HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-02-01, Page 2f CHU1CHILL VISITS `MONTY' ON WESTERN FRONT ........ .... - ♦.s.,- ,k,.Y: k4... tea ti, i. n'•'N'�K;�lii:, L. e nister aton After gogt c ga with Field mall station inrBelgium. Follows g Montgomery, brief visitotolls Western English smoking big g leader returned to London early in January. 11AT tGIENCE IS DOING Anti -Freeze As a fruit of the largest chem- urgic experiment so far under- taken in Canada, scientists of the National Research Council- now are turning out butylene glycol— ssuperior ant-freeze—as a by- product of wheat in a pilot plant oiel+iooking the. Rideau river. Bitylene glycol.' can be broken down chemically into several other useful substances, and re- . search into these possibilites now is gding on. The plant produces 10 pounds of butylene glyco and six pounds _ of ethyl alcohol from a bushel of wheat. • At one stage of the .work the investigators dug into a garden while a temperature of 80 degrees below zero prevailed to find a bacillus capable of fermenting wheat rapidly end ,directly• wt.�i� rrerr_ They. deveJ:emer . . leerobacfTlus polymyxa which, cut die fermentation period from 10 lays to three days. A .notetvarthy. feature of the, ex- traction process is that off -grade or damaged v'.•heat can be used, and such varieties ` often contain more starch -and hence are more desirable Than premium grades, Photo Taken In Millioneth Of Second Officials ,# the Westinghouse IEleetric and' Manufacturing Com- pany, Baltimore, have disclosed the development of an X-ray machine, which takes a picture in one mil- lloth of a second: The high-speed picture -taking machine was made in answer to a request from military ordnance sngineers for a way to take pic- iu're$ of an artillery shell as it passed through the muzzle of the ran and as it pieroid a plate of armor, company spokesmen :re- torted. Socialists Would Kill Incentive Socialists sneer at the man with initiative; hold in, contempt the man who wants to' build a busi- ness, snake things, provide jobs, says the Financial Post. According„ to their plans, the job malting is to- be done by the politicians and the civil servants, with all of us the pawns in their game. The author and lecturer, Dr. Donald Laird, gives a very apt illustration to this. • - The trout is a fighting 'fish with lots ' of initiative. 'But scientists easily found a way to take it all out of him. They put a glass pard - tion in his water tank; the trout in one end, a minnow in the other. The trout flashed toward the minnow, crashed his nose on the glass, Again arid again, he tried: again and again, got a crack on the nose. He - watched the minnow carefully; for that day gave up the struggle. Next ,clay,. i e :.vi'as;..aatnan -, risnTselt Tinter the minnow, pound- ing his snout on the glass. But he gave up :sooner. The third day, he tried again, gave up sooner. ' A few more days, the partition was removed. But the trout's initi- ative was gone. He stayer; in his own end of the tank. The minnow was completely safe. There's a moral for those people who think we can safely try "just a little bit of socialism"; then change our political diet if it fails to produce the promised millenium. The maker of Jobs who gets a sock on the Jaw from lawmakers and officials every time he' shows drive and initiative and fighting spirit soon learns to stop trying. And the biggest loss is to the .Can- adian people as a whole. .10LnamiumtmalOWNSIttataUSIMMIOMMIIMU, I. ,:i.," 'i 4'. Van OF THE PRESS JUST A SUGGESTION It would be "populaire" with many thousands of right-thinking Canadian, if a few "blocks" of con- trete were dropped on the heads of those noisy, ant -British Bloc Pop- ulaire leaders down in Quebec. —.St. Thomas Times -Journal STICKING TO IT It is seventy-five -years since Chewing gum was patented and an- other great industry started on its way. Imagination, initiative and stick-to-itiveness did the rest. —Winnipeg Tribune OAT MILEAGE NOW • ' With the roads in the back -cone cessions in poor shape for motor- ing, farmers are . discussing the mileage they get on a gallon of oats. . .t `Kiiehener record 0— • . NOT ENOUGH Always hope for the best, 'but don't sit down and call it a day's work. •. ' —Guelph Mercury SHADY BUSINESS Hitler is said to be so exces- sively anxious regarding his per- sonal