HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-03-22, Page 6Relieve Neuritis... Ne ., rc dg a Pcdn Aspirin Eases Pain Amos !immediately Why Aspirin works so fast Instantly! Yes, the mordent you drop an Aspirin Tablet in a glass of water it begins to dis- integrate, And that same quick action takes place in your stomach. Thus, you get relief almost instantly. Aspirin has proved itself through generations to be quick, effective, above all, dependable. That's why Canadians have come to rely on this famous analgesic for relief from pain due to headache, neuralgia or neuritis. So protect yourself from needless misery. Just get a box of genuine Aspirin at your druggist's today and follow simple directions. NEW REDUCED PRICES Pocket Box of 12 now IBe Economy Bottle of 24. now 29e family size of 100. now 79c the Bayer cross on each tablet la your guarantee that It's Aspirin YOU CAN'T BEAT Improve Your Health by Correcting Sluggish This Way is Swift, Economical Few conditions can wreck your health faster than disordered kidneys and inflamed bladder. Your back aches miserably. You have restless nights. You suffer leg cramps and rheumatic pains. When these things happen your kidneys creed help in filtering out acids .and poisonous wastes that are undermining your health, Give them this help—quickly—with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules - GOLD MEDAL Capsules contain accurately measured amounts of the original and genuine Haarlem Oil (Dutch Drops). You will be gratefully surprised at the way they relieve clogged kidneye and irritated bladder. Go to your druggist now and get a 40c box. Be sure you ask for GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules. NY! SM±GE WHERE'S YOUR cum OUT TIRED ACHES There is one day in 'every month in which the moon does not rise, end one in which it does not set. OTTAWA REPORTS That Ships Leaving Canada Are Supplied With Enough Food For Round Trip An important and ittle publicized role played by Canadian farmers in providing ships' supplies is dis closed by D. R. Townsend, rrices Board administrator of ships' stores, in a statement of 1044 oper- ations. Almost 5,000,000 pounds of beef and veal: 4,000,000 pounds of flour; 1,750,000 pounds of mutton and lamb, and a similar quantity of pork as well as of miscellaneous meats, plus 1,500,000 pounds of ba- con and ham were supplied for ships' stores last year. Huge quan- tities of tinned and dried fruits and vegetables, eggs, butter, condensed • milk, poultry, cheese, tomato juice and cereals were also among foods that had their origin on Canadian farms, and were indispensable to those who plan the merchant ships and convoy escorts on the high seas. Every ship that leaves a Cana- dian port, whether troop transport or liner, cargo boat or deep-sea fishing vessel, is supplied not only with enough food for its voyage outward bound, but for the return trip as well, Mr. Townsend points out. Supplies are provided on a strict per man per day basis, and if a ship returns to Canada before the expiry date of its last storing period an accounting of stores is required by the administration. In 1944, British Coastal Com- mand Aircraft sank 120,000 tons of enemy shipping, 3 destroyers and 40 other vessels. a\ill/,/, EAT -SLEEP - LOOKa,rud 13E'I b'ITANdiIN @-COMPLEX Limpid & Tablet Porn L DRao OrtaEs 01 S 2 Special candies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecca Pile Remedy No. 1 is for Protruding Bleeding Piles, and is sold in Tube, with pipe, for internal application. Price 76o. Meoca Pile Remedy No. 2 is for External Itching Piles. Sold In Jar, and is for external use only. Price 60e. Order by number from your Druggist. CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM i B aeotliding to tired ;one ',that have been through h cold, hard days tramp, relieving pain, stiffness and aching muscles. Try it tonight for fetid MKS tl!!P10tAT5 YUSi.t au* tie a pr, s1 !ITS ,tea' a f;s is , Cl ;% Get quick relief! Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Breath- Ing passages open right away. NOSTROLINE soothes, lubricates, disinfects, helps make and keep your nose healthy. Brings comfort swiftly: Convenient. Pleasant. For adults and children. 