Zurich Herald, 1945-02-15, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Thursday, Flt;bileaely118*, New Arrivals A lot of extra quality Wool Blankets in Grey, Cardinal, Green and White, priced from $11.00 to ' $17.50 a pair All Wool Plaid Motor Rugs at each ....... ....... 7.50 Flannelette Sheeting 72 -in. wide at yard 75c A New Shipment of Ladies' Dress •Materials in Crepes, Rayons, Printed Slubs, Dimitys. Men's ear A Shipment of Men's and Boys' Overalls, Wed 'Pants, Work Shirts just arrived. All of these ar still in short supply, so advise procuring your re quirements for spring now. Also 'a 'small lot o Men's Dress Shirts and fine wool Sox. e f WANTED Goose and Duck Feathers; must be new. Prices: Goose 7.5c; Duck 50c. a lb. Must be in not later than March 1 st. TELEPHONE 59 0 os. ZURICH. e . V Dr. and Mrs. P. ,I, O'Dwyer and on Michael spent a day n Loadon, l'' .ast week. I *A St. Valentine's Day is being cele - `1 t` tbhraeTtlieled4,ttiiic . aod ol*fhflatetbc1Wh.11aelVIld771'lelseciay'ii.ttrebigelos: down for a few (los, as Mr. Ivan Kalbileisch is away purchasing some equipment. IfEhiS OF LOCAL INTEREST To -day, Wednesday is known at Ash Wednesday and observed by the Christian churches as the beginning of Lent. Mr. and MTS. Jack IVIcOlinchey, and daughter Ruth Amn of near Varna visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel. Mr. Ward Fritz, Accompanied by Mr. Earl Thiel made a business trip to Windsor, and Detroit east week, the latter returning with a new Dodge Truck which is being added to the ever growing Thiel's Transport, Trenceles Around Berlin London — The Germans dug new trenches to guard Berlin and Gestapo Chief Himmler's Whipmeni •ordered every able-bodied German Male to be theown into the "red inferno, of the east." Mr. Rudy 0e,sch of the Bronson line, and. well known carpentea and who had the misfortune to fall off a scaffold it the Kai:Helsel Mills, about ten weeks ago, and fractured his heel, is now able to he out and around again, although it will take some time before he will h -at, the full use of his injured foot again. Farmers to Hold Cattle Ottawa, — AgriCultural Minister; Gardiner said in the 'Commons that he hoped farmers would hold beef cattle until they were will finished before marketine4'them and thus ease. the problem of handling at process- ing plants. Mr. Gardiner said there, was a market for alt beef, but the NESSINSENZEINgall GENERAL INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich tartielealaffielelien•MIIMONSINSEINEaliallalle, 1 evegammicas••••••oevesoms 0•911111WHINWSMOVW4t01,000•4 • HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Problem' 1 We all realise that the Hard Anthracite Coal is very scarce and hard to get at present, and many substitutes must be used instead. We are endeavouring to supply • our Customers with the best of coke in different sizes, and other fuels which give fairly good satisfaction in the place of hard coal... If in need of Fuel consult us and we will try and help you out OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith. ing aur Specialty. Full line el heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. Furniture, Spriiigo and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses STADE & WEIDO • ZURiCH — ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE problem was in handling. BURR MYSTERY, 132 YEARS OLD SOLVED Since her disappearance 132 years: ago, the fate of Theodosia Burr, da- ughter of Aaron Burr, has puzzle.d' historians. Now comes new evidertee. she was seized by the pirate Lafitte- and won him over to the American cause. Read about it in The Am- erican Weekly with this Sunday's. (Feb. 18) issue of The Detraie Sem- day Times. HYMENEAL A quiet wedding took plaea' at the home of the groom's sistea,. Mx. and Mrs. Seth Anunans,. at the easterly part of Zurich, on Saturday; Febru- ary 10th, when Rev. S. U. Peachey !united in Holy Matriinany, EvaeCath- erine, eldest daughter af Rev. and Mrs. Solomon Baeehler and Clarence, younger son of Mr. and Mrs: Christ- ian Gascho, both af the Bronson line Hay Township. The bridal couple were attended by Miss. Verde Bee- chler, sister of the bride, ana Mr. Ephriam Gingerich. After the cere- mony a buffet lunch was served and later the happy young co-uple left for a trip to London, Kitchener and eas- tern points. On their return. they will reside on the groom's fame on the Bronson line, Hay. The Herald joins their many friends in extend ing congratialations. Farm Forum 41 members of the L..