HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-02-01, Page 4•
fit1r1. 0- 4r*
A Gas known to every motorist, Why take chances in
inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lebrication, using 1 Ids.
of Crease. Ws invite you to watch till Lubrlieete yew Car and ale
how Treiried Attendants Griesee Cars
Expert Repairing
We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your llafetor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and
Mast Up-to-ds.te •
Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for
the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads
followed with ekating te musk to
amplified recordings incharge of akfr
Stone, During *e endorse of the ev-
eninfe a draw for it Wax Savings
Certificate took place, the lucky win-
ner being Ed. Little of town. Pro-
ceeds for the game will be deveted to
war work,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason and
two daughters wive are leaving Exe-
ter to reside at Lucknow, were guests
of honor at a farewell clanee given by
Exeter friends and were presented
with farewell gifts'. Mr. Mason has
taken over a Sunoco service station
at Lucknow,
Seaforth Clink Off
All county and township roads ar-
owed Seaforth were reported as being
completely blocked last Wednesday.
A. blood donors elhde set for Thurs-
day afternoon has been postponed
•PritetUrei Leg
Charles Godbolt of Err ten is eon.
fined to his home with a 'beaten -1 leg.
He was assisting in enreerinn
horse from a truck at the barn of
J. G. Dow, when the reheal kicked
him, breaking his leg •' :•hue,.
• Engageme;•.
Mr. and Mrs, John T.L. Kydd,
Exeter, announce the engagement of
their aughter, Irene Anna Marie, to
James Peter Sanders, son of MTS. J.
Sanders, Exeter, and the late Sam-
uel J. Sanders, of Salter, Sask., the
marriage to take place in February.
The Seaforth Salvage
The Seaforth and district salvage
corps has collented over 750,000 lbs.
of salvage in .2% years for .a total
of $5,033. Every dollar aia, been
turned over ;to war charities.
Injured in Auto Accident
Mrs. Joseph Glavin, of Mt. Carmel
was ;admitted to London. Hospital suff
ering from serious injuries received
in an auto accident. Mr. and Mrs.
Glavin and Mr. and. Mrs. Desjar-
dine had just crossed the railway
track on the Stephen -McGillivray
town line when the tar went out of
control and after travelling a short
distance turned •over in a ditch. The
other .oecupants of the car escaped
with a shaking up.
Elearic Heater Causes' Fire
When aii electric heater caused a
bed to take fire at the home of Mies churoh.being filled to capacity. •
C. F neer Car Lot in Connection
anammuwemsemoute*maum • • •„,..rmvtgramsraftraMigumenntrea..~0.21011411111.0~.11.01.111011.1
STANLEY TOWNSI-111-' Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Becker at-
tended the wedding of his . brother in
Kitchener last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Barteliffe of:Clin-
ton were Sunday visitors with relati-
ves here.
Mrs. Garnet Willert and Mrs. E.
Nadiger were joint hostesses at a
social for the Lutheran Ladies' Aid
on Thursday evening at the home of
the latter. Progressive bunco was
played followed by lunch. •
(Delayed in the mails)
Mrs. Susan Merner who has been
visiting in Detroit for some time has
returned home.
,Mr. Charles Watts left la -et week
to visit with friends in Buffalo and
• Geo. Clarke, Windsor.
Word has been received that Pvt. Pte. Russell Tiernan of C.anip Bor-
Lloyd Reid; a former Varna boy, and ; den spent the week -end with his par-
son of John Reid of Detroit and the ! ents.
late Mre-. Reid, had been reported: 'Word has been received here'that
missing since Dec. 30. Lloyd went ov- Ptes. Glen Walper, Albert Millet and
evens in Nov. 1944 and was serving' Ray Guenther have arrived overseas.
"with the American 3rd Army. Word ; Mrs. Pushliesh and daughter of
tame that he had been killed in act- Kitchener are spending a week with
ion. He is survived by his wife and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
infant son. His father, John Reid Krueger owing to Mrs. Krueger he-
d'ormerly of Stanley; two sisters, Mrs e ing on the sick list.
Grace Austin and Helen, and one Dashwood Wins
brother Allan, all of Detroit, • Dashwood Red Wings defeated the
IZurich Black Hawks on Dashwood ice
GRAND BEND , 5-1. • The Black Hawks scored their
• only goal in the last period. The
lire. W. B. Oliver is In St. Jos- three star players who helped the Red
*I's Hospital, London, having had .
