HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-03-15, Page 4it s. ,OW%l , otice! ALL PERSONS DESIROUS OF PROCURING TREES FOR PLANTING THIS SPRIN 1 'ARE REQUESTED TO CONTACT THE SCHOOL TEACHER IN YOUR SECTION NOT LATER THAN MARCE 11 -6th. BY PLACING ORDERS IN THIS MANNER THERE IS NO COST TO PERSON'S `DESIRING SUCH TREES AND THEY WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE SCHOOL BY COUNTY TRUCKS. ANY PERSON ORDERING 500 OR MORE TREES MAY HAVE THEM PARCELED IN AN INDIVIDUAL.ORDER. Ne W.. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario ' I ILII I IIiII 1 Will, III I ... Groed ry Store When you are .looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of .Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, .and many other lines -we ;-offer at very moderate prices... Visit •Our Store and Be Convinced Me u la o Oesch Z rich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 ZURICifil HERALD new; quantity of cceihrr tturiilp seeder, 1.0-inclln &ewer, .water 4rongh colony house' 1221.4 tfrb. r Hay and '.Grassi --� 20 tlo>tts of ',Mixed d hay, a quantity of .cot .straw;,h.40 bushels of A. J'ax roa't.S; '.2-00 bus,els of mixed grains, - REAL TAT ;10tJ Beres, .core or less, on Lot '25, »Souit Xiaunitary, Hay Township; first iacim west of Dashwood; ou Highway lis, 'nicely located, brick house 'with • bilek kit- chen, both have ut;s and ;cellar; smoke house, (dim . &l, 'hen stable, bank barn .G;0 72 feet con, wa11; 3 spring weals, !Hydro in :house and barns, 2 yawl !lights, land iscof black loam; 25 acres of fall:wheat and 25 acres fall plowing done, balance in ,grass. Also ren same day 75 -acres more or less, 'b.eiing Lot 122 south. 3 of Con, 16, Stephen Township 2: 1-2 utile west and 3-4 'mile south of Dashwood. Land As lilaek loam, well - drained, 3.5 acres ploviing crone, bal- ance in grass, well fenced, good gra- nary 1.5x20 feet 'rwith •cement floor, Househdld Effects.-- Quantity of dishes, conk :stave ;with oil :burner; kitchen 'table, kitchen .cabinet, wash stand, dozen kitchen chairs, 8 -day clock, dining room table; G Mining room Chairs, 2 coucslies, buffett, large leather rocker, long parlor table, round parlor table, 2 piano chairs, large fire extinguisher, pictures and frames, hall rack with mirror, kit- chen cupboard,•extension table, 4 dressers, 2 stands, 2 toilet sets, 4 beds With springs; 3 jardineer stands, phonograph with records, targe wash stand, sink, cistern pump, lawn mow- er; Hydro oven, hoes, rake, quantity of sealers, 2 wash tubs, crocks, 2 6 - gallon crocks; washing machine with ringer, cellar table, congoleurn rug 9x21 new; room 7x10 new; •oil lamp, room linoleum i12x14, linoleum 2 yds Alladin lamp; .small kitchen table, 'by 4, 1 pc. 4x1 1-2 yds; table radio; pets, pails, pans,'large mail box, hand saw, 'half -horse motor, new axe, 6 - octave organ, 10 bags of certified early potatoes, and numerous other articles. Terms of Chattles and Household Ef- fects, Cash. Real Estate 10 p.c. on day of sale, 'balance in 30 days, Sold subject to •areserved bid. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Addison Tiernan, Clerk: Mrs. Martha Baker, Proprietress. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, 'Im'plements and Household Effects, on Lot 28, Con. 15, Hay Township, 21h, miles west, and .2 miles north of Zurich, On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21st, At 1 o'clock p.m., 'the following. Horses — Grey Percheron mare 6 1 IIIIIIIII1II1M ILII iilp111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIDIIillllllilllhIlilllf lllfll1ijlllllllllll l III IIIIIIIIIUIII 1111111111111 I gal Miall! I Aft, AUCTION SALE OF FARMS, FARM ,STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, On Lot 16. South Boundary, Hay Township, 2 miles east of Dashwood, :on Fri- day, March 23rd,'•at 1 o'clock, sharp. REAL ESTATE — 100 :acres, more or less, has brick house with kitchen with cellar, furnace and bath room, running water all over barn and house, frame kitchen, woodshed, plenty of soft and hard water, has' • plum, cherry trees and other fruits. Bank barn 44x66, L.H. strawahed; 80x40 on wall, garage, 2 driving.. sheds, 20x30 and 19x30; 112 acres :of good hardwood bush; 5 acres of fall wheat, 60 acres of fall plowing done'. and balance seeded down; also half horse gasoline engine to pump water. Other 100 acres, more or less, a'1'1 in pasture, being lot 3, Con. 8, half mile north of Highway, has wind-, mill on farm, never Tailing well. • TERMS of Real. Estate -10% ort day of Sale and balance in 80 days. -old, subject to a reserved bid. Joseph Wildfong, Proprietor of Farms. Horses -1 Grey Percheron rising 6 years; Grey mare rising 7 years; grey horse rising 14 yrs, old; black horse rising 5 years old. Cattle — Roan cow supposed to be in calf ; roan cow fresh; 2 black heif- ers .due April 25th; white faced heif- er. due April 20th; blue roan heifer due May 8th; all bred to Herford sire red steer rising 2 yrs; red netfer ing 2 yrs; heifer rising 1 yr; 2 steers rising 1 yr; spring calf, 2. fall calves; roan cow due April 14; Holstein due lst May. Bens -125 cross bred yearling hens Hay -6 ton of mixed hay. Grain -200 bushels of Carter and early Alaska seed oats, 150 bushels of mixed grain, a quantity of wheat. Implements—Farm All. A tractor an rubber; tractor scuirler and puller combined good as new; '"-furrow Cockshutt ,tractor plow; M -H. binder 7 -ft. cut; McCormick Deering mower 5 -ft; springtoo.bh cultivator, out-thro disc, 2 -drum steel roller, .wagon p'rac- ttirally new, manure spreader, gravel box ; fiat hay rack, Maxwell hay loader, M -H. ill -disc fertilizer drill, 4 -section harrows with new teeth; 2 walking plow:,, riding plow, 10 -ft. steel rake, bob sleighs, light wagon, good top cutter, buggy, road cart, 1200 -Ib. cap. scales, Clinton fanning mill with new sieves, sling ropes, grain grinder, cutting box, 1• -hors' scuffler, M. Vii. bean scuffler, side de- livery rtke, wheelbarrow, root pulp- er, ncr -yokes, scalding .barrel, kettle and stand 100 gal. ga, drum, sap pan and nails, large sap barrel spite pails, laming chains, whippletrees, fork:. shovels, beggar, 2 sets of chim- es bells, team bells, set of heavy har- ness, cr,+ single harness, »;•rd -horse barniess, hoose blankets, gratin bags. twine Backs, horse collar:., I)eLaval cream separator, and numerous other. ort I c l es. TERMS—CASH Carnet Wil dfong, • i'roprietr. Addison Tiernan, Clerk. A:V:1nr 'Weber, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements, on Lot 9, Con. 6, Stanley Township. 2 :riles north of Niillagreen, or 3 Iniles South rn#' Varna, on THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd At 1 o'clock, p.m., the following , Horses — Bay Mare 5 years old; 1 bay mare 9 years old; 1 filly rising 1 year old.. Cattle — Roan cow fresh; roan cow due in April; Jersey cow fresh; blue roan cow due in May; red cow fresh; spotted caw fresh; roan heifer rising 2 yrs. old; red heifer rising 2 yrs. .old; red heifer rising 1 yr; 2 roan heifer rising 1 yrs old; b small calves. Pigs — 1 York brood sow clue lst of May. • Implements — Ideal Low Down steel wagon new; 16 -ft fiat rack new, steel hay rake; New Idea manure spreader new; McCormick Deering hay loader new with truck; 112.-1-1. 