-e Forum met at the home of Walter McBride on Monday evening.Mr. Roy McBride led the discussion on the subject "Are Commodity Exch- anges Necessary." It was felt that the grain exchange is not needed in peace time, as we are getting along fine without it in war time, . •The next, meeting, will be held at the home of Mr. .Clarence Parke. Celebrated Anniversary The Babylon line Farm Purim net at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flaxbard for their weekly 'meeting. In spite of bad reads, 30 members gathered. .A. lively discussion on Com modity exchanges took place. The meeting also marked the 30th an ni v- g ersary of the host and hostess. A decorated cake was placed bern'e the 0 honoured couple who were persented with a silver plate by Billy Merner t and the following address oeing read 1 Arnoldy igerner, Jr: Dear IVfr. and Flaabard: We your fellow me- eel) mbers of the Babylon line Farm For- um could not let this happy wedding 15I' anniversary pass by without extend- A ing to you our most cordial congratu- lations. It is our hope that God will 1„ grant you many more years of wed- ded life and that in 10 yrs' 20 'yrs. 8 yes 30 years from now aou may el - min observe your anniversary. As a token of remembrance of this your 30th anniversary we ask you to accept this gift. — Signed Babylon Farm Forum, Mr. and Mrs. Flaxbard taken om- plotly by surprise, in a few chosen words thanked the Forum for tne kind remembrance. games were played andlly°agrds'alilvt, y lunch was served including the anniv- ersary cake and ice cream, The te- 'minder of the evening was spent with music and marry makinr antil the wee' hours of the rhatirig and the member., departed thanking the bride and groont of 30 years agofot thpit kind hospitality and wishing theta LOCAL MARKETS tCorreeted every wednesday) Eggs 31, 29, 22 Butter per lb. . . ...... 38 d 30 to 20 Dackse dresses . 25c Chickens, (brewed Geese dressed 24 Wheat bushel 1.09 Oats, bushel 50c1 Barley, bush'. 73 BlIckwheate bush 70 Flour;. cwt. .... . 2.60, 2.75 Shorts and bran, ton Middlings, ton 32.00 :4.414,00~~4/*/*4444164.4470 ******************.**** • • • YOUR rdwav and Furnitu • STORE manymama yeaars of happy wedded life. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Leonard Erb. LIVESTOCK MEN TO MEET Theeweek.ef February 12 to 16 will see a great" influx of the levering live- stockbreeders. of Ontario into To- rontofor the annual meetings . of the varibus purebred livestock as- sociations, both .provincial and national. Alt the meetings are • to be held at.the Royer York Hotel, and from ,Monday- morning- to Friday night therewill be a constant round of 'bush -lees- sessions, consisting of meetings of Boards of Directors and the.: annual' sessifons .o.f the various organizations CHECK ON CALLABLE MEN Ottaiva. — Labor Minister Mitchell announced' that beginning Feb. ist, customs oil-leersat border points have instructiOns. not to glow anyman in the callable age groups to leave Can- ada unlesshe has permission from a mobilization board. The regulation applies, to all men from 18 to 31 years- of age inclusive and to men who were not married at July 15, 1-940;, who; are more than 31 years of age but have: not passed' their 38th biethelay. Annual Meeting The, 7.0,th Annual Meeteng of the Bay Township- Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in the Tweet Hall, Zurich, on the 29th of January, 1944. Thomas Love, Pres- ident, acted as Chairman and H. K. Either, Secretary of the meeting. The President, in his acruress stat- ed that the amount of insurance at the close of the year was $10,608,- 195 with 2,2'20 policies in force. Dur ing the year there were 78 claims With a total of $13,123.28. Of this amount $3,526.10 was paid for loss- es on live -stock due to lightning.. The Assets of the Company amounted to, $73,803.69 of which $69,579,32 ia invested in Bonds. During the ' peat year, the Company donatea $200 eat) the. Red.,.Oross Society and a -gnaw amount to The Navy League of Cep, ada. Stirrup Pumps were also bought and are being offered to the polecy- holders at $.5.00 each. It has been found that the revenue received from insurance on live -stock is hot. Suffic— ient to meet losses and tna Board has been thinking of increaseng the rate on this type of insurance. Mr. K. J. Lampman, District Supt. of the Hydro Electric Power Com- miesion, gave an address on , Hydro Installations and