HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-03-29, Page 8MUCH. ONTARIO House Furnishings pl We have a fine supply of Cretans, Chintz, Monk's Cloth, Homespuns suitable for Drapes, Etc., and a fine lot` `" of Tapestry for covering Chairs and ^Chesterfields: all If in need of New Wallpaper ado not delay as we could only procure 65`"of last year's order. So many lines twill be sold out in the near future. House Dresses A small shipment of Ladies' House Dresses arrived. 400 All sizes from 36 to 48. Priced from $1.59 to $2.25 a Yard Q�Q QVGG Gascho Bros• ZURICH QI TELEPHONE 59 GENERAL INSURANGE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity „Et J 1. Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative brie Zurich HARDWARE -- SEEDS You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv - 'es product. 'inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls -Exceptional Values at Lower Prices. and FURNITURE Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith, ing our Specialty. Full litre of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE w SEItVIC s 0 ZIOXICH. IHF.,RALD „ANS OF LOCAL •INTEREST' Mr. and Mrs. R. F. (Stade and: Mile: ",harles Thiel spent a day at London est week, Messre. Ivan Kalbfleisch and'Ward Fhb were at Toronto en busineaatax a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers •and Mn.sWm. Hay spent w"unday with •re. latives in London. Miss Betty Moore of; ,Seaforth, spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Romayne Ge ger Mr. anal Mrs Wm Snider . of ,near Benmillef were 'week -end yisitore, et. the home" of Mrs Win. Truemrier,' M. and; l ,rs ,Charles pagan, d. dau:glhter Mary of Seaforth visited t the (home of 'a'l44'T'ed, uijllttlie holtz o,d n cite '�5" °`s,�x Mr:'aair> M4 Olin' +�> �IOahc'ha;Kis Charles Weber and [laughter, Mre. F1osst a Brown. spent last Thursday nt London. Mrs. Ernie MicClinch�ey and dengue ter Joan. of near Varna visited a,fiew days at the home of her sister„;Milt:. and Mrs. Harold Johnston: ,.Cpl. Douglas Eugsan . and' (nee Dorothy Douggali, of 'Exeter, were week -end guests at the eeome ort the latter's aunt, Mrs. T. L. Williams. Pte. Charles Hay has returndt to) Service duties after visiting for.sev- eral days at the' home of .his parents, M•r. and Mrs. Wm. Hai :VLr. and Mrs. Emenso'n Grhbel;•alnld daughters Pearl and Ethel bf :the Bronson. line; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Gabel ,were recent vieit6a vrtle"re- latives at Woodstock. Nix. and .11111. Edward Seek'who. have spent most of their life se far on the 14th concession, had a very successful auction sale last W ednes- day. They have moved to Dashwood where they have purchased a home. Mr. Harry Rose of Windsor was a recent visitor with his tunny, . and was accompanied on his return by his mother, Mrs. Anne Rose who will visit at the home of iter daughter' in that 'city. SPRING IS HERE valor, ]red the forum to the concluse ion that since we are living in a cheistian nation, we must feed the people of defeated enemy countries, ,4, regardless orf their ability to pay. We r must ger sa far as to support a ppoe i to gram of '',Freedom from .Want,” 'ev- en if ev-en.if it means lowering our •Canad1i- • Ian standard of living, • Thebast meeting of the season.:is: being held on March 26, at the home 4. of Mr. Clarence Parke. The Baibylon line held its regular ,4 meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Win:. Z,eilitgld: on IVlarch M5th, the guest pzesenfy• da well nnmembers agreedthat. ",;grading of rfai'n products eneo�r the production' of better C pzoduc rogreshWe ,gariies''fo'llow ed: by Miele Mr..Ilathony Etue assisted,itib,ee ,host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Battler far the second March meet Much interest was taken hi thea, 'discussion, the majority believing Spring surely is there to stay with all its 'beauty. The leaves are coin- ing .out on the trees, the early fruit` trees are beginning to bud out, 'the grass and flowers are, growing nicely. and farmers ars busy with the spring seeding the land works up nicely, just enough frost to make it nice . and mellow. .Some of.. the early garden- ers are also doing a bit.of;.ear1•y plant- ing and things surely are coming °'a- long, and don't forget it isstill' the month of March, our . furnaces have gone out; but let's all remember, .eve will 'lie needing them again -before the summer season is here. 