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Zurich Herald, 1945-02-15, Page 5
ZURICH, otkrrowto. SWIMS CARDS WANT Elp ;CASH FOR FOX HORS—Dead animals removed. Two -hoer ser- vice day or dight. Phone t)redi,- ton 47x15, collect. Jack Wil- liams. P.T. 4.6-`41. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ade. in this Column. FOUND A 13ec1 Comforter 1% miles south of Zurich. Owner can have same at Herald Offiee, LICENSED AUCTIONEER WANTED HELP WANTED by McKinley's Farm and Hatchery, One 'nen for farm work and two girls or women for work in house and hatchery. -- Apply to J, E. McKinley, R.R, No. e, Zurich. For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duet any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell, 1 solieft seer business, and if not satisfied will mike no charges for Services Ren - Awed. ARTHUR VreIRT R Dashwood Phone 2 WANTED A,PIPLICATIONS for the position Ph G7 ] 1 of Road Superintendent Tor the ownship of Hay, duties to commence ami is appointed. Applications Fto be in . the hands of theClerk by VETERINARIAN arch 3rd, 1945• H. W, B•rokenshire, Zurich, Ont. Or. -W, 1. COXOT4 F.V. Sc- j Clerk, Township ofHay. vETERINARY SURGEON 01'dce with Residence, Main Street, O'ppoe to Drug Store Zurich Phone --`9 6., BUTCHERS ZnricbB' Popular IE AT MARK T Let Us supply you with the very Choke of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, l olognas, Sausages, ct,r always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Pricestor Wool, Hider and Skins Et, yu i glut & Bon PRODUCE Farm Produce WANT Have your Eggs Graded scien- ically on our approved grad - ,g Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry.. O'Brien Wm. i~}•.ocze 10•x., Ives. t 4, Zurich , 1 r a .1; Y Your Hong M et for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus ;e premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. l4eilett, - Proprietor. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK il'EE LARGEST RESERVE • BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of insurance at Risk on Dee:. 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. 114tes---$4.50 per $1,000 far 8 Years E.' F. KLOPP-ZURICH `Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- Ing Rods and all kinds of Fire insurance FOR SALE A number of small pig, for sale. —Karry McAdams, Bronson Iine, or Phone 83-5. LOST In Zurich, about Dec. 21st last, a_ ladies diamond • ring and a wedding ring. Reward offered ---Apply to Herald Office, LOST In business section in Zurich on Feb. 5th a purse containing a sum of money. Finder return to owner with name inside, or Herald Office. For Sale A chick range shelter, 1 pair brass mounted collar tops, --Harvey Claus- ius, Zurich. FOR SALT Oliver bean seuffler witn .puller combined; Oliver single -furrow riding Plow; three foot :teed well cribbing, 10 -ft. long, also some good grade cows, apply to Sam Rope, Hensall. Phone '91--e-13, Zurich. 'v,t.... A Jersey Heifer in calf, due in February. Ed. Haber: er, Zurich. FOR. SALE solid briek dwelling property, centrally located in Zurich for sale. The house is equipped with euvnaee and bath room convenience, there is I also a large garage and a eceel hen house. For further 'information ap- I ply at herald Office. CHICKS FOR SALE Strong, healthy S. C. White reeghotns from a flock headed by 2'EDIGREED R. 0. P. reales. At prevailing prices. Our incubator capacity is limited, so we suggest that to avoid disappoint- ment you order early. Twinrnaples Poultry Farm. 13. 3. Klopp, Prop. FARMS FOR SALE 200 acres of land, lot 16, South .13oundard Hay Twp., on Highway 83, between Grand Bend and Exeter, 2 1=2 miles east of Dashwood; will sell altogether or separate, 12 acres of good hardwood bush; 2 -storey brick house, bath -room, furnace, run- ning water in house and barn with supply tank; bank barn, 44x66;straw shed 30x40 on. wall; all floors cem- ented; 2 drive sheds, garage, good spring well, windmill.—Joseph Wild- fong, Dashwood, Ont. 75 acres sandy land, small house, bank barn, close to school, Con. 9, Hay; 75, acres pasture with stream, Con. 7,; 75 acres pasture and bush with windmill, Con. 8; 100 acres with full set buildings, silo, bush, Kippen. —W. C. Pearce, Exeter. FARIIVt-2':'s miles west of Dash- wood ei mile south, 75 acres more or less, black loom, well drained, 35 acres of plowing done, and balance in grass, well fenced, 1 • good granery with cement floor 1.5x20. For fur- ther information apply to Mrs. Mar- tha Baker, Proprietress, R. R. 1, Dashwood. Tel 58r5, Dashwood. Arthur Weber, R, ib. 1, Dashwood, MOM: FOR SALE 100 acres +more or less in Flay Township, being p, _ 1 Lot 25, South Boundry, First farin West of Dashwood on Highway .53, nicely located, brick house with brick kitchen, both have upstairs end cel- lars, smoke house, drive shed, hen stable, bank barn 60x72 on wall, 8 spring wells, Hydro in house and Job Printin barns,2 yard eights land, black loons, IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED 25 notes of fall 'wheat, 25 acres of MATTER, STATIONERY, O , fall wheat, 25 acres of fall plowing OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE' i done and balance in grass. :For fur- MEMBER TO CALL AT TUE . thee information apply to Mrs, Mae - HERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES the.. Baker, 11.12.. 1, Dashwood. 'Tele-,. ARE ALWAYS LOW AND WORK.' 581,5. . 'XANSI-IP GOODArthur Weber, I;2. lt, 1, Dashwood, l LO.AL NF:` ZURICHH H 4RALD ..Mrs. Ed. Gascho and Mrs. Win.'. Bryce visited at London on Friday. Miss Rosa;bell Albrecht of I3ruce-, field is visiting with her parents Mr. and 3irs. .John Albrecht. Mre, Garfield Brown who has been ill at Kitchener is progressing as well a, San be expected. Rev. E. Heirnrieb spent a rcw clays at 13raneford and London the past week. Mrs. Conrad Siemon has returned home after visiting with her daugh- ters at Kitchener. Misses Verde and Gradys ,saechler visited their" father, Rev. Solomon Beechler, who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospieal, London. H.xs many friends are pleased to learn that he is progressing nicely. Mrs. J. W. Horner and daughter, Mrs. E. G. Krueger and son Mr. Blake Horner of the 114th con., vis- ited at the home of the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ings at Varna on Tuesday.. Sorry to re - poet that Mr. Ings had taken a stroke and is at present in the Cli',ton Ho:,- pital. His many friends with hila a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther, of Dashwood, have , recently received word from their son •! i, R. M. Gu- enther, who is now overseas. Born.—At Dashwood, to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tiernan (nee. Alice Hoff- man) are happy to announce the ar- rival of their daughter, Lynda Caro- lyn, a sister for Nancy Anne, at Dr. Taylor's Hospital, on Wednesday, February 7th, 1945. Sailor Rescued One of the survivors of the ill-fat- ed minesweeper Clayoqot, torpedoed in the Atlantic is AB. Robert Sinclair Gunn., husband of .Mrs. S. Gunn, Dashwood, and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Pedersen. ALLIS-CHALMERS DISTRICT Sales Manager Here Mervyn •Stelck, District Sales Man- ager for the Allis-Chalmers farm machinery - company, is. making thiE town his headquarters. illi. and Mrs Stelck, who came here from Zurich, Ont., have taken up residence in part of J. Depew's hornet—B:radfotd Wit- ness, Cold Weather Footwear RUBBERS, GALOSHES - Boots or Lumbermen. Up -to -the Minute DRESS SI-1OES for Ladies and Gents. School and Sunday Schoes for Children SHOES REPAIRED With Best Quality . pre-war Leather. Good Workmanship –Lowest Prices°MIfT D. J 4 A• A S RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNXS ANL) SUITCASES Mrs. H. Shera, who has been ser- iously ill in Scott Memorial Hospital for the past two months, has 1.•e.+ taken: to the home of her sister, Mrs. George Jackson, at Hensall, for re- cuperation, before proceeding to her home in Zurich—Huron Expositor. DASHWOOD 1 Pte. -Rue ell Tiernan of Camp Bor. den.. spent the week -end with his 'parents here. Mr. • Geo. Gibson who is with the Navy in Nova Scotia spent a few days with Mrs. Gibson. Mr. Sam Witzel , of Toronto, is spending a few days with his mother Nits. Witcel, also e.tt nding the fun- eral.- of the late Mrs.. Triebner of 'Exeter. Mrs E. Noll of ?Inverter' attend - 'ed the funeral of Mrs, lriebner and called • on friends here this week. The Business Hen's Club with -three wives held a Social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoff- Man, of -man on Tuesday evening. THE CA N A © ! AN av 'i."hur;sday, F ebrear•y 1,11;11, 1945 Cheese Factory Workers Are Needed immediately Creesemakers and Cheese Factory Helpers are Urgently Needed. To respond to this call is to meet a patriotic need at pleasant work 'and good pay. Details may be had from J, !R. IBAIN, 107 WYATT BUILDING, ,LONDON, ONT. or any EMPLOYMENT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE 0004444 C.wi, . • ev o y 4,049040 4 4i 0 4, 9 0 0 4, 4, 4, 4, 0 8 8 b 09 • NM1LK NC MACHINES The United Farmer's Co -Operative Co., Toronto, has recently taken ever the manufacture of the famous Universal Milking Machine. Pe' vetc ,- asing, give us a can. Poultry Feeds, Concentrates, Cedar Shirhgies, fence Posts, Coal, Motor Oils, Etc., on hang at all tie s. uron } 'grin e1's' Co- (.)perativote HENSALL, Phone 115. • R. J. COOPER, MANAGER IiasseyHa rib A 3 Tawe ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 19451 I HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at 400 to 450 SIZE (6) 850 850 to 900 SIZE r+.@ $70.75 $59.50 582.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE I':.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK. THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop ! 49 s,5.,-- F � ,fo: r Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for CanaaEan Farm. W A Y O F ! 1 F!. oast Beef on erHE SUNDAY ROAST — week- ends in the country—the old family jalopy—these things mean a pleasant way of life. These are some. of the things every man overseas is fighting for today. They won't be his, unless all of us make sure, when our fighting mancomes back, his dollar will be worth a dollar. To protect his dollar, we must realize NOW the dangers of care- less, unnecessary buying. We must buy only what we need --never btiiy two where one will do! We 'must not evade rationing or price control, or deal in black markets. If we break the rules, our country —the country he's fighting for— will or--will start on that uncontrollable rocketing of prices known as inflation! Prices will rise. As prices go up, wages try to tag along... and never quite catch up. The value of money goes down. Soon your dollar will buy --perhaps only 30c worth of goods! And there is no limit to its drop—look at Greece today ! The nation is plunged in poverty and depression. So let's all make sure our soldier's dollar—when he gets back—will buy a dollar's worth of goods! We can't give back to him his lost years or his lost youth. But, if we keep up the fight against inflation, he can look forward to pleasant, satisfying living ... the Canadian way of life, Peblis.beel by 1 esti tiRI .'1NG :INDUSTRY' (ONTARIO) to' reveal t:._ darrgees of ing.ttion. _...1.111144040444043 . , Make this Pledge Today! pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: By observing rattoning and avoiding black markets in any shape or form. By respecting price controls and other anti-inflation measures, and re- fraining from careless and unneces- sary buying. I will not buy two where one will do, not will 1 buy a "new" where an "old" will do. 13y buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Stamps, supporting tax- ation, and abiding by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and "help keep prices at a normal level. 4, 11 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 d J a a J