safety that he is doubling his shadows and shadowing his doubles. —Punch .ave Given Everything -- We Ask Nothing In Return': Churchill Prime Minister Churchill brought the House to its feet sheering when he asserted last week; "We seek no territory, we covet no oil fields, we demand no bases for the forces of the air or of the sea. "We do not set of bigness ourselves ightit p in rivalrywith any other community in the world. We have given and we shall con- tinue to give everything we have. We ask nothing in return except that consideration and respect which is our due, and if that were denied us we shall still have a Buckingham Palace Bombing Now Told A bomb crashed: through the roof of Buckingham Palace and through the Queen's apartment during the London blitz, it was per- mitted to disclose recently. Eight then of the Palace Home Guard unit disposed of the three- foot -long explosive. Two of them, later commended for bravery, were • Maj. John Cowan, a. company com- mander who since has died, and Maj. Thomas Williams. The King last week personally inspected this Home Guard unit at its stand -down parade. Every man had kept the three-year secret of the bomb and the damage it caused. COUGHS COLDS ISROHCH%'fS o ASTHMA GE�+a STWITH CANADA'S APC -65T SELLING COUGH AND COLD tttf,AtDY ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS INCOME TAX REPORTS COM- PLAN YOUR 1045 PROFITS WITH, piste Bookkeeping Services, Smell chicks of distinction. You can or Large Businesses. Travel any- depend on "chicks of distinction" 'where. Albert Brett & Co. 8 because our flocks have been Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. making qualities these selected and bred for real money many r - - years. Results prove they have BABY CHl(G1iS the ability. You can purchase Top Notch February hatched White Leghorn non -sexed at 11.45 . per hundred, Barred Rock and New Hampshire X Barred Rocks at 12.45. 90% pullets, White Leg - horns 24.96, Barred Rocks and New Hampshire X . Barred ,Rocks at 20.95. Free catalogue. Also lay- ing and 0adto delivery.Y ToplO Notcrh Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. good consaienCe. "Let none either in our country or commonwealth or in the out- side world misname us, traduce our methods, Our actions are no doubt subject to human error, but our actions in small things and great are disinterested, lofty and true. I repulse those calumnies, wherever they come front, that Britain and the British Empire are selfish, power greedy and land greedy sled obsessed by dark schemes of Euro- pean intrigue or colonial expan- sion. "The British Commonwealth and nation may rest assured that the BABY' CHICKS Aches and Pains of RIEUMATIS Your money will be returned by any drug store If one bottle of - Ru -Ma does not shew you the quick, easy way to get relief from the cruel, stubborn aches and pains of rheumatism. Ru -Ma must please you or Money back. One bottle will convince you. Itching SCEL1II- Loose Dandruff BABY CHICKS 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you *ant them. Orders are pouring M. Breeder. Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your Order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X New Hamps., Sussex X Legh r w stock X Leghorns, Rock X amps, Barred Rocks. Send for arae illustrated Catalogue and rice List.'Lakevie uitr arm Wein Bros., Exeter, 100.., CHICKS FREE WITI3 EVERY ORDER ern 100 pullets t tw chicks, our ehoie. giveLegh100 free chicks. 2 22.g8 per 100, barred Rock pul- eta $19,95 per 100. White Rock uliete $24.95 per 100. Brown leg - horn Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery, Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario. _� MINS MIX - }d 20 cents. Pullets 3.5c, Barred Rocks mixed 14'4c. Pullets 25e. Large English White Leghorn naaxed 12c, Pullets 26c. All stock bloodtested bred to lay and high, quality. Cochrane's Po u 1 tr y 18'arm, Ridgetown, Ontario. =SLIVERY OF EGGS TO BRITAIN Means fewer for the home market unless pouitrykeepers get busy with chick orders. Don't have 1d1e equipment. Get it working ter you with January -February o hicks. Whether you want chicks now or later, we can let you have them Suggesthen youyou send fist your �order eon. 