Zurich Herald, 1945-04-19, Page 5ZURICH, •ONTARIO FOR SALE Allis Chalmers Model B. trac=tor , •+ 1th scarier, will sell separately.-- Byde Tractor Co., Hensall, ph. 128, FARMS FOR SALE ZU IC1 i H i LD ',MCA', NEIti,, Pte. Chas. Thiel of London spent the week -end with his family here. Mr. and Mrs; Andrew ,Coxon of Milverton were 'Sunday visitors at the .home of their son, Dr. and Mrs. 75 -acres rich re -seeded pasture, W. B. Coxon. ' southeast of Zurich, never failing M. Martin Edighoffer of tate 14th Water in ditch. Also 75 acres pasture con. had the misfortune to fall and some wooded, northeast of Zurich. in doing so fractured his leg. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 1 Would our patrons kindly return our milk bottles as soon as they pos- ACRE YOUR HOGS 1STIFE', pale sibly can, as we experience a 'great End scrawny? Use Finn's Hog -Fix, it fixes 'em. Do your hogs have worms? Feed Finn's Hog Conditioner in 'the iced for five days.--Schilbe Feeds, Zurich; Williams Feeds, Zurich; hantz Feeds, Dashwood. DEKALB HYBRID SEED CORN Orders for this Seed taken now. . Will be at Zurich on, Saturdays to receive same.—Ted. Munn, Box 275 'Hensall, Ont. • CHICKS FOR SALE g$rong, healthy S. C. Whiteghorns from a flock headed by PEDIGREED ,;:'t- 0. P. males. At prevailing prices. we incubator capacity to cavoid disappoint- mentsuggest ment you order early. Twinumples Farm. Klopp,Prop. J. VETERINARIAN W. B. COXON, WV. Sc, VETERINARY SURGEOS rest, Mice with Residence, Main Opposite Drug StoreZurich brae ---96. BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins 1. yungblut & Son PRODUCE Farm Produce rY A N T E Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and, Poultry. Wm. O'Brien - Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery shortage.—Zurieh Dairy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snider of Clin- ton .spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Louis Schilbe, also visited with Mrs. Peter Deichert, Sr. . We will appreciate all the help we can get to pack our •overseas boxes, on Thursday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock. Come andgive us a hand. The boys greatly appreciate the boxes The annual ,Conference of the Evangelical church will be neld in the .Crediton church, beginning next Wednesday, April 25th, when Bishop George Epp, will be the chairman. Public services will be •held each ev- ening and all day Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess have moved°into the residence owned by Mr. Oscar .Klopp and we understand Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brakey who reside at Montreal are coming to Zurich and live in the Hess apart- ment, where Mr. Brakey will take up 'radio and electric work. The many friends in Zurich •wall wetcome Mr. and Mrs, Brakey back to Zurich, Visited at Dashwood The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Luth- eran church, Zurich, were guests of Dashwood Lutheran Ladies' Aid at an Easter party held in the base- ment of the church last Tuesday ev- ening. The basement was prettily de- corated for the occasion with mauve and yellow streamers and spring flowers. The pastor Rev. Luft wel- comed the visitors, after 'which areo- plane bunco was played. Prizes were won by Mrs. L. Schumacher tinct Mrs A. Willert. Readings were given by Mrs. J. Schroeder and' Rev. Luft, Miss Helen Nadiger and Mrs. Elgin Merner favoured with a piano duet. Speakers for the evening included Rev. Heimrioh and , Mrs. Milfred Schilbe. Highlights of the evening's fun was the. "Kitchen Band" made up of a group of ladies of the local Ladies' Aid. After the entertain- ment a delicious lunch was served. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus premium for delivered cream 19Je are equipped to give effi- Egg tient accurate service. New Spring Footwei.. r RUBBERS, GALOSHES Boots or Lumbermen. Up -to -the Minute DRESS SHOES for Ladies and Gents. School and Sunday Schoes for Children SHOES REPAIRED With Best Quality pre-war. Leather. Good Workmanship --Lowest Prices ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES Farmers have about completed the regular spring seeding, and are now getting ready for the later crops Thank You! Detroit, April r2, 1945 Dear Editor: Enclosed- find renewal for the Herald fox another year. I also wish to advise you that I re- ceive your paper very promptly each week, and think you .are doing a good work during these trying times; Wishing you continued success. —A. Fassold. . LIBERAL CONVENTION Ontario Liberals will hold .a con- vention and annual meeting in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Tuesday, May 1st, to confirm the selection of Hon. M. F. Hepburn, as leader of the. Liberal party for the Province of Ontario. BAYFIELD Congratulations have been extend- ed to .Sam C. Houston who on April 6th, celebrated his 88th birthday. Mrs. L. H. MacLeod has received AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, at Dashwood, On THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, .At 1.30 p.m. sharp Dining room suite, 3 piece X -Rayed chesterfield suit; Good Cheer heater; occasional chair; library table, 2 bedroom suites, one 54 -in. metal bed, spring and mattress, clothes cupboard clothes horse, copper wash boiler, large clothes hampler, linoleum rugs, Wilton rug, twilight elect lamp, gob- lin elect vacum cleaner, 2 hanging lamps, dishes, sealers, crocks, flower stand, garden hose, cellar table, elec- tric motor with emery, brooder stove, Viking cream separator (450 -lbs, capacity) ; iron -kettle with stand, double cutter, wheelbarrow; wooden barrels, colony house 91/2x101/9 ft; poultry feeders and water founts; 1 set copper lightning. rods; used lum- ber and bricks; some dry wood, elec- tric washer Cofield new, 2 cane rock- ers practically new, and numerous other articles. Everything will be sold as the proprietor has sold his locker and home. Terms—Cash Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Add. Tieman, Clerk. Martin Laub, Proprietor. FOR SALE A limited quantity of certified Katatin seed potatoes.—Roy Lamont. land Poultry department in icharge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. Thursday, April 19th, 945 44 The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers for sale $1,350,000,000 Eighth VICTORY LOAN. • Dated and bearing interest from lst May 1945, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which is optional with the purchaser, as follows; 18 year and 5 months 3% BONDS DUE 1st OCTOBER 1963 Callable in or after 1959 Interest payable 1st April and October Denominations $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5;000, $10,000, $25,000, $100,000 ISSUE PRICE: 100% 4 years and 6 months 1%% BONDS DUE lst NOVEMBER 1949 Non -callable to maturity Interest payable 1st May and November Denominations $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $100,000 ISSUE PRICE: WO% The proceeds of this loan will be used by the Government to finance expenditures for war purposes. The lists will open on 23rd April,.1945, and will close on or about 12th May, 1945. Applications for these bonds may be made through any Victory Loan Salesman, any Branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, any authorized Savings Bank, Trust or Loan. Company, from whom copies of the official prospectus and application form may be obtained. Department of Finance April /945 word that her husband was in a Chatham Hospital, having suffered a slight stroks. 'Louie' as he is famil- iarly known, has been fishing at Er-, ieau, on lake Erie. An unusually large crowd at• tended the masquerade dance held under the auspices of the Agricultur- al society. The refreshment booth un-' der the convenorship of the •finance committee of Red Cross, realized a satisfactory return for their efforts. : GRAND BEND LOST Between Hensall and Zurich a brown leather jacket. Finder leave at Thiel's Transport, Zurich. Reward. DO YOUR BABY CHICKS have Diarrhoea? Are they pale and weak? Use Red Blood Quick Tablets. They act quickly, also feed Finn's Poultry Tonic in their starter.--Schilbe Feeds, Zurich; Williams Feeds, Zurich; Shantz Feeds, Dashwood. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK ICHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO ,Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds, $275,133. E. F. KLOPP. ZURICH '►•gent, also Dealer in Lightn- kg Rods and all kinds of Fire InattalVet FOR SAI Guernsey and Hereford cross cow, 5 years old. Tested for T.B. and Bangs disease, to freshen the end of April, also 7,chunk pigs. T. Westlake. FOR SALIF Pullets 9 weeks old, LeghornxRock Leghorn x Kamp. Ready for shelter at 70e. Also some wood for sale.— Charles S. Bedard. For Sale 1. cabinet and 1 .table model elec- tric radios, also 1 battery table set. Rodger Bedard, phone 93•-18, Zurich. DO YOUR BABY CHICKS or pul- lets eat each other? Finn's Poultry Tonis stops then. Are your pullets pale and scours? Use Finn's Poul- try Conditioner and Intestinal Clean- ser. Schilbe Feeds, Zurich; Williams Feeds, Zurich; Shantz reeds, Dash- wood. WANTED Young Man to work in creamery and learn butter:making, etc. Active, willing to work stnd loam, Cowl nay to start to richt man. Apply --Zur- 1 ich Creamery. N E C A N .A D1 A N Property changes are being made very rapidly .these days, and still there is a big shortage of places. A-, mong recent changes are: Mr. Owen ^.tkinson has moved to Exeter; Mr. Wm. Bender has moved into the place vacated by Mr. Atkinson and Mr. K. Moody has moved into the property vacated by Mr. Bender; Mr. Wes. Nichols moved into London and Mr. Lawrence Mason has moved into the home he just bought from M,r. Nich- 1 ols. • Mr. and•Mrs. Wm. Beer have ar- rived home after spending the win- ter in Florida. There was a large crown out to .;. hear Rev. D. McTavish at the church opening, after it has been redecorat- ed. A contract has been let to Law- rence Mason to paint the outside of the church. 1 The newly organized Woznens' In- stitute are selling tickets for a. draw for a quilt. The proceeds will :be us- ed for patriotic purposes. W A Y 0 F 1 1 F E; a 1 - ...where the heart is ! " SITTING by the fireside at home— digging, in the garden for fun --- lazy weekends just fishin'—these things mean comfortable, pleasant living, the kind of living your man overseas is dreaming of, fighting for. Make sure these simple, pleasant things exist for him when he comes back. Remember that it is possible for them to exist only if his dollar is worth a dollar! • By protecting his dollar, we help to protect his future. That's why we must realize NOW the dangers that . lie in careless, unnecessary buying. Never buy two where one will do. Buy only what we need. We must support rationing and price control and encourage others to support them, and we must avoid. ALL deal ings with black markets. These are the rules. If we break them, we can be certain that we will start our country — his country — on the spiral of inflation. Prices shoot sky-high. Wages try to catch up, and never succeed. You may pay a dollar for 30 cents worth of goods, and this means your dollar— your soldier's dollar — is worth only 30 cents. There's no limit to inflation, and there's no stopping it once it starts. So, let's make sure OUR boys will come back to a protected' dollar-- a dollar that will buy a full dollar's worth of goods. Let's keep up the fight against inflation, every day, in every way we can, so that our men overseas can look forward to pleas- ant, satisfying living ... the Cana- dian way of life, Pmhlither.AyTUE 13K1 '11Nty 1NlyiTsrt(' (C)N i'Aillo) rn rev:.11 +i.:s ;n9adon. Make this Pledge Today! I pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: •By observing rationing . and avoiding black markets in any shape or form. By respecting price controlsand other anti-inflation measures, and re- fraining from careless and unneces- sary buying. 1 will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy a "new" where an "old" will do. By buying Savings Victory Bonds and War Stomps, supporting tax- ation, and abiding- by bidingby all such measures which will lower the cost c E living and help keep prices at a normal level. 111ct}51Ry; Q1tiE1•!1 Plii-r Ot!r •