HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-03-22, Page 4• -I 11 .L.IIH11111111111111111111,111111 II11111L�IINIII}III *On*OnNligllllhililN11111,111il.IIIk1�1.111l11111 IIIJI d X11 • - "'IIFII.,F I. I,A1l;l�lli l' zuRIen'S Grocery Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at threes hard t Bet, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced len l „'} es h ® Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 ii mut (iN@Il'I,�gl�l(Hi11111IIIIIIII111UI mtII111I Wi IIINI! IllIIQIIIII Ili11111111111111.111111il{N�IJIIN11011 1111111111 ZURICH HERALD Cantle -- Roan cow supposed to be in calf; roan cow fresh; 2 black heif- ers due April 25th; white faced heif- er due April 20thr blue swan heifer due May 8th; all Ibre4 to Retford sire red steer rising 2 yrs; red neifer ris- ing 2 yrs; heifer rising 1 yr; 2 sheers rising 1 yr; spring calif, 2( fall calves; roan cow due April 14; Holsten due lst May. Hens -125 cross bred yearling hens Hay --Cr ton of mixed hay. Grain -•-200 lbushols of ,Garter and darly Alaska seed oats, 150. bushels of mixed grain, a quantity of wheat. Implements --Farm All A tractor onrubber; traotor scuffler and puller combinedgood as new;, z -furrow Cockshutt tactor plow; MLR. binder 7 -ft. cut; McCormick Deering mower 54t; .springtooth cultivator, out -tiro disc, 2 -drum steel roller, rdi*agon prac- tically new, manure spreader, gravel box; flat hay rack, Maxwell hay loader, M -H. 111 -disc fertilizer drill, 4 -section Barrows with new teeth; 2 walking plows, riding plow, 10 -ft. steel rake bob sleighs, light wagon, ' ,,.dam.--•ennd-• -asu asseyd-ll rris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1945t 1 HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLO'- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at $70.75 400 to 450 SIZE Co $59.50 850 to 900 SIZE @ $82.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES 1 Tel, Shop 149 Oscar Klapp Rea. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. ODD APPENDECTOMY MY DR. AMARAL, SPOOK :;;,);ae in a locked and sealed room in I - ctzil, a patient was operated up- on :,.1ce sfully..but was it by a sur- govol who had died 19 years before? ?:'S: article about this amazing oper- ation in The American Weekly The with oper- ation (March a ) issue ing: Horses --- Bay horse .12 yrs. old; old ; greymare in bay horse • 6 yrs. . , foal due in April; grey colt rising 8 yrs; Chestnut colt rising 12 yrs. n due> Ap- ril; -- Hereford caw Durham cow due in May; Here- ford ,cow •due in May; Ayrshire heif- er due in April; .3 steers rising 2 yrs; heifer calf rising 1 year old; bull calf raising 1 year old. Pige -- 11 York stocker pigs. Implements -- Frost & Wood bin- der 6 -ft. cut; International mower; Cockshutt•ferrtilizer drill; bean scuff - lei•; rubber tire wagon;. Frost .& Wood binder for repairs; 2 bunches of shingles, steel tired Low Down farm wagon; •whippletrees, necky�okes shelter; fiat hay rack, 3 section har- rows, horse seuffier, disc, riding plow, walking plow, Low ..Down Cocicshutt manure spreader, spring tooth culti- vator, 10 -ft. steel rake; 2001b. cap- acity scales, fanning mill, cutting box set of sling ropes, turnip seeder, bug- gy, cutter, wheelbarrow, root pulp- er • gasoline drums, chop box, 150 grass, Also on same day 75 -acres more or less, being Lot 122 south 4'4 of Con. 16, Stephen Township 2. 