HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-05-03, Page 3TANK BECOMES A `FORT'
From the house In the background of photo above, German snipers
were popping off men of the First Army's famed 1st Infantry
Division as they fought through St. Andreasburg, Germany. So up
rolls a tank, swings broadside across the narrow street, and makes
a nice little "fort" behind which our soldiers take cover, while the
tank's cannon blasts away at the sniper -infested houses.
Photo above shows what was left of one of the many plants of the
mighty Krupp Armament Works at Essen, Germany, after Allied
bombers worked it over. Wrecked factory, with partially com-
pleted railroad gun, was captured by Allied Airborne Division.
coffee goodness in Max..
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Abdul Illah, above, 31 -year-old
regent of Iraq, is making his first
visit to the U. S. He is an uncle
of Iraq's 10 -year-old King Feisal II,
Richard H. Wells, above, of Po-
catello, Idaho, president of Ro-
tary International, represents Ro-
tary as consultant to the United
Conference in San Francisco. He
will be the representative of nearly
250,000 members of 5354 Rotary
Clubs in over 50 countries.
"Produced by Constance Ben-
nett, starring Constance Bennett
for Constance Bennett Produc-
tions," will be the triple -header
screen credit on "Paris Under-
ground," the new film vehicle
for -- you guessed it Connie
Bennett, above. It's her first ef-
£ort as a producer.
Gen. Edgar de Larminat, above,
commands French troops oper-
ating in southwest France in the
vicinity of Bordeaux and •the
Gironde estuary. This is one
of the "forgotten fronts" where
large German garrisons have held
out hundreds of miles behind the
main battle front, blocking Allied
use of France's great Atlantic ports.
Nazi Chief of Police looks disgruntled. He was making fast getaway
from 7th Army, forgetting he had ordered road block erected across
main highway. His car crashed into it and now he waits for aid.
German medic offers comfort.
..•.. a4'y,Y?» f `! �$f. f ' ' 3e" ; oAKzz'M�k',. '�•
g .,rr„';
A former prisoner of the Nazis at
camp in Belsen, this man sits helpless
liberation, his face a grotesque mask
of: starvation and mistreatment, he is
the infamous concentration
in the prison grounds after
of suffering. After months
too weak to walk.
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HE line of duty is clear.
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