HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-02-08, Page 8=RICH, ONTAltio Wo IWP VO 1 CP �(b kVe Cotton Sheetings We have a fair supply of Sheeting to offer at pres- ent. So would advise you to get your supply for Spring and Summer now.. These are quality Cottons, no filler, in the following widths: Bleeched 72 -in. at per yard 75c Bleached 77 -in Special at per yard....69c Unbleached 81 -in, at per yard 75c Unbleached 72 -in, at per yard 65c WOOL BLANKETS White all -wool, large size, each White, all -wool, colored border, pair Grey, all -wool, colored border, pair Grey Esmonds, Special each FLANNELETTES 2 pieces Canton Flannels on hand. A heavy twilled cotton with fleeced back. Special at per yard .... 38c One Piece only Pyjama Cloth, at per yard .... 38c SPECIA.L.S $7.50 13.50 11.00 3.85 Ladies Wool Skirts, reg. 4.50 for each Ladies Wool Skirts, reg 3.50 for Kiddies Parkas, at each Boys' long Wool Stockings, old stock, Brown and Black to clear at pair 39c. 3.75 2.75 29c Gascho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH ZURICH HERALD TEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Jacob Haberer is making a .ru,siness trip to Toronto this week. Pte. Tedy Klop is visiting relati- ves and friends in the village and community far several days. Miss Patricia Mittleholtz of Lond- on spent the week -end with he.r par- eats, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mittleholtz. Mr. Theo. Mittleholtz made a bus- iness trip to London one day this week. Mr. Solomon Beechler of the Bron - eon line, tray, left for Lonccan on Monday where he will underg , an op- eration at the Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Steinbach and children; Mr. and Mss. K.: Crisp and daughter of London, spent Sunday at the.home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Howald. Mr. R, F. •Stade visited. with his wife who is a patient at ,St. Joseph's Hospital, and we are pleased' to re-' port that she is progressing very favourably.' Born— at the Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich, on Monday, Feibruary, 5th, to Me. and Mrs. Wm. A. Siebert a daughter (Elizabeth Gail). Moth- er and baby are progressing along. nicely, Rev, and Mrs. Albert Datarsy Mrs.. Dedels and daughter• of Kitchener, are visiting. at the home of the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Ed. Deters, Sr., and other relatives in the, vililage.. Mr. Ed. Reichert, and daughter, Mrs. Percy Wille•rt, Mrs. Ferd. Hab- erer, Mr. Theo. Steinbace motored to London on Sunday to visit the. form- er's wife who is taking treatments et St. Joseph's Hospital Her many friends are pleased to hear that she is getting along nicely. Mrs. E. Turkheim and son -in -Taw, • Mr. Edw. Gascho motored. to London Glast Thursday to meet the latter's 0 wife, Mrs. Edw. Gaseha, who visited relatives at Toronto, also spent some time at the home of Dr.. and Mrs. W. Bryce at Sudbury and who has re- turned to her home at Zurich and was accompanied by Mrs. Bryce who is visiting with friends here. Saw Plenty Shadow If the traditional ground ho,g or bear has anything to do with the weather, we surely are in for anoth- er six weeks of solid winter, for he really could .see his shadow, .last Fri- day, Feb. 2nd, that is if he was able to crawl out of the deep sr_eee. But we do not figure very much on that prediction, as we are better off. with six more weeks of winter, which- is about the time spring is gradually ushered in. NeenueseememendlleNT deellelneler A GENERAL INSURANCE; EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc. Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative Zurich Zurich •••• • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Problem We all realise that the Hard Anthracite Coal is very scarce and hard to get at present, and many substitutes must be used instead. We are endeavouring to supply our Customers with the best of coke in different sizes, and other fuels which give fairly good satisfaction in the place of hard coal... If in need of Fuel consult us and we will try and help you out OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line ,)f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses STAD £ & WEIDO1 ZURICH - ONT, QUALITY PRICE — SERVICE LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 31, 29, 2 Butter per lb.8 Chickens, dressed ....... Z 30 to 2�c 2'f9 Ducks, dressed Geese dressed Wheat bushel • Oats, bushel Barley, bush. 73 Buckwheat, bush. 70 Flour, cwt. ?.60, 2.75 Shorts and bran, ton 30.00 Middlings, ton 32.00 'Thursday, Feline:ty 1 t 1941946 .. 01011„ a• `! • YOUR • d Hardware and Furniture 1.09 #, 50c • • 1 HAS MANY CASUALTIES London — The Soviet high corn- mend announced that the Red army has killed or captured more than'e81- 330 Germans during i£e two weeks old winter offensive, which rolled on unchecked through the big indust- rial City of Hindenburg in Selesia, reached the Danzig Free State fron- tier, and cut off East Prussia with a thrust to Baltic coast. From 20 to 25 German divisions are trapped in East Prussia, and so the fight goes on, the latest report calls the Russ- ians only 312 miles from Berlin: ENGINEER RETURNS Paul Johnston, engineer in CBC's Overseas Unit, has returned to Canada after extensive service at the war fronts and in London. err. John- ston will shortly take up his duties as assistant to R. D. Cahoon in en- gineering operations of OL G's inter- national short-wave service. with 26 present, in spite of worrying roads. Mrs. Delbert Geiger took charge of the topic, it being "Is Co- operative marketing efficient?" The discussion took a turn in favor of Co-op's but a few changes could be made. The recreation committee took charge with Mrs. L. Merner directing. The next meeting will take the form of a masquerade. Everybody out, it will be held at the home of Mr. Blake Horner with Mr. Thomas Meyers as convener. The topic being "Are -Com medy changes necessary." WHAT MAKES DRUNKARDS AND WHAT CURES THEM; Yale University scientists seek to find out. William Seabrook, starting. in The American Keekly with this Sunday's (Feb. 11) issue- of The Detroit Sunday Times, tells how a clinic is treating an odd assotrnent of alcohlisc and reveals- amazing facts that have been unearthed. Get Sunday's • Detroit Times. GRAND ` BEND_ Had