1-2 mile west and 3-4 mile south eof Dashwood. Land is black I-oam, well- drained, in. d ane bal- ance ow acres1 �. i 'ed 35 g dxa n ,P ra- gage in grass, well fenced, goodgra- nary nary 15x20 feet with cement floor. Household Effects Quantity of dishes, cook stove with oil burner; kitchen table, kitchen cabinet;, wash stand, dozen kitchen chairs, 8 -day. clock, dining room table; 6 dining room ehai•rs, '2 couches, buffed, large leather rocker, long parlor table, round parlor table, 2 piano 'chairs, large fire extinguisher, pictures and frames, hall rack with mirror, kit- chen cupboard, extension table, 4 dressers, 2 stands, 2 toilet sets, 4 beds with springs; 3 jardineer stands, good top cutter, buggy, road cartII feet of new cable for barn, pr. bo 1200 -ib, cap, scales, Clinton fanning I sleighs; sleigh platform, quantity of Mill with new sieves, sling ropes, wood, chicken troughs, barley fork, grain grinder, cutting box, 1 -horse 2 .manure forks, hay forks, grain iscuftlei, M. -H. 'bean scuffler, side de- shovel, gravel shovel, ditching scoop; livery rake, rvheelbarroiv, root pulp large sugar kettle, scalding barrel; - er, neckyokes, scalding barrel, kettle 12 sets of double harness, 3 -horse har- and stand, 100 gal. gas drum, sap ° rie5 horse collars; quantity of pan, and ;sails, large sap barrel,. spites, I bs, ags, 8 bags of 2-12-6 fertilizer 550- pails, logging chains, whippletrees, l lb Renfrew cream separator nearly fork:, shovel:, bagger, 2 sets of chirri tj new; quantity of 'cedar posts, turnip es bells, team bells, .set of heavy has- I seeder, 10 -inch chopper, water trough ness, set single harness, 3rd -horse 1 colon house '12x14 ft. er, harness, horse blankets, grain. bags, iHay and Grain — 20 tons of mixed twine sacks, horse "collars, De'Laval hay, a quantity of cut straw; cream separator, and numerous other bushels of A. Jax oats, 200 bushels of mixed grain. ,REAL ESTATE -100 acres, more or less, on Lot 25, South Boundary, Hay Township; first farm west of Dashwood;. on Highway 83, nicely located, brick house with brick kit- chen, both have upstairs and cellar; Of Farms, Farin Stock, Implemnents, smoke house, drive shed, hen stable, and Household Effects, on Lot 25, ' bank barn 00x72 feet on wart; 3 South Boundary, Hay Tiwnship first spring wells, Hydro in house and farm west of Dashwood, on I barns, 2 yard lights, land is of black iWEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th, 1945 loam; 25 acres of fall wheat and 25 At 12.30 o'clock, sharp, tihe follow-' acres fall plowing done, balance in articles. TERMS—+CAISH Garnet Wildfong, Proprietr. Addison Tiernan, Clerk. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer , . AUCTION SALE -32260S-, female, red, 2 years old, due to freshen; Tidy Crimson Molls -325040-, female, roan, 20 months old; 2 yearling heifers, eligible for registration (vaccinated). Other live Stock — Red cow, 4 years old due to freshen in March; Red cow, 8 years' old due to freshen March .15th; Black cow rising 4 yrs. due to freshen Z une 10th; Black cow Sunday limes. 4 years old, calf 'at ,foot; Black cow AUCTION SALE rising 4 years, due to freshen in Oc- tober. Blue cow, rising 4 years clue Of Farm Stock, Implements an Housshold Effects, on Lot 10, Con. 9, Hay Township. 1 1-4 mile east and i .1-4 mile south of Zurich, on TUESDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1945 Commencing at 1 o'clock sharpa Horses-1 team. of grey s and 11 years old; 1 team of Bay Percheron mares rising 6 years old; Cattle — Roan cow with calf at foot; Jersey heifer fresh; red heifer if er fresh; Her ford cow in calf; n cow fresh; roan cow due at tune fat sale; brindle heifer in calf; steers 2 years old; 3 white steers ri i'ag 2 years old; 3 heifers rising year, old; Herford bull rising 1 y old 2 baby beefs; 4 heifers rising 1 year old; 1 steer rising 1 year old; 3 spring calves, 1 fall calf. 2 Pigs -1 Yorkshire hog rising years old; 1 Yorkshire Sow due lst of May; 0 stocker pigs weighing 90 pounds each. quantity of Hay Hay and Grain—A q y and n quantity of grain. Implements—M.