Zurich Herald, 1945-04-19, Page 8is in rp • 1111•• • I. .BROOK ONTARIO House4J�• was in town Thursday. _. _.Furnishings ZURICH ' HKRAi D tlltiilPl Lit >✓u�ali 01.04 Barrister James 1VIonley of Exeter We have a fine supply of Cretons, .Chintz, Monk's Cloth, Homespun suitable for Drapes, Etc., and a fine lot of Tapestry for covering Chairs and Chesterfields. tiOP Wall Papers If in need of New Wallpaper do not delay as we could only procure 65% of last year's order. So many lines will be sold out .in the near future. 4V4 40 House Dresses A small shipment of Ladies' House Dresses arrived. All sizes from 36 to 48. Priced from $1.59 to $2.25 a Yard Gascho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH megovesom GENERAL INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Aute, Casualty Fidelity, Eto. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative 411111111111W4=1111MAIMMUMINEMIIME•1111ft Zurich 1 . .0 tee- 'eee€r mrt.e0-. HARDWARE SEED You are going Through Th World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without Thes Labor Savers? Experienced farm help i scarce and costly. You'll nee moderately priced stable equi pnnent to do the work the quic kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you' pay hired help, in Beatty labor saving stable equipment. Pay lietirne dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En fiances value of farm. Improv es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls—Exceptional Values at Lower Prices... S and is e 5 d d S FURNITURE a Lower Priced Sta!iF Automatic Watering OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plunnbing, I~ urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith. ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard. ware always in stock. STADE di, WEIDCP ZURICH - C)NT, QUALITY PRICE -- SERVICE imaaosomaaaamacoaaaaasoaasaaposomemalisoasa Mr. and Mrs. E.°, Klapp opp were tJoodstock j,h , ursd last. ast. Mrs. A.14. liess is enjoying a with their son Quimby at lea;pasl mg, Northern Ontario, Miss Ruth Brown , London, was ais DASHWOOD Padre E. Essex of Camp Ip}let�- wash who recently returned frotn'the= theatres of war will shorty colored. - 4. Slides in the Evangelical church one 4 visit Thursday eve. April 19th, at 8 pato .as- Mr. and Mrs. Cowen of Hanover, • visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thar, duy, April 19th; x.945, 4 VOUR4 a week -end visitor with her pare Mr. and ars, John Brown. Mr. Kenneth Routledge of Toro of from an attack of pneumonia is enjoying a vacation at the home Lr. ,and Wars. C;oxon this week. Mrs. Wm.Wagner visited with h sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 13end at t:.ranu Dena last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hertz of Detr are spending a few weeks at th norne on tee Babylon line. The officials of the }fay gut' Kellerman. ■ its,' John, the infant son of Mr. and. Mrs,. Harold Kellerman was taken to; : nto !London Hospital on Friday, suffering . 0 Misses Lois Gaiser and Marie Wein • I. ; er af Landon spent the week -end at Mrs. Hooper is very i11 at the home oit of her daughter, Mrs. E. Guenther. etr 1 Mrs. Petzold of Dunedin, Florida, l is attending her. al Gni'. Jack Huffman who has .been er their homes here. Fire insurance Co. held a busine meeting in town onSaturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbevt K. Eilb oa .,•ruu,,.on were weir-ena visitors( with their daughter, Mr. and M Ward lritz. Mr. James 'Broadfoot, of the Pa Line, flay, Went fishing last week at' ss here on leave left for Hagersville on !Monday. er rs. rr I EVANGELICAL CHURCH EMIVIANUEL St. J'osepia and .-to tis big surprise caught a pike 52.4nchfes long. Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Alexander an daughters of near Mitchell, we guests at the home of Mr. and. Mr 1J. F. Klopp on Tuesday. Mr. Louis Wurm has moved int the home he recently purchased from Mr. Hairy Badour. We understand the latter has left to spend some with his sister. Ham, and Mrs. Len. Ha, Mr. an Mrs. Guy oans of Detroit, Sgt. Wil fred Klopp of Woodstock were Sun day vtsltois with taeir sister, Mr. an vJrs. 1a ar1 Yungblut • and other r latives. The weatherman has turned to con siderable cooler with .some rains, in some northern portions snow has a gain shade its appearance. Mr. and Mrs..Sanauei Desch, Var- na, wish to announce the engagem- ent of their daughter, Anna Doreen, to Earl Daniel, eldest .son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flaxbard, Zursch, Ont., the wedding to take place in the midi dle of May. Our mailing list has been correct- ed up to April 17th. If you have re- cently paid your subscription. we ask you to look up your label and see that credit has been given, and if not let us know about it. We twelcome a .number of new subscriptions 'who have been added recently. Pte. Ivan Disjardine of Grand Bend who was reported slightly wo- unded in action according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs Lesome Disjardine. He enlisted with the army in Ferbuary 1942, was pos- ted for •overseas in December 1944. His many friends 'wish him a e eedy recovery. The President is !Dead The United States has lost a great President, Canada has lost a' good friend, the world has lost a mighty leader, in the death of -Franklin. D. Roosevelt, which occurred !last Thurs- day afternoon at !Warm Springs, Georgia. His death was mourned the world over as one of the greatest leaders, and his name will go• down in history, as one of the best. JAS. BALLANTYNE NAMED At the S. Huron Liberal nominat- ion convention held in Town Hall, Hensall last Wednesday James Ball- antyne of Usborne was selected as the. candidate -for the coining provin- cial election. Mr. Ballantyne sat •as member for the riding fee two terms retiring in 1943. re s. 10 &.m. --Divine Worship. 