees to Canada for over 20 yenre. If you are troubled with sore, Debiting, painful piles, Mem-Roid must help you quickly or the small purebiree price will be glndiy refunded. STUFFY NOSE? Nose plugged up? Head cold threaten- ing? Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Feel clogged mucous loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathing passages come NOSTROLINE clear.clears Reliefinstant. head,stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Convenient. Pleasant. Adults and children. SOc—all druggists, e 1Q��jlt i u -_ ... ....... IU it H. t!, CLIFTON, BRISTOL, ENGLAND Do y®i suffer from MONTHLY Edi US 1131 with ifs weak, tired feelings? If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired. restless -. at such times -- fry Lydia E. Pinkleane's Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp- toms. Pink ham's Compound is one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions Buy today/ 4=fir 6 4,i'�G :i'rh'Al.✓i2A wog 100 CHICKS FREE WITI-1 EVERY ORDER OF 100 Pullet chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock Rock Pullets s$ 1$9246 2h95 pr er00100. hAll chicks sold backed by high egg order, balanceedigreedtC.O.D. .00 Guaraooks nteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham. Ontario. SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED BARRED ROCK PUL - lets, 1 week old 22c, 2 weeks old 26 cents. Immediate delivery. Carleton Elatchery, Britannia Heights, Ontario. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CERTAIN YOU BUY 0001) healthy, vigorous chicks. Buy chicks with breeding and livability and you will be certain of success, Our Breeders are all Government inspected, banded and blood -tested. Write for descriptive catalogue and prices on our Government Approved chicks. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS elonkton, Ontario ARBABY oeks; HybridsHO Hybrids. Some ch.oi s to 8 and t4dweeks oid. Wr tee up or phone A. H. Switzer Hatchery. Granton, Ont. Phone 38 R 8. ORDER .Y01.1R CHICKS NOW AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock Leg - horns mixed 00 511.00 100, erp 100. Bar- red er 10 Whiteock LeghornoPu ts lets 5219.00 2 00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckls. 56.00 per 100. Leghorn Olds. 52.00 per .All chicks hatched from 28 oz. eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% 11ve delivery. 51.00 books your Hatchery, Chathabalance m, Ontario.nbow ARE YOU KEEPING CHICKENS or are you lookingfor chicks that will keep you? he answer is obvious. No poultryman wants to raise chicks that are a liability. Top Notch chicks are all from Government Approved bloodtested breeders. Prices after May 16th. Non -Sexed: ;White Leghorns 10.95, Barred Rocks, New Hampshire$, 11.46, Assorted Light Breeds 9.96, Assorted Heavies 10.45. Pullets: white Leghorns 22.96, Barred Rocks 18.96, New Hmpshires 19.96. Cockerels: White Leghorns 1.00, Barred Rocks 9.45, New Hampshires 8.45, Assorted Heav- les 7.45. After June 1st still low- er prices on non -sexed and pullet chicks. Write for complete price list of many other breeds. 2 week old chicks for immediate deliv- ery, add 6c per check to above prices. Top Notch Chiekeries, Guelph, Ontario. 26 FREE CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS vegistered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, 511.00; White Rocks, $16.00; Brown Leghorn$, $13.00. Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, $19.00; White Leghorns, $22.00; White Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 tree chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- acb ed and day26 old a chicks pullets torde ed. Goddard Chick Hatchery, )3r1- tannia Heights, Ontario. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED pullets, 1 to 8 weeks old. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hampshire, Hybrids, Bayview Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. SAFES• Pr/Deet your 11001CS and CASH grunt ORE and 'l'l18E6VES, We have n size nnd type .et Sate. ez Cnl,irtct, for any p11500ae, Vie e Ire, or 'Arlie for n19ees. rte. to (Dept. W. J. cW!SAY Lt R LIMiTU TORONTO SME WORKS 045 Front Hr, h.. 