HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-02-01, Page 1ZURIC Established 1900 ALD ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MORNING, FEBRUARY 1 1945 Chester L. Smith, Publiehwi! $1.50 aYear inAdvance By buying Gov't Securities you protect your homes EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heekendorn, Paster Mrs. M. Oe•ek, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES :10 a.m.—Divine Worship. -1I a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m. --Divine Services. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. ;Rev. E. W. H -' r1C ch, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Senvlces. 11.18 a.m.--Sunday School. "7.30 Divine Worship, ..vscybody Weicome to all Serviese Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER ®1L PERMANENTS -Pie Better Oil Permanents applied '•with the very latest of methods and 'Irquipment. _And besides all this in our years of 11,`xperience in all Hair aretaing, -GIVE US A CAL! APhone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCIjO, Zurich Are -You Suffer Fi s if, so ;: Have your Lyes Examined with' the'Late9tMeth�o(ds and Egtuiptat: :'A. it. COLE, R. O. GPTOMNETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Goode Glasses at Reasonable Prices Annual Meeting OF HAY TOWNSIHIP FEDERAT- ION OF AGRICULTURE In the TOWN HALL' ZURICH ON ' On THURSDAY, FiEBRUARY 8th • Banquet at 7 p.m., followed by t he Annual Meeting at 8.30 p..m. EVERYBODY WELCOME Tickets for Banquet still available. Professor J. C. Steckley of 0. A. C., will be the guest speaker. 'Bert Klapp, President. .Theo. Steinbach, Secy. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this medium to thank our neighbours and friends for their kindness and assistance render- ed during our recent misfortune by :fire, and especially the good work of the Zurich Fire Brigade. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C E. Zurby jgg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest - Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4.1.41 ++++++++++++++++++++++ C ..14 wd ®y y njppyp� j-�me 4. Private Car Arribulance Service for the Conveyance .' of Sick and !slimed. •Licensed Embalmer and 4* Ful Director. • MEMItent OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT 1?EL.HONE No. 70 Dashwood + Ontario I. + + 4 4++°++++43 44 i+ 4444 414i: ++++44434++1.4 !eteetfi+-1~+++4i3. emn : I!!`I;;i•;hi��h!a�i4ii fi✓!llik!1�1l11!i�4iNRlll!lllflL'llfllllllli!IIII!il�'q�,Ilghe�u•!IIllIl84NIilllf� �;,',.• ZtiRICI4'S Grocery Store WE sALWAYS CA 1 T A COMPLETE LINES OF FRESH 'GROCERIES ON 1W 1 'PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOMES. OWING TO UNSETTLED Cr.:'ZI 1 IO'r5 WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC 'GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY 'WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY mew p, iikliUCE WANTED. (,heti!" iertato 'i t Zurich Phone 165 *1); illlif fl iffit 1111IIIUI!!ith1U+I! Woo 11I11,'j iji, 11111111111f!<I�1e; Lions Carnival AT LIONS SKATINGG' RINK, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1st Judging to start at 8.30 o'clock p.m. In case of bad weather Carnival will be held February 6th. Cash Prizes for the winners of the following will be awarded by the Lions: Girls 'and boys 12 and under, fancy and comic. Girls and Boys 16 and under, fancy and comic; Men's fancy Men's comic; Ladies Fancy and com- ic; Best National; Best dressed Lion member; Race: Boys and Girls un- der 12. Open race, • anyone; Oldest person on skates; Best dressed couple Silver Collection at Rink. Good Music. Everybody Welcome Refreshments: Hot Dogs will be at your convenience. Proceeds for Lions Welfare Fund Com to See "DAMSELS IN DISTRESS" A Comic Play peesenfat1.nse.rnuarweeu Sponsored by Zurich E. Y. F. At: Town Hall, Zurich FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd At 8 p.nl. EVERYBODY WELCOME PRESS ON ALL FRONTS London — Winston Churchill, in the most confident, and cheerrng war review of his more than 4 1-2 years as prime minister, pictured the moun- ting might of the Allies in all war theatres and promised a cheering House of Commons that the western eastern and Italian fronts would be kept in constant flame, from now un- til Germany is beaten. PREDICT MANY TOURISTS r Toronto — Atourist ,business worth a tp200,000,000 annually to Ontario ,was forecast by Premier Geo. Drew, who told the Hotel Association of Ontario that development of the tour- ist industry after the war depended a great deal on the kind of accomod- .ation provided by the hotels. The standard of accomodation in our ho- tels assumes an importance which goes far .beyond the personal interests of the hotel keepers themselves. The business can be built up after the war into one of our greatest single suorces of public income, and we should be planning now to take our part in._ developing it as rapidly and successfully as possible, he said. Messrs. C. F. Pfile and Vallie Becker of Dashwood were in town on Monday. Mr. L. Warnock is at present spen- ding some time on business in God- erich. Mr. Herbert K. Eilber of Crediton was in town Monday, presiding as secretary of the Hay Fire Insurance Company. Miss Leona Fisher of Dashwood, is visiting will her sister, Mrs. Char- les Thiel thin ' Mrs. Donald':#anon and son Kent of Toronto °,i isiting• with relatives on, the Goll- 1`l;.le north. Zer7elt Miss icHaberer, who is at- tending School of Com- merce, Londone..