50c—all druggists. IFTON, BRISTOL, ENGLANCn Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY ALE w^,ERY LydiaE.Pinkham'sVegetab eCompound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung feelings—when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label directions. Try it! fly ,01/ _....r. VEGETABLE 4� ��'�Z,A CGMPOiUND w You Can Get Quick Benet From Sore, nimbi Piles Most people seem to think the on- lywayto get relief from their sore, painful piles is by local treatment. Local treatment may give tempor- ary relief from the itching but you can easily see why such treat - Meet wit not cor- rect the cause of your piles. No lasting free dos from pile can be had unless the cause of the trouble is correct- ed. Piles are due to intestinal causes so the beet way to get lasting relief is 'to treat them internally With a medicine lila FIem-Roid. Here -Reid is a formula that has been Used for over 40 years by thou- sands of pile suf- ferers It le a small, highly con- centrated tablet, easy end piens- ant to use. This cleverly e 0 rn - Pounded tablet formula directs its medical action to relief of the oonges':ion that is the real cause of your piles. Flom-Roid promotes free, easy and comfortable bowel movements, quickly relieves itching irritation and soreness and et!rnu- lates better blood circulation in the lower bowel. With good blood e1r. culation in the ]ewer bowel, the painful pile tumors soon heal over I leaving the sensitive rectal mem- branes clean and healthy. We invite you to try Hem- Rotd and let it prove itself. You can make your test, in the privacy of NO rCOST if oyou are not convinced that this is an amazingly ease and surprisingly effective method of treating your sore, painful piles. i"osed by e Pr ofesslonai Model Get a package of Hem-Roid to- day from a n drug, store and use it as directed for JUST FIVE DAYS. At the end of that time 1f you are not ab- solutely sure Item -Rohl is the nicest, cleanest and most effective p 1 1 e treatment you ever tried, re- turn the unused portion of the package to your druggist and he will promptly re.. t'und your money, NO'PEs This gencronet otter Is bucked ttg n reliable term doing bus- Iness in Casimir* for n good many years, elent-hold 'mita help you pile condition auleltiye tastily nod lilensnntee o. this simple, Casa test costs govt iaothing, Tref it today. Question: Will Monty Obey His Mother? Field Marshal Sir I3er.nard Mont- gomery, always an obedient son, has been told to wind up the. Eu- ropean war by March 23, Lady Montgomery, mother of "Monty," has predicted that the war will be over by that date, the .Evening Standard said last week, adding: "And she says site has written to the Field Marshal to make sure her forecast is fulfilled," Canadians 'Allow' Huns To Surrender A German soldier surrendered to a party of Canadian troops. "Some of my comrades would like to give up, he said, The German went back to his lines and carie back with 15 men. "Not enough," the Canadians told hits, The German went hack again and brought hack an additional 30 melt. The Canadians this time told hiin "O.K." ACCOUNTANTS ,t AUDITORS INCOME TAX RiltPOitTS COM- plete Boolciceeping Services. Small or Large T3usinesses, Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co., 8 'Wellington fit E.. Toronto; Ont. BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOOKING LAXCE ONTARIO. You may win this $10,000 model home for $1.00. Write Cor your shares today. ($1.00 each) to Beaches Business Men's Associa- tion, Toronto 8. Your receipt will be mailed promptly. Draw to be made May 24th. Pror'eecls for war Charities. RAM! CIIICliS $1.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1.945 CHIOfis NOW, and not be disappointed. Ali chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocics mixed $12.00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed $1.1.00 per 1011 Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets 822.