HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-02-22, Page 4Wh 1 It a ,r•sasomomelatemompomarloo011416.41.....e.....r. Will You Blame? IF, LIKE THE RICH MAN.SPOKEN OF IN THE BIBLE (Luke Chap. 16), YOU DIE AND ARE BURIED AND IN HELL, YOU LIFT UP YOUR EYES, BEINGIN TORMENT. You Cannot Blame God! For "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, but is long suffering to :award, not willing that ally should perist, bit that all should come to repentance." —2 Peter 2: 9. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that 'whosoever believeth on Hira should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3: 16. YOU CANNOT BLAME CHRIST: For "Christ Jesus camn into the world to save sinners." ITim. 1: 15. YOU CANT SAY YOU ARE NOT A SINNER For Go& •,,,ays: "As by one man sin entered into the world, and death ha s'.n, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." —Rom. 6t 12. -7..'TN oar 5AY: I arn doing the hest I can, or I have '' • .-atiay ;af Hell." For God say': "A.1 oar ea,gs. Isiah 64. 6. "Noe by works of aeousnes. aich we have done, but accordia to His mercy hs 3: 5. YOU CANNOT SAY THERE. IS PLENTY OF TIME TO SET - TU T5 MATTER.: For God says "Behold now is the aa•acata.:1 behold now is the day of salvation." 2 Cor.6:2 *IOU CANNOT SAY YOU HAVE NOT BEEN WANTED: For this eileat messenger containing God's Word is your warn. ina and it may be your last. Search the scriptures and see if these thins are so. . YOU MAY SAY you do not believe all this, but that does not alter feats. "I4e that believeth not God hath rilade Him a Iia." 1 John 5: 10. "He that believeth not is damned. • Mark 16: 16 YOU ARE LEFT WITHOUT AN EXCUSE: Rom, 1: 20. T•:esponsibility of spendiag eternity in Hell is yours and youre alone, WLL YOU DECIDE NOW? IT IE YOUR DECISION!! "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt. believe in thine heart that God hath rals.ed Him from the dead, thou shalt be save:I.—Rom. 10: 9, 10. TUNE 1N: PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Old-fathionecl Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many statical -is at various times. CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. Mutual Network, Sendays. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor ZURICH HERALD task of bringing in the Kingdom of Fire at New Brussels Theatre God. The service this year was hold in the United church, members from Carmel :Presbyterian aunt, St. Paul's Anglican. church 0,nd the Un- ited church were represented. Those presiding were: Mrs. R, A. Brook fe'r the United chureh; Mrs. H. Work- man, for ,Carmel church and frs. R. H. Middleton for St. Paul's Anglican church. The program for this. World's day of prayer was prepared by a group of four British women, who asked their sister .Christians to turn their thoughts to the verse. from Pet. 2-9; "That ye should show forth praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light," since. - The speaker, screen, stage and cur- tains were destroyed in a matter of minutes When fire believed to have been caused by overheated pipes, broke out in the new Cozy Theatre in Brussels. The fire was discovered by an employee of the Theatre. It Was in operation again within a few days. Beef Ring 40 Years Old The annual meeting of the zIcKen- zie Beef Bing was held recently,..says the Mitchell Advocate.. The members voted unanimously to carry on for another year. W. A. McKenzie stat- ed that 40 years ago a meeting was called at his hoine to start a beef ring which had carried on every year • Thursday, February 1945 DISTRICT NEWS On Permanent Ship Duty Mr. E. J. Wethy of Exeter, ....ias re - to At a diree"-irs' meeting of the Clin-1 i'• 1 •oSpring z::.11ow held in the agricult- i ceived a letter from his daugnter, Lt. Ithed board-.:,-ri of that. .to*n, it was 1Margaret Irene Wethy, stating that • 1 derided to h.: ...e the fair on TuesdaYlshe has been transferred to peimian- i 4 lune 5th. ;'!aals are under way to lent ship duty 'with the U.S. Navy. The lenlarge the. fair somewhat this year. !previous assignment of Miss Weathy Underwent