Skating Party A very successful skating party was held by the Willing Workers S. S. class of the United Church when they rented the Dashwood rink. A- bout 30 grown ups and a' few child- ren enjoyed the skating for a couple hours, after which all returned to the home of Me. and Mrs. Allan Mil - lex where lunch was served by the hostess ass isted by members of the class. Finds Radio Buried in Satnd Around the first of the year a t j radio was stolen from. a cottage at • Grand Bend owned by Miss Seam, of London. County Constable Fergus- on of Exeter and Chief Constable Westlake of Grand Bend have been working on the theft and on Mon- day last finished their investigation by finding the radio buried in the sand hill. The accused person was put under arrest and taken to Goderich and remanded to jail. Friday night last the same two officers found a. carcass of a deer which had just been shot and taken to a cellar in Grand Bend and dressed. The carcass hide and gun were all seized and ta- ken to Goderich and turned over to Game Warden W. Flynn, of Mount Forest, who will lay the charge. D A 5 H 001, Mrs. Luft and Mrs. Elgin Merner and Joyice are spending e few days in Kitchener owing to the iliness of the former's father. Mrs. Lovina Kellerman is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman in Chatham. Pte. Ervin Rader of Camp Borden spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. Alf. Zimrner of Portland, Ore. visited with his father and sister Ida last week. • 'Mrs. Herb Wein underwent a ser- ious operation in London. Hospital last week. Her many .friends hope fox a speedy recovery. Lorne hleinetiver of the RCAF left for Toronto on Tuesday. • e ee Mrs. reiwin. miller and • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Restemeyer client the week -end with friends in Chatham. !'�.� trT^r r:r ?epee anal Miss Iris Nib- ' lack returned to London on '.I uesdray after spending a week with the for- mer's mother,, Mrs. Ness. A •r!IQ't game of hockey was play- ' ed on the local rink on Monday ev- ening between Dashwood and Park- . hill resulting in a tic 2-2 with ten rninutca overtime. RELATION OF WOOD TO COAL A report from the Department of Mines and Resources states that one and a quarter cords of heavy hard- wood such as maple, yiTow birch, beech and oak will yield ; much heat as one ton of anthracite. A cord of the softer woods such as white birch soft maple, poplar or ,basswood pro- duces only 60 to 80 p.c. of the heat' of the heavier hardwoods. This cam- j parison with anthricite applies only to furnace equipment ae fireplaces' are notoriously inefficient. Now if, you are in a cordwood section the' question arises where to get the man power to cut and haul the cordwood j Next to substituting cordwood, if:i available, the best way around the coal shortage is to use less of it. In- 1 sulation, weatherstripping, and calk-. ing will help greatly but the use of lower-cost, higher -heat -value soft coal by means of automatic coal stokers represents by far the great- est step which the harrassed home- owner can take in reducing coal con- sumption and heatin,c;'eosts, I Farm Forum The Babylon line farm forum meth at the home_ of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold' Merner with some 20 members pre- sent. After the discussion in co-oper- ative marketing efficient, the evening was spent in progressive games, and lunch was served. The next meeting will be held at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. henry Faxbard on Feb, 12. ; Some thirty members met at the home of Mr. Carl Haberer tea Mon- day evening for the Zurich Forum, and a very enjoyable time was had.' The e :.'.y discussion was taken in ' consideration and discussed. .A num- her of e.", -..les were played anr! . ' ng song enjoyed. The next meeting will be held at the.home of Mr, and Mrs. Flenry Caausius. 33 members of the 13Iake Forum met at the home of Mr. Roy Lamont to discuss Co-operative Vlar keting, with Mr. John. Armstrong as convenor. Next weak the borne of Mr. Walter McBride will be opened to the group. The Unique Farris Forum met -at the home of Mr. Hilton Truemrier 4 STORE NEW ENAMELWARE We are very fortunate in receiving a ►shipment of New i. Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which seem to be of very good quality, and some attractive collar.. designs. . To appreciate these articles one must 1 see them. We in'v t`e your inspection. i. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES4. Our Stock of Mattresses is very good,, and you have a fine range to choose from, a. fine stock of Spring Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses Priced VeryReaeonably BED ROOM FURNITURE ' We have some very attractive and newly designed Bed : Room. Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns , and finishes.. Be sure and: see them if. interested in this line of fin-nhere. 4 A Full Line of all the Home Requirements I. Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware Johnston ea Kaibfieiscti Hardware 8& Furniture. Phone 63 ##*+######,�###�++•�#mss •+.�. #dh#•#i###########i#• + t Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaford] 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) i N••!•••••N•••••M••••••• 1 1 • • 1 N••M••••••••NsN••••• Cold Days Ahead j There are still many cold days ahead of us this Winter. So why not have your home ?nice and comfortable when the winds blow raw and -cold outside.....We have a fresh carload of Nut size Coke that will suit most heating equipments... This fuel will keep your home nice and :`warm these cold days... The Government advises householders ..to burn more coke as fuel 'owing to the scarcity ,.of hard Coal. YOUR POULTRY NEEDS ' Soon the Poulry and Chick season will be with us again, and many supplies which may then be hard to get will be required. Put in your supply now while the supply is here. PEAT MOSS, POUL.. TRY LITTER, and CHICK STARTERS are some of the items you will require. Let us supply you. L. Schilbe & Son ••• .ONE CENT a Word (mininum 25c.) is all that it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by several thousand readers, many of who will be in- terested in what you are advertising or are offering for Sale. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105. THE ZURICH HERALD