the proper use thereof. It was felt to many peop]e are making alterationa around their buildings without haying the work properly inspected end the use of faulty appliances often cause a fire. George W. Armstrong, Reinhold Miller and Oscar Klopp were elected Directors for a term of three years and George Deichert and Jacob Hab- erer were re -appointed Aticlitoes for the ensuing year. After the annual meeting, the Board of Directors met and appointed John Armstrong, President and Arth- ur Finkbeiner, Vice -?resident for the ensuing year. Hdd Annual Meeting The annual congregational meeting of Hensall United church was held on the eve, of Feb. 6th, over 100 being present. Proceeded by a pot- luck supper served at 6.30 p.m. by the Womens' Association. Rev. R. A. Brook, Minister presided and also ave, the welcome. Splendid reports vere p esentecl showing the different rganizations tohe in a peo.sperous ondition. Mr. M. G. Drysdale, church rea.surer in his report, disclosed that 944 was the best year financially in he church's history, raising for all urposes $6,373.00; sent to M. and Fund $1,100.00; forwarded to ritish War Victims Fund $200.00, short program was enjoyed. 'Nth ,orninating committee presented the ollowing list of officers: Preee, Mn. Taude Hedden, Auditore, R. J. Pater - On, Mervyn Brown; oilier (amia tees were appointed, and G. M. Drye dale was appointed eeeretary treeeer er, The highlights of the ovenlea wa, re two preeentetione, Rev. I;roAsh,, popular minister of the ehereb seven years pri,•s<:'ul.w.i, with purse of $2-10.00 ieeirerietioxi his service, and a 1)11:1;11iRgOl.l erreit ation to remain paetor of the Opure,b indefinit/dy. The purz,e, few', the .congrefaation. Mr. (iaorkee read the addreee, 'Mee K. 1frott tho preliontatio». Mr. tla L L, the Pine;Pnt cbureli treasurer, presented with o handsome wrist watts from the Midare and 13oard of Steetards. Bev, Brook And Mr, Oilvor Row.c1itre doing tho-4 lionorx,Tiot pe iieritiktions were a tomploto Burp/Igo, NEW ENAMELWARE .1.. We are- veryr fortunate in receiving a Shipment"of "Mew EnanaelWare, such as Cooking Utensils, Rd; which 0,4. seem 'to: be' of very good quality, and someeattiactiire‘ it color .clesigns: To appreciate these articles oneltnust seethe/a. We invite your inspection; MATTRESSES MATTRESSES' Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you -have: - a fine range ta choose from, a fine stock of Spring Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filledAVIattressem Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE 4' We nal ve,some very attractive and newly 'deesigned Bk.+ Room. Suites. just in, which are of the newest patterns; and finishes. Be sure and see them iNfitereste& ii thisline of furniture. Johnston & liaroheison Hardware & Furniture. Phone! 68 t 4 A. Full Line of all the Home Requirements Eirerythihg in Shelf and Heavy HirdWare memerntetimmerazzawasmonsimiummor mommommakeximmuminessom Bead and Disabled Anim REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 285. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD, (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY)) .IMPRON.41111111••••••••1101.•••••••••••••11W.M. . 011140111064100111011001100•0111001101106 eseseeesitesesesimmeeefte a 1 Cold Days Aheacl •ip • There are still many cold day t ahead of us this • 5 : Winter. So why not have your home !nice and 5 • comfortable when the winch blow law and Cold outside... ..We have a fresh carload of Nut size Coke, • : that will suit most heating ,equipments... This fuel • will keep your home nice and warm these told • • days... The Government advises householders ..to • I burn more coke as fuel 'owing to the scarcity ..of hard C.oal, . YOUR POULTRY NEEDS ' Soon the Poulry and Chick season will be with us again, and many supplies which may then. be hard to get will be required. Put in your supply now while the supply is here. PEAT MOSS, POUL- TRY LITTER, and CHICK STARTERS are some of the items you will require. Let us supply you. L Saline & Son 2640004004WIDIMS•64101011146000$0 ..ONE CENT a Word (minimum 25c,) is all that it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by several thousanel readers, many of who will be in- terested in what you are advertising or are offering for Sale. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is I'm cheaper or more effective., way than using an classified idv, in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105. THE ZURICH HERALD