HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-03-29, Page 5?ZURICH. ONTARIO "::. FOR QUICK SALE A ;ggs Statton gas engine .117aer vaelikaglniachine of (light work, ,filso a used separator in .good conelI aura Apply tto Reuben Gingerieh, plume 94z'2f2.. c. FOR QUICK SALE A. quaaitity of potatoes for Henry Blown, Phone 19-100. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Krueger were (Sunday visitors with friends in Dash wood. Mr. and 'Mrs. Carl MelClincne'y of near Kippen were Tuesday visitors in town, also with relatives here. The many friends •of Mr. Morris Weber are pleased to see him home sale. :from the +Clinton Hospital. Miss Clara Weber, of London, en- joyed a week -end visiting with her > tOali ARIIO 00vT. DEFEATED '1 Into—The Progressive 'Conserv at$ive Government of 1Prenxier George A. Drew went down to defeat 51 to 36 (almost on llhe stroke of Midnight when - bast 7'huirsday morning, wh n oppos- itiort parties combined ':against it, The FOR SAL A hand *fishing machine in good Condition, nearly new, also a quant- +' ity of fresh ;Vard. _Earl +Gingerich, • Phone 2296., DEKALB ' ;parents, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Weber, Mr, and Mrs. Orville Steinbach and family and Mrs. K.risp and daughter, of London visited on Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs Mary H.owald. M. and Mrs. Joseph Cantin and fainly who spent the winter in the Windsor district, have moved back in their rammer home near the lake et St. Joseph. HYBRID. $EEP CORN Orders for this Seed taken now. Will be at Zurich. on Saturdays to receive same. --Ted, Munn, Box 275 'iensall, Ont. CHICKS FOR SALE Strong, healthy S, C. White beghorns from a flock headed by PEDIGREED R.. 0. P. males. At prevailing prices, . Our incubator capacity is limited, so we suggest that to avoid disappoint- ment you order. early. Twinmaples Poultry :Farm. B. J. Klopp, Prop. VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COxON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON =Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Zurich Phone -96. BUTCHERS Zu.riehS' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the Seery Choice of Frush and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric "efriger'atiof Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins $. yunghiut & Sou PRODUCE F ! DD. Produce W A '";r T The early spring weather has ush- ered in the migrating birds such as wild ducks; wild geese with their usual honk, and the prettiest sight we have seen in wild fowl was three large white swans who stayed over for about a 'week' on the pond of Mr. Clayton O. ;Smith, of ,the Blue Water south of St Joseph. In addition to these stately swans, there were dozens Of wild ducks who seerned well re- conciled on these pleasant feeding grounds: Premier only a •moment or so before had ieleaely indicated his rt ersM ion RUBRE , GALOSHES ask Ller�t.-.-Governor Albert attotews for diss'olu'tion and then to.: call a general g tion. 'if that is theBoots or '�� "dec.' Lumbermen. ision made tonight, he said, refering to the impending defeat, then we will Up -to the Mirxute DRESS Cold Weather Footwear • PUBLIC INVITED The many customers and ~friends of the Kalbfieisch P1anjng Mill are most heartily invited to gall at the plant and inspect the same, Since their :fire .a little over a year ago, a complete new. mill has 'been erected and new machinery had to be pur- chased to replace that which was de- stroyed by the ,fire. The manage- ment of this industrious concern de- serve much credit for the way they have built up their equipment when so many machines cannot be +pur- chased new from the manufacturers. If in Zurich, or if passing 'by, stop. for a few minutes and drop in to the mill where you will be given the best of courtesy and shown through this fine and busy 'plant. Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad - .ng Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. W e r o O'Brie Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Convey accept that too, and th:e people. of On- tario will have a chance to decide. When the defeat Game there was an outburst of desk pounding from all sides of the House, The Government members set out to • cleanly indicate that they wel<;omed ..the .situaion and were "prepared td go dere the pro- vince. SHOES for Ladies and Gents. School and Sunday Echoes for Children SHOES REPAIRED With Best Quality pre. -war. DASHWOOD Mrs. Lucinda Mcisaac who spent. Leather. Good Workman ship the winter with her 'son in Detroit,s has returned.. Neil Jeilsaac, of Wind - ser returned with her and will spend his Easter holidays here, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Drnnin of Zurich were +Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman an Mr. and Mrs. Hy. P'file of Hen - salt ,were Sunday visitors with Mr:. