Zurich Herald, 1945-04-26, Page 1101 Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 26 1945 y huyin.j Gov' EMMANU.o 'iEVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendore, Pastor Mrs. M. ()ascii, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES iU a.m.—Divine Worship. f a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. v..V.1110101111.11..i1 .il+ bal 1ifi�. l�= Betty Anne Beauty Shop IHE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS £he Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Squipment. \.n.d besides all this is our years of experience in all Hair Dressing. ;•IVE US A CALL! 'hone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich gliflitin 111111111 HHH ilIHIHmHill I IIIII(Ilt�� l�llllllJ1111j�111111111111111f1ldllhll{I llir� . Y% 'S ° G ce y Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Me n esch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 ;� ij111 .. gl 111111lMili11►1U III IIIiill11110111H1Hlulll1111111111H111111 1111111111111111111111111, 11111 HIIllluIHtIi1.11111 1 Ua Securities you O. G. Nomination - Convention TOWN-- HALL HENSALL On Monday, April ;30th. At 8.30 p.m. SPEAKER: Joe Nosworthy, M. P. FOR SOUTH YORIi Are You Suffering From Headaches? Lf so; Have your Eyes Examined with .ne Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODDRICH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices d x 'HIS LIPE =, .Tom_ -.: 040,1 • day a{ter hour after hour and nits A soldier risks his life, soldier never q duty. Anda worthy day, to do tris ee,�lmpSt�� reached, active is you might buy t{ because OneVi his B ; that extra bonda buy if Victory Bond : E that Small bond that may deny yourself; .., is so vital that it you ,Nord bucket to you • . m drop °n the can make• Never hpYe tike o denial that you more justifiesig tin sells- our financial support out' fighting farces needed your than now: ss pr tett your homes Mist Martha Heideman spent a few days with. Hensall friends last week. Mr. and Mss. Norman .Charrette of Detroit, spent the week -end with fri- ends. in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Weber were at London the past week, Mrs, Weber remaining for this 'week also. . Miss Ruth Church of London was a 'week -end visitor with her mother, Mrs. Ella Church. Mrs.. Coreless of Clinton is spend- ing some time at the home of her daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Breakey. Rev.. Paul Erb, Mildmay; Rev. Schlenker, Clifford; Rev. Wan. Brown of Port Arthur, were Tuesday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch. Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme and Mrs. Geo. Ducharme and children motored to London one day last week and were accompanied home by the formers daughter, Doreen, who en- joyed a few days' visit with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers motor- ed to Stratford last Wednesday and were accompanied home by their daughter Alpha, who ,is a nurse -in - training at the General Hospital in that city and spent a few, days at her home here. Little Jean Thompson celebrated her thud birthday last week and en- tertained several of her young fri- ends. Needless to say all had a jolly time, lets of fun and her many fri- ends swished Jean continued happin- ess � . ��7� 4 anzLual 7` angt~�1>�`vrl rhx,' m s tt,' �I�lgtht�`e Crediton'cfiurch this week, commenc- ing on Wednesday noon, with Bishop George P. Epp, of Naperville as the presiding chairman. The Conference usually closes on the .following Mon- day. At a recent meeting of the local Women's Institute a quilt top was presented (by its members anti the lin- ing of the quilt by one of its memb- ers, Mrs. Wm. Bassow of the Bron- son line; this being quilted at the meeting -and was thenpresented to the local Red Crass. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 13reakey are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless. Mr. and Mrs. Breakey have been living in Mon- treal for the ,past two years. They will spend the week visiting their relatives in and around Clinton and then will go to their new home in Zurich.—:Clinton News-Retturo'. 93rd Birthday Mr. Daniel ;Smith celebrated his 93rd birthday on Saturday, and is enjoying remarkable health for his age, although Mr. Smith says his legs are not as strong .as they used to b', but his intellect is very keen and he looks robust and healthy. His many Zurich friends wish him continued health and many more birthdays. Mr. Elmer Willert of Grand Bend was in town on Tuesday. He recent- ly had a very succesful auction sale sale of his effects having sold his attractive 85 acre frm located a '4 - mile south"of the Behd to Mr. Eric IYIellroy of that place. This farm contains the love tali and stately pines one cannot help but admire on the east side of the Blue Water Highway and Mr. Mcllroy can well be proud of his purchase. t lagt 406, ., , r; Chester L. Smith, Publishes $1,50 a Year in Advaxnot! �s YES, ANY TYPE OF STYLE OF BROKEN, SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY DUPLICATED PLUS A SAVING EITHER FROM YOUR PRESCRIPTION OR FROM A BROKEN PART OF YOUR LENSE A Gm ESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. SO 0006 ufJe 0 Bre Westlake - For positive identification se the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal„ Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid f• Eggs according to Grad W. "'. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall BTokensbire PunerL1 Srvice �.n--d for t Day and Night Service ' S Phone 158 Zurich e OSSfl9Oa' SOttb8ble0000,00 fi 000M0 0000000 6000000000000 +.. 1 a. 4 •i + + + + + t•44.4fi444,4, •6•d•.1•.,1•+4,4-1,+.i.4,4,+4—E••.' +++++++++++ +++++++++++++4-11 •3..i.oo^D..I..t...++.p.i..p..,-11 Cut 'ra` s ur Duel 'gill in HAL 3 E. y Storm inflows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville BuildingMaterials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. F. C. KALB LEISC I -I & SON - ZURICH Phone 69 1 Qpl re'1 OZTOMMpIOEPOITZZINAIhS4.1��:i.n�,MOTAT� JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, WE HAVE Local Red Cross The Zuricl} Red Cross 'Society shipped the following articles to headquarters: 20 prs. of mew pyjamas, 20 hot water bottle covers, 70 infant gauze diapers. A hearty vote of thanks to the ladies for their kind co-operation and help given to to complete this sewing quota. We also gratefully acknowledge the foll- owing donations. Mrs, Wan. Decker, Mrs. 01 r IIoftman, Mrs. Ler. Hofl- man, Mrs. Earl Yungblut, Mrs. Har- old Johnston, Johnston, Junior Red Cross, So- ciety of S.S. No. 3 Hay, each. don- ated one quilt top; Lutheran Ladies Aid 3 quilts; and one quilt by each of the following. Maple Leaf Farm Form, Mrs, Josiah Sazearas, Miss Emma Dinsmore, Womens Institute, Bethany Sisters Bible Class of the Evangelical Cb arch. F. .� JED Pioneer Big 3 Laying Mash and Hatching Ration, Pig Starter and Concentrates The Chick Season is just around the corner. Start .your Chicks right with Pioneer Chick Starter. In spite of the difficulties in securing them, we have the following Items to offer: Cod Liver Oil, Bone Meal, Mineral Supplement, Oyster Shell, Heii and Chick Grit, Etc. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TUE BLAKE Sr. ^' ,E Edmund Swartzentruber, 'Prop. Phone: 11-97 M A 4 la