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Zurich Herald, 1945-04-26, Page 4
VItuc.Hr O'="4 HURON • IS PROUD OF THE MEN FROM THIS COUNTY • • • • • • h • • cfo 3 c as ON ACTIVE SERVICE ARE PROUD OF 1-IURON COUNTY'S Victory Loan ec r ALL BUY MORE Victory B Tads THIS TIME AND BEAT 01.1R LAST LOAN RECORD 1 ZURICH I-IERALD ,and stool, ... room table, gas stove, leather top! top `ficins new, 6 -octave organ .d bed lboots, some kitchen utensils,. dishes, I parlor , and mattress, lamp,'obed j light delivery wagon, scythe new, with springsand mattress, quantity I is witch sprinigrs of bedding, 'bedpan, iron bed with springs and mattress, dresser, alarm clock, 2 cellar tables, heater, ladies' Hudson seal fru` ,Clot, and numerous other articles; TERMS—GASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Merino Oesch, Gordon Zirk, Execut- ors of late Mr. and Mrs. C. Zirk. cross eut saw, buck tisane, 2 torlet se some bedding, some pillows, set o child's wagon wheells,fl 1urcchest, l st goart, carpets, m5�ats, gra can, small coal .oir can, wooden but- ter dish, sealers, step ladder, grass mat, large writing desk, sanitary toilet, and numerous other articles, TERMS---OAiSH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Leroy O'Brien, Clerk.i'opi7tress. Mrs. Wm. Hoffman, AUCTION SALE • Of Household Effects, Etc., Lot 12-13, Con. 12, Hay mile miles north of Dashwood; '1 y4 west and 2 miles south of Zurich, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd, At 2 o'clock, sharp the following 1 Horses --1 aged grey mare, aged bay mare; 1 Percherorr colt rising 2 years: Other Effects — Chrysler car 1924 Model, plow, sideboard, kitchen stove wood box, kitchen table, bench,• sau� age stiuffer, sausage •grinder, head sewing machine, bed with ser- kitchen range stave; Quebec heater phonograph with3-bur- 50 coa ings, parlor suit, coal or wood practically new; cup- f +loit stove, drop leaf table, board 2 rocking chairs, inc 50 records, small table, cracks,incubator60 bullet 2 kitchen tables, 6 kitchen asl 'AUCTION SALE Of Property and. Household Effects, at DASH•WO.OD, on SATURDAY, MAY 5th, At 1.30 o'clock, sharp Real Estate -- Brick house with kitchen attached, has cellar, plenty of hard and soft water, Hydro, garage, small hen stable, soene fruit trees, Lot his 66 -ft. frontage and 172 -ft. deep, more or less, located on Main • street, Dashwood. Has telephone. Terms of Real Estate —10% on day of Sale, balance in 30 ways, sold subject to a reserved bid. Household Effects — 1 •oil burner a Huron Count' National War Finance Committee egg capacity, wooden bed, . stand, iron kettle, Doherty cook 11 stove; 2 -burner coal oil stove, small kitchen table, electric 5: tube radio, quantity .of dishes, pots, vans, pails, crocks, sealers, quantity of carpets, 4 kitchen chairs, dining e;r oor p� suit, table cloths, chairs, step ladder, lawn mower, din- ning .room table with 6 leafs; 6 din- ing'room chairs, large 'couch, small table, large hall mirror, rocking chairs, parlor table, writing desk, centre table, 8 -day clack, sideboard, New Williams drop head sewing ma- chine, 2 flower stands single bed; Thursday, April 26th, 1945. KL APP' ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Whytake chances i inferior Gas when you can buy Good Eular ngineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and arose how Trained Attendants Grease Cara Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD lL'+ PP, C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Co'.nnection dresser, bed, springs and mattress,' scythe, chop box, sprinkling am, toilet set, dresser, large dresse,r sink, chop block and numerous other artio. round diningroom table, 2 beds with les. TERMS—CASH springs and mattress, stand, dresser, cedar chest, 2 trunks, pots, pans, Arthur Welber, Auctioneer. pails, hoes, shovels, 82 -ft. extension ' A.d. Tiernan, Clerk. ladder, 40 -gal. oil drum; washing Ervin Willert, Edmund Walper, Frei machine and wringer; 3 tubs, copper' Willert, Executors of late Fred.. boiler, axe, quantity tof lumber, Willert Estate. Puled of i B We have recently received. a good supply of Repairs for Farm