HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-03-29, Page 4• 41010014 owsrzn 1;;‘,„ owitiolimiuniniiiiiimm014.01111141111001111011110011 ZURIeii-VS Grocery Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always xnaintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be. Convinced Menno Qesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 1)1111111 1 11111111111 1111 . 11.1117gratiiillidugim ono /01111OURZSI 1 11111N11.114111inidi 011111101.1.1, assey-llarris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1945! I HAVE A FEW CREAM' -SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- - T,MENT: 550 to 600 'SIZE at $70.75 400 to 450 'SIZE @ $59.50 850 to 900 SIZE ex $82.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS. -BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar lopp R. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS • The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. Ifeuit trees, is 100ated ein Richmond Street, Ale() at the same tine one Lot 1 -6th .of an aore. This Lot hose. stable and some fruit trees, Lots will be sold in two parcel% Terms of Real Estate --1,410 .ou day of Sale; .balance in, 30.days. Will be sold subject to a reserved bid. . .. OTHER. ARTICLES 2 1VieCormick-Deering binders nearly new; eolonee hou$e 8x1.2'; 6 shelters; 2 16 -ft. flat hay recite new; speed jack, 4 work ibeneheeremerY stand; flat rack for trunk; desk, radio; spring and 'aeattress; a large nambee of pulleys, wheel barrel, electric ser- vice boxes, wagon, &tames ,for fan- ning naleetveens, fanning,;n411, sash, wind screen, steel culvert, electric fixtures; jig. eaw, Iblankee for cider canneE0 YOU ARE INVITED BY •Ey. Haist• -Your (Red Indian Consignee), • TO ATTEND.A FARMER'S MEETMG BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY IT IS FREE OF CHARGE Films on Farm Equipment will be shown as Well -as' Films that will' entertain the whole Family : EXETER TOWN HALL Thursday, April 5th. ZURICH TOWN HALL Friday, April 6th. 8 o'clock, p.m.. COME AND MEET YOUR FRIENDS En*IMI•le•Wli• WRECKERS OF FINANCE Charles V. Bob Froin a pick -and -shovel beginning, he became a multi -millionaire specu- lator who promoted anything. The and a quantity of gran. implements-M.U. bindei cut; M -H. mower 5 -ft. eut; down manure spreader; McCormick Deering fertilizer drill 111 -hoe; 2 Frost 1St Wood spring tooth eultiyat- ; 4-seetion diamond harrows; 2 drum steel roller; hay rake, M -H. bean scuffler with, puller combined; 1 -horse solffler, 3 walking plows, potato digger plow; low evens steel wagon; pr. bob sleighs and platform new. 10 -ft. flat rack new; stoneboat oualirow Nexon disc; root pulper; cutting box, 'Clinton fanning mill; 9 - inch grain grinder. 2000 -lb. capacity scales; 00 -ft. ladder; 15 -ft. ladder; gravel box, 4 -wheel •trailer, buggy; 2 caters; iStewart horse clipper; sling elopes 2 sets; iron kettle, black- smith outfit, blaelternith coal, copper kettle; ,rheielbatkrocst,t logging ehain, forks., shovels, scoop shovel, quantity mill, and a number of small articles. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. single harness; 6 horse collars, horse aFeR1VLE-.-CASH of turnips, 2 sets heavy harness, se Ivan Kalbtleisch, Lloyd • Kalbfleisc h other articles. blankets,2 barrels and numerous L. Brigeov v Mrs. Vera Haberer, Executors ' t Household Effects - ,Glass Cup - AUCTION SALE table, small table. Potatoes - A quantity ot seed lc'obeakirin, go.c.,11adalier„ 0. Kalbileisch Estate. • b6- oarkittle;hebnureehaauir; sc,ohuicghh, 6 -ft. 'windrower; 1 3 -furrow general bottom InternOtional plow on rubber; 1 2 -furrow ace bottom International plow on robber; 1 34 -plate Bissel disc heavy duty; 1 32-Bissel disc with weight boxes; 1 110 -ft. stiff tooth In- ternational cultivator, 1 3 -section Ais,Chalmers spring tooth harrows, 1 Fleurry Bissel plow packer with 3 furrow plow; 1 7 -ft. International binder, practically new; 1 11 -disc International fertilizer drill with grass seeder attachment; 1 IVIassey- • 15 disc drill with tractor hitch; 1 5 -ft. International mower, Of Farm Stock, ImpletrientS Household Effects,. on Ibt-'16., Con. 9, Hay Township. 1 1-4.east and 1 1-4 -mile south of Zurich, on TUESDAY, APRIL • 3rd, /945 • Commending 'fat 1 ,o'Clnck sharp Horses -1 •teath. of 'grey mares' 10 and 11 years '1 team of Bay Percheron mares trising .6. years old; Cattle - Roan 'epee with calf at foot; Jersey heifer freeli; .red heifer fresh; Her ford cow in calf; roan 'cow feeslr; roan 'tow due at tnne of sale; brindle heifer 'ia. calf; 2 fat steers 2 years oldr '3."white steers rising 2 years ••eld;.'"&•helfees rising 2 years tad.; lierford'bull.rising year old; 2 'baby beefs; 4 -heifers rising 1 .year old; 1 •SteerreiSiag 1 year old; 3 spring 'calves, 1• fall .calf. "Ynrkshire hog rising; 2 potatoes-, also early seed potatoes. No reserve, as the Proprietor is giving up farming. 1 ew with clover launcher and ithureday, March 29th; 1945. down manure spreader; 1 Internat- ional bean scuff:ler, new style with discs; 11 International rubber tire wagon nearly new; 1 16,ft. flat hay rack and eliding racic; 1 10,ft. steel hay eke; 2 walking plows; / faint- ing mill with pulley and bagger; 11 extension ladder; 1 brooder stove; 1 full enamel kitchen stove, nearly new; 1 3 -burner icoal ,oil stove; .1 hand washing machine, a quantity of bee boxes, sap pan, dresser and stand 1 kitchen table and a number of' chairs, team harnees, and other ar-.• ticles too numerous to mention. Absolutely. no reserve as the Propi. rietor is giving up farming. Terms of Sale-Oash Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, R. R. 1 Dashwood. Hyde Bros., Proprietors, Hensel!, One Phone 128 P. L. MeNaughton, Clerk. steel clover table; 1 International hay loader, new style; 1 International Side delivery .rig, new style; 1 Massey - Harris hay tedder, nearly new; 1 4 - section heavy harrows; 1 4-5ection light harrows; 1 `Massey Harris low TERMS -CA SH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Wee S. Johnston, Clerk., Nicholas Foster, M. Hay, Preps. AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, CombMes and Farm Implements on Lot 4, Concession 1, London Road, 1 mile north of Kippen ' in Stanley Township, on THURSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1945. At 1.30 sharp, the following: 1 Allis Chalmers W.C. Tractor, with lights and .starter on rubber; 1 Allis Chalmers .C. Tractor, with lights and starter on rubber; 1 Allis Chal- mers bean iand corn ,scuffler for C - years !Old; 1 Yorkshire• Sow due 1st tractor; 1 Allis Chahners bean puller 'of May; f9 •stoCker.Pigs••eveighing 90' for C. tractor; 2 Allis Chahners No. nth. 60 Combines on rubber with quick Haeeant“Grain--eA quantity of Hay adjustable speed with recleaners; 1 binder 7 -ft. cut nearly neW; Massey - Harris mower '6 -ft. cut; ''new; MC - Cormick 10 -ft. steel hay cake new, 13 -hoe M -H. drill; M -H. swing tooth -cultivator with short and long tongue American Weekly, with this Sunday's side. delivery rake; OUyer bean scut - (AMU 1) issue of The Derroit Sun flee with puller combined; 2 -section day Times, tells of how this fabulous harrows; McCormick Deering clovex buncher, rubber tire wagon with good tires; 2 low down farm ,wagons; 16 -ft. flet bay, Tacks; 2% sleighs; 1 - horse acuffler nearly new; buzz saw, on truck; 6-inth endless drive belt 32 -ft; dump ,cart; Clinton fanning mill; wheelbarrow; mower tongue; 10 large end posts 94t; wood flour barrel, .galv. flour barrel; lawn, mow- er nearly new; a number wagon tongues; pump jack, gas engine for pumping water, 2 sets 'of double harness; power grindstone 3 ft; Renfrew cream separator 600 -lb,, capacity; windless; root pulpee; kit- chen cabinet; bedstead and speins; extension table; Coleman lantern 'aild numerous other articles. . No reserve, -as the proprietor has rented his farm. 07,r o Arthur Weber Auctioneer.- ' • ' • figure nee to the heights, then plum- meted to nowhere again, leaving a mountain range as a tombstone. AUCTION SALE Of a full line of Household Effects will be held at DASHWOOD, On SATURDAY, MARCH 31st. ' At 1.30 p.m. When Arthus Weber, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by public auction the entire lot of household effects being the property of the un- dersigned. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. 0° Mrs. Wm. Davis, Propritrese. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Imp I men ts and Household (Teets, at BRENNER'S HOTEL STABLES, -Tim Dalton, Clerk. Peter Eieenbach, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Hensel' Real Estate and Other Effects At Kalbfleisch Planing Mill, Zurich, on 'SATURDAY, APRIL 7th. Commencing at 2 o'cloek, sharp. REAL ESTATE Property consists of Lotr 011, 212, Petty's Fourth Survey itt the Village of IHensalt There is a frame house GRAND BEND, on FRIDAY, APRIL 6th. At 1.30 o'clock, the following Hores-1 Black gelding 8 years old weighing 1600 lbs; 1 General PUITOJSC gelding 6 years old. Cattle - 2 Durham •cows with calf et toot, 14 Durham cows, roans and reds mostly due in April and first »art of May; 4 Durham heifers in 'df ; 2 2 -ye. old heifers; 1,6 Durham alves rising 1 year old, TrapIttments IlitcCormiek Deering with kitchen and cellar, a number of eggPlit KLOPP'S ONE-STIIP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take ch;nces in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and 'Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son 'Used Car Lot in Connection ..000.•••••On.0.=*11.1mommta....m• Amos. ...mons.amonsra -Family Allowances will be paid every month for every eligible child under 16 years of age. First cheques will be mailed in July, 1945. Family Allow- ances are being paid to help parents in the care of peir children, -to help pay for medical, dental and • 4olising services -for better food, clothing_ and Shelter, and to assist in equalizing opportunities for all children. Registration forms have been mailed to every QUESTION 1, -P R. INT IN BLOCK 'LETTERS (LIKE THIS) the names of.your children under 16. W.citenet the month of birth, then give day and year. Write name of place where each child was bora. Complete each line by statingyourrelationship to child and if father and mother are applying, al is ,both "relation- ship" columns. • QUESTION 2, Het:0 ;the father and another must both sign if both are • at home:Then give the address to •which cheques should be mailed. PRINT THIS IN BLOCK. TYPE (LIKE THIS) under both signatures. The mother should not sign her husband's first name. She should sign her own first nm'; such as Mrs. Alice, Mary, Joan, etc. ,that oladzooPoa #.1.Lbatmaa ./a.a.fa'Alta.4fittitartaaresalla W.14. eltl,t1::::74:th,relka oi ea.. a. 1.0. gr. Naval. • ',ZIA tlt.,:aan el DA•00 pot o.t0000ny • oNotnili:whksmOooho:::4,,,,:oo;hhOocO,O;o:o;a: A•aVOV dpiede.ionve S. PP V.1004 Milit.11.0 family. Fill in your form as sooa as received. It is. very simple -only seven questions -and inform- ation is given below to help you complete the farm accurately. Do it right away in the interests of your. children, as cheques can only be mailed to those eligible families which have completed and re- turned the Registration Form. If you do not receive a form through the mail,. please ask for one at the nearest Post Office. „Avvv,,o'N‘ nod?UoidO,v411.,:„'ow.N6iAEltANNIII, I DEPARTMENT Cs. 14AtiONAL HEALTH ARO WELFARE FAMILY ALLOWANCES REGISTRATION FORM ..A,,, in respect of the children listed below, all of vehoin are under Id Yam, orage and me behvg raalatahmed by V: ED -P. -AA -AA., .----T.,--T----- •:-........,...._,..,_ •,-.-- rh, . ration Mem. by,MataaPlaRrad ED. ii EnY aDlld at Yawn under the age ed 16 years ls supported by Another person, ouch eidid ehould De reElaterad by stieh othm pawn oa so yam ti,,ME Oil PO/ OP MED or ea Loa levee P.A101.11. 04 Calla Maw MADE oa BIRTH OF CHM ohm the information given In rerponse to tile manatee* on both Moo a( oppllaillon complett and ocetuhto ho meg ddiEtt• , .7,_ the ab:nee. of tether on nolilear;:mle, the death el either port7, oto.•) P.0 :IN door° sIgn:;4ornes* h"nofovb"ta. Ifblo,";144.61sott:oo le domin thornier *NO' o.,t472111%. 0. ow. ono, ow QUESTION 3. If only one person has signed under question 2, state the reason why the other signature cannot be given. Give details -don't say father or Mother is "away" -state where and for how long. QUESTIONS 4, 5, 6 and 7 on the other side of the form must also be answered either "Yes" or "No" If the answer is "No" to questions 4, 5 or 6, state details giving name of child, or children concerned. In the case of No. 5, if you have any children under 16 not living with you, list their names, give the reason and the complete address as to where they can be visited. If the answer to No. 7 is "Yes", give the details required. INCOME TAX: So that nobody will benefit from both Family Allowances atid a full income tax deduction for.their children, the income tax deduc- tions for children will be reduced by the amount received from Family. Allowances. Parents'therefore, have the choice of claiming -or not claiming-Eamily Allowances. Those uncertain as to whether or toot they, will benefit are advised to apply for the Family Allowance. , MIAOW &PLY ALIbA TAPVIAMY-111. • itt •A6 othieeeesetNoao voey.,y.te ANOYOU ARE HELPING T YOUR CHILDREN WHEN YOU REGISTEItu wsiiiist4efrAreAwers Pr/NI:shed tordeP arethaPity of Me NON, IIROOKE CLAXTON, MitzigteP O/PAEIMINT OF NATIONA4 itsALTii AND 1111021024 OTTAWA 100 Altaskto,w,v, eekee A Hieftled lnovev.,,,, degi