HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-04-12, Page 5ZURICH, .ONTARIO FOR QUICK SALE A Briggs Statiton gas engine for washing machine or flight work, also a used separator in good condition. Apply to Reuben Gingerieh, phone 9022. LOCAL NEWS a Mary Mrs. Nl y Miller as visttmg with relatives in Stratford'. Mr, and Mrs, Orville Ehnen of De- troit spent the week -end at the Will- iams' home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Klopp and FOR QUICK SALE son visited at Detroit a few days. • Mrs. Wilds and children or neer A quantity of potatoes for sale. Ripka visited several day,, at the Henry Brown, Phone 19-100. home of her sister, PIIe, and Mrs, Wm. Witmer, FOR SALE A hand washing machine in good condition, nearly new, also a quant- ity of fresh card, --Earl Gingerich, Phone 22-96. DEKALB HYBRID SEED CORN Orders for this Seed taken now. Will be at Zurich on Saturdays to receive same.—Ted. Munn, Box 275 Bewail, Ont. CHICKS FOR. S + LE Strong, healthy S. C. White s,eghorns from a flock headed by PEDIGREED I.Z. 0. P. males. At prevailing prices. Our incubator capacity is limited; so we suggest that to avoid disappoint- ment you order early. Farm. Twinxnaples Poultry, B. J. Klopp, Prop. VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. 13. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main S`•reet, • Opposite Drug Store >1jhone--96. Zurieb BUTCHERS Zuxae .s' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refriger tion Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides, and Skins H. Yung -hint & Son PRODUCE Lawn mowers have made their ap- peaitiance for this season and we are pleased to listen to them clipping off the grass so early in the year. Miss Marjorie Hoffman spent the Easter holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont, of Stanley Township. Mr.:Leonard Birk and sister Verna of Guelph were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. .Iohnston. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Deters and daughter Marian, and Mrs. Charles Weber visited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver . at St. Marys on Sunday, and were accompanied home by Mrs. Flossie Brawn, who had been at St. Marys for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ropp and da- ughters of near Hensall have moved into their neer home which they pur- chased from Mr. Leroy O'Brien. We welcome the family to. our village and hope they will enjoy the comforts of their home for many years to come. Their farm has been taken over by their son. PASSES IN VANCOUVER, B.C. Word has been received in Zurich, by his sister, Mrs, •Sylvanus Witmer, of the passing on March 6th of Mr. Max Miller, aged 70 years, and son of the late Mr. and Mr. 'Galaxies Mil- ler of. Dashwood. He is survived by one daughter and two sons in Van- couver, and was ill only a short time, leaving these parts for the West over 40 years ago, and during this time has never returned to visit .the old home. Three sisters and three brothers also survive. Burial took place in Van- couver Mountain View Cemetery. LOST Between Hensall and Zurich a brown leather jacket. Finder leave at Thiel's Transport, Zurich. Reward. DO YOUR PULLETS GO BLIND, Larne and Paralyzed? Put Finn's "Kew" Tablets in the drinking water and Finn's Poultry Conditioner and Intestinal Cleanser in the mash a lid overcome this condition.. — S-chilbe Feeds,.. Zurich; Williams Feeds, Zur- ich; Shantz Feeds, Dashwood. FARMS .FOR SALE • 75 -acres rich re -seeded pasture, southeast of Zurich, never failing water in ditch. Also 75 acres pasture some wooded, northeast or Zurich. W. C. Pearce, Exetef. Farm. Produce A SEED FOR SALE quantity 1 limited of O.A.C, No. 21 seed barley for sale. Hilton true - WA N'T E inner, Phone 85r11. Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- cmg Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm O'Brien Phone 101, Rea. 94, Zurich • Zurich Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in ]charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. INSURANCE FOR SALE • SEED—Galore barley, smooth awn. (hie of the highest recommend- ed at the O.A.C. and• some Early Alaska Oats Phone 93r2, Hensall. A 13, Bell, RR. No. 2, Kippen UR CH HERALD ThprsdaY, April Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ,Schhade and •laughters of the 14th eon., were 'Sun- day visitors with their aunt, Mrs. Mary Ann Truemner. Mrs, Byron Duehanni.e and children and Miss .Doreen Ducharme of Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs; Gilbert Duchartne of Detroit visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme. Announcement Mrs. Theresa Maloney or Seaforth announces the engagement or her Up -to -the Minute DRESS second daughter, Mary Theresa, to Mr. Armand Bedour, son. of Mr. and SHOES for Ladies and Gents. Mrs. Albert Bedour of Zurich, the marriage to take place in April. School ;And Sunday Schoes RECEIVES HIGH PRAISE for Children An Air Service Command Depot, England ---High peals from his con- ..or 04"a Cold Weather Footwear j .RUBBERS, GALOSHES 6- Boots or Lumbermen. inanding .officer opened 1945 over- SHOES REPAIREDseas for :S -Sgt. Urban Zimmer, son With Best Quality pre-war of Wm. Zimmer of Dashwood, Ont. Serving in the vast engine overhaul Leather. Good Workmanship shops at this Air Service Command, repair and modification depot, he and; --Lowest Prices his fellow -soldiers set an all :time re -1 1 cord in 1944 by sending back into combat more than 17,000 overhauled' engines totailing over 21 million h.a,. IN GERMA.N HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kyle of Kip -1 TRUNKS AND SUITCASES pen received word that Pte. Walter Chipcliase is confined to a hospital in Germany, suffering from battle ex- schools and the larger induvidual or- haustion. He had been in the fighting ders. The varieties are: Norway spr- for nine months continuously, and uce, red pine, white spruce, red pine, stated that with 1400 large guns go- white ash, white cedar, silver maple ing off at one time was terrible and, and white elm. • the noise terrific. He is 21 years of BRUCEFIELD MAN PASSES age and enlisted over two years ago and has been overseas for a year and Mr. John Grainger, prominent half. He was with Mr. Kyle for 2 Brucefield resident died in the Clin- years before enlisting. Two of his ton Hospital on Sunday, following a brothers, Albert and Henry, have week's illness. He wee formerly em - paid the supreme sacrifice in this war ployed on the railroad, but prior to and another brother, Pte. Jack Chip- his death was engaged in Cornish's chase, is a prisoner of war in Germ- chopping mill at Brucefield. He was also caretaker of the United Church. the Dieppe raid. Surviving are his widow, one son, SHIPMENT OF YOUNG TREES Ross, with the Army. in Germany, .County Clery Miller of (oderich, having been overseas for four years. has been notified that shipments of one daughter Evelyn on the staff of trees are made en April 9th from the Alexandra Marine Hospital, God - the forestry ,station at St. Williams erich; two sisters and a brother. The to fill the orders .sent from this co- funeral was held from Brucefield unty. The entire shipfnent will con- United church on Tuesday April, con- sist of approximately 230,000 young ducted by Rev. Atkinson, with burial trees, which will be delivered to .the in Bairds cemetery. ED. J. DATARS t�:n.n:a isi.E FOO f"WEAR and any, having been taken prisoner at DO YOUR SUCKING CALVES or PIGS scour? Use Finn's S. E. S. Tablets. They cost ten cents per pig and fifty cents per calf. Also feed your cows, calves, and pigs, Finn's Health Minerals to avoid this problem Schilbe Feeds, Zurich; Williams Feeds,' Zurich; Shantz Feeds, Dash- wood. FOR QUICK ,SALE About 8 bags of potatoes for sale. Apply to Mrs. Mabel Snider, or Mr. Oscar Ducharme, Phone 2-98. SEED FOR SALE Galore Barley, smooth awn. Ono of the highest recommended at the 0. A.C. and Early Alaska Oats. A. 13, Bell, R.R. 2, Kippen; Phone • 93 r 2, Hensall. DO YOUR !COWS or SOWS fail to breed? Finn's Super Minerals, will help you. Have you •Garget or Mast- itis in your herd? Finn's Dari -Min overcomes his problem. Schilbe Feeds, Zurich; Williams Feeds, Zur- ich; Shantz Feeds, Dashwood. FOR SALE # A set of almost new tractor lugs. Farmers: armers: Mutual —Chas. S. Bedard. Weather insurance Cos OF WOODSTOCK EBE LARGEST RESERVE 13AL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OR THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Dank and Bonds $275,133. F. KLOPP-_ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn-. fog Rads and all kinds of Fire Insurance .ARM FOR SALE 871/2 acres, lot 14 on main road 114 miles west of Varna. 