HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-02-22, Page 1Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MOINNG, FEBRUARY 22 1945 Chester L. Sm th, Publishes 1.50 a Year in Advanos buying Gov't DUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH • C. 13. Heckendorzu, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. LIONS CLUB NEWS The third meeting of the Zurich Lions Club, was held as 'usual at the ST. PETER'S Dominion Hotel, with perfect attend- ance. The guest speaker for the oc- EVan.gelical Lutherarr Church casi•on was District Governor Lion ZURICH — ONT.Bill Waterman of Windsor, who was very ably introduced by Lion Hal. Meir of Seaforth who is president of Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor the ,Seaforth Lions.. 10 a.m.-Divine 'Services. I The speaker in his address touched 11.15 a.m.--Sunday School.mainly. on post-war plannmg, espec- 7.30 Divine Worship. ; ially on the establishing of industry. Everybody Welcome to ell Services' The service Chibs are requested to lce a survey in thea Own cocain tun I 'qqyy ft , RECEIVES R. T. protect ou cm,es A., •lir 'f. Miss Edna Kilafer is spending some time,: visiting friends in this vicinity. 'Vias. Hilton Trueniner, 14th Con., pent. 0. few clays at London last week Mr: .and Mrs. Clarence Gascho, bridalcouple, have returned home af- ter their wedding trip. Messrs. Wallace Ross and Wesley :lemming of Seaforth, called in town on. Monday. Mrs. Moses Erb of Zurich was the guest ' at the home of her daughter Mr.. and Mrs. Chris. Schultz, at Sea- ferth `the .past week. Mrs; and Mrs. Kuno Hartman of the Gpshen line south, attended .the mafuneral of the former's uncle at Kit- t ity concerning the possibility of est- Who was sin e..ssinl in passing her chener,aon Mrs. ay afternoon. Brno . f Pig Betty Anne Beauty Shop ablishing an industry there, as ar- cssa1,=u,ttion wi ii an honour standing e,- :Mich., att. Joh the seh.of o- rangements have been made with the I in R. (Registered Technologist), , THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL Federal and ,Provincial Governments also receiving. her Specialist in the • former's mother, Mrs. .. Oesch concerning these projects. Finding Ilaemintsisn$y. and become,.; a.member giber in to? n iastiSt w do sdawllo has been y. PERMANENTS employment for the boys when they of the Canadian society of Lahortory The Better Oil Permanents applied return from overseas and keeping r ;chip' ! is 1 at Clinton Hospital for a number of with the very latest of methods and secure the very thing they fought for After completing her studies in 'weal>,,, has recovered sufficiently to was also discussed by the speaker Zurich Continuation School, Mae return to his home in Zurich. attended Clinton Collegiate yas 'tate Mr: R. F. Stade was a Sunday vis- • Stade at Lon- lquipment. .And besides all this is our years :Experience in all Hair Dressing. 'GIVE US A CALL! of �who said: "They fought and won it before, but we lost it for them. This time we dare not let them down." Lions !Cook, Bowey and Rivers of phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with ..the Latest Methods and Equi'p'ment at •A. L. COLE, R. O. :OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurb'r'igg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. ..w.e,. ;...rr ;..; ;.•i i : •I d�•F•8-•Y••I'�t+...i'•I.+ ...I..F.•}.'l..I.. -.$,.�.e �..Y..,..g...3 'I"'Y°r'r..L.-jail ^. ^tv+� Itncra tome 'Y k Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. - Licensed Embahner and x Funeral Director. 4. :4 MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR. NIGHT TELEPHONE No.•70 Dashwood _ Ontario •y. -+ ria of man ,i, ;.�• �.;. ,..: •'�••§••4••§••+A•k'•§^3r�' •a E'er r•%.F^ ','1Iiliiitl (�1111(i{Ili �I VI NMI rnuilllllll1oeI it ,11.III 111111Ntl lfli f a i l tt ' t4'��� tewS Groeer.Y I 'When you are looking Tor good things to eat be sure and visit our Store., .,as we always maintain to V :have a good stock of ,Fresh Groceries always on .hand, although some Tines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from , the leading supply houses-. Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many ,other, lines we offer at very Moderate prices... Visit Our. Store and Be Convinced for three year3, graduating m 1038, iter wrth his wife £'..US and for advanced education entered don Hospital. Pleased to report that Western University the same year on Mrs -Stade is progressing very ravor- a four year Bachelor of Arts degree;ably,` in Home Economics. 1Viks. Lennis O'Brien of town has Graduating from Western in Time receiYed word .that her nephew, Pte. 1942, slue immediately entered' Viet - torHospital, London, to commencee her duties in the profession of -Med- ieal Technology, and where she Is at present engaged. Her many Zurich friends are pleased to learn of her success in obtaing her R. T. degree,- Mae is the only daughter. of Mi. and Mrs. Chester L: 'Smith; Pi b3slr ers of the Zurich Herald, t-., C + Exeter were also present. • There were two ladies present: Mrs. Milton Oesch who acted as pian- ist and Mrs. Russell Grainger who acted as chauffier for her husband, Lion Russell, who was recently at the Clinton Hospital, after undergoing an opperation. Someone said that Russeil lives up to the tradition of being strong and "lion -like" by not missing a- meeting during his illness. The meeting adjourned with .Or Canada. - Thank You! • 111 .enno Oesch PRODUCE 'WANTED• NI1+l1111!fllf1111i{!Ip''11fit11Uylt�rl, tlliilll4 1( 441116 lull; . Zurich Phone 165 ��1)it>l i il! ll1►[(}i jlllul 1 •r. !liklll{Illllllllllllllllllli, .Laird Hudson of London, had his rights foot amputated in a mine ex- plosr�rl in Italy. M;`; Ralph Krueger who is teaching in. Sarney Twp., '-is spending the nights with his aunt' Mrs. A. Ings, Variha, also been calThzg on dr. Inas at. Clinton Hospital. ivlis. .Sol. Bae:ehler and 'children. and Mr. Clarence Datars visited the former's husband at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London on Sunday. Mr. Beech - Ter is improving very good and ex- pects to be home shoitty. Mrs. J. W. Horner and daughter, Mrs. Es G. Kreuger and sbn Blake and Harold Horner visited the form- er's son-in-law, Mr. Alfred Ings at .Clinton.- Hospital and we are pleased to report that he is improving nicely. Local Red Cross On February 15t1i the Zurich and District •Red Cross Society shipped the following articles to headquart- ers: 19Q gouze diapers, 10 infant sleeping bags; 1 pr. girl's pyjamas, 4 We are indeed grateful for the baby bonnets, 8 baby vests, 8 quilts, following interesting communication The Sosiety gratefully acknowledge from a former well-known citizen and the following donations: Miss Emma Factor of Zurich. Dinsmore 1 quilt; Mrs. Flossie Brown 1 quilt top; Mrs. Clara Hoffman 1 Ev. Luthecan Parsonage quilt top; Mrs. Leroy O'Brien one Massey, Ont., February 14,. 1945,quilt top; Mrs. Z. IC. Ehlers one quilt top; Mrs. Ed. Haberer one -quilt top, Dear Publisher: • Again the time i Mrs. Wilfred WeliTo and Mrs. Mary liar conte to renew my subscription', Stephen one quilt top ;-Mrs. Wilf,•mn FOR �` • ' WHY NOT GIVL ifel THEY ARE' GIFTS THAT LAST JUST ARRIVED BEAUTIFUL L OCKETS, NECK- LETS, EARRINGS, SIGNET RINGS, OR A FINE BULOVA OR ELCO WRIST WATCH FOR HIM OR HER 0 Jeweler and Registered Optician. for another year. This is my 29th. yea): -as a constant reader of your "Herald." The other day I came acrtoss o. one of your "Heralds" under date of Friday morning, Octover 13.,, 1916. I enjoyed scanning. its old pages. Dere are a few items: C. Fritz wants Dutch Sets; .Ed, Appel will make you a suit' Erb some• thirty present. Aftbr to measure for $20.00; Ri. T.. Dunlop the g, with s}on} chi e•.