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $15.00 per 100 white Rock Pullets 824.00 per 100. We guarantee 1000a live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City I3atchery, Chatham, Ontario. 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and. get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring in. Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X New Hamps., Sussex X Leghorns, Rock X Leghorns, Rock X New Hamps., Barred Rocks, Send for large illustrated Catalogue and Price List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Br•os.,Exeter, Ont. ORDER YOUR GOVERNMENT APPROVED CRICKS NOW—Every breeder Government inspected, banded, and blood -tested. Immediate delivery on Premium grade day old chicks. Leghorns Pullets 90% guaranteed— er hundred. Unsexed chicks $14 00 00 per hundred. Cockerels $ 2.00 per hundred, Burred Rocks, New Hanrpshires, Snasex, Hybrids—Sussex X Daum, Rock X Ramp, Hemp X Leghorn Pullets 90% guaranteed— $24.50 per hundred. Unsexed chicks $14.50 per hundred. Cockerels $ 9.00 per hundred. Save time, order from advertise- ment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free catalogue en request, containing the proper brooding of chicks, and methods used in raising poultry for profit. BIONKTON POULTRY FARMS, Monkton, Ontario. BROAD BREASTED SUSSEX COX THOUSANDS AVAILABLE WEEK- ly, if you ordi rr at once, Our Broad Breasted Susses cox bring top prices on the market. White. skinned, long rounded breasts. Also New Hamp, cox with fast growth and teathering. Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X Leghorns make good roasters and grow fast up to 4-5 lbs. You can -buy these for $4.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy cox $6.00 per 100. A]] from our well-bred, healthy, Mood tested breeders. 5000 Breed- ers on ONE plant. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. LIVABILITY NOT LIABILITY IS the record of Top Notch ,:hicks. They grow fast into husky big producers that malce more profit for you. Every Top Notch chick is from Government approved bloodtested breeders. Get an early start this year. We can supply all popular breeds in pullets, cockerels, non -sexed, day old and older. Send for big 1945 catalogue to -day. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER CF 100 PUL - let chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets 822.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $19 95 per 100. White Rork Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicles sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock, $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. 25 FREE CHIVICS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK i3 registered and pedigreed birds, Nothing better to Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females; Bar- red Rocks, 812.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, 811.00; White Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leghorns, $13.00. Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, $19.00; White Leghorns, 822.00; White Rocks, 824.00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 free chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicles order- ed and 25 free chicks for eaeh 100 day old pullets ordered, Goddard Chick Hatchery, 13r1- tannia Heights, Ontario. A-1 BABY CRICKS FROM BLOOD - Tested flocks, Barred Rocks, large type White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Sussex X New Hampshire, Red X Rocks. Write for price list to A. 11. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont. BABY CHICKS AND POULTS, Barred Rock and White Leghorns from Government approved and bloodtested stock, all eggs set from our own stock. Also White Holland and Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Points. Send for price list. The Wright Farm, Brockville, Ont. QUALITY OF FIRST IMPORT- ance, You wouldn't buy a home a farm, a car, or a suit of clothes or anything else where quality counts—strictly on a price basis! You'd look for duality first—and price second, With chicks it is oven more important --because you are buying potential future profits, .A. chick costing say 18c may develop into a 