Wings gain their victory were &Twe-
e, very severe operation. Her many
eder, -Geiser and Wein. Referee Tie -
friends wish her en early recovery. linen handed. out- many stiff penalties.
Mrs. Alnia Mallard, who . has
Successful Careivil
been quite ill, is improving.
Mx. Douglas Robinson takes :ea-
easional trips to London where he is
taking special treatznents.
Mrs. Fred MoCleenont and son
Bobbie spent a few days with friends
in Hensall.
The Royal Scarlet Chaptea: of St-
anley met at Varna on Jan. 15 to
elect the following officers: W. C.
Chas Geminhardt; Chas. Pil-
grim; Chap., A. E. Erwin.; Scribe,
John Ostrom; Treas., Elmer Webster;
lst Lect„ Fred McClynicant; 2nd Let.
Anson Coleman; lst Cond. Watson
Webster; 2nd L. Clarke; Marshall, T.
Stinson; Herald, L. Elliott; Sentinel,
Isabella ISimon of the Wingharn
district, the firemen did some feet
worlc to bring tit* lekre tOkter control.
The damage front fire 'Wee 'cinifined
to the bedrom, but there will be
considerable other cleavage from the
water. Dense Smoke leaned from the
building which made it appear that
the :damage !wonlel have been more
Dies From Wert Attack
Leaving Exeter in the afternoon,
after having stateci that he never felt
better in his life, Wilbert James Ven
driver of a gasoline truck for W.
C. aiellison, Exeter,
died suddenly in
the store of Jas. Trevethielt & Son
at Brinsley. Venne o entering the
store stated that he was not feeling
• well but would be better in a few
minutes. A doctor rwas called but he
passed away before the doetor arriv-
ed. Mr. Weiner had been suffering
with a heart 'condition and was off
duty several days previous but ap-
peared well again. Born at Crom-
arty he was a eon 'o the late Thos.
Veinier and was in his 56th year. Mr
ee ruler has 'been employed with Mr.'
Allison for the past two and a half
;nem:, coming to E.xeter from Elim-
ville. Surviving are his widow, whose
maiden name :was Ella Berry, former
lv if Hensall, and a daughter and 2
eirters. •
Ttaosilyv ebrutta 105
e••••••••• • 0410 411****04•0 ••••••410 00414 441** ••• 4010 • • 0
• The (kited Farmer's Co -Operative Co., Toronto,
• - famous lJniversal Milking lkilachine. Before purch-
• • Ina recently taken over the manufacture of the •
• aging, give us a call.
Poultry Feeds,Concentrates, Cedar Shingles, fence f,
• Posts, Coal, Iklotor oils, Etc., on hand at all times. t
Huron. Farmers' Co -Operative
• LIENSALL, Phone 115.
; •1000,••••••tretle....41044.40•40..,.
' ”
Underwent Operation• has been used. at that hospital
•'Mrs. Maurice Quance, Exeter, un- and in each case it has proved to Be
derwent an operation on her throat the wonder drug as claimed.
Over 50 Yeirs Service
at the Toronto General Hosp. a e.
is getting on as well as can be ex-
Died at Exeter.