`e :es wast.dent c J. s Bank; � me- ' :01 r l els r .. > newt the 14 . The 1G erOfZ isgrindsin progressive: games. I'rec t(r announces Fass Fashions. Fete ctingg .Feb L'l0.11 will be held at, the Deitrich one quilt top mace work room patches; Mrs. Joseph hde fros- Fos- ter one erip quirt top work room ,patches. Farm' Forum The Babylon, Farm Forum rnet at. the home of M. and Mrs. Leonard of positive identification o;¢ the World's Finest Anthracic ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fad Eggs according to Graeae W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall Loose i'rc(�ADa'�93eNwe'^5 �abw° eoceQFa19+egiio oe'oseefi�e+e'e B vDa soiDeo ue • setaeBrokens 5 ire m �,Li'L R F Stade wants you to: loo;. at in Auto Robes and Dusters;. T.. l.. Wurm is having his Millinery (i•pening; C. clotted by Mr. Waller llcDrid at the Hartleib has 50 stoves and will set -1 Koine of i Clarence cbrid Tec tle your stove question; W. C. Wag tirl.eThe general feeling was that p g gel advertises a New- Confectionery iii k^I, +�, k;,.^.dtrnt,w,. ��;.otrht.iOtl un - LifeAndrew F. do has =London 1 flet pro;3 csai and ltatro.tal control' Life Policies "Geeta <r., Gold; Roby & Gas chs invite your. inspection of I does 'mt. take away the tamer's free - New Shi.rtings and Cattonades; Geo, don, test rather gives hide a stronger• R, Bess & Co. will engrave your Add- voice,.. Thi next meeting will be a. thn hh.,re r7T 1%,,T r,' )'serum Elliott. .A -Link Caosolet; i Joseph Rau i.; ag-1 The 'C fltue Farm Forum met at ern for Ctoss Fertilizer Co.; L. Bris-'thy* ,Horrid u 1It end Ars. Roland son 'Fill take .your live Fowl every ,,,• h,, C "Yung hint & Deichert, I Gg L er •,.++' ' � 2 p1 e.iant and M Thursday;el- ,.1- l ,,.� r s±s convenor. l'he tonic being y F 1 \ r.{r.0��r r home of iVfra. Land Mrs. Wm. Leibold. The Blake: Farm Forum was con - O O I Comfortable Hospital; Bed for Rent • day and sfldtht Service Phone 15 8, Zurich • • • a, Cid: Your Fuel BM 1&F! • 1- 4 ,4� gi n ows> and Doors p.`��tt $� r US QUOTE 0 � LEli k 4.i. $Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials r (REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A t '� LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON NAND AT ALL 'MIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GL.ATOTC WORK WHILE YOU(. + WAIT. C. K AI�BUT4EI: M & SON • ZURICH,n4: 4. Phone 69 z aJ ti IFS'k4'I••p••I••t'•[••�'et..�..1•.x'.i••Ei3••�'4•d••5••5••i'.�'.F•1 fi'3•'8 y,•�.?•i'.f+'�•'�••;r•sr�i•.q••a••i1••p••h•;.;r•I•�•�+•row nr r •i" l F. >cuitu 'dant., ti.t.k „1 1j "tie l u, ever:tcr ti 1.00 -a ing?" A very ]is Cly di.(tt s:sru tool- Hoffman, t r -j T(r,al(l evcr� 7"llnrcdaY at •y r� i best for the Hoi'iean, undertaker, and t';vesloperativ ria -...k tin is "Pismpt Service 'et Moderate Char- Canadian fa*me especntrlly after the war. Eggs. anti hogs n e conr,rudities gas," " You certainly h t c; ,' ..•- -':,re of n this year. We asp here have t•Fl(..i tit hes been vary cold 1rcL\.eon 45 and 50, below zero. Best regards tO yo't and yours and my many :friends it the communitM, ,,,r ,, r.. ,a{., t t t tesNe. t 44.nr th'_, rila.t'ossio11 the r^tx:re.- tarn Th'-nt. took charge. The n2;,.4 meeting will be held et the lior1e o" Tuff. 0181':11,;r' ''"ids' on, March 5th, with '', H. Edigl�i±.ftv1/4. --81noer.ely. vttui ,, • Ay' 7 . Btednbe, as oonvonev, JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, WE HAYE 7.1 Pioneer Big :3 Laying Mash and Hatching, Kation, Pig Starter and Concentrates The Chick Season is just around the corner. Start. .your Chicks riright". >' , '4r.all Pioneer Chick. a Starter. In spite, of the difficulties in securing them, we have the fotlowi-,i to r;f•Car: Cod Liver l, r kD 'ra n.A1 Srnnnnlezr n nt, �A 1. , i Oyster Shell, Hen and Chick Grit, ,Etc. A.1.77,15,Y5 ON H)' ND 11A .1r4.1174 S rrti Echnund Swar, ent fiber, Prop. Phone: 11.91 NyvAlw' r,' b li t,r °ni �SaA t,ri gampor FRESH 1,.-'.-.'-S 1.4 J d 41 d d .4 4 a a d J {