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry HoltmanMr. and Mrs. Herb Krueger ..of spent the week -end with friends in Zurich spent ;Sun -day with Mr, and Tavistock. Mrs. .Henry Krueger. Tpr. Geo. Wolfe of iC:airlp Borden IYIr. and Mrs. D. Meerburg and spent the week -end with his parents. family of Port Frank spent. Sunday. +Spr. Garnet Weisberg of Sussex with Miss Lavada Hartleib. New Brunswick is spending a Leave Mrs. Taylor was called to Toronto with his parents. Misses Barbara Harness and Alice last week owing to the :serious illness Taylor of Exeter spent the week -end of Dr. Taylor who is in the hospital + with Miss Euoleen Kuntz. there. His many friends here hope I Mr. and .Mrs. 0. Restemeyer were for a speedy recovery. I visitors in London on Sunday.M.l and Mgt,'ack Huffman have Mr. and Mrs. Melton Wolper of 'returned after visiting with his par -.Ingersoll spent the week -end with ents in Port 'Colborne. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. :P. Fassold Helmut Messner who is employed.Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kraft. and Mrs r –Lowest Price ED. J. A R' v isuirrv,�%,u l.viWi.Ali . and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES HYDRO USERS TO GET REBATE We have been advised by the Hy- dro -Electric Com. of Ontario, of a reduction in rates for the Hydro Us- ers of the Municipality of Exeter, which will mewl an annual recaction 'of over -$1,000.00 per year. Also a refund ..of 20% of the consumers' 1944 net bills, excluding waterheat- ers, will 'be credited to therr next ac- counts received. This will amount to approximately $5200.00. In order to take care of this refund, which will be, shown as a credit, your bill will be rendered, for a four -m. ntn period. This will .include all domestic consu- mers 'and commercial consumers, who have been billed obi -monthly. The municipalities of Dashwood and Zur- ich, which are operated from the Ex- eter office, are also receiving refunds as well:as a reduction in rates. --Exe- ter Times -Advocate. to - St ad elb f London 'spent Sun - get o - at Thedford had the misfortune get a piece .of steed in his eye. Hel- day ,with ,friends here. SEED FOR SALE A limited quantity of 0.A.C, No. 21 seed -barley for sale. Hilton True- mner, Phone 85r11. Your Homme Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg anal Poultry department ' in charge of Mr. T. Meyers, A. L. Mellett -- Proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott of mut is in London hospital and latest Medford called onfriends here on reports is improving. 'Tpr. George Wolfe of Ca* !Bor- den spent the week -end with his par- ents. Mrs, Tillie Kraft is visiting with her daughter. in London. Mrs. Keys of London spent a few FOR SALE SEED—Galore barley, smooth awn. One of the highest recommend- ed• at the 0.A:C. and some Early Alaska Oats Phone 9,31.12, Hensall. A B.Bell, RR. •No. 2, Kippen Saturday. We are pleased to report that Mrs Herb Wein who underwent several operations in London Hospital, re- turned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huffman are days with her mother, Mrs. Kxaft. spending a few weeks with the for Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer mer's parents in Port +Golfborne. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nadiger and Mr. and Mrs. Peter ' Kraft cele - Miss Helen Nadiger visited with fri- brated their 66th +wedding anniver- FOR QUICK SALE About 8 bags of potatoes for sale. Apply to Mrs. Mabel Snider, or Mr. Oscar Ducharme, Phone 2-98. SEED FOR SALE Galore Barley, smooth awn. One of the highest recommended at the O. A.C. and Early Alaska Oats. A. B, Bell, R.R. 2, Kippen; Phone 98 r 2, II ensal 1. LOST Identification bracelet with 1st. Hussar crest and Alice on, Finder please leave at Herald Office (keep- sake.) FOR SALE A•set of almost new .tractor lugs. —Chas. S; Bedard. FOR SALE . A smokehouse 6x6' in good con- dition. +Harold Johnston, Zurich. INSURANCE Western .farmers Mutual Weather Insurance Co. ' OI WOODSTOCK £SL LARGEST RESERVE BAL- .4.; ANGE O ' ANY ~CANADIAN MUT- • U L• ColAN'Z DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN .ONTARIO Amount . of Insurance at (tisk en December 31st, 1944: ,$45,465,60.. Total +Cash Bank and' Bonds. L F. KLOPP_,ZURIGH lAgomnt, also Dealer in' Lightna ling Rods and all kinds of Fire insurance >» a,4 A 1930 Chevy -Sedan, good tires. Earl C4'ingerich.—Phone 22-96. • . FARM FOR SALE 871/it acres, lot 14 on main road 1% miles west of Varna. 