Mrs. Charles W. Christie died sud-
denly at her home in Exeter on Jan-
uary 16th. in her 66th year, as the
result of a stroke. She was :pro -min-
i ently in the women's organizations of
Lake Ebenezer Forsyth !James St. United Church and
a pant' age limit set by a govt. regulation-
alsolOfficer of Health, on accoun 0
United Church., Kipper). far Ebenezer I president of the county WCTU. his address to the Mayor and Co -
Funeral services were held at the as a temperance worker, being
Forsyth, a well known and highly es-1viving besides her huebana are three
' ation of the co-operation of the
uncil, Dr. Shaw spoke with appreci-
teemed resident of Tubleensmith, who •
passed away in his 77th year, suffer-
ing a paralytic stroke last Augu;st,
and in 0.ctober went to' Detroit for
the winter with relatives, but regard-
less of the best of lattention he passed
on. In t1898 he was united in mar-
riage to Miss Jennie Finlayson of the
seine township who survives together
with a. faintly of one son and one
At a recent meeting of the Clin-
ton Town Council, Dr. J. W. Shaw
tendered his resignation as Medical
Officer of Health after more than
50 years of service to the town and
community. Although still hale and
hearty, D. Shaw was compelled bo
relinquish his position- as Medical
sons and one daughter, two of the
sons being in war service. 1 Mayors, reeves and citizens during
Wounded In ltalYl j his 52 ;years of office. In reviewing:-
Ithe record of these years, Dr. Shaw
Mrs. R. McPherson of Seaforth, recalled several alarming events, two,
has received official word that her , epidemics of .small pox in 1903 and
husband, Ronald McPherson, Eighth11908, and epidemics of typhoid anct
Army Heavy Artillery, is in a mire t dipthexia. Strict quarantine and sev-
try hosptal in Italy, suffering :from; ere discipline prevented the spi...71-,
and of the disease. ....er
shrapnel wounds in the head and
daughter, Mrs. T. tScott and Mr. Jno shoulders. Pte. McPherson has: been •
Finlayson both of Detroit and three overseas for over 5 years. 1 Creamery Men Win Prizes -
granddaughters; He is also survived Pencillin Used in Wingham 1 Staffa Creamery carried off a core -
by a sister and two brothers, Mrs. I mendable share of the honors front
Thomas Consist of Stanley twrp; Mr Mary Louise Towne, young daugh- the competitions held in London last
Alex. Forsyth of B. 0; and Mr. T. ter of Capt. and Mrs. Harry Towne ; welt% ii. ne 0 cnovnejnuen oent i oonf
N. Forsybh of Kippen. The funeral of Wingham, is confined to the hosp-lAssaciation of Western Ont. In the
was held Wednesday last at Kippen ital ,with a bone infection.. elle little ; butter division H. II. Le 11
life-long member, and was conduct- s e, manager
church of which the cteparted was a girl was very IR with a high temp- I of this concern, won prizes for the
ed by Rev. A. M. Grant. The funeral highest scoring butter at the exhihe
being one of the most iaegely attend-
ed in the district for ananry years, the
very -suec;eesful Carnival was
• Sgt. Harmon Gill A
of 'St. Gather- i
i held last • Friday night at the Dash-
ines, spent a few days at his home
. t wood r:ink. .Tre, :affair drew a good
hhhh h ....,2.,•..a.owpaarkarr....., and.
contestants. Prizes were allowed of
• here. ..
home from Clinton Hospital where he
i tin many -
spent a few weeks, his eandition is id— ---J winners.
i Atter the contests broom ball was
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turubull
much improved. - I played between manried and single
r men. /he married men winning with
were recent 'visitors at London. .
the. 'score of 5-1. Judges for the ev-
Mr. W. B. Oliver is spending a ening
were Mrs.' Edgar. Restemeyer,
few weele.s with his son., Ware Oliver
Dr. Hobbs Taylor, Rev. Theo. Luft.
in St. Marys.
Putting in. the supply of ice Is the , . en. ,
order of the day and the quality is
reported good. I
I Fit. Lt. Kenneth 1Passennre, who
Mrs. Stephen Webb Passes ;has been awarded the D.F.C., for
mrs. Stephen Webb(nee Jeanbravery, has been posted at Not 9,
Centralia, and reported' there
Love), a resident of Grand Bend for !UPS.,
the past 26 years, passed away at last week.
her home hele after one month f
Mrs. Lloyd Ortwein and little son,
illnese. She was born in Stanley Twp. i of London were guests with Mr. and
and was in her 82nd year. Before Mrs, Jas. A. Paterson.
Mr. Wallace Trann, of Crystal City
moving to Grand Bend they resided
hitlan., is visiting :with his two aunts,
in Stephen Township. She was a me-
. hire. J. D. Stewart and MTS. Peter
nlber of the United Church and is sur
vived by her husband, four daught-: Moir, and with other friends in the
err, Mrsurrounding district.. J. H. MeGregor, Exeter; •
Transients have been in evidence in
Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner, Stephen Tp;
!'Jr. F. Spear and Mrs. R. MtMillan the village, having called at several
Toronto; four sons, Archie, London;homes to ask for meals, which were;
Elgin and Ezra, Stephen Township; not denied them.:
and Donald, Lansing, Mich; a sister, Miss Mary Hemphill of London
Mrs. T. F. Turnbull, Grand Bend; 4: was a week -end visitor with her par-
hrothere, John and Thomas Love of ; oath hero.
