HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-02-08, Page 1ZURICH Established 1900 ALD ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8 1945 By buying Gov't Securities you protect your homes EMMANUEL !EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. .1.1 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m. --,Divine Services. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 a.m.--Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 1.80 Divine Worship. lEverybody Welcome to all Services Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OII. PERMANENTS The Better oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and equipment. And besides all this is our years of Lxperience in ala Hair Dressing. GIVE US A GALL! aurone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHo, Zurich Are Your Suffe ung From Headed es? if so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICIf — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices Will the party who left a nice soarfe in the Town Hall, at the re- cent Bingo, kindly call at Lion W. A. Siebert, at the Postoffice, All prizes at the Carnival on Tu- esday evening were cash, and after all expenses are paid there will be a net surplus of around $00,00. This will be used entirely for civic welfare purposes. Thanks a lot to those who attended to make this possible. At our Monday eve. meeting the Lions got• permission from Lion President Patrick to call our Secret- ary Lion Bill "IPop". We must con- gratulate him on the .birth of a nice little daughter, "the cutest one ever" he says, and indeed has a right to say so. Many Thanks to Lion Russell Grainger who contributed a very ohoice bushel of Northern Spy apples to the Zurich Lions to be disposed of by guessing the amount of apples in the hampler. Lion Victor Tiinnin was the lucky one 175 being the guess. Thanks Vietor we all enjoyed ;your treat of an -apple -a -piece. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O.:. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Approved Method of The Newest Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. ,+++++.p44.++42+++� ++ +i�+f•+++++4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ?■/�'. arr.!! oilman unetal j ante �i- .p • 4 1144-1.++++ 1 I 2 r +` 3+i+E d+++d••ii d 3• Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and I=nured. Licensed Embalmer and Fuliteraa Director. MEMBER OF ME ONTARI0 FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TE'L'EPHONE No. 70 Dashwood - Ontario 4„11 s+;'ii1110111!IlfNli11f11(lllll{Illillllll!lllllllllll!4uf!;!Ili!!!(Ii8!!{i!IIItIiflG a lliln»'t ::::. zuRteJ-VS Grocery Store When you axe looking for good things to eat be sure and R•s L our St=e, as we always maintain to have .a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some Butes are at times hard to get, . yet we oto Our test to . purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fr pis in s.P.sr , Canned Goods, and many other linea we offer pt very Moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Mn• (Desch PRODUCE WAN.`= •ED. Zurich Phone 165 � ,' ,`i I I LII,• �_ 44y.',11 ' ` ift, ill All +1 (1111' 41.111,111111 1iup1,l U .Ildyliki s19 .1.1111-10' r 1f !ii!1d ! lle; On Monday evening the regular meeting of the Lions was held in the. Dominion Hotel with all present but one Lion. We were visited ay three members of the Exeter Club, narmely Lions, Taylor, Lampman and Stergus and they were accompanied by two ladies, Miss Jeckel of Exeter, and 'Miss Helen Howe, R. N., who has recently returned from overseas where she followed her profession. Miss Howe gave a very educational talk on her trip and work overseas, and also- praised the work of local organizations, like the Red Cross and Women's Institutes, for the splendid work they are doing in giving relief to the soldiers, and bombed out ref- ugees. We all gained a lot `,.x iter lovely talk and were wishing our good ladies were present to hear this ,splendid address' THE CARNIVAL Tuesday evening marked the first Carnival sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club which has recently be- come organized -and is going strong in civic activities