HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-02-22, Page 8ZURICH., ONTARIO
pp 0G,
A lot of extra quality Wool Blankets in Grey,
Cardinal, Green and White, priced from $1 1.00 to
$17.50 a pair
Motor Rugs at each ..... 7.50
All Wool Plaid .........
et g d 2 -in. wide at yard
Flannelette Sheeting
A New Shipment of Ladies' Dress Materials in
Crepes, Rayons, Prinked Slubs, Dhnitys.
Men"s ear
ShipmentA Men's ' Overalls, Work
'Pants, , , , r'k Shirts j%ist arrived. All of these are
is•� p�'o:nn ani your r e-
still..:3 ;� °,aa't 5'�9 e�j�vly , so a�1'Y
now. Also a small lot 'of
wquc:.t sW zs.�::•u�53l:s for spring � p
Mens Dress Shirts and. f ine wool Sox.
Goose and Duck Feathers; must be new. Prices:
Goose 75c; Duck 50c. a lb. Must be in not later
than March 1 st.
Thursday, Februarey 2Yeid, 1945 '
N _
TEMS n RKETS :.1.+04.4104-41.444414444.4641/1414:4444 '0��+4�r�w4•�.>Fr��r.Pw
Mr. and Mrs. Ward' Fritz, went a dneeday) aesti• days at Toronto this week. (Corrected every We
Rev, C. B. Heckendorn made a bus- Eggs .. • ' 31, 29. 22 a.
ness trip to Kitchener one agcy fast Butter per lb, 3.0, 20 4
week. Chickens, dressed 2:5c
Mrs. Parker of Goderi�ch,: was a Ducks, dressed: .................. .. -2c
week -end visitor at the home -of her Geese dressed:. •• • . •.... • . „ - « ] .04 4,
mother, Mrs. L. Warnock.. Wheat bushel . • • . • • • . • 50c VA
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Peters of Tor -!Oats, bushel 73 4'
onto were week -end guests 'at the' Barley, ;bush. ... .. 70
home of Mr. and Mrs.Ed Gescho. i Buckwheat, bush.. 2 60, 2,75
Miss Patricia Sparks at Detroit, is 'Flour, cwt. 30. Q0
enjoying a pleasant vacation at the Shorts and bran, ton .. , • 32.00 ''
home of Mr. and Mrs. Neweir Geiger. Middlings, ton„
MiGs Ellen Turkheim, R. N., of ,,�,�a,:',:a„e,.:-, x = Wim' ''
Toronto, i; at present spending a THANKS
weok'e, vacation at the home of her
m , P T kh'
other, ;Mrs. E.
ur emi.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L,. Sinith spentThe bereft.. family of the. lateMrs
d at London. kion and were ac_l ,Tehn O esch wishes to greatly
Mae .vho enjo;'ed a short visit wltih ; ands irpathy extendedt veno them
h� r parents. b ,
Mee. W. D, Bryce has returned to thanks to the Pastors and those who
Enamelware, such as Cooking I.ltensils, Etc;, which
seem to be of very good quality, and some attractive
,l; color designs. To, appreciate these articles one must
see them. We Trite your inspection.
f�ny:y ;t Furs t+''
`, We are very fortunate in receiving a shipment': of New
cerananled home by their' daughter, the many friends for their t
tlre kindness
. her hemp at Sudbury, after a pleas-' assisted 1.11 anyway
qamstay at the home of her: friends,
:Mr. and Mrs, Ed. G'ascho and. with
The mane friendof Mrs. Edward .Mr. has finished
Y '
her ?•el,a`ih' here. Mr. Peter L',1
It b 1 d t Bear that very successful ice haavest,.
a rerat1 rents at the, Hospital, at Lon- proved back from Windsor where they
giReichert wr . , e p ease
ihe has lived horn > after receiving ! Mr. and. (Mrs. Dick. Hmnilton have
1+r I cion.
l e r ?„ �c r Oa Fri day, February months..
1 has,
hhA, pee a 'en. M.ot'hsr and baby are do -.been ;=ell for some time is now u
aW ing fine. the V.tctor�ia Hospital, London.
,, ra?•z•1y tri ands of Mr. Ivan
a a � Yun ,lyInt ay:e. very happy to meet Arrested. € Steaiin:g;
0 P his 711111?g ,ece in. his place of bus- T'wo Grand Bend youths were plac-
D ine�s again, a Ivan is getting 'back ! ed ander arrest by Co. Constable J.
g0Oithat real ''pep" again.