Miss .Barbara. Shepherd of Clinton
Grand Bend; James, Edmonton; Alex:
and Jack Shepherd of London, visit-
Mosshank, Sask. The funeral took:
at: ed with their parents here.
place from the home on Saturday
Word was -received here that Fit,
2.30 p.m. A memorial service was
held in Grand Bend United Church Lt. Kenneth Parentore, son of Mr.
at 3.15 p.m. following the interment ; and Mrs. John Pahrilore, Hensall, has
in Grand I3end Cemetery, nen w. beep awarded the DFC. for bravery.
Flt. Lt. Passmore is 23 years of age,
Cleave officiated.
was born in Hensall and educated in
• Hensall and Clinton high school. He
DASHW000 , enlisted in Sept. 1940, going over-
Iseas in July 1943. He has 30 oper-
A benefit hockey game Will be held ; ational flights to his credit, and at
Monday eve., Feb. 5th, Parkhill vs.. present has been home on leave.
Dashwood on the local Skating Rink Died in "Toronto
which is being operated by Dashwood Word was eeceived in Hensall of
Busiziees Men's Club, for benefit of the death of William Blatchford, of
Milton Webb, who was recently In- 100 Gate-' St. Toronto, who died in
tiered. a hospital there following a few we -
Pte. Walter Ness of Prince Rupert eirs illness. Mr. Blatchford resided
and Mins his Nahlock. of London, near Exeter for many ycers hnfore
spent a few days with the former's • taking up resideeee in Toronte 30
mother, Mrs, Ness. 1 years ago, where he conciliated a
IVIe. and Mrs. Sam Elsie have re- chain of etoree. •hire. Blatchford died
turned home after spending the past - in Toronto on Christmas eve. • Surv-,
vvee:k in Detroit. iving are a number of vousins in this
Miss Dorothy Wein of Victoria Hos- district. The funeral was held in
IOW, London viand with her moth- , Toronto or ,Tem. 22nri,
er a few days last week, Had Gala Affair
Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer spent a ; Hensall Rink was the scene of a
few days in Toronto last week. 1gals affair Monday evening 22nd,
Tier. George Wolfe of Camp Bor-1when a brooruball game between
den ;went the week -end with his Hensall volunteer firemen and local
va.rents, Mt and Mrs. W. Wolf.o. business mon was the highlight of
Miss Lois Gainer is growling a the evening and resulted in a win for
few' weeks at her homedhere, 10110W- the business men of 1-0 and provid.
Ina her recent operation for appord. ea plenty of thriller and exatement
for the many spectators. Ilia was
erature. Pencillin, the wonder drug
was ahministered and she has shown
marked improvement which will be
splendid news for friends of the fam-
ily. This is the, third time that pen-
itiOn, highest aggregate score and
the special for best finish among a
goodly number of competitors. Her
displayed three types of butter.
•••:•.v.:0..::.4'5; -'7.m.,04:. •
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.11040`Vre t roptt i
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.iV1*Ni4440 driviPir.;-....answ &AIWA:M. wt riO4
1 Aft, i 4..7.111.1111.
•:''',.. Mai ,
SERVICE? If so,' be, sure
you can
that Hydro is
working in yopr direction as fast
POas possible. Actually,
in 1944, the Hydro-Sectric Wer Commission of
Ontario constructed 1 x
0 times as many miles of rural
In 1943, there were approimately 40 miles of rOtol
lines as in 1943. .,
In 1944, them were approximately 400 mles of
lines canstructed.
rural lines constructed.
Consumers added ered in 1943 numb'20.
Consumers added ill 1944 numbered
Wartime shortages of -manpower and materials
prevented even greater expansion in the 1944; as cm
example, some 1200 Hydro employees ore in tlcorned
forces or on loan to the Government for special teal -
struction work . . . Molly materials needed in file con -
of Hydro lines are also required mon
in the
facture of war weapons . . . your Hydro is doing its
best der tile
unexisting conditions ia provide electricity
to essential es. •
There are now about SC. JR..° applications fordi be
new NMI
services which Wire
bee tt (*prayed that ior
connected as soodeays beca
n as possible. HoWever, there will
probably be further luse of the 0 resuacutet o
shotiages of Ottorpoviev and materials Os lf
wartime conditions. If the Hydro lines seem unduly
slow in setting tO VOW` farm, pe the les
lease understand that
the Cortitoission eri
While handicapped is nons
doing its utmost to se you. .
dreere h •
: 9.he • • rtie •