Operation \was in charge of a hospital t?..ein. tea -- Mr. Frederick Heist, son of Mr.:111g wounded soldiers from hospitals land Mrs. Wellington Hoist of Cred- near where they had landed from ov.7 ago. His life was spent as a farmer iton, underwent an operation in St. erseas to hospitals nearest io their lin that Township until ,six years ago, Joseph's Hospital, London recently.. He is improving nicely. Suffered a Stroke Mrs. John Mallett, a former resi- dent of Exeter, who suffered a threeweeks aao is Ina Cann of Usborne Township. "I nev- "nally honored in receiving an award i ' anything like it " said Dr !for commuu ty seiva • 1 KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to eyery motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using kinds of Carcase. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN .A.LYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25e. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most 1.1p -to -date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep lip" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads KLOPP, LES3EE C. Fritz & Son 'Deed Car Lot in Connection „ •ti ACV.. I.. '44..11 illness of three days. He' was born on the 12th con. • of Elma Twp., 99 yrs. own home. . 1when he and his wife retired to Eg- Hai Many Twins • 1 niondville. He was a member of the Six pair of ' twins, dour pair !Egmondmille United Church. hand running, is a record established by a Durham cow owned by Orville , Receives Beaver Award Radio Station CKNX has been sig - strokece in the radio serious condition at her home n er heard ofg London. Mrs. Mallett is a sister of Steiner of Exeter, the .veterinary in 'field. The local station was the' only Mrs. W. H. Dearing of Exeter, and attendance. The shah pair were borni, one in Canada to.. receive an award, Mrs. Fahrner 'of Stephen TownshiP, 1 on !Sunday last. All but one of the all other Beaver Awards were pres- , Mrs. William Baird On Tuesday, Feb. Gth at the home of her .daughter, Mrs. Arthur Stafford Ferndale, Mich., Jean Lawrence, wife of the late. Won. Baird passed. peace-• fully away in her 92nd year. The de- ceased was born in Scotland, and with her parents migrated to Canada at the •age of 12 years and settled in Tuckersmith Twp. She was mar- ried to William Baird on 'Sept. 28, 11875 and from this union rased a family of five sons and two daught- ers. After residence in •Tuckersmith WasKicked by a Horse progeny are living. In addition to the tinted to individuals. The. Beaver Harold Norman, Kincardine town, twins two single calves were born. lAwards were sponsored by the Can - ship road superintendent, received IThat's super production in wartime, ,adian Broadcaster Magazine who painful injuries when he was kicked lit is said. . made the .selections. The editor of by a driving horse at his i.4,inhoine.1 Late Thomas J. Bartel. ithe magazine, Richard E. Lewis,made . the presentations Mr. W. 'T. Cruick- injuries, which are not so termus as i sident of Egmonclville, died Sunday i shank received the local award at a Clinton. officiatmg. Interment was in He suffered fractured. ribs and. other Thomas J. Barton, well known le - for some time they moved to Kent icounty and from there in 1905 the family moved to Detroit. A private funeral was held from. the home of li Mr. George Baird in Stanley Twp. /on Feb. 9th, with Rev D. Lane, of was first believed. ....••••••••••01•10..... AUCTION SALE Of faint stock and implements, on Lot If: Conssion 9, Hay Township. 1 r.tiic east, and 2 1-2 miles south of Zurich, on THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1945 here. Ewen McEwen, son of Mrs. "genie McEwen, underwent an appedix op- eration in Seaforth Hospital. Dr. D. G. Steer was in attendance. Miss Ruth Brook. R.N., of Toronto I was a recent visitor with her parents • • I 1Rev. and Mrs, Brook. At 1 o'clock, p.m. Horses — Black horse 0 yearsold; • Miss Margaret Kercher of London 1. 