8.00 bird and turn out 200 to 250 eggs tiro first year. Or it may never cuts 013 never pay its board hill. The dif- ferenne is mainly in the breed- ing quality bake of the chick, Tweddle's 20 years to the bus- iness of hatching good chicks assures you of the kind of rhieks that live, and grow and pay. This ynar buy fewer chicles but better chicks. Tt pays, Send for the new 1945 Twsddle en Written, to -day, Twcddie Chicle TTntrltnrie!: Limited, Fergus, Ontario. OA11Y 0111O1CS BLC)OD TESTED HYBRID COCK- erels, Rocie-Hampeross, 3e each during March, 10001, live delivery guaranteed. Phone 502, Stormont pPoultry Farm, Pinch, Ont. R.O.P. SIRES) LEGHORN CI -TICKS, klatch off every Wednesday. Slat- tery's Poultry Farm, Altona Rd., 11,11. 2, PICKERTNG. ONT, A LiMITED SUPPLY ARE AVAIL - able for May and June. I will be glad to take your orders Barred Rocks, New Hampshire, hatching eggs are produced by our own farm 12 years experience, no pul- orom rear ters for 8 years. Krent- zer Farm and Hatchery, Ayton, Ont. Also one 1200 Buckeye 011 Burner Incubator with turning device. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock nixed $12.00 per 100. white Leg - horns mixed $11.00 per 100, Bar- red Rocic Pullets $19.00 per 100. white leghorn pullets $22.00 per 100. Heavy Bread Ckls. $6.00 per 100, Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz. egg's or better and. from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. WE HAVE CHICKS IN MOST breeds for immediate delivery, and a few heavy cockerels. With your eye on the egg markets don't forget your meaty birds too to fill in meat shortages. Order Bray chicks now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufterin St., To- ronto. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR- agus, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, Simcoe, Ontario, ORDER YOUR PACKAGE BEES, OR nuclei, now for May delivery. Roseview Apiaries, Hawkestone, , Ontario. Flags POLES AND STANDARDS Silk Flags to Order Society Flags to Order GEO. H. 'WILKINSON LTD. 333-5 OUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR CARTIER OATS, REGISTERED No. 1, 67032, $1.25 bus. Galore Barley, No. 1 seed, 444207, $1.45 bus. Gordon Leslie, Acton, Ont. MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE OF 1000 HORSES 1000 Exhibition Barns, Regina, •Sask. April 11, 12, 13, 1945 All farm raised, well broken and in fine condition. Some fine saddle horses and drivers, plan now to attend. OMAR CRAIii1, Sane Mgr. Box 352, Regina, Saslc. FOR SALE, REAS 0 N A BILE, shingle machine and equipment; steam engine and boiler. Box 6, Kearney, Ont. $6,500 ---BEAUTIFULLY LAND- scaped 60 acres, new brick, square plan house, large barn, garages, electricity, spring. water. W. Overland, Cataract, Ontario. 1 MALE HUSKY, 1 YEAR, WELL ' boken for sled, brown and white, good with children $25.00. 2 Males, Gorman Shepherd, one 2 years, .the other 1 year, good with children, guard, both are well broken for sled work $20.00 each. 1 deerhound, female, 11/4 years, black, white and tan, good hunter 330.00. Also 2 pups, 1 male, 1 female, swine color, born Jan. 3, 1945, male $20.00, female $15,00, All are guaranteed, 'Write A. D. Landry, Azllda, Ont, 3 PUPS, COCKER AND BEAGLE, born December 13th. Also two Males, English Setter and Trish Water Spaniel, born July 16, 1943. Apply Lloyd Travena, Cainsville P. O, Ontario. BRIERCREST ADVANCED REGIS - try Yorkshires. Present offering a litter of Vespra Rose. A. R. 2776 Score 94. 3 months old. Also pairs not akin. T. J. Carruthers, Barrie, Ont. Amateur Theatricals SEE our character costumes. Have 500 costumes to choose from, Make- up dickeys, minstrel collars, gloves, etc. Costume Dept. -'- Second Floor GEO. 11. WILKINSON LTD. 338 OUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR PUPS. 2 MONTHS MALES; COLLIE $6.00, Springer Spaniel 315.00. Brown Cocker $12.5b, Wj_recta r Terrier $12,50, Spitz $8.00 Female Scottie $10:00. Pair T3antams $2.00. Rush Money Order, Superior en - nets, Athens, Ontario. NEW POULTRY PICKING MA- chine, electric motor, 60 eyeles. P!pks chickens, turkeys, complete, $2250. Bleury