I Mrs. Ed. I)atars, Sr., and daughter (Ferguson and Constable Westlake,
0, Miss Anna; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deters charged with breaking and entering
0� Jr., and daughter Anieta, visited Te- with intent the Bossenherry Hotel.
i latives at Kitchener last week. hiss were taken to Goderic�r and
l; n- �t the Meyer's Nursing have been. working for the past few
•",3" -Te
. n., } . Leonard Wag- ,M not
1 ' c, :,, <:.d' Mrs. a hlr,..l'olin ousseau, w?o;
UVJ Marion Dedels of that city who had They
been enjoying � , ' "� Ccok.The
��� with them to her home" in the
ZURICH j° b holidays in Zurich re appealed before Magistrate
,,vi case beim adjourned for a week with
city. Bail set at $500. A charge of being
'! r s. David Ducharrlle z is- bail
_.."" �- itecl at the home of their son at Lon -;ie possession .of venison ou • -
-------- - cion also met their other son O.F.N. .Aon against another Grand Bend re -
tiler for the week -end. the carcase of a deer in a cellar.
Short Courses Resumed I.
The farm short courses which, ow iensali Council Mizxstes
ing to bad weather, have been post- i The regular aneeting of the Village
polled, will now be carried out o?1
the •follo�t^ins; dates: Gorrie,
Feb- 26- Council held on'the eve, of- Tfebruary
27ch; Zurich 27th and 28th; Varna Gth at 8 p.m. in the Council Cham»
Feb. 28th and March 1st; Crediton
Iwill continue March 1. The regular ber, with all members preselnt. Idiu-
program of studies will be carried as utes of the previous meeting, also the
previously advertised. special meeting }sere read and ad -
i Last Thursday we noticed the first! oiled
signs of what like a little thaw since
T Kyle asked about removing the
l the first week in December. We. sure
have had a, real steady old timer of'snow
from King street, instructed to
I a winter. Theh highit of thaw
greatly :see the Department ploys and have it
'settled down the snow earrks. ' i pushed back as. far as possible. .
Th losing of No 31 Air Navigat-1 J', A. Paterson, Treasurer, report -
11.1 and Mrs.
t of sea
Pie Auto,Oasualty
u c
li Fidelity,Eto:
Cyril, who came to that city to visit
with parents and sister and tiro- sident was adjourned. Police found
Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have '
a fine ra nge to choose from, a fine stock of Spring t
Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled.Mattres,es °,�'
Priced Very Reasonably
We have some very attractive and newly' designed Bed
Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns
and finishes.. Be sure and see them. if interested in
this line of furniture.
A Fain Line of all the Horne Requirements
Everything iii Shelf and Heavy • Hardware
Hardware F ur sto .m hone 3
ion School, R.A.F., Port Aloert was ed as having received the .sum of
scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 17th. I$1170.00 as tax prepayments in the
Only a few of the personel remaining, month of January, also askeabout
It is expected the R.C.A.F. will take
over the station, when some 20' andirepairs to the typewriter, instructed
30 will compose the skeleton staff ofte attend to same. -
1, what has been an important airport. Correspondence read as follows:
Irn the Commonwealth Air Training )Plan and has trained thousandcs of ! Ass -n. o•f Rural Mur_icipalities; Ont.
Hess .� men. The number of RCAF. person- Municipal Assn; Good Roads Assn;
nel who will take over is any -body's `Dept. of Municipal Affairs ; Dept. -of
(guess, an officer stated. !Planning and Development; 3. W.
DASHWOOD �H.anna, G. Mitchell; Transport News;
N O T I C E i Navy League, Mrs. • W. Cons;tit and
inity Farmersof Dashwood. The he vi•c- Family; Gutta Perch' Rubber Ltd;
w ys s �
To and other, +
Village Monteith. & .Monteith; County Clerk;
Lid and tg4aled Aprils
Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15
Local Representative
� stat lacm�Fsti menet Jagstromeasell i ®S�eate^��a'31zegi@'4vatesaasa
< cl.3 F 6r�.�1?,,Tp�l�•A-":a�,nan�vc+C.-.'.ass���a7�"MY
onaas asfseass �oal c seeea. a to a ..
r fuel Proble
We all realise that the Hard Anthracite Coal is
scarce and hard to get at present, and many substitutes
must be used instead. We are endeavouring to supply
our Customers with the best of coke in different sixes,
and other fuels which give fairly good satisfaction in the
place of hard coal... If in need of Fuel consult us and
we will try and help you out
Plumbing, I' urnace Wdrk, Evetroughing and Tinsmith-
ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardy
ware always in stock.
Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt
And 'Marshal
Trustees have decided to allow the Co.''Treasuxer re Assessor; Municipal
eengine to go to fires outside the ,
Corporation, at a fee of $2e.00 fore World; Canada Trust Co.; Prov. Trs.
a call, and an additional $2o.00 . for
any service rendered. ;filed.
Receives Promotion
Word • has been received here •
that 1 The -Clerk read the Medical Health
. Cold. Days Ahead
ES There ar'e still many cold days ahead of us this
Dept. of Health, same considered and
Lt. -Col. F E Tiernan RCA'M'C of Officer's annual report to Council.
Winter. So why not have ;your home 'nice and
• comfortable when the winds blow raw and cold
0 outside.....We have a fresh carload of Nut size Coke
a that will suit most heating equipments... This fuel
a will keep your home nice and warm these cold
idays... The Government advises householders ..to
a burn more coke as fuel •owing to the scarcity ..of
ahard Coal.
e Soon the Poulry and Chick season will be with us
Iagain, and many supplies which may then be hard
o to get will be required. Put in your supply now
a while the supply is here. PEAT MOSS, POUL.
of the items you will require. Let us supply you.
Dashwood, has been pro?nited to Col- lyloti.on, that we join the A.ssociat-
onel. Col. Tiernan has been in com-
mand of the t2th Feld Ambulance inion of Rural Municipalities at a fee
Holland, and is now at headquarters
of the 3rd Canadian infantry Divis-
ion. He is 34 years of age, a grada-
te of Western University receiving
his early education in Dashwood and
Exeter. Mrs. Tiernan, formerly Betty Kyle salary $74.80; W. R. Davidson
Matthews of Barrie, and her camel- coal 57.74; Herman Hydro, hall 20.13
ter, Mary Anne, have taken residence
in Toronto. .His mother, one sister Munic. World supplies 1.4.65 ; Must -
and brother 'reside in Dashwood. lard Coal Co. coke hall 39.80; G. M.
Must -
Hold Valentine newly
Case, coal rink 5.64; School Board
Businessmen of the neewsy organ
iced Dashwood Businessmen's Club • current expenses $1,0001 Assn ai Ru -
entertained their wives at a Valen-!sal Manic. membership $5 ; R. Brod-
tine party at the home or :51r. and r •
enick teaming S12 15.60; G. ,icer, la-
Mla. T. Harry Hoffman, with about!
40 present. The collection for the bor SSR 5.60; R. Dick ao al.60; J.
,evening was donated to the Red Cross f 416 Bolton do 7.35; R :S.mi{1? do x4.55;
he Club, under the leadership oW. Coleman do 4.55; R. Moir 7,35;
the eildte.;e: trustees, assisted by
et u re P,rylor MI A was organized 1W. Dabus 2.80;; H: Armstrong team -
9 last December and holds regular we- ing 7.80; J! Pfaff snowplowing, etc.
;kly' ,pectines, Interesting ° addresses
$16; R. Todd 22.05; H. Love labor
•4 were given at the meeting by Rev. T.
I wit and Reuben Gates. It was dee- rink 1.05; T. Richardson do 96.80;
ided to "hold a letter writing evening i Drysdale Hardware hall and rink 98.-
11. Total $1519,97.
Motion: That the bills and acco-
unts as read be paid. That by-law
Windsor. No. 2 setting time of Council meet -
Mae, W. A. Mallard is improving ings First Tuesday of the month be
nicely after her illness. (given its readings and finally passed.
Mr.. and Mn. W. B. Oliver tare in That the Clerk and Treasurer be paid
St. Marys at present. Mrs, ()l)ver ray the s•uni of ,$315.00 per year salary.
had a. serious operation and is gettii ,0 That We now adjourn,
along nicely. � , ' ' t
/altos A. Paterson, Clerk.
of $5.00.
Bills and accounts were:
C. V. Cooke spray 15;: Dept. of
Highways, license fire truck $2; Thos
to the boys in the services of .the
Miss Doris Ravell is visiting in
..; Sebilbe
crali.'p` a4 ti.4)0 6114 ;-1 44ili2..leoi; >il40.0461,tscutait 41.60.0,,? 9 tops tT rte
..ONE CENT a Word (mininuxn 25c.) is all that
it costs you for a classifiedadv. in the ZAnrich Herald
An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by
several thousand readers, many of who will be in-
terested in what you are advertising or Lute uk i el arse,'
for Sale.
If you want to buy or sell anything, there is
no cheaper or more effective way than using an
classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105.