'HAD 956 BIRTHDAY Mr. John Foster,, well known resi- dent of this district and a resident of th.e conlmunitg for the past 80 years on Saturday• observed his 95th b•i.rth- day. Mr. Foster was born- in ,St. Olemens, near Kitchener, but spent praetically ail his life ,near Zurich and conducted, a .brickyard for many years on the Babylon .line., He enjoys the 'best of health, has never worn 'glasses and only once had. a do'etor; loves old time music, and, can step :a dance with the best, Enjoys reading the daily paper and is keenly inter-. csted in events of the day; rides his ''icycle wherever he goes and says he can wank as fast as ,ever, Mr. Foster is a memlber of 'St. Boniface, R. C. church, Zurich. His wife died some 10 years ago, and there i,: a family of four sons and two .daughters, 'Louis, Iiitchner, , Albert, Digggar, Sas Alphonsos, iH.ensel] ; Alex, London; Mrs. Matilda Dietrich and Mrs..Jae. ab Battler, of the Babylon line, . He '-.as 52 .grandchildren and 5.5 'great grand children, that price 'stabilation' has been a:heli», t to the fawners. Progressive .Bunco, Liras; played and also a (mirth prose c-- ing quizz contest. Members of the Babylon line forum met at 'the home of Mr. and Mxss 0:. GGreb for the ffinal broadcast of: the season. Thosee present did not agree With the regiistration• resoluti,sn pas sed by the U.M.R.R.A., Council; not to send relief to people ,of did Bated enemy clountries, unless fullepaym- ents is received. •Games and'ceontests brought an enjoyable seascrsij to a close. %. :The Farm Forain of S., $4• No. 7, , t Hay, held their regular meeting on L March 1,2th at the,; home atf' Mr. and'', Mrs. Alfred ]Pfaff with •2 members {'{ .present. After discussing- the tope 1 ret: we agreed that Price iStabilizatitne will he a benefit to the: farmer. Orr the question of a. naane for the forum we decided to caul it "The 1Vfap1'e Leaf Farm Forum. ' On .March 19.th Ube, meeting was held at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Peter Deichert with •3'0 members pre- sent. The topic for the evening was "'We all dive in. the Same World," The topic makes us realize that we are one big fasn$Ilylet people in the World and that of some members of the family are underfed there is hound to .be friictian. The :Forum is in favor for those members of the human family in < the world who are living in poverty. and want through no fault .(ef' their lawn; to have more of .the wesrlcl':s food supply than in the past: After. dissuasion we had a sing, •song: which was very much en- joyed, The n-joyed,'The Map1e.:Forever being most popuTeo song. The °meeting closed with the National Antheian. ..,.The Unipue Farim Forum met at the home -of Mn• and ;Mrs. Samuel Oiestreicher on March 17, with 35 present. Mr. Leonard Merner was Convener and Mr. Victor Dinnin as guest speaker who broadened our view on the topic "We all live in the same world." !Phe discussion; led in the following direction: AS to giving our surplus to defeated .countries we believe in the Golden Rule "Do unto others as you wish theni to do to you' We should be able to support a pro= gram of "Freedom of want." For depressed people without lowering our standardof. living. Immigration will take place and so will 'lead to in- creased consumption of domestic food. During the evening a present- ation of a gift was made to Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck, who are ° saving the community Mr. Stelck fittingly replied in behalf of his wife and him- self. The recreation dept. toqk charge in form of sing song and re- citations after which a ho♦i dog.lunch vias served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Leonard Merner with Mr. Hy. Schilhe as convener.' Dr. TZ "1Io' Lis Taylor, .Provincial' emei'nb�i, rfai flue lfuron-Perth riding, and wrfiose )101114 is 'in Dashwood, is li in the (lenoi°al H.