Equipment, such as Plow Points, Sole Sheri l..adPlows; 7 Plow Cultivator anrs for Poi Points, Etc. No. 7 and Y YOUR POULTRY NEEDS Soon the Poulry and Chick season will be with us again, and many supplies which may then be hard to get will be required. Put in your supply nn„ w the here. PEAT ln�'- Lll .raile supply isCK STARTERS 'are some TRY i.I7"r�r� arra-G1="j of the items you will require. Let us supply you. ORDER YOUR COAL NOW! The Fuel Administrator advises all people to place their orders for next Winter's Fuel as early as they can, to avoid the big rush when it is actually needed Place your order now and don't be disappointed by ordering later. sego N�assey-llarxis Advise Everybody knows what a comforting thing it is to have money where you cart get it when you need it. So, in most homes, the Victory Loan salesman gets a cordial welcome. He offers an oppor- tunity to you to help your country's war effort by just saving your money. In case of emergency yon can get cash for your bonds at any bank ... but you know that when you put savings into Victory Bonds they will likely stay there, intact . .- drawing good interest. Your savings are protected from your own temptation to use them. Buy all the Victory Bonds you* can, with all the cash you have. ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1945! I HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at 400 to 450 SIZE © 850 to 900 SIZE @ $70.75 $59.50 $82.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 0 so r Kropp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. With the continued cool weather, D. Anderson; No, 5, R. Robinson; No and rains the spriri.g grain and grass r 6, Keith Westlake; No 7, Chas. La- look quite favourable; but the heavy •( por''-c! No. 8, John Parker. frosts have not been so good for theI 1ASH%CJC►D blossoms, flowers, and the fall .tih,irc n 1 is suffering some. Sunday morning'.Om-homed 1'.e .1Itnrick Memorial Band, in was really cold when a heavy coatinn.' are again. resuming their of ice froze on standing water. la ti l.r r sill:; .cre are looking for more fact it was real March weather. ' members. Anyone interested may come to the: Band Hall Monday even - ENUMERATORS NAMED : ir,g w g,'t in touch with Maurice K 1,..t,110.!,, or harry II oilman, Enuinei et! '4 have leen arppoint+ A 'Vile Dashwood Evangelical Church in each polling subdivision in tie-, :t;,r.e.l:,y Sepool announcer the coming forthcoming Federal E1ectro,i cors- : 01' Dr. 11. H. Savage, well known menced their duties on lk'londay, April ; clro -.sinister of Pontiac, Mich., on 23rd. Primliminar•y lists roust b(' COn Fri,:a; May 4th at 8 p.nr. h very pleted by 'Saturday night, April 2:•'• ,,r:e 4„ rrriially invited to attend. Enumerator, will sit is r'c:vis,ing ofi:_ AUCTION 101U SALE car's on Tue.Aay, May 29th, when additions or rccrrrectioes may be m oir' r -rt' Ilutv,41old Erects, at Zurich, on to the lists. 'i ho,e, rr:ienc 1 for flay,":1 1'1"P:DA.Y, A:'ICAL .26th, Township are: N. 1, Lorne Chap- At 1.30 o'clock, p.m. . man, No. 2, T. N. Forsyth; No. 1,' 1 .,.mall size cook stove, 2 dressers, Lee Hoffman; No. 4, Jacob 1-iaberer; 4 .genii.,, 3 bed;; with springs and No. 5, Henry Schilbe; No. ai, Clayton 1 ma :Are ,s. wardrobe, 3 rockers, Whits •1':'filc; No. 7, Jas. McAllister; Na 3,Idroli head sewing machine, kitchen Max. Turnbull. 9'or Stanley 'Twp: table, %' kitchen chairs, electric radio, No. 1 Mrs. J. A. M•awan; No. 2, T.rough, high chair, crib, baby carriage J3:iird; Ne, fl, Cleve G-rchr•:no; No. 4 ygalv.- bail tub, feather tick, livi'e9 And, to give yourself an objective to add to your savings, obligate yourself to buy more Victory Bonds on the deferred payment plan. Make a first payment of 10% or more when you order the bonds .. and pay the balance with money as you get it, over a period of six months. Your Victory Loan salesman will give you a copy of the letter on the right. It is a request to your bank to buy bonds for you. Any bank will lend you the money to do this and the interest the bonds earn pays the interest on the bank loan. 8-32 ' 7 t Nacional War Finance Comm/fee ^ rzor., ==== :-;� 4r.• -ter,