0 11 a.m. Church School m 7.30 p.m. --.Divine Services. tune ST. PETER'S C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. 'Nock, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES d ? v>•angelical Lutheran Church ZURICH --ONT. eRev. E. W. Heinrich, Pastor 10 a.m.--Divine Services. 1,1.16 a.m.—Sunday School. '.30 Divine Worshi FILM MACHINE AVAILABLE The film projection machine oper- ated by Huron County Federation of Agriculture and serviced by Nation- al Film Board of Canada, is' avail- able to any organization withing the County. Showings may be arranged by contacting Mr. Harvey Johnston, R.R. 2, Blyth, who operate's the ma- chine or W. V. Roy, Secy, County Federation, •Londesboro, Ont. LAST OF THE FRENCH -FOREIGN LEGION Wherever the flag of France de- creed that heave and reckless men should lead ;the change, there the "Legion of the Dammed" fought and fell. Now it is disbanded—outmoded by tanks, buzz bombs and jet-prop- elled planes. Inez Robb writes a- bout it in The American Weekly with this ,Sunday', (April 22) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Soldier Welcomed Horne The citizens of Dashwood last Tu- esday evening gave a rousing recept- ion to Sgnln. Jack W. Weber, son of ;1,l! Arthur Weber, on his arrival home from o7.e: ea,:. Sinn). Weber was rnet at London by a number of friends and on his arrival. at Dash- wood he was met by the- .:;ashwood Band and the school vchildren who formed a parade into the village. An open-air meeting •wa, held at which R. Goetz was the chain an and a.ddseeees of welcome were green by Reeve Wtn. Haugh, Rev. J. Burn, V. Becker, A. V. Tiernan and Louis Rader. Mr. Weber expressed his ap- preciation of the warm welcome. He spent three months and three !lays in France with the Canadian Army 6th Formation and had been in hospital on two occasions. He is home on 30 day's leave and will report to hos- pital for a possible operation, ,p. Everybody Welcome to all Servicer Betty Anne Beauty Shop. rHE HOME OF THE BETTER Otf. PERMANENTS Ile Better Oil Permanents apple ,ith the' very latest of methods and °equipment. ind besides all this is our years af 'experience in all Hair Dressi;ug. .IVE US A CALL! 'bone 68 four your App 'ointments. '.i2RS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich fardware and FurnitureSTORE =t NEW EI AII E ,W' RE, ot 4' We are very fortunate in receiving a sh%pment of New 4 Enamelware, such as Cookiiar Utensils;, Etc., which seem to be of very . good' 3 color designs. quality; and, some attractive g To appreciate' these articles one must 4 see them. We iivith your inspection. MATTRESSES' MATTRESSES 3 Our Stock of Mattresses is very good,. and you have a fine range to choose from:. a fine. stock of Spring Filled Mattresses, also then usual Felt: filled Mattresses Priced'VeryrL•asonably BED ROOM FURNITURE We have some very attractive and .newly: designed Bed Room Suites just in which are of 'the: Qwest patterns and finishes. Be sure., and see them: if interested in this : line, off furniture. A Full Line of all. the Home Requirements Everything in Shelf' and Heavy Hiirdware } Johnston ct Kaltweisch Hardware as Furniture.. P hon,® 68 L- ' +++$44.44'4+4.440,44444.4444 4. -0 +1 044+4 ,** Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collett: Exeter 23S Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (EssENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) HYDRO RURAL WARTIME EXTENSIONS With labour and metals drained by war, an unavoi- dable limit is placed on the number of new rural Hydro services that can be .installed in 1945. Nevertheless, your Hydro is extending essential rural services to the absolute limit of labour and materials available. About 800G applications, made and approved during 1944, still await service, and many have since been added. These will be connected as soon as possible. It will take all the man -power, materials and effort that Hydro can com- mand to bring service to these applicants in 1945. Those re- questing service along existing power lines may, in some cases, be connected before prior applicants who require leng- thy extensions. We regret that many approved applications may not be completed before 1946. In 1944 your Flydro constructed about 400 miles of new rural lines, and ' added 9776 new customers. With soirie 1200 Hydro employees in the armed services or on loan 'to the government for technical work, along with tele shortage of many materials critical to war needs, your Hydro has done and is doing everything possible to extend electricity to essential services. If your . turn seems slow in coming, please consider the wartime conditions under which your Commission labours, and be assured that it is doins everything possible to serve you with the utmost speed, THE H'YDROELEC'TRIC POWER COMMVIISSION OF ONTARIO 6 1