-sp tai, at 'i'oronto .,de was taken ill late last Wednesday ....;Jot fw�l0ti7ty .` ...... .,. 0! the House and was admitted to hos- ',it'll the sails` evening. The many 'friends hi this; district of Dr Taylor engret to learnof hi:, '"".. ,. Farre Forum (Last week Items) The role of Canadian Agrrcultut'e In the world of today was the subject Under diseussitnt et the Blake Ari' vorum::r(•,the hotte of Mr..1010v Arm strong.. Mrr ;]`lest McBride, ee coin= a'1'liia�Nsoh�„ ....- 444,404+4.444+104+444141.1 • F.►.t��IgFlS, 1ra 30.444.401.044#4040/44.44111144.111 .lN4MlM 4 4, ,w. [arch 29th, 1946:',' ,.YOUR Hartiware and, Furthc • &TOR NEW ENAMELWARE" We are ver fortunate in , recei lig; a 'shipment Newi Enamelware, such as Cooking texnsils, Etc.,' which, »t seem to he of very good quality.; and some attractive, . color &signs: To appreciate tfaese articles one musts see them. We inviteclur inspection. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES • ' Our Stock of Mattresses is ve;:ryr-good, and you haves a: fiine,rrange to choose from, awfiixe stock of Spring Fact Mittresses, also the usual' Felt filled 'Mattresses". Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE We; have some very attracts' anal :newly designed'iled Room Suites just in, whist`s,arr, of the newest patterns and: rnxishes. Be sure and] see them if . interesi: in thi , line furniture. A "" :-. t:tv elf tie. Horne Requiremeratr, Everything in Shelf :Ali Heavy Hardware Johnston Kaibfleisc] Hardware & F rn lure. Phoma 6 3 +1 4. 4,4..4. 4. 0444 t 4111111011.1 Dead and Disabled Animals REM3VED PROMPTLY Phone: Collet: Exeter 235. Sea€th 15 DARLING aid CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY)) WHO >xROVIDES OUR. SALVATION? • "How shall wt escape, if We neglect so grew s, salvation. Nb �S GOD'S PART --He Gave His Son!; "For God se' loved the world, that He. gave His ,only begotten Son, that whosoever bellieveth in 'Rim should:. not penislt, but have everlasting life" John 3:16 "He that spared not His awn Son,'ibiat delivered 73im up for us"tall—Rom 8: 32. CHRIST'S PART --He Offered Hirnself Freely. . "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Khris[ Jesus,' -.who lave.Himself ie.ransom for all. 1 Tim. 2: 5,6. "This- is a faithful -.saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that. Christ Jesus' came"into tile-wiarld to save sinners. -1 Tiin. 1:5. "'The blood of , es1b. Christ,, His Son, cl'eanseth us from all sin. •1John 1.7. HOLY SPIRIT`S PART --He Convicts and Guides in Truth ! He will reprove the world of sin—John 16: 8. He will guide you into alit truth—John 16: 1.8. He shall testify of ane (Chnst)---John, 15: 26. YOUR PART --=Come as you are in Faith Believing Believe -Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16: 31. Not by words of relighteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us. Titus 3: 5. For all have sinned and come short 'of the .Glory of God. 3; 23. - TUNE 1N: PILGRIMS' .HOUR 7-7,30 E.D.S,T. SUNDAY EVENING. Old-faishioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at various times. CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. Mutual Network, Sundays, Local Station, CKLW, Windsor THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON EDUCATION which has been appointed to enquire into and report upon the system of education in Ontario will hold its first' sessions in the Senate Chamber of'ihe University of Toronto at 10 a,in, and at 2 p.m. on April tt, and oh '°• j''"' April 12, 1945, under the Chairmanship of Ville Hon, Mt. .�;., justice I. A. Hope, # ' Preliminary consideration will be given to such Written submissions as are presented on or before April 10. Briefs submitted after that elate will be con- '. sfdered a» subsequent sessions of the Commission, All organizations interested in any of the problems related to public education'areinvited to subtnit briefs to R. IAF 13. ,Jackson, Secretary, Royal Comdata; on F..d'txcation, Parliament lsdlii'r<,Zs, Toronto.. ..+. .rrl..- . rw..� r ,... .w. n+wR+w•.?M+M•i.+•+.n-rrv.. � ar-,-.n . .._ .-w-- .,r.v14✓r,N'•