10 acres of fall wheat, 10 acres plowed, good water supply, buildings in good con- dition, near school. Apply to G. A. Galbraith, Varna. WANTED goung man to work in croaanery and. learn but+termaking, ete. Active, willing to work and learn. Good pay to start to right man. Apply—Zur- ich 'Grearlery. HOUSE FOR SALE Two storey frame dwelling with double garage in good condition. Tic- tra lot included with this property. Good location in Zurich. Pot par- ticulars apply at Herald OMee , T H d They sent the ends in Kitchener on Sunday. sary on ,Sun +a y. p C AN AD ! A N 1 1 s 0 • s 0 0 111•011104141000000000 00101.0.001.046 11100011040000 410.01100,0~000.101011 'M0.114!M _ _ ,... y , ,k 0 ---- - - ,,, a s ea There are still many cold days . ahead of us this Winter. So why not have :your home 'nice and comfortable when the winds blow raw and cold. 'z outside ... W e have a fresh carload of Nut S1 e Coke that Will suit most heating ;equipments... This fuel will keep your home nice and warm these cold days:;; The Government advises householders ..to burn, more coke as fuel owing to the scarcity ..of hard. Coal. YOUR POULTRY NEEDS • Soon the Poulry and Chick season will be with us again, and rriany supplies which may then be hard to' eget will be required. Put in your supply now while the supply is here. PEAT MOSS, POUL- TRY LITTER, and CHICK STARTERS are some of the items you will require. Let us supply you. 1 1 as A 4 1 1 1 eCa *Gu.y' S71,1444065d3aditOxUYasFrasa4ro •4****4444P'a9****•&4404**5 oept c -o -e. .7,- ea•rcY66 .,00lo + >4*48 0 s 4 0• i 0 Fertilize r Fertilizer PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR FERTILIZER AND TAKE DELIVERY EARLY FRESH FEEDS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES IF IN THE MARKET FOR A MILKING MACHINE, WE SELL AND SERVICE THE FAMOUS UNIVERSAL MILKER GIVE US A CALL - Huron Farmers' Co -Operative R. J. COOPER, MANAGER HENSALL, Phone 115. • a• day quietly with their family. and Mrs. H. Simpson A story "The The Ladies Aid and W.M.S. of the Legend of St. Patrick" was read. by; Mrs. G. Bender. The study book was given in the .form of a pantomime by different members and was very in- teresting. A hymn "The Church one Foundation" was sung followed by the roll call with 24 members pres- ent and five visitors. Rev. Burn clos- ed the meeting with prayer. The lad- ies spent the remainder of the after- ! Cross' was sung by Mrs. A. Willert noon quilting. 4 4 0 0 4 e 4 0 4. a. 4. 8 9 • 4. 4 4 Dashwood Evangelical church he their. regular meeting. Mrs. .S. Cur- rie's group had charge of the meeting which opened with a prelude of mus - ie played by Mrs. M. Klumpp. This was followed by a hymn and Mrs. Currie led .in prayer. The scripture was read by Mrs. A. Haugh and Mrs D. Tiernan. A duet, "The Old Rugged W A Y 0 F t 1 F E . Dawn to Earth. ( ARDENING for the fun of it— week-end trips in the old family jalopy—lazy days fishing by the river —these things still stand for a pleas- ant way of life—a way of life our men overseas are fighting for today!. They won't be able to come back to these simple things, unless we get "down to earth" in our thinking, and make sure when they do come back, their dollar will be worth a dollar! Ta protect that dollar, we must realize now, the dangers of Careless, unnecessary buying! We must buy only what we need—never buy two where one will do! We must not evade rationing or .price control, or deal in black markets. If we break these rules, our country—the country our soldiers are fighting for—will start on that spiral of prices known as inflation. • And inflation affects everyone , . . wage-earner, pensioner, small-busi- ness owner, returned soldier/ That's why it's important to take a stand. against it now. If inflation starts in this country, this is what will happen. Prices will rise. Wages will try to follow along—and will never quite catch up! Soon your dollar—your soldier's dollar—may buy only 25% of the things it used to! That is what has happened in many of the countries of the world today, and that is why normal living for anyone is impossible in those countries! So let's make sure our soldier's dollar, when he gets back, will be worth a full dollar. We cannot give back to him his lost years or lost youth. But if we keep up the fight against inflation, the man who is overseas.. can look forward to pleasant, satisfying living ... to the Canadian way of life! Pmblr"sbed by Tl'I1 BREWING 1ND'i.ISTRV (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers of inflation. rt. lit Make this Pledge Todayl I pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: By observing rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or forrn. By respecting price controls and other anti-inflation measures, and re- fraining from careless and unneces.• sary buying. 1 will not buy two - where one will do, nor will I buy a "new" where an "old" will do. By buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Stamps, supporting tax. ation, and abiding by all such measures which will lower the Cost of living and help keep prices et a normal level.