HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-05-03, Page 5zuroc" maw°, FOR SALE Allis Chalmers Model a B. tractor with scuffiler, will sell separately,— Hyde Tractor Co., Hensall, ph. 128, Dr. George ,Schellig and Rev. II, I. Voelker of Detroit visited at the home of the latter's aunt, Mr. . J. - W. Horner of town last week. DO YOUR BABY .CHICKShave Mr. and Mrs. Peters of Toronto, Diarrhoea? Are they pale and weak ., were week -end guests at the home of Use Red Blood Quick TablIts. m -- " MN. friends, Mr. and M. Ed. Gas - act queekly, also feed Finns Poultry cho. Tonic in their starter.-Schilbe Feeds, You are cordially invited to attend Zurich; Williams Feeds, Zurich; the Piano Recited, presented by the Shantz Feeds, DashWeed. j pupils of Lenora Tuerkheina A,T.C, -'I Ale at the Town Hall, Zuria, on ening. Others nominated for the SHOES for Ladies and Gents. $p. SALL l h • ' ZURICH HER C. C. F. CONVENTION At a Federal - Provincial norainat-- ion convention held in the Bewail Town Hall Monday evening, April 30th the tC.C.F. party named Jcandid- ates for the federal riding of Huron - Perth, and the Ontario riding of S. Huron. G. L, Cann, miller, was chos- en for the Dominion contest and J. E. Huckins, of Goderich, got the nom - nomination. for the provincial seat. J. W. Noseworthy, M. P. of South York was the principal speaker of the •ev- D New Spring Footwear RUBBERS, GALOSHES Boots or Lumbermen. Up -to -the Minute DRESS I Wednesday, May I t a 6 t p.mfederal post 'Were; W. C, ,Oeetreleher school ; Silver collection to be taken at the 4101(1 Sunday Schoes Crediton, •Grainger, 1301- for Children Guernsey and Hereford cross cow, door. Proceeds far the local Red field and Wm, Glazier, Seaforth. -and Cross Fund. The ladies of U.S.S. No. 1, Hay and Stanley (Town Line), have com- pleted a Red Cross quilt, which has been handed to the Red Cross Soc- iety, Zurich Branch. The •quilting was held at the home at Mese Mary Johnston, where a splendid 'dinner HYBRID SEED CORN was served by the' hostess. Orders for this Seed taken now. DEADLINE AUGUST 31st. 'Will be at Zurich on Saturdays to receive same.—Ted. Munn, Box 275 Hensall, Ont. 5 years old. Tested for 'L'.JJ. Bangs disease, to freshen the end of April, also, 7 .dhunk pigs. T. Westlake. DEKALB CHICKS FOR SALE Strong, healthy S. C. White teghorns from a flock headed by rEDIGREED R. 0. P. males. At prevailing prices. Our incubator capacity is limited, so we suggest that to avoid disappoint- ment you order early. TwinmaPles Poultry Farm. B. J. Klopp, Prop. VETERINARIAN Dr. W. . COXON, 5c„ VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Sereet, Opposite Drug Store Vhone-96. Zurich "0. tasareas*te-.4../nevoarezeasettostervowtasomemorrat...s.r.*resmols. BUTCHERS Zu.rich s' Popular MEAT 1VIA.RKI:T Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept rest in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor "k Wool, Hide fa. and Skins Yungblut & Son PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 84, Zurich Zurich Creamery Time for payment of income tax has been extended .from April 30, to August 31, Acting Revenue Minister MacKinnon. announced in the Commons recently. He tabled an ly Mr. Glazier -contested the nominat- SHOES REPAIRED ion but Mr, Cann won the first ballot With Best Quality pre-war In the provincial office four others were nominated, !Murray Grainger, Leather. Good Workmanship Bert Klopp, Zurich; Mr, Oestreieher and Mr. Glazier. Mr. Heeekins has - --Lowest Prices been a member of the Goderich. town !r:',, 0 J.DATA RS council for the past 11 years, a con - a - " tractor, veteran of the last war, has - RELIABLE FOOTWEAR two sons overseas. Mr. Cann is the and proprietor of the Feed Mill, at Exeter , fRUAKS A.ND SUITCASES farmed wet West for a number ol! . years, came east in 1938 and after — farming for a year purchased the mill at Exeter. Mr. Noseworthy presided. . FARM FOR !4A1.1.,. order -in -council, making the change. for the nomination, the hall wasfill ---e" . elteurael 1 mile west anti 11/2 Similar action also was taken last year Altrough payment need not be ed with an enthusiastic gathering for • mile nor, h. of Dashwood, being Lot 8 the meeting ,which did not adjourn: Conceeieen 14, Hay Township, 145 made until Aug. 31, Revenue Depart- ment officials said income tax re- turns still must be filed by the 30th of April M order to avoid penalty. Had Successful Conference The annual sessions ot the Can- ada .Conference of the Evangelical church which was held at Crediton, closed on Sunday evening. - The pub- lic meetings were well attended and some interesting addresses were giv- en, three