'Parente hstabllshed 1)632 IFA t it t)ut l•:2)61=v(r L I, .A R N HAIRDRESSING THE Rohe mut n met hoe. information on tett u es t retia u'dl n2 classes. Itollertsrn's Ha ;caressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. FOR SALIE TOLE(."retie MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com• pany Ltd., 2326 Uurrerin St., To- ronto ST RA W Celle lt Y PLANTS, ASP Aet• ague, raspberries, peach. trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norl'ollt Nursery, Simcoe. ()merit). JAPANESE SPANIELS, A PEW only of these rare pets for sale, all champion stock, Canadian bred; the moat loyal and intelli- gent of ail toy dogs. Nippon Sun IKeuneis, Box 764 Huntsville, Ont. JERSEYS, ALL AGES, QUEBEC'S leading show and producing herd, records, accredited. Gables Farm, Foster, Quebec. AT STUD, ATTRIDGE'S NIGHT - rider 131acic and Tan Coon hound, imported, six generation pedigree. His sire stands at one hundred dollars stud fees. Studding this young Arthur Attridge, at Twenty-five Ft eloeman,Ont. PUREBRED HEREF.ORD CATTLE, males and females. Lawrum Farms, Durham, Ont. BULLS—ELMVALE NOBLE CAV- alier, class A, E years, grand champion at Richmond 1943. Sir- ed by R.O.P. bull, Silver Spring Cavalier and from a high testing dam, with three R.O.P. records, ofbreeding.Apply price ceacellent at $250. b calves W. Argue, 234 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. FOR SALE: 33-45 WATERLOO Threshing machine in excellent condition, high elevator and cut- ting box, $1450.00, hard rubber tired tractor wagon capable of carrying 10 ton, $100.00, tractor sleigh capable of carrying 6 ton, $100.00, 4 section Bissell spring tooth harrow $80.00, 10 foot Mas- sey Harris power binder in ex- cellent condition. $350.00. Morri- son Allen, R. 5, Mount Forest, Line 129 R31. ; USED SAW MILL MACHINERY - ' consisting of carriage, saw and all necessary equipment, also gasoline engine. eishingle machine, and steamngneA S. MM etcin, Dalkeith, Ont. WHAT'S IN A NAME. MANY poultrymen know from exper- chicks the name cence t Tweddle" cat in n mean the difference between making end losing money. Yes, for 19 years the name Twaddle has stood for quality chicks that a.e Govern- ment Approved from bloodtested breeders of known livability and productivity. May prices are now in effect with lower prices for forlate they Twt)dadleecatalogue Send and reduced May and Tune prices, Limited number of two week old chicks anolder ullets forted immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Ferg- us, Ontario. POULTRY -KEEPERS CANNOT LET down the -supply on markets here and overseas. Now is the time to take stock. If you think you'll be Short laying birds, we have day- old and started pullets that will Were what you want next tall and winter, Chieics, Corkerels. Bray Hatchery, 180 John N., Hamilton, Ont. nieleIN0 AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDe dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. Wo aro glad to AnStt'rr emir eineatione. Tlepart• men 1 1) i'ttricer'e )ye Worles lens -led ',Ai Venue $teeet. Tn. , •.t,t" ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS! IM1,MERSION TYPE, COPPER CON- struction, 660 -watts. Just drop it in a pan of water and almost in- stantly the water is hot. Handy in the kitchen, wonderful for shaving etc. Postpaid $3.00. The Radio Hospital„ Tracadie, N.B. FARMS FOR SALE 'FARM TWO HUNDRED ACRES tented, seventy cultivated, rest wood, pasture, sugar bush, large bank barn, cement floor, large house, stone wall, basement, spring water, sink, telephone. apple trees. 214 miles from two ' towns, school bus passes door, price 53,000. Box 148, Sundridge, Ont. 76 ACRES—SOUTH OF KEMPT- ville, 9'a mile from No. 16 high- way, buildings in good repair, including 9 roomed house. A. 8. Gearey, R.R. 2, Kemptviile, Ont. 78 ACRES, 66 CLEAR, 18 BUSH; steel roof barn, 50 x 68; hen house, machine shop, double gar- age, 9 -room brick house, hot water heating, 8 -pc. bath, water softener, hydro; house is beau- tifully situated, surrounded by shade trees, excellent view, half mile from Georgian Bay, 3 miles from Midland; stopk and equip- ment optional; adjoining 80 acres also available. Apply W. T. Wil- liams, R.R. 1, Penetang, Ont. FARM FOR SALE, 50 ACRES, 7 09' bush, running stream, equipped for chickens, small greenhouse, electricity, strawberries, rasp- berries, one mile east of Totten- ham, H. C. Kent, R.R. 2, Totten- ham, Ont. MACHINEIRY 10 DIESEL TRACTORS, MODELS TD -40 (47.6 HP). Industrial or farm use. Other equipment avail- able. Write, wire, phone. Leven- thal & Co.. Machinery Agents, McIntyre Block, Winnipeg. D8s 14 YARD SCRAPERS. RD8s 12 yard scrapers. TD18 angledozer 10 yard scraper. TD40 335. yard hetourneau scraper. Northwest 104 71 yard drag line. Bucyrus 20B Ya yard drag line. Write, wire, phone. Other equipment available. Leventhal & Co., Mc- Intyre Block, Winnipeg, TILE MACHINE CEMENT TILE MACHINE, SLIGHT- ly used, 4 to 12 inch moulds and fittings, trucks and track. Re- quires two to operate. Good buy to interested party. Toronto own- er has disposed of Plant, Apply F. VanEgmond, Clinton, Ont, 111171ICAL IN269IIUMION'1`S Fl sells, exchanges l c inu al inNUTON s ru ments, 111 Church. Toronto 2. ()1'1.011TUNITIES FOR WOMEN TURKEYS S TURKEYS: ROYAL PALM $1.00 each, Broad Breasted Bronze 75c; WIIITI7 PENIN DUCK and White Cochin Bantam eggs $2,00 per 10. Log Chntenu Parma, Fenelon Falls, Ont. \II:DICAL�� BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN GreattAOpportunitY,NG LarniUOL. Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good; wages, thousands successful Marvel ,graduate. America's greatest sys- tem. illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 I3LOOR W., TORONTO Br a4n Rideau, 44 lrStreeg tHamilton STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause elf 111-hesUth in humans, ail ages. Ito life im- munet Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—T'reel Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto 8. GOOT) RESOLUTION -- EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store,' 335 El- gin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. NATiURE'S T4TOT,T'----T)TXON'S REM- edy for Rhontnntic Pains, Neur- itis. Thousands prnising it. 'Mun- ro's Drti Store, 835 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid 51.00. i1A1*,MTd10KA j' OUT BALM r)7'1. stroya offensive odor instantle 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, petite,••, Drug Sto«e. Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY it Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 Ring West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PIANOS OUR SMALL NEW . PIANOS WILL be available. shortly. Beautiful in design and tone. Send for cir- ouiar naming approximately your price, and particulars in that range will be mailed promptly. Factory Mason. & Riede Limited, 642 King West. Toronto. Potatoes and Carrots Write or phone what you have to offer. Best prices paid for Number 1 qual ItY. Mutual Growers' Market Limited 41 Church St., Toronto I 'THOTOGR A 1'113 TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films pruperlp developed and printed 8 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films yeti want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your Melee to IMP1RIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING. STUDIO Get better pictures et lowest coat. Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll — 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED .AND PRINTED 259 A customer in Cape Breton says, "1 have been sending films to you for 4 or 5 years. Would not send them anywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 1f 290 (4SPECIALis BePRnt ICESith iI ON11. FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 11 for 26e. Framed on ivory tinted mats, '7 x 9" In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. II enlargement colored, 79c each. Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name arrd Address Plainly on Ord ers. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal .A., Toronto Print Name and Address -Plainly on Orders. FEMALE HELL' WANTED EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE OPERATOR Apply to nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. File CR 2731. KELP WANTED MANUFACTURER OF LIGHTNING rod equipment desires local Sales- men for part-time work through- out Ontario. Drawing account against commissions arranged. Apply 13. Phillips Company Lim- ited, 200 Main Street, Toronto. CYLINDER PRESSMAN WANTED, one with some experience on malte-ready. Steady position for steady reliable man, (44 -hour week). Apply nearest Employ- ment & Selective Service Office. FILE—C. R. 2619. EYPIIIIIENCEI) LINOTYPE OPER- ator and floor man wanted at once, steady position. (44 -hour week), Apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. Iri1,E—C.R. 2520 '1'' A NaleD FOWL & I31R(11Li7RS, Prices paid. crates Write NI. P. Mellon, Street, Torot,t,. HIGHEST available. 33 Jarvis WANTED—PROPERTY ON LAKE frontage between Huntsville, North Bay. Good fishing, duck shooting. 464 Paling Ave., N. Hamilton. USED DELCO LIGHTING PLANTS, motors, and generators wanted. State age, price and condition. H. W. Cowan, Monkton, Ont. SUPERINTENDENT WANTED FOR 20 bed Hospital In Palmerston, Ontario. Duties commence June 1st. .Apply to W. TL Burns, Palm- erston, Ont. EXPERIENCED SINGLE DAIRY Farmhand, 575 a month. State particulars. John Nixon, Rel. 4, Dundas, Ont, MR. WOOL CIROWER WE OrERA7!1 A IG2OV10Rlt"ivi)u,1'1T Licensed Wool Warehouse and are prepared to purchase this season's wool clip according to Government Grading Standard and at established Gov'ernmen't prie@@s. You Can apply your wool dredit agninst blanket ptiroliaoe . We do not hnntlle tiled Woollen THIO 4'112ATI3itOY WOOLLEN )d TTLS1 I/C 1)., S'riiATI3ROY, Ont. . WE BUY hundreds II P 1Tc t b», hoots, Barite, ht rrh•e, Fleeter'', s Leaves, etc. PRICES HIGHER NOW t\'rt1" for not list Dominion Herb Distribnitors 1.125 St. Terween-e Med., Idnntreal