-and who has been at her home for a few weeks, has re- turned to the city to resume her studies. The Zurich Branch of the Womens Institute is catering at a banquet for the Federation of Agriculture on Thursday, Feb. 8th. The entire pro- ceeds will be used for_ Boy's Boxes. Youmay be called on for a donation Let's•not deny our soldiers a little bit of e`en„ joyment which comes with a parcel from home. Can we count on you??? Please - Carnival! Thursday Eve. date of the first Carnival in the new Lion's Skating Rink, at Zurich. This is the first carnival held in Zurich,for a considerable time and the public are invited to attend and give it your support Of course, the carnival is being sponsored by the newly organ- ized Lions Club of Zurich, who are doing things in a big way, and the public are right behind them in their splendid work. If you wish to help this good work along give your pat- ronage to these functions. A fine list of prizes and contests have been ar- ranged for the Carnival and it will do you well to attend. • Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Zurich and District Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society was held in the .r. n Hall, Zurich, on Friday even- g,nJanuary 19th, with a fairly good ttendance. The President, Rev. li. Hennrieh, is Ids address, stressed the increasing need of Red Cross activ- ities, the urgent need of certain ar- ticles. and the importance of blood donations: to. supply blood serum to save the lives of wounded soldiers. He ,read parts of several Letters written to express appreciation of the efforts of the Red Cross. In conclusion, he suggested that all humanitarian, effort has the blessing of the Prince of (Peace. The following oi°acers were elected for 1945, as recommended by the Nominating Committee: Prespd'ent, Rev. E. Heimrich; Vice Presidents, Rev. Heckendorn and Rev. Fr. Lucier; Secretary, Victor Dinnin; Asst. Secy., W. A. Siebert;- Treasurer, Dr. P. T. O'Dwyer; Aud- itors, Jacob Haberer and W. A. Sie- bert, Finance Chairman, Ed -win Gas- cho; Packing Com. Orville Witmer; Committee Convenors: Workroom Committee convenor, Mrs. Heimrich; Cutting Cord., convenor, Mrs. Ed- ward Haberer; Sewing cern, convenor Mrs. Herbn1't.Mausseau; Snrgical sup- ply coin., convenor. Mrs. Ward Fritz, Assistant Mrs.' P. J. O'Dwyer; Knit-. ting coria. convenor, Mrs, David Du- charme; Secretary of Knitting Com-. rnittee, Mrs. Kathleen Thompson; In- spection (turr;. convenor. Mrs. Wesley Merrier; Quilting corn. Convenor, Mrs John Albrecht; Dr. O'Dwtr" ',-.,, ,-ger, . r ported a balance of $521.27 on handl 1 During 1944 60 1-2 its of wool were rived tied 335 artit•,e:, ,v,:re knit- The .sew -inn cen,mittre report- that 838 articles, including quilts, ,ses. cults, etc.. were shinned. ;t lens 1.; ...e.el shipped tide 600 comprt es end 700 gen/ 7 er i,ie . T ,,..! elle c fT- ef 1 -he Reel Cruse lite more eff- ectii'r, cueing t045 will tr-,,x:and the. continued co-operation of everyone in the eommnity, Huron County Council The County Health Plan At the recent Huron County Coun- cil Reece R. J. Bowman recalled Some of the ideas expressed by the County Council last year on the sub- ject of a public health nursing syst em. As Goderich -has a capable public health nurse, he suggested that the Goderich Beard of Health be appro- ached to ascertain if she could be the supervisor of the county system, and if Goderich would join in the county plan. If, so, then the Huron County committee could assume the Godorich office, and thus unify the whole sys- tem. He urged that the Town be in- duced to come into th clan. To Advertise the County • Clerk N. W. Miller reminded that at the November se;;: -Am it had been rree recommended that a pamphlet be pub t•ed- lishecl setting forth the- advantages ed ou the county as to farming, lndns- rte,' lay, etc. reeves Pinkie) and Attridge - Sur. ettedur c ,i .a n.lotion, w;lit-h was ref race e7 red to the oxoeutIve committee, "r the! :i pnblieity colnrntittoe of five or to xialnc:d, that they Aave a pamphlet published, and. be gllpweci expenses of $1,000, +'ATIticiA r3 jewels I247s With that Xmas. Check why not buy yourself a Timepiece, a Fine BuIova Watch.—HESS, THE JEWELER blue co l For positive identification eft the World's Finest Anthracite) ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coalrs Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highc of Cash Prices paid kr Eggs according to Gracia W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel a•01a •laa.NNeeesnu.Na NeM.@aeavmss S...•M•_M Westlake — Brokenshire FITI ERAL & Al/iBt LAI WE SERVICE Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich 111110000:11111104404064141090015401106400*••••••••••••••••••esitimmo liteet44.4-1-14+++++++++-1-4-eee're•+++*++++++ €'+'t"i'÷÷ 4.+ - eeet-e-e* • fi • Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. F. C. KALBFLEISCII & SON Phone 69 - - - ZURICH • • 44.4+444+". +++ ' + ++4.+ 1.+4fi !*4$++++++ +++++++tb+++++ + 1 1 JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, WE HAVE PEED FEED Pioneer Big 3 Laying Mash and Hatching Ration, Pig Starter and Concentrates The Chick Season is lust around the corner, Start .your Chicks right with Pioneer Chick Starter. In spite of. the difficulties in securing them, we have c . cr. the 14iti'i ry gii� 11 -eats , �i. V1xC: Cud Livct Ori, Bone Meal, Mineral Supplement, Oyster Shell, Hen and Chick Grit, Etc. FRESH GROCERIES IES ALWAYS ON HAND Ns MI h 4 to Edmund Swartzcnirtiber, Prop. Phone. -1147