Bird Farm. Tbervitle, Que, • BEAUTIFUL COMFORTERS MADE from your ninterials. Quitting 91.85, Your wool carded 25c lb., washing 3r Ib..Quirk service, Vir- gin wool butts $1.15 lb. Wool einrdina• Merilines 214.95. Spinning eyeeele 112.115. Ask for catalogue. Siftnn Went Products, Box 122, Sifton, Manitoba, FOR SALE REGISTERED, C1'SRTIFIED AND Commercial Grain and' Grass Seed, Price List now ready. Write, phone or wire for copy Newfield Seed and Nursery Farms, Nipawin, Saskatchewan, 13ROODER STOVES — USE FUEL 011 or kerosene—no wicks. J. S. Reading, 650 Dougall Ave„ Wind- sor, Ont. ONE NO. 3 MONITOR CLOVER AND Timothy Seed Cleaning Machine in good condition, complete with 60 Sections of Screens. R. Cramm, Pinkerton, Ont. REGISTERED D NO. I ICING COLD SEAL .mermen SEED CORN 85 TO 120 DAY MATURITIES, VAR- ieties suitable for both ensilage and grain, also a full line of Seed Oats. Write for price list. The King Grain & Seed Co., Pain Court. Ont. SILO BUILDING EQUIPMENT, AD- justable steel forms, will. build from 8 ft. to 14 ft,' Also Concrete Mixer forms new. Apply Glen Turtle, Wheatley, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of new and used Pipe and Fit- tings, Steel Stable Posts; Boiler Tubes, Rails, Plates, Structural Steel Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, Bel tin g, Machinery, Boilers, Tanks etc. We can save you money. Samuel Bierstock & Sons, 255 Palmer Ave., Kitchener, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE . FARM FOR SALE IN DISTRICT of Algoma, 158 acres, 116 under cultivation, clay loam. Balance pasture and wood. Buildings in good repair. Excellent water in house and barn, George McKay, Plummer, Ont. 115 ACRES GOOD LOAMY LAND with ninety tillable, balance bush and pasture, watered by spring creek through bush, 20 acres wheat, 35 ploughed, 10 meadow, two barns 50x36 with L 30x30 and 48x32, implement house 40x24, garage 24x16, other out- buildings in good repair, 12 -room- ed house, gond cellar, delco plant, hydro available, London 10 miles, school 2. Price eleven thousand, but hundred alone 'eighty-five hundred. Harry Alway, Komoka, P.O.. Route 3. DAIRY FARM. 180 ACRES, SIM- • eoe County, 6 miles Barrie, 1 mile Highway 11. Clay loam; good buildings; 125 acres under cul- tivation, balance bush and pas- ture; 30 acres wheat, 18 acres alsike, 27 acres hay. Ploughing all done. Producing 2 cans milk daily—could produce 6 cans. Will sell with or without stock and equipment. Further information, apply Edson Wice, 44 Toronto St, Barrie. MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 'ill -health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists, Toronto 3. MEDICAL IT'S EXCELLENT, REAL RE - sults after taking Dixon's Rem- edy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. CONSTIPATION, B I L I O U SNESS, liver trouble, depressed headache, quickly relieved with Fig -Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig - Lax, 25c at Druggists, BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE - strays offensive odor instantly, 450 bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT the good results from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 305 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNiPRSS FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free, Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 Icing St„ Hamilton. & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. PATENTS PETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Establishd 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re - mine t. PHOTOGRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SA°'IagrACTioN Your thins properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26a REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire y sending your films to Ii1IPERIAL PHOTO SiOIIVICio Station J. Toronto 0ILM DEVELOPED, 8 PRINT'S; one 6 x 7" enlargement 35e. Re- prints, including 116, 2c each Nelson Photo Servtee, Sault Ste Marie, Ont, PHOTOGRAPHY CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictures. Snaps can't he taken over again. Send your film rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost, PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size 11011-6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c "I get best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes a customer in Nova Scotia, who adds that she has tried many places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sties 16-20-127 1t 29c (4c extra) is sent with film roll. ENLARGEMENTS— COLORED AND FRAMED Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts 3 for 25e. Framed on ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9" in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Bieck Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement colored, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. QUILTING PATCHES COTTONS OR SILKS BY POUND, Make fancy silk petal Cushions from Satin Patches, colors Pink, 'White, I3lue. 'Wool Remnants suitable for Boys' knee pants, Ladies' handbags, children's skirts etc. Also unbleached cotton. Pub - lex Sales, 377 Parliament Street, Toronto. SEEDS THORUGHLY RECLEANED GOV- ernment graded clover seeds, Tim- othy and Cossack alfalfa. Write for prices. J. E. 'Muir, Ceylon, Ontario. BAXTER'S SEEDS, BETTER QUAL- ity and value. Send for Catalogue "We sell everything that ,grows." 3359 Yonge Street, Toronto, PEEL SEEDS ALFALFA, ALSIKE, RED CLOVER, Sweet Clover, Mixed seeds, Tim- othy and grasses. Wholesale and retail. Write for prices. Peel Seed Growers Co -Operative Limited, Box 1100, Brampton, Ont. HICK'S GIANT ZINNIAS! TRY THIS LOVELY MIXTURE. OF Giant Dahlia -flowered Zinnias— beautiful, extra -large blooms that you will grow with great success; seeds are all pre -tested in our OVyrt gardens at Lindsay. Get 3 large 15c Otte. for only 25e, or order 0 pkts. for 60c and save 40c. Full -colour catalogue Free. Dept. W., W. W. HICK & SONS LIMITED, Lindsay, Ont. WANTED WILL PAY $700 CASH FOR BLOCK Planer Machine. It is used for planing sole leather blocks. Box 15, 73 Adelaide .'West, Toronto. Cash Register Wanted 1 Cent Up. Must Be Cheap. -333 Ouellette Ave., 'Windsor SPEEDY CASH FOR 100-200 ACRES, good medium loam, hydro avail- able, Wrrlte right now! Box 14; 173 Adelaide 'air„ Toronto. ALL KINDS OF POULTRY WANT - ed, Ove or dressed. Write M. P. Mallon, 33 Jarvis, Toronto. WANTED TO RENT FARM 011. Acreage on water with buildings. Box 1e, 73 Aledaide W., Toronto. SADDLES WANTED RIDING BOOTS AND GEAR WE PAY CASH GEORGE H. WILKINSON 333 OUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR Invalid Chairs Wanted WILL pay cash or swap for what we have. • Swap Dept. Geo. H. Wilkinson Ltd. 333 Ouellette Ave. Windsor HEAVY CAR SUITABLE FOR buckralce, condition of body un- important, license unnecessary. Gordon Leslie, Acton, Ont. WANTED: IDEAL NUMBER 1 Lubricator and sizer for .38 Special and Winchester I -II -Side iera11, any calibre. Condition of barrel not important, Edward A. Twiss, Barrie, Ontario. Portable Phonographs WANTED! Will pry Cash or Swap for new shoes or new clothes or what we have. 01:0. H. WILKINSON 833-5 OUELLETTE AVE„ WINDSOR WANTED — STOCIiETi l''ARM TO rent on shares, references if re- quired. For particulars apply Box 18; 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. FARM MACHINERY "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local denier or direct from $wod'isb Sepnrntnr Co. Limited, 720 Notre - Dante West, Montreal 8 Que. TRFILP WANTTID $45;OQ 157; �I g'iv+1, 11TvNPRAU duty, live In, hoof, 4nt1 Board, duties to commence at oiled. Whf aliplying give full particulars rill experience. Waterford Materniti ?ospital, Box 402. Waterford. Ont Hlbt7SEK172!]PER WITH PARlli experience, Modern Ii'n.rm, bl April 15th, 2 adults, Bram tot Disfflet. leferences required J. M. DoTsott, Brei„ wton 2, Ont. POSITION WA1' T0D GRADUATE NTTRSPJ W TTH. PST chintric experience: would tiki position ns 0Qletpanion to lady fib nhjection to (ravelling, 1 17, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto.Bo FARM ]r011T11SIAN (MARRIED wishes lob. flood rofet'ono os. Au 1 7lyAStntin^_• ivy rra etc. Box /4", di 1. arta '4t ,. 't'nrntttn. ISSUE 113-19410