13 -hoe fertilizer drill good as new; gravel box;, M.H. spring tooth cul- tivator new; spring harrows; M. -H. binder 6 -ft. cut in good working con- dition.; 6 -ft. M, -H. mower nearly new M...(H, -bean scuffler with puller com- bined.; hay fork; 2-cfurrow disc plow; inthrow disc; 2 walking plows; 2 riding plows; 8 -ft. .Coulter Packer new; 4 -section harrows; bab sleighs; logging chains, whippletrees, neck - yokes, set .sling ropes, stock rack, neckyokes, set single harness, set of heavy harness, 4 horse collars, and numerous other articles. Grain — 150 bush. of Improved. Banner oats; 100 bush. of mixed grain; 8. tori of mixed hay, TERMS—CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, E. E. Weide, Clerk Mrs. Pearl J, 'Love, Proprietress. AUCTION SALE Of Farms, Farm Stock, Implements, and Household Effects, on Lot 25, South Boundary, Hay Tiwnship first farm west of Dashwood, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th, 1945 At 12,30 o'clock, sharp, the follow- ing: Horses — Bay horse 12 yrs. old; bay horse 6 yrs. old; grey mare in foal due in April.; grey colt rising 3 yrs; Chestnut colt rising 2 yrs. Cattle — Hereford cow due in Ap- ril; Durham cow due in May; Here- ford cow due in May; Ayrshire heif- er due in April; 3 steers rising 2 yrs; heifer calf rising 1 year old; bull calf rising 1 year .old. Pige — 11 York stocker pigs. Implements — Frost & Wood bin- der 6 -ft, cut; International mower; Cockshutt fertilizer drill; .bean scuff - ler; rubber tire wagon;. Frost .& Wood .binder for repairs; 2 bunches of shingles, steel tired Low ' Down farm wagon; whippletrees, neckyokes shelter; flat hay rack, 3 section har- rows, horse scuffler, disc, riding plow, walking plow, Low Down Coe.kshutt manure spreader, spring tooth culti- vator, 1.0 -ft, steel rake; 2004. cap- acity scales, fanning mill, cutting box set of sling ropes, turnip seeder, bug- gy, cutter, wheelbarrow, root pulp- er; gasoline drums, chop box, 150 feet of new cable for barn, pr. bob sleighs; sleigh platform, quantity of wood, chicken troughs, barley fork, 2 manure forks,. hay forks, grain shovel, gravel shove;!, ditching, scoop; large sugar kettle, • scalding barrel.; 2 sets of double harness, 3 -horse har- ness, 5 horse collars ; quantity of hags, 8 bags of 2-12-6 fertilizer 550- ib, Renfrew Cream ;separator nearly years old; grey PercherQn horse S yrs. old; aged black mare. 'Cattle -- Red iaereford cow due at time of sale; red, Hereford cow due 1st of 'May;, red heifer due at beef; time atf sale; Hereford baby be , red heifer rising 1 yr. old; Pigs — Yorkshire brood sow; a number •of stocker pigs near market weight. Inplememts —•- Allis Channel: model 13 tractor on rulbber with pulley and power 'bake off and swinging draw- bar, new C. sleeves and pistons in- stalled last fall, Allis Chalmers mod-• el 40 'combine harvester* with 3 sieves, tall 'grain divider, adjustable taller, enclosed reel bats and rotary• type pickup attachment, new knife cylinder bars and header canvasses installed last fall in perfect shape generally. Two section Allis Chal- mers spring tooth harrows with new teeth and shoes; one P. & 0. Inter- national two furrow tractor plow with extra beam and mould board.. One McCormick disc fertilizer drill all drive gears and bushings with feed plate installed new last fall; one low down wagon with, rubber• tires on front wheels; wagon box; 1 - man sling hay rack with winch; In- ternational had loader, drum type, steel construction in :perfect shape; M. -H. low down nrarture spreader; steel land packer, wooden land roller, -Clinton fanning mill with sieves, walking plow, M. -H. mower 5 -ft. cut; 10 -ft dump rake; M. -H. bean scuffler with puller combined and new finger type bean weeder; M. -H. riding plow; horse scuffler; corn sheller, power or hand drive with cleaner; stone'boat with steel runners; 'Cockshutt 14- -plate •out -throw disc; 2 -furrow gang plow; 32 -ft. extension ladder; Port- land cutter; .bag truck, hand corn planter (new) ; potato spray; new pig box; set of beans scales for weighing pigs with box; self feeder, emery -stone; electric fence charger; 2 cement pig troughs; 2 'chop rearrels, Anchor Holth cream separator, set 'double harness; 3rd, horse harness; horse collars, logging chain and sling ropes; about 375 sacks all patched; about 20 grain bags; forks, shovels, hoes, eveners, neckyokes, barley fork fence stretcher, cross cut saw, gas barrel, 5 gallon pails, coal oil stove, Lamps, crocks, sealers, apple peeler, tile scoop, pick, hand horse clippers. Grain — 125 bushels of No Barb seed 'barley, a quantity of mixed grain; a quantity of -Hybrid . corn; a quantitp of hay. Household effects — butcher ket- tle, la wn mower, kitchen stove, Beach range stove in perfect shape with new grates,' solid oak roll top desk with automatic self locking drawers, double • leaf kitchen table; cream and red trine with chairs 'to match; 2 dining room enairs, studio couch, convertixng to bed; small stand with drawers; several ••trolls of Heol- earn; cellar table, large leather chair, large e2er molter, grandmother vtho r clock and kitchen clo; several good 'framed pictures, kitchen chairs, 2 small tables, bench, 2 bedsteads Thursday, 14azieli 1•:5t1f,; 11Y.t51 .r.r..n with springs; 2 dressers,..wind 'driven battery charger wi:tTh control:. ,panel, wiring and switches; 2 sodas, . ani. numerous ether axticles4. TERMS•—CASIl. J Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.. Earl E. Weida, C'l'erk.• Edward Stelek, Mervyn•.,Stelok; ,Prop... rietert •• HIGH PRICES TO CONTINUE v.' 44,„ 1936 Raspberry plantings have declined steadily. Acre .- e • age is now smallest i.n many years. No prospect of early inns .: provernent. Result -(high prices to continue.. Solt'ttion-- :- • en • your town garden patch. Z LATHAM undoubtedly superior. Large red berries. Immense ., yields. Hardy at 40 below. Plenting stock very scarce. Order w. • books close March 24th. Act fast. ,se PRICES: Extra heavy, hard wooded' mature canes, shipped C.O. • • 40 11 prepaid express,• 50 for $9.50; 100 for $f17,50. With :., good growing conditions this grade of stock gives small; : • •• _ya� 'yield three months after planting, then annual crops. d> 40 , Hogle Nursery Company �. • Dept. 7, G. -- CAMPBELLFO.RD, Or41', • Canada's anada's Lorgest Grower of Certified Raspberry Planting ;^lock ••,,....••,...+•.••9•••< .4.e0.4.+4.4,04+4100+o®.OA** tours $TP SEa?' 1 A ATrr NI GA A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas a Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, usir:g. 7 kinds We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and'aee how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert 'Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us. service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE 0. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection YTAtaynsil At Klopp's of Grease. C t rit'. rio to In ivi u .1 Liquor errnit Hol rr ears. DO NOT ESTROY your present individual Liquor Permit Liquor Permits will be extended (not re -issued) to March 31st, 1946 on application and payment of $1.00 at any Liquor Control Board Store on and after March 19th, 1945. The decision to extend the use of the present permits will effect a substantial saving in paper and printing costs, and is in keeping with present day conservation policies. WILLIAM G. WEBSTER Chief Commissions Jh