services were held on Sun- day, with two young ministers being ordained in the morning service. The stationing committee reported a few ehangee in the stationing or. pastors, as two pastors were retired, namely. itev. Albert Clemens of Sebringville and Rev. L. H. Pleteh of Bridgeport. No changes are reported in this im- mediate district. ZURICH SISTER- IS FREED Ottawa, April 2.5—The External Af- fairs Department tonight released the names of 68 persons, of whom 50 were listed as Canadians, who now are reported liberated from the en- emy by the United States invasion of the Philippines. Included in the list besides the 50 Canadians were 18 non -Canadians who have relatives or employers in Canada. Many of those named were members of religious or- ders serving in the !Philippines. A- mongst the list of Canadians is the name of Lottie Laporte (Sister Marie Glotilde) a -daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John B. Laporte, who re- sided near Drysdale, and the. family is well known in this district. Friends will be pleased to learn of the Iliber- ation from the ja.panesesoldiers of this Sister Missionary. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give eff tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. iMmararto*ownsasonescemoraeratemommeinnommmmemesavemealw until after one a.m. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Miss Marie Hodgson of Wilton GroveGrove spent a week -end with her mother Mrs. H. Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes of London, was a week -end visitor with -relatives in Stanley. Mrs. F. Hobson of St. Thomas visited with relatives in Stanley and Bayfield. Misses Minnie and Doris Penhale returned to Clinton after spending a week at their home on the Bronson Line. The many friends of Mrs. Hutchi- eon, (Edith Stephenson), will be sorry to hear of the passing of her husband at his home in Virden, Man. after a brief illness. Mrs. Henry McOlinchey of Bay- field was a recent visitor with Mrs. Wm. Harte. MILLIONS OF EGGS Ottawa, April 20—A recent issue of the Manchester, Eng., Evening Chronical just ',received by the Agri- culture Department says in an article Eggs by the million are corning into Manchester and other areas of Nor- thwest England. These big supplies are coming from Canada and are be- ing cleared as quickly as transport can be found. The Secretary of the Manchester and Saltford District, Grocers' Association said: Canada has certainly done the big thing. We have not yet had one bad egg report- ed. They are a marvelous Tot and are being distributed as fast as they come into shops. In the first 3 months of this year, more than 24 million dozen Canadian Fresh eggs have been shipped to Britain. These are the first fresh eggs shipped from Canada since early in 1942. In the intervening years all shipments have been in the form of dried egg powder which continues to go forward in large quaneities. INSURANCE Western FarmersMutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK FOR RENT -100 acres, Lot 0, Con. 4, Stanley Township, County Huron, 30 acres plowed. Apply Box 1'70, Mount Forest, Ont. Theiiidaye•May, 3rd 10.1e or less, 60x72 -ft. bank barn, pig stable, hen sta'3le, garage, driving shed, brick house with brick kitchen with cellar, also Hydro in, house and barn and henhouse, inbuilt cupboarde, plenty of hard and soft water,- land is black loam, 12 acres of bush, More or less. For further par- ticulars apply to Floyd Wein, R.R. 1 Dashwood; or Arthur Weber, Auct- ioneer, R.R. 1, Dashwood, Phone 57- 12 Dashwood. Grandson in Training Gorden Keith Hayter, 18, son of Me. and Mrs. Gordon Hayter, of De- troit, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter, Goshen 'line, who re- cently :graduated from Boot Training at Great Lakes Naval Training Scho- ol, Chicago, is now enrolled in an in- tensive course at Radio Naval Train- ing ,School located at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. The course includes the operation, funct- ion and maintenance a radio trans- mitting and receiving of messages in international code. ARE YOUR HOGS STIFF, pale and scrawny? Use Finn's Hog -Fix, it fixes 'ern. Do your hogs have worms? Feed Finn's Hog Conditioner in the feed for five days.---Schilbe Feeds, Zurich; Williams Feeds, Zurich; Shantz Feeds, Dashwood. IME LARGEST RESERVE BAL. ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 81st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $275,133. E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire InauraMo 1/1 FOR SALE Pallets 9 weeks' old, LeghornxRock Leghorn x Hamp. Ready for shelter at 70e. Also some wood for sate.