'White aged horse; 1 grey mare was a visitor with her parents, Mr. 0 years old. and Mrs. Herb Kercher. CATTLE --- Red cow with calf at loot: Roan cow with calf at loot; Friends of Miss Emma Shepherd Roan cow dm, April 5th; Red cow are pleased to hear of her recovery duo ...;nd of May ; Hereford heifer (Inc following her recent operation. 11,;. of April; jersey cow due at i'otehain heifer rising 1. yv. old; recently on busines.s at the Parliam- 2 Durham ;steers rising 1 yr old. ent Buildings. PIGS -- York brood sow with lit- Miss Barbara Michie, assistant ter at foot; 8 stocker pigs weighing pigs teacher in Henson publics chool, was 4.botith 125 -lbs. each; stocker 90-1b each. in.Stratford recently attending the •37th annual at-home of Stratford HENS -- 2 dozen hens. 11AI 4 tons of timothy hay; Normal School, also the graduates' re union banquet held in Central United tons of clover hay. Church. LEMENTS -- 7 -ft. dasey- IA arra: Milder; McCormick Deering lnowar 5 -ft.; Deering spring tooth cultivatr; Deering 11 -disc rertilizer 10 -ft. Deering steel rake; 8 - it. M. -H. uau satinet. with combined; out -throw disc; M. - have to have his left leg amputated, 1 -horse scutiler; Qu6bec sulky pi ow ; Fl e tin,- walking plow; according to official word received by his another, Mrs. Olive Hudson, Lon- ity w:ilking plow; 4 -section rewst 2 wagons.; stone boat; 16 -ft. I don. He is a former well-known Hen - 1 hoy rack; wire-Toke open buggy,. buggy, reach, some tdm plank, salt boy, being born and rarster here. 1,i2s model A. Car, 2 new tires. all :1, 21 years of age and has been over- '', 1 eondition; largo chop box,Iii' , years, This is the second ropes; hay knife; is -ft, ee-'''''11"*; time he has be;n wounded while on cler ladder, grain bags. twine sacks, n double trees, whiPP1P- active service. He is a grandson of , logging chain, cow chains,. bean yr and Airs. George Hudson. fo,k. h.hvv set of harness, 3rd horse I)? ' boas,: eollars, SWeat pads,1 . r. and Mrs,. Robert Dick or Hen - and spilr,s. kitchen Pen - Mr, Laird Mickle was in Ottawa time of sale; Jersey cow due 1st of Wounded in Italy Word has reached Hen.all that Pte Laird Hudson had been wounded in a mine explosion in Italy and will hareess; set single harness, horse Killed Overseas .111:01 t,„1,1,, conch. and sail, received word from uttawa, other orCeles to,-) nemerons to men -that their son BAble Seaman ensol , tion. Everythingwrl he sour as the1Dick, RCNVR., RDF., ratmg., had propriator bus sold 10- farm. Also +been killed in a motor torpedo boat a iiai1 box and bob 3lete;tel of Sole -(72133 Rk.ery FI""bardProprietor. Eavl Weide. Marla Arthur W••'•Ier, Aultioaaar. -4ENSALL Mr. Go- o on of 'Ar. Inverse as. In his 25th year Benson Ienlisted in London 3 and a halt years logo, and went overseas August 1944 when he was loaned to the British. He was born in Hay Township where hi, received his education. Surviving are his parents, two sisters, two bro- and tilers, one being with the 6th Caned - Mr,. Robt. lnnn. ii 'orwent all op- eartian in f-aforth Hospital, Rev. Ira! o .. 'en r., 'plotted oommunion .ervicf. rresby- terian Church laA `,[ntla,v morning. Mrs. Jas, Paterson and Mr. R. "r. Mc- Laren sang a duet. Miss Mary Hemphill of London, tan Armoured Reg, in Holland. Had Hour of Prayer All over the world where freedom of worship is permissable, groups of women spent an hour together ori Friday, February 10th at 3 p,m, In prayer at services held in cities, towns and village aureate., rededic- vent the week-ond with her parents ging thcmselves. as Christians to the the family plot in Baird's in the ,Seaforth Hospital, after an banquet held in Toronto recently. cemetery,. ..,..1.1.••••••••ON or Control tir e oar to Individuat Liquor ,f• tario ermit Holders 666636666166616166166631.61612666.19 NT DESTJOY your present individ- -Lisu r er it Liquor Permits will be extended (not r9 -issued) to March 31st, 1946 on application and payment of $1.00 at any Liquor Control Board Store on and after March 19th, 1945. The decision to extend the use of the present permits will, effect a substantial saving in paper and printing costs, and is in keeping with present day conservation policies. WILLIAM G. WEBSTER Chief Commissioner • 4 •