HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-01-25, Page 811111,10111,41STAIIM . • ' • 4, Cotton Sheetings We have a fair supply of Sheeting to offer at pres ent. So would advise you to get your supply for Spring and Summer now. These are quality Cottons, no filler, in the following widths: Bleeched 72 -in. at per yard 75c Bleached 77 -in Special at per yard....69c Unbleached 81 -in, at per yard 75c Unbleached 72 -in, at per yard 65c WOOL BLANKETS White all -wool, large size, each White, all -wool, colored border, pair Grey, all -wool, colored border, pair Grey Esmonds, Special each FLANNELETTES 2 pieces Canton Flannels on band. A heavy twilled cotton with fleeced.back. • Special at per yell! 38C One Piece only Pyjama Cloth, at per yard 3&e • • SPECIAL.S 275 29c Boys' long Wool Stockings; old stock, Brown and: Black to clear at pair 39c. • $7.50 ij 13.50 11.00 (\ 3.85 • . - .2bstadan Isasery- 2641k 1/4$-. Ladies Wool Skirts, reg. 4.50 for each Ladies Wool Skirts, reg 3.50. for Kiddies Parkas, at each Gascho TELEPHONE se • • • -' ZURICH ;• illiellMINISS4100199011.811111011101111401111, IMMtakeltaiaalaeatal Zurich Dairy... • -" • -44. • ZURIell'S YOUR I Hardware and Furniture STORE 4. ......4440•444.44441041.60.0111 1/1014101~1.00841...**".. 11011.............••• .. NEW ...... •momooman,...m......ir , ENAMELWARE 4 • We y fortunate in receiving a. shipment of New .-.c, $ Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensil,, Etc., which $ , $ seem to be of very good quality, and ',sane attractive $ ' ' $ color designs. To appreciate these articles one must $ , see them. We invite your inspection. Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you nave- : 4, MATTRESSES . MATTRESSES Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES -ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY [PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 WO:110,11 ot01,11:1111, flit. 1111 ffikhol 1. ill II... rams OF LOCAL INTEREST LOCAL MARKETS Mr. 'and Mrs. Orville Witmer were Icerract-ed every Wednesday) Si. 29, 22 at Mitchell and Stratford on Tues- day. Born -At Stratford General Hos- pital, on January 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Witmer a. daughter, (Judith Marlene). An error occurred in the Red 'Croas shipment last week, stating the focal W. 'I. having .4ionated a quilt top. This should have read an entire quilt. Mr. R. F. Stade was a aunday vis- itor with his wife at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London and Who is getting a- long as well as can be collected. • Mrs. Mary Yunsiblut and elaugh- ter Inez, •Mrs. J. P. Rim attAl Mrs. _Earl Thiel and dattehtei Carol visit- ed relatives and friends at Exeter, last SaturdaY. Pte. Clarence Jeffrey of the Armed Forces is enjoying a furlough with his wife and children and other fri- ends, who are pleased to Dee him af- ter being away for some time. Miss Mildred Haberer, R. N., dau- ghter of Mr. and Mre., Fred Haberer lett recently for London. :where alta will -complete her special irkininefd qualify herself as a Public School Nurse under the aew system put on by the Ontario Dept. of Health. • The annual nieetinir of the Hay. Township Mutual Fire insurance Co. Will be held next MOridaY afternoon; in the !Zarich Town Hall. The finan- cial repot will be discussed and f:"the years Board of Officers will be -ap- pointed. Mrs. Edith Strader •ivho 'is staying with her parenta.Mr. and Mrs. Herb Uttley of town received a cable from her husband Lieut. E. J. Strader that he has arrived safely at his destinat: ion. Lieut. Strader is the eldest•son of Mr. 'and Mrs. N. Strader of Walk- erton; Ont.' Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Siemon of town received word,.that their daugh- ter, Mrs'. Garfield Brawn, was taken to the Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital on Monday, and