'Wide choice bre7e3dOs, John y - Bray Hatchery, N., Hamilton Ont. Try This Horne Treatment For Quick Ease and Comfort o erful penetrat- ing ell that bri-, es speedy relief from the itching torture and dis- eo'mfort, Don't dig with fingernails, that only serves to spread the trouble. a'uetuse . equal parts of Moone's 75imerald O!1 and olive oil, Apply gently with the fingertips onee a day and shampoo every fourth da• 'You'll fled this treatment notonly ltoothes the itching and torture but helps protnote more rapid healing•— loose iloating dandruff 'becomes a thing 05 th*ast. You. *an obtain Emerald Oil In ori ins] bottle itt aril( modern 'ud1o ,store. Soviet Grapefruit The first grapefruit grove in the USSR, in Georgia, will yield an ,estimated 100,000 grapefruit this year. Introduced :from the United States only a few years ago, the grapefruit is gaining wide popular- ity in the USSR. Plaftting was halted by the war, but the groves in the. sub -tropical zone are now being expanded. DID YOU KNOW that Maxwell House Coffee is roasted evenly through and through by the re. guar 1Cable"Radiant Roast' Process? You will enjoy this delicious, fragrant coffee. Your grocer has it,. t + ' ECKED in a,/yi`r`t/ .or Money Sack For quick relief frons itching caused by eczema; athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and otheritchin • onditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liqui P. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless an stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms ort.RyI.a6giet today f). 0O. suffer. Ask c 81.00 1soOIas YOUR oaDIrR • ORDER , YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW', and not be disappointed. A11 chicks are from guaranteed test- • ed stock, and from 26 oz, eggs rn bcett.per, Brre-Wd hRtokse"mhoixrneds nixed $1,Lots per- sou.g_a '., Rock Pullets $19.00 per - 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed 515.00 per 100, white Rock Pullets $2.4.00 ,per 100, Brown Leghorns mixed 513.00 per 100, Brown leg - /nom pullets. $24.00 per 100. We guarantee,.100% live delivery, aatcliery, Chatham, OntD. ario. City I3U]IOItDALIJ CHICICS RIGH QUALITY AT REASONABLE Pedigreed ltestedc stock aando dfrm 26 oz. eggs from Special Mated Flocks. Price Mixed Chicks—Barred Rocks, 512.50 per 100; Sussex X New Hemp., Pure Sussex and Rock X New Hamp. 513.00 per 100; Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X Leg- horns eg- $12 2s 10 andper Rock 0. • X Leghorns A.11 Heavy Breed Cockerels $0.00 per .100; Rock X Leghorn and Sussex X Leghorn Cockerels 53.60 per er 100; $Leghorn, 00 rnpero 100 deposit0 , balance C.O.D. Send your order to HURONDALJ CHICIC HATCH- ERY, . LONDON, ONTARIO. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU A.RE GUARANTEED your checks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100, white leg- nRocck Pullets0$19•00r 1per Bar- red100. white leghorn pullets 522,00 per (10. Leghorn Ckla.C$2 00 $per 0 100. A.11 chicks hatched from 26 oz. Eggs or better and from special *Sated flocks. Guaranteed 100% Wye delivery. 51.00 books your der, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario. ORDER YOUR 1945 BARRED ROCK chicks now. High placings in' Canadian and. American contests since 1028. Second' high Barred Bock pen 1944 Illinois State Con- test. 'Circular. Angus Urquhart, Greenfield, Ont. • }SARK CORNISH GAMde COCKER, els, grand type, range ' raised. Choice Breeders, weights 8 lbs. Prices $10.00,$ .50, $600. George , Denbestt, 8112, 118 Avenue, Edmonton, Alta. • 11.0.P. SIRED LEGHORN CHICKS, Hatch off every Wednesday..Slat- tery's Poultry Farm, Altona Rd., R.R. 2, PICKERING, ONT. BU,EEDERSBLOOD TESTED .OK TOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. High quality at reasonable prices. All • breeders culled, inspected, Baby Chick ainspeetors.d yPureaSus- 4yex mixed 14e, Sussex X NeW es'- Damps. mixed 13',hc, White Leg- horns, Rock X Leghorns and ussex X Leghorns mixed 13c. O, Sussex Leghorn and RockX. cscLeghorn Cockerels 4c. 100% Live delivery uaranteed. $1.00 per 100 books 'our order. Balance C.O.D. ROSE - LAWN FARMS & HATCHERY, ew' Hamburg, Ontario. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS eyeing or cleaning? Write to us for lbformation. We are glad to answer your questions. glad H, Parker's Dye Smutted, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM Quickly ittURVIIS muscular PAINS In legs and body, driving away passible complicati*na from exposure to cold s801mpC5090U SOWN Lite f 651 nfor ioss N Y Hopi rbid ' s CUITRIN PAYS" Of ire, i x*ea 71' tuictlonal periodic disttirba make you feel nervous, cranky, high- strung, tired ,weak and "dragged out" --at such times --,Start at on 4 o' Lydia 2'. Plnkkham s • Vegetable abl. Bore - pound to relieve such symptoms. a product that stzrt.rs armee. Polio* label directions.'Pinkharns compound 1e worth trgincl made 1n Canada. LYDIA E. MINKMAM S "c� • 26 FREE CHICKS OUR J registered FOUNDATION pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order now. Prices ,,. for mixed aby ghiek , males and females: Bar- d Rocks, $12.00 per hundred; hlto Leghorns, BroWn Leg] ores 13.00e ocks, ;15.00; 13,00. Pullet gripes: Barred oaks, $19.00; White Leghorns, 2,00; White Rocks $24.00; town Leghorns, $24.00. 26 free ohicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order - d dand 25 free chicks for each 00 day old pullets ordered. oddai•d Chick Hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights, Ontario. HAIRDRESSING Union Jack of freedom will for- ever fly front the white cliffs of Dover." MEDICAL PROVEN REMEDY—EVERY SUE- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or, Neuritis y r should Dixon's o n35 dMunDrug e 3 1, - in, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDbNGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges11 Curch, Toro itocal instru- ments, OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN 13E A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified procession, good wages, thousands successful, Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- • tens. Illustrated catalogue tree. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: King St. taon, RideauSee. Ottawa. olrER To DIN AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation nfor- Co , Registe Registered Patent h Attorneys 273 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. INVENTORS GET THESE HELPS FREE EVERYONE WITH A GOOD IDEA should promptly secure the illus- trated Booklet "Fortunes' from Inventions." and the handsome form Record of your Invention.'" Get them today—Free—from W. Irwin Baskett, 63 Queen Street, Ottawa. is$, �g, N RAI} D.7d B' BIN G Tr}ID nobertSon - meths abler ..... on request regarding classes. afobertson's ; Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. F+OIt SALE' ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, ,USED,. bought, 'sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys .rushes, Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufferin 'St., To- ronto. C}ARAGE, BLACKSMITH SHOP, Implement Warehouse and equip- ment, for sale in central Mani- toba. Box 4, 73 Adelaide W., To- ronto. POULTRY MAN'S SACRIFICE. Look, something new and guar- anteed, Electric Chicken Picking Machine. Dresses 200 chickens per tpour. Saves 60% picking costs. eclat for cash $150.00. Hanging arks for chickens, 6 feet long, Strong, sturdy, shipped in knock - quires bolting. Del --Marx Farms, 1,9 Centre E., Richmond Hill, Phone 1177. T Rttl C KING TRANSPORTATION. Well •established business, in the county of Abitibi and Temiscam- ingue, located in Noranda, Que., 8 trucks, garage 85 x 40, room ler 7 trucks, storage space on l d floor; hot water beating sys- tem. Will sell at • fair price for ash. Apply by letter to Noranda, Que. Box 386, Noranda, Que. SAWMILL C A R RI A G Fl,NEW, light, complete, motors, arbors, vises, beams, angles, etc. Beech- wood Machinery, Ottawa, Ont. 12 HP. STEAM TRACTION EN - gine for sale, locomotive type oiler, 150 lb. pressure, good run tng condition. Box 8, 73 Adelaide ., Toronto, Ont. MOAT) BREASTED SUSSEX COX.COX.OUSANDS AVAILABLE WEEK - ,y if you order at once. Our Broad Breasted. Sussex cox bring op prices on the market, White Skinned, long rounded breasts. .Also New Hemp. cox with fast growth and feathering. Sussex res eghorns and Rock X snake good roasters and grow test up to 4-6 lbs. You can buy these for 54,00 per 100, Also mix- ed heavy cox $6.00 per 100. A11 Mrom our well-bred healthy, ood tested breeders. 