— Charles S. Bedard. , 1.00.••••••••••••••••• DO YOUR BABY CHICKS or pul- lets eat each other? Finn's Poultry Tonis stops them. Are your pullets pale and scoury? Use Finn's Poul- try Conditioner and Intestinal Clean- ser. Schilbe Feeds, Zurich; William's Feeds, Zurich; Shantz Feeds, Dash- wood. AUCTION SALE Of Property' at Dashwood, on Satur- day, May 5th, at 4 o'clock. Same clay as the Fred Willett 'Estate sale. Property consists of brick house with kitchen attached, soft and hard watee fruit trees, one acre of land more or less, Hydro, good cellar. Terms: 10% on day of sale, 'balance in 80 days. Sold- subject to a reserved bi'd, Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. •• WANTED A three -burner coal oil stove wit7i oven, --Wm. Lawrence, Zurich. LOST A Men's Yellow gold -colored case "Elco" wrist watch witn brown leather strap. Finder please notify Gordon D. Scotchmer, R.R. 8, Hay- field. Phone Hensall 78-5. FOR QUICK SALE A battery Radio, table model, in good condition, has good batteries.— Harvey Clausius, Zurich. FOR SALE A limited quantity ot certified Katatin seed potatoes.—Roy Lamont. PRO 'GRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ..CONVENTION. TOWN HALL—CLINTON FRIDAY, MAY 4th, 1945 . AT 8.30 P.M. To select a Candidate to contest the riding of Huron in the forthcoming Provincial Election SPEAKER: HON. GEORGE H. CHALLIES Vice -Chairman Hydro Electric Power Commission; Minister without portfolio. Credentials will be distributed to the chairman of each municipality immediately pror to the meeting. EVERYBODY WELCOME "GOD SAVE THE KING" J. W. MORI. EY, Pres. CLARK FISHER, Secy. For Sale 1 cabinet and 1 table model elec- tric radios, also 1 battery table set. Rodger Bedard, phone '93-18, Zurich. eere eel, 00 4,4.0 di 0.0 0.44. tee. ito Fertilizer # 0 PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR FERTILIZER AND TAKE 0 4 4 DELIVERY EARLY 4 • 0 FRESH FEEDS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES 0 4, IF IN THE MARKET FOR A MILKING MACHINE, WE 4 0 SELL AND SERVICE THE FAMOUS UNIVERSAL MILKER 0 0 0 0 t -Enron lhirrners' R. J. COOPER, MANAGER HENSALL, Phone 115. fe t'*- ,o,:.;,/,ort1-,,,r0,•Q, A. -f e.• ":` t'' di4,a Fertilizer GIVE US A CALL - Dr. H. H. SAVAGE Well known Radio Minister OF PONTIAC, MICH. Will be at the Dashwood Evangelical Church ON Friday, May 4th. At 8 o'clock p.m. , Under the Auspices of the Dashwood Evangelical Church Sunday School. Rev. J. S. Burn, T. H. Hoffman, :Pastor. • Superintendent tt*O-“et9t4p4-qt.oa-t.t ....—eee4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE EXECUTORS OF THE ES- TATE OF Catherine Zirk, late of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 19th day of January, 1945, will distribute the assets of the Estate. on and after the 12th day of May, 1945, having regard only to the claims of creditors and others Med on OT before that date with the under- signed executors. Dated at Zurich, Ontario, the 21st day of April, 1945. Menno Oesch, Zurich, Ont. Gordon Zirk, Denfield, Ontario,. Executore Arennon .evtuareonstaasim000rsoramareg*.orawassmatemsernmetreturi., I Clip this out and send it airmail ove-rse,z. to -day. fi Ur ent essa fr UNE 4th is Election Day for the members of our armed forces overseas J from Ontario, as it is here at home. The arrangements which have been made provide ample time for the overseas vote to be taken. Special Returning Officers are already overseas. Something more, however, must be done if our voters overseas are to know why an Ontario election was forced upon us at this time. appeal to each one of you who read this message to write NOW by airmail. Give our men and women overseas all the information you can and be sure to tell them the correct name of the Provincial Riding in which they are entitled to vote, and the name of the candidate. This is of the utmost import- ance because so many of them have never voted before and the difference between the names and boundaries of Provincial and Dominion Ridings make it doubly necessary that you be sure to give them the exact name of the Rid.ing in which they are entitled to cast their ballot on June 4th. If you are in doubt as to any details please call the Progressive Conservative Office in your locality and get the necessary information without deiay. Be sure to send this air mail today The election date June 4th: Tho name of the Riding is The name of the Candidate is nuandowermagnmerMweTrem,.......e.norrioraosalmowoortweemorenteseuite. Yours sincerely, PUBLISHED BY THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF ONTARIO µ-- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4