and surely put the Carnival over big on Tuesday night. The attendance was all that could be expected, and the costumes,.. well, they were considered the best ever, and what a lot of fun and frolic on Chester L:. Smith, PublIshrs $1.50 a Year in Advanced Rev. E. Heimrich was in Kitchen- er one day last week. ,Miss Delores Klopp of London, is spending some time at the home of her father, Mr. Oscar Klapp. Mr. Wm. Dinnin of Hey:sail was a visitor one day last week at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Din- : i of town. Mrs, Harold Stade of Windsor, spent the week -end with Mrs. R. F. Stade, who is convalescent at St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London. The advertised banquet of the Hay Township Federation has been indefi- nitely postponed and will likely be held some time in April, when one is able to get around better. Miss Mildred Haberer, R. N., who is taking advanced instructions in Public Health work at Western Uni- versity, London, was a week -end vis- itor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haberer. Mr. Thomas Meyers who had .been these grounds now owned by M•r. F. at Stratford on Sunday was accomp- Halberer, and which was the same 10 anied home by his daughter, Alpha, cation where the frst- Skating rink in and Misses Irene Turkheim and fri- Zurich was established and run by end Martha Hildgreth, the three lad - the Zurich Athletic Club many years las are nurses in training at General ago. The judges who were Father Hospital, at Stratford. Lucier, Rev. Heckendorn and Mr. V. •Dinin, and they gave avery good account of. their work. Following are the prize winners: Girls 12 and under, comic, Barbara Gascho, Gloria Dietz; Boys 12 and under comic, Bil- lie Yungblut, Bob Fisher; Girls fancy 12 and under, Kathern. Kalbfleisch, Lois Heckendorn;•Boys Fancy 12 and under Ed. Mittleholtz, Ronny Heim - rich; Girls,. comic 16 and unser, Anita 1)atars, Panline Hess; Boys Comic:1 and under, Morris O'Dwyer -Don Be- dard, C. Krueger; Girls Fancy 16 and under, Joan Merner, Kathleen Hess; Boys . Fancy 16 and under,: Kenneth Parke, Win. O'Brien; Lad- ies' comic, Mrs. J no. Turkheim, Ford Haberer; Men's Comic, Leroy O'Brien Mack Klopp; Ladies' Fancy, Delores Klopp, Belva Truemner; Men's fancy Albert Hess, Karl Decker; Best dres- sed Lion, H. G. Hess; Best National Costume, Beth.. Gascho, Jimmy Web- er; Oldest person on skates, Ferd. Haberer; Best dressed couple, Marj- ery Hoffman and Joyce 1Vlousseau,; Girls race 121 and under, Barbara Gascho, Betty Parke; Boys race 12 and under, .Edward Mittleholtz, Jack Haberer; Open race, Ross Geseho, Karl Decker. South Huron Agricultural Society Meets George W. Armstrong, ex -Reeve of Hay Township and ex -Warden of Huron County, was unanimously cho- sen president of the S. Huron Agric- ultural Society at its meeting held in the Commercial Hotel, Hensall, on Saturday last. Mr. Arinstrong suc- ceeds Dr. A. R. Campbell, now at Guelph. W. R. Dougall was elected secretary -treasurer, to succeed K. M. McLean, who resigned after 30y;ears service. Votes of appreciation were extended tb these former officers by the meeting. Last year the Society had a vary successful record, and is in an excellent position financially, and during the coming year will hold both a Seed Fair and Stocit” Show, at, both of which a full prize list will he offered. The Seed Fair will be held on Friday March 9th, when the judlg of exhibits will be Prof, Mason; of the 0, A. C., who has been familiar to the people of Hensall arstrict for some years. The date or the stock show was left to the Board or' Dir- ectors, no date hes been set. Officers for the year arc: iron. press, W.H. Golding, M.P., Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, M.L.A., W. f S.t,,,r,e:iers '-' .T'mc,s Ballantyne; president, G W. 