10 acres of fail ,wheat, 10 acres plowed, good water supply, buildings in good con- dition, near school. Apply to G. A. Galbraith, Varna. WANTED 'Young man to work in creamery and learn buttermaking, etc. Active, willing to work and learn. Good pay to start to right xnan. Apply—Zur- ichCreamery. HOUSE FOR SALE Two storey frame dwelling ' with double garage in good condition. Ex- tra lot included with this property.. Gond location in Zurich. Vol. par- ticular.' anely at Herald 0ilio. THIS STORY 1S BASED ON AN ACTUAL CASE a 0 ON�'sca�x��?si�+a,T�fl7em $r�'}IS, sg tT F4 v,c Oold ad There are still many cold days ahead iof us this Winter. So why not have your home 'dice and conafortabie when the winds blow raw andcold outside... -We have a fresh carload of Nut size Coke that will suit most heating equipments... This fuel Will keep your home nice and warm these cold days... The Government advises householders ..to burn more coke as fuel owing to the scarcity ,.of hard Coal. YOUR POULTRY NEEDS Soon the, Poulry and Chick season will be with us again, and many supplies which may then be hard to get will be required. Put in your supply now while the supply is here. PEAT MOSS, POUL- TRY LITTER, and CHICK STARTERS are some of the items you will require. L. us supply you. L. Son nelsSeSefeea0Clebea0000.0 40 0 1 • e 04.a -v tote e4t39ytJ4 0.4.*i **4',441'x+ S4s,004,c.-.5eke -bb b 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 4, 4, 4 4, 4, 4 Fertilizer Fertilizer PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR FERTILIZER AND TAKE DELIVERY EARLY FRESH FEEDS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES IF IN THE MARKET FOR A MILKING MACI-IINE, WE SELL AND SERVICE THE FAMOUS UNIVERSAL MILKER - GIVE US A CALL - Huron Farr.iern' Co- Dot -:ot ve HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER 4.000eat+4,04,e6.494,04e00** . Jr -w -70-4,45N/,• �I /1 r Pis JOHN HALEY, retired farmer, was talking to his son who was now running the farm. .11 "Yes, Ronnie, they were ` l tough years -- but that was before you were born. Your mother and I came here back in 1900 ... alt we had was this square mile of land — with a shack, a ramshackle barn and a bit of fence . . , oh yes, and a. mortgage. And we had to haul water two miles and drive twenty to market," "Gosh, Dad, it must have been mighty hard sledding , gucss.I have a cinch today." "Well," said the old man, "it would have been a sight harder sledding if that young manager of the Bank of Montreal hadn't stuck by the. There were some years When I had bad luck with my little herd and the crops were poor, when I'd have just gone under if he hadn't given me a hand. "Funny, you know, he always used to say I was a good credit risk because I used to haggle with the people I bought oattle from and when I wanted a loan .�1 BANW to A MIII1ON CANADIANS iuorkesg with Cottadiatis io every walk of lila since 1817. 1 et,/ to buy feed I almost always asked the Bank to advance money for just part of the cost. "Anyway, good risk or not, the Bank stuck by me, and if it weren't for that you wouldn't be running this 640 -acre farm today and getting first prizes for your Ayrshires, and— what's more —doing a good war job." THIS true experience is typical of thousands of customers' relations with the Bank of Montreal. The John Haleys get on in life because of their determination, enterprise and self-reliance. It is they who have made Canada what she is today , , , the third greatest trading nation of the world. * * exalk If you need a loan for the better operation of your farm, or for assistance in your personal affairs, we will. be glad of the opportunity to discuss, in confidence, your plans and problems with you. BANN. OF Mo NT1EAE Zurich (Sub -Agency): Open ]'ton,, Thurs., and Sat. Hensall Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager