HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-03-29, Page 11 Established 1900 RALD ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 29 45 Chester L. Smith, Publishaa $1.50 a Year in Advarbea By buying Gov t, SeJiritios YOP. irotect your homes• EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH Gotambhaesullatal011....1 C. R. Hookendern. Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 1112 an.—Divine Worship. 21 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. ftev, E. W. Heirnrich, Pastor 10 cm—Divine Services. 2ifilats a.m.—Sunday saoca. 17.30 Divine Worship. ?Everybody We/eanso to all Services; COMFORTABLE GLASSES M REASONABLE PRK:ES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Newest Approved Method off IlEyesight Testing Use& Open emery Week 'Day Eacelee Weavevasigr,. • 1. Are You Suffering From Headachee? if so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices Betty Anne Beauty Shop fHE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS • rhe Better Oil Permanents applied eith the very latest of methods and Squipment -and besides all this is our year of ilxperience in all Hair Dressing. :RIVE US A CALL! • • Phone 68 four your Appointntents. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs . Simon Hoffman and family wish tothank their many friends and relatives for their kind- ness •amd sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement, of a dear son and brothel-. Federation Banque. Will be held on Wednesday, April 4th. In the . Town Hall, Zurich At 7 p.in. Prop. J. C. Steekle, 0. A. C., Ridge - town, will -be the guest speaker. • Tickets `are still .avalable. ANNUAL MEETING Will be held at 8.30. .p.m. Theo Steinbach, 'Secretary. Bert. Klopp, President- ' RU:MMAGE & .BAKING. SALE The Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical Chureh are holding a Rummage Sale at the Town Hall, on Saturday, Ap- ii 7th, afternoon and eveneng. Home- madelBak.ina and Apron Sale in con- nection. You are invited to come and avail yourself of this opportun- ity The sale opens at 2 p.m. 11/10, ,.............111.101.617.21,11111"III.MISMSOMIA.....4•1.46011.616Reemza..e. 101111*. . .. .),o.,.,,,As__._..__)_t___., Fullfue , ___,,.... ..,, ,,„.,_,....„... A Mr. aild Mrs. Vidor Dinnin were 'Sunday-vasitors in Dashwood. Mrs. Mabel Snider of Sarnia, is aperaling a few weeks with friends here. . Mr. John Truemner of Toronto is visiting 'with his relatives in this -vic- inity. Mr. Henry Gackstetter received a nasty gash in his hand last week which required several stitches. Mr. Jahn Albrecht received an injury to his right arm while at work the ether day. Mi'. . and Mrs. Edgar rWuerth of town were Sunday Met visitors with Mr and Mrs. I. Heist, terediton. Miss Ethel Williams, Mrs. T. L. Williams and Mr. !Calvin Williams spent day in London visiting fri- ends. ••••••••••1 • The many ,friends -of Mr. John Gellman are pleased to meet him on The baptism rites were conferred the street in good health after his on three baby .girls in the Evangel- J recent illness. le -al church, Sunday morning. the Mr. .a.nd Mrs. I.Hy. Lawrente have little ones were the daughters of Mr.dreturned, from their farm near Mit- and Mrs. Delbert Geiger, Mr. and ehell and will be al home in the ap- Mrs. Clarence &bade, and Mr. and •artment in town. Mrs.,,Wit. A. Siebert. - The im weather has put the fin- e Farm Forum lishing toualastry. And many people are very ch on the maple syrup in - disappointed as are the 'producers in 53 attended the last meeting of not Iberia, able to fill the full supply. the season of the Blake Farm Forum Mr. and Mrs. Chris. .Schultz and at the home of Mr. Clarence Parke. Alter the secretary conducted a ques- tionaire sent out by the Provincial Office, Yr. john Armstrong gave a ++++++++++++++++++++e-Peeeete +++++44:1;4•444++++++++++++4 -talk. ' dru-the Township School Area. BLAKE +• Thornloe, Ont., March 8, 1945. The Herald. )01fice, Zurich. -- Dear Sir—,Find -enclosed our sub- scription to Herald for another year. .Theweekly,news from home. . BY reports you . have had a real .winted down south with blocked of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and + • •reasna-reailless days, you will be glad to welcome spring, which must be only around the corner now. We have 'had a kevely wintet up north, with very little 'storm and not so much snow either, though now in March it snows most every day and on the level it is piling up some. Our mall ha1 t. offman Ifuntral *me 4..* Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE N. 70 Dashwood Ontario RENEWAL OF 'UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS or AII efarlorni: All Uneanploysnenr insurance Deeks for the .year ending March 31st, 1945, must be exchanged for. new books., New Insurance Books for he fiscsi year 1945-46 will be exchanged by the LociEmployrneot and Selective Service Office fttyextor area for expired ansurance Books upon ,cerapietien of the second last page in the expired bliyalzs. Protect the hems& rights of yitmr employees by sending in their`*isidbOilth properly corm. pieced on MarchIlit. -) „ Tore er- ui5e fear failing to make thunsirdoyannat Insurance contri- butions taw jeer gramma entployaes and for faiTare to, maxim. the Insurance Haakft requirWaL. VATEMPLOIVMENT INSURAINVE COMMISSUM 1 ,alummuor NITICREM, LOUIS J. TROVIITX Minister of Lebow . R. I. tfALLON ALLAN M. MITCRELL Periakiesiesisrs. • ow 4344 s not missed more than three days for -storms ell winter.. The T.N. -0. bus has not missed a day on a 40 mile run to Elk Lake, this line is south of our halm about 50 rods. You better aorme way up north where we have. bright sunny days, and not so mach storm even if the temper- ature drOpi little;` 50 and 51 below were rep:orted as the coldest morn- ings. Yours ISincerely, (Mrs. Gordon) Alberta Johnston. St. Joseph and Beaver Town The funeral of the late 'Richard Masse of Grand Bend Which was held in this parish on Friday last was one of ;the largest held in this pariah. The church being tilled to capacity. Solemn requim High Mass being sung lby Father 0. Martin; officiated with Father Lucier of Zur- ich :and' Father Kelly of Forest. The sermon being delivered by the latter his text being on Death Certain. Those who attended the funeral from other points were: Seaforth Niagara Falls, Goderich, Exeter 'Windsor, London and Detroit and surrounding disetict to mourn his loss Are his parents and the remain- ing members of the family, his wife and four young children, the eldest being six yearof age with three months old baby the. yopagest. The entire community eaten& their great -i est sympathy to theiaereived ones. Mia. Leon jeffrey, ,Se.,* has retute- ed to this btarg ofteiiing the winter months at Grand 'Bend with Mr. and Mrs:1 Wilbur T4wey. . Engineer Napoleon 'Latcharme of the Air Force feorn Armstrong, Ont. spent the week -end with his ramily end relatives. Already seeding has started in this vicinity and farmers report the land in good shape. It is early, but if you look back and count the start- ing of winter Pince last November, thee there should be no doubt of spising being here to stay for this seae'en. Most Pat -leen are smiling de4tegother t.:? carry through their sltock, .and it will be a cheery day whey green grass ellonts torth it tender family of Seaforth spent last week- end:with Mr. and Mrs Moses Erb of the -BIin ,..The•;:tiiilieti • Drama kmon the Leper'"-wilT be given by the Young People -of' the Emmanuel iavaagelieal ,Church on, iclay March 30th, at 8 pm. A cordial invitation is exten- ded to everyone. Recently there have been several breakthroughs on Highway No. 83 west of Exeter owing to the frost earning out of the ground. Cars were stuck •and...had to be pulled out with difficulty. Traffic from Dashwood and Grand Bend 'was routed through Crediton, but now all is well again. OBITUARY . The Leta Crge Becker Funeral services, for the late ;George Becker who died last Tuesday in his 71st year at his home in Dash- wood, was held on Friday from the T. Harry Hoffman funeral Homt. at Dashwood to the Zion Lutheran church where a memorial servree was conducted -at 3 p.m., by Rev. T. Luft interment followed in -the Lutheran cemetery. Mr. Becker was born in Hay Township, and operated a farm and a cement businese north of Dash- wood. He retired' about a year ago and has since, resided in Dashwood, where he was atAnamber of the Zion Lutheran Church. He is ,survived 'by his wife, 1Vlary Rarich, formerly of the Zut,ich district; one daughter, Hilda, and one son, Emil, both at home; three' sisters, Mrs. Ed, Stire, and Mrs. Wan, Bieber of Hay Town- ship, -and Mrs. .Mary Martene, of Dashwood; time brothers, John and Charles of Hay Township and Will- iam of Stephen Twp. The pallbearers were Edmund Waiper, Aaron Oestrei- cher, -Sam ,0,estreicher, Reinold Mill- er, ?Lewis Rader and Lewis 'Kraft. Many Attend flFneral Bifocals Kryptoks YES, ANY TYPE OF STYLE OF BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY DUPLICATED PLUS A SAVING EITHER FROM YOUR PRESCRIPTION OR FROM A BROKEN PART OF YOUR LENSE A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification the World's Finest Anthracite sk for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal.. Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds ;4„ Highest Cash Prices paid fee Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hewed!! 1111111•11010111 1110011001100410410‘ 0.114011.80011104140.0040444004111410000011) • 9 F Westlake Brokenshire Funeral Service Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent Day and Night Service , Phone 158, Zurich esseassampeompesesseompeackeeeseossimeo tel.ea++++++++e 1 vt• 4. 4 4 4 Cut Your Fuel Bill In ALF! uy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Man 'vale Building Miarials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW' PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OP GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON 4 Phone 69 — +. 4 4 4 44,44.44-4-4, v+i ZURICH More than 600 persons attended requiem High Mass for Richard Jos- eph Masse in St. Peter's charch, French eSettlement ,at11:30. Friday morninggekle was the meniber o4 ,the. famous ftigtskt of 21 childama of St. 'Joseph, and MS death waa:caused by .burns ,when oil can exploded in his hands and spilling its:eoptents casaaa him 'at, 'home, Grand Bend. Mr. IVilisse aritea a former ,poliee officer at 'Welland and, Grand Bend, and members of the co-' unty and provincial police acted as honorary pallbearors. Constables Prank Fox and Wan. Gardiner, re- presented the provineial force, and Constable Jack Ferguson of Exeter, and Constable Helmer Snell of Sea- foith, represented the county tamed Active pallbearere, were Lloyden De- aornme, Thos, Denortune, Rudolph' torriveuu), Prey Bedard, ClettntS' Denotrarte, Maxim ,Teitrey, Denniti cbarrette$ and PierreuhAn • • JUST WHEN YOU MED IT MOST, WE HAVE PEED FEED Pioneer Big 3 Laying Mash and Hatching Ration, Pig Starter and Concentrates The Chick Season iS just around the db e* '5tart- ,your Chicks right with Pioneer Chick 'Starter..,. In spite of the difficulties in securing thern, we have the following Renis to offer: Cod Liver Oil, Bone Meal, Mineral Supplement, Oyster Shell, Hen and Chick Grit, Etc. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND REIF BILAIO, STOKE. Ealatutut $ynottitentrither, Prop. Phone: 11407