'Arm- strong; 1st vice, Syd McArthur; 2nd vice, R. 1. Shaddick; Secy-treas., W. R Dougallv.itiF,41t F. Smallacornbe, Thos. Shemin, Wm Decker, T. Taylor, Lorne Charman, It E Shaddick R M heck S Dou- t Injured on Rink The many friends of Mrs. Leeland Willert are pleased to learn that she is. recovering very favourably after h +r injury received on the local skating rink on Monday evening. f The annual Flavin County Police Ajssociation twelve in number along •ie?th their wives partook of a chick zIt dinner banquet held'' at the Dom inion House last •Thursday evening. This banquet was very much enjoy- ed, also games were played after the dinner. Guests were present from Goderich, Wingham, Seaforth, Exeter Blyth and .Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Bowden and son of Brantford and Mrs. Arthur Neve of High: Point, N. C., Miss Irene Turk- heim, nurse -in -training of Stratford, Mx. and Mrs. Edw. Gascho and chil- dren; Mr. and Mrs. John Turkheim and daughter and Mr. Herb Turkheim all of town, were Sunday • guests at the home of their mother, Mrs. E. Turkheim. Miss Martha meideman also was a guest at the Tatter's home Many Thanks to those officials namely: Councillor Oscar Klopp and Village Trustee Theo. Haberer, who supervised our streets to oe vowed out which has eased many a citizen's mind of fear of fire breaking ou with closed streets piled up with snow that it would be impossible for a fire bri- gade to get through the snow till it would be too late to ex6rnquish an fire, and in most cases save thousands of dollars. An ot,casional run over the streets would keep then in good condition, and not wait till the horses and sleighs tramp down and pack the snow. An old adage is quite true, "A stitch in time saves nine." ANNUAL MEETING AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY MEET The annual meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society was held last Wednesday •afternon in the Town Hall, and owing to the very stormy weather,.a small attendance was pre- sent. An agreement was reached to make a more serviceable accomadat- ion for exhibitors this coming fall. It was also unanimously decided to hold a horse race in connection with the fair as the track is being renov- ated for the occasion. The Zurich Lions Club was appointed as the pub- licity committee, and an effort will be.tr>ade to secure the Centralia Brass Rana for fair day. d directors elected are. President, Wm. Tacs�.k^;; vice-presid:. ` r'.... T p.•is- erer and Theo. Steinbach; secretary - treasurer, E. F. Klopp; Directors are A. Welber, J. Battler, H. Fuss, E. Cert e5•. 0. Kropp, .AM -e" '1erner, Milne Rader, M. Smith, E. Willert; auditors, J. Haberer and Leroy 0'-• Brien. The treasury is in a very gall, R. IL Midr?letor, P. Kinsman, F r healthy condition as the x•F.?lort show - 'Watson, J. Pepper, Wit. HMO, A+!ed a balance en, hand of $504.03 p.h Robertson, la $2b0,OO Victory Bond. . 1 PHONE YOUR O R FOIR PAT!Q1�!A t5 (ewers $2475 *NAM 15 'mirk 2974 With that Xmas. Check why not buy yourself a Timepiece, a Fine Bulova Watch.—HESS, THE JEWELER For positive identification d the World's Finest Anthracils ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coale Roe Farris Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid los Eggs according to Girds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 Hensall seeaelere�eseeee��reteesaete ee�teNNe�Milteemete�eOweB Westlake - Brokensbire i . FUNERAL (1, AMBULANCE SERVICE Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich smoosssoaimpoesoos00000tioaMseasaasoesoiNNeeeetecoeeeee l4444++phi..F.h.}.+.}.++ +.'.+-1..r +++++++4,4.++,,.}. .S-+ + + F-. 4.' .- Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINIM3W PANES NOW. WE CARRY A f LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL t'. TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. • 4 • • F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - - - ZURICH • 1****A'444.4r44.4++4+>•44d.44++ 4.4 14+F++++++++4++++++4+++++++q JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, WE HAVE FEED FEED Pioneer Big 3 Laying Mash and Hatching Ration, Pig Starter and Concentrates The Chick Season is just around the corner. Start .your Chicks right with Pioneer Chick Starter. n spite of the difficulties in securing them, we have: the following items to offer: Cod Liver Oil, Bone Meal, Mineral Supplement, Oyster Shell, Hen and Chick Grit, Etc. FRESH GRO . Ri LS ALWAYS ON HAND E leilLAICIE TORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97