5000 Breed- �irs on ONXO plant, Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. THE POULTRYMAN THAT STANDS he best *hence to make moneY In 1945-1946 is the ratan who me - Ores his chicks early. Great Bri- tain wahts 600,000 cases of eggs Volt September lst to December list. It's early hatched pullets (hot late hatched) You pro- dimethese ggswill not only make extra money,but You Will save moneY by. taking early slivery. We offer Early DeliverY lecount up to $4.00 per hundred and Early Booking Discounts up fd $1.00 per hundred. Send• for ull details "at once, Free catal- orue. Also .laying and ready to lay pullets few immediate delivery. Ttreddle Chicle Hatcheries Limit- ed, ed Fergue, Ontario, BARRED R1AJ . NEW RAMP. shire. O,S. FInr enney's Drawler leIateR.lt 2. SAULT Ta RX., is PATENTS. FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. - PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE , Christ," wonderful is obook free. Megiddo •in,Rohester N.Y. JECaAFoPasie sig God o m? rimec Think To of1Christ?" eCopiesS free • from Chiastadelphian gospel Pro- clam#ttion,- 319' North Linsmore Cron., Toronto 0. 300 ACRE FARM, TWO SETS OF good buildings. Hydro, Water Well, • 20 acres bush running ,to. Lake frontages. In corn, bean, tobacco district. Near School, church on No. 8 Highway. Will sell fully equipped or will divide and sell as two' farms. Apply. to , •' ox 370, Ridgetown,, Ont, ' ' MODERN only��,,sslone TIn VVill gIe, spiels - id eTE ampbell,tMt. Bridges, terms. nt. Gus COLLIE YEARLING FEMALE COW dog $8,00. Spitz male pups $10.00. "terriers. Pair Bantams $2.00 or- dered direct (cash). Ivan Moore, Athens, Ont. REGISTERED NO. 1 KING GOLD SEAL IIYBRID SEED CORN 85 TO 120 DAY 1sAATURITIES, VAR - lades suitable for both ensilage and grain, also a full line of Seed Oats. Write for price list. The King Grain & Seed Co., Pain ourt, Ont. Fif'E1REFORD BULLS 7' MONTHS o serviceable age 5100.00 to $125.00., Tamworth boars, four mo $36.00 oW. '3. James, Almonte Ontario. , areformtlat'EIS'- TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION. Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSUIIE RULLS 25e REPRINTS 8 ror 250 ' FINEST ENLARUIN'3 SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality -and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL p110,30 SERVICE VICE Stat PROIVIPT ' MAIL SERVICE Send largest photo ur i tom rolls photofinishingstudio., GET BETTER PICTURS AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. 'DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c Acustomer at Berwick, N.S., writes "I want You to know - how pleased 1 am with your wonder- ful work and prompt service. We have much Letters from all over Can- ada. MEDICAL llt&U EISIXA FOOT UAW destroys ciftef sive odor instantl`, 46c stnma ru s. Ottawa agent, Demme 're Ottawa. B sto, DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFER- er of, heumatic pains or Neuritis should t r y Dixon's Remedy. Ounro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, ttawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND TH•IIREAD WORMS often are the cause of til -health„ in humans, all ages. No tea bite . mune! Why not fiend aid It Olt tle ers—trouble? oruee WriiteresttlI.T. a Aey8, Rcifledles, Spectal1 te, Toronto ENLARGEMENTS I for 25c 4x6" in Easel Mounts. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted mounts 759 1n Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 69e each. If enlargement coloured, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal '1 erniina4 A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. W ANTED LINOTYPE WANTED, NO. 6 OR 8 Wilson Publishing particulars 78 s Ade- laide St. W., Toronto. ACREAGE WANTED. SUITABLE for camp sites etc:, Lake frontage, water, buildings. Box 6, 73 Ade- laide W., Toronto. 'WiLL•.PAY Lll3i0RA.7.. PRICE FOR Maltose or crossbred Maltese Male Pup. Sencl full `particulars and photo, if possible. ]lox 7, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. CORN S 1 30 L L 1 11, SMALL OIt large, Row type tractor with cul- tivator, potato planter and dig- ger. McCormick A Cultivator. Ed. Stoskopf, Route 1, Preston, Ont. HAY & STRAW WANTED BY run., OR TRUC;If.. ICelley li'eed & heed Co,. 780 Dov- ercourt Road, Toronto, POWER -PAPER GOT'1ER, ALSO Stitcher, , Perforator Corona ,Printing, 1108 St. Lawronce, treat. Que, ATTENTION TRAPPERS WRMOST POTENT animal al lures; also trapping,fut farm log books. Circular free, Canadian Trading Post, Box 15., Was Ont, 'T'EACHERS WA'11IIIS1) WANTED—HIGH SCHOOL TEACH- er for Loretto AcademY, Stratford. • Duties. commence itnmedlatelYi . ,0pi' to...otber $uperlon ISSUE I5--1945