-H. binder 6 -ft. cut; M -H. mower 5 -ft. cut; M -H. low down manure .spreader; McCormick Deering fertilizer drill 1,1 -hoe; 2 Frost & Wood spring tooth cultivat- ors; 4 -section diamondtharrows,�,I-H drum steel roller; hay rake, bean scuffler with puller combined; 1 -horse scuffler, 3 walking plows, potato digger plow; low eovvn steel wagon; pr. bob sleighs and platform new; 16 -ft. flat rack new; stoneboat; out -throw Noxon disc; root pulper; cutting box, Clinton fanning mill; 9- ineh grain grinder; 2000 -Ib. capacity :. �tle+; '2,0 -ft. ladder; 15 -ft. ladder; gravel ?,ox, 4 -wheel trailer, buggy; cutters; Stewart horse clipper; ging ropes 2 sets; iron kettle, black- mich outfit, blacksmith coal, copper kettle, wheelbarrow, logging chain, fo; ks, shovels, scoop shovel, quantity of turnips, 2 sets heavy harness, set Et;:•, 1,•lt•' harness; 6 horse collars, horse blankets, 2 barrels and numerous o,. ,er articles, Household Effects —Glass Cup- board; bureau; couch, rocking chair, 6 kitchen chair., high chair, cradle, table, small table. Potatoes — A quantity 01 seed potatoes, also early seed potatoes. No reserve, as the Proprietor is giving up farming. TERMS ---CASH .Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Win. S. Johnston, Clerk. Nicholas Foster, Hay, Props. AUCTION SALE Mr. Harald Jackson has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 15, Parr Linc,, Stanley Township, one mile south of Varna; on . THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, I945. At 12.80 sharp, the following; Horses — Black mare, 8 years old; bay mare, 6 years old; Che•stnnut colt, rasia,g 8 (broke). Pure Bred Cattle ---- Electors En - Mgr, -266(168-, male. red 2 years old; Dun at.on Lavinia 4th -28.523-, fe- male, dark roan, 7 ;treat:, old, due to .when in —April.; Crimson Dawn -29400-, female., r•o:an. 6 years old, soli at foot; Morning Flower -296557 ~t'rniitlo, soon, 6 years oTd, due to .'i're „a in April; (rinleon Marigold to freshen in November; red cow 4 yearns old due to freshen November 15th; Grey 'cow 4 years old milking; Red heifer due to freshen m April; Heifer rising 2 years; 9 steers (800- 1000 lbs); 6 heifers (800-900 lbs); 6 yearling steers; ,1 yearling heifer; 1 baby beef; 3 calves. (Herd T. B. tested and negative to hloocl test.' Pigs — S pigs (140 lbs.); 1 young sow, due April S26th. Sheep — 1 Leicester ram 2 ,yews 'old; 5 Leicester ewes. Implements — McCormick Deering binder 7 -ft. cut; side delivery rake in goo.d condition; McCormick Deering mower 5sft. cut; hay rake; lance rol- ler; McCormick Deering bean scuff - ler and harvester (new) ; 2 sets dia- mond harrows, 3 and 4 section; two - furrow plow; potato plow; Farrnall (A) Tractor with pulley (new) ; scuffler and pulley attachment for tractor; McCormick Deering 2 -furr- ow tractor plow (new) ; 1 set spring tooth drag harrows; 1 new rubber tired wagon (good tires, 4 -wheel brakes; hay rack; steel tire wagon; 1 -horse scuffler; set sleighs (new) ; buggy; cutter; De Laval cream sep- arator No. 12; fanning iraill; sling ropes; hay fork, rope and pulleys; 1 stock loader; quantity of plank; 100 bushels cull beans (clean) ; 1 bean cooker (wood) ; 1 electric stove, good working order; 1 good colony house, 10x12; eoal brooder stove (new); 1 root pulper; set double harness; 3 collars; 15 bushels seed beans, •1 windmill and pump (new head) ; 1 steel gasoline drum and pump; in - silage; turnips; apples; and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. TERM S—CASH Everything to be sold as Proprietor has given up farming and is engaged in beekeeping, the farm being rented. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. John Ostrom, Proprietor. Thursday, March 22ind, 194 vtonograph with records, Targe wa. • stand, sink, ,cistern pump, lawn mow,. er; Hydro oven, hoes, rake, quantity; of sealers,2 wash Was, crocks, 2 gallon croks; washing machine with zinger, cellar table, congoleum rug 9x21 new; room 7x O new; oillamp , room linoleum 112x14, linoleum 2 yds Alladin lamp; small kitchen table, by 4, 1 pc. 4x1 1-2 yds; table radio•', pots, pails;; pans, large mail box, hand saw, half -horse motor, new axe, 6-, octave organ, 10 bags of certified early potatoes, and numerous other articles. Terms of .Chattles and Household Ef- fects, ffects, Cash, Ileal Estate 10 p.c. on day of sale, balance in 30 days.. Sold subject to a reserved bid, Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, Addison Tiernan, Clerk: Mrs. Martha Baker, Proprietress. KL PP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and sags how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to prope1ly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND. STOVES at 25c. Gallen Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection At Klopp's of Grease. ow 40114 o% RE • res I. 194 V3 very chata chat ' AUCTION SALE. OF FARMS, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, On Lot 10, South Boundary, Hay Township, 21tt miles east of Dashwood, on Fri- day, March 23rd, at 1 o'clock, sharp. REAL ESTATE — 100 acres, more or less, has brick house with kitchen with cellar, furnace and bath room, running water all over barn and house, frame kitchen, woodshed, plenty of soft and hard water, has plum, cherry trees dein .other, fruits. . Bank barn 44x66, 14.H. straiwshed 80x40 on wall, garage, 2 driving sheds, 20x30 and 1.9x80; 12 acres of good hardwood bush; fl acres of fall wheat, 60 .acres of fail plowing done . and balance seeded down; also 'half ..- horse gasoline engine to pump water. Other 100 acres, more or fess, all in pasture, .being .lot 8, Con. 8, half mile north of Highway, has wind- mill oe t•.arin, never failing well. TERMS of Real Estate -10% .on day of Sale and balance in 30 days. sold, subject to a reserved bid. Joseph. Wildfong, Proprietor, of Farm, Horses ---•1 Grey Percheron rising 6 years; Grey mare rising '1 years; grey horse rising 14 yrs, old; black horse (ris;ng 3 years old. PARENTS: Through the mail, shortly after March 22nd, all families will receive a Family Allowances Registration Form. Fill in this form as soon as it is received and mail it back in the envelope in which it came. Please do this promptly —it is in the interests of your children. The form you will receive is very simple. There are only seven questions and only a few minutes need be required to complete the form, but be sure to answer every question. Family Allowances are being provided to assist parents in the raising of their children. This monthly allowance is to be used for health protec- tion, for doctors, dentists and nurses; to provide better food, adequate clothing and shelter, and to help equalize oppor- tunities for all children. INCOME TAX: No one will benefit from both, Family Allowances and a full income tax deduction. for their children. Parents have the choice of applying for their Family Allowances or not claim. ing the allowance and claiming the full deduction for their children under Income Tax. If they claim the - Family Allowance, the amount of deduction from tax allowed for children under the Income War Tax Act will be reduced by the amount of any Family Allow- ance received. Anyone who is uncertain whether or not he or she will benefit from Family Allowances more than from Tax Deduction should register for the Family Allowance and in this way be on the safe side. Incomes may change during the course of a year. ' w 1 A i HELPING YOUR YOU REGISTER FOR 11141110049 A Ptebashed bed ut der Bye authority of HON. t31xOOK 1 (LAX/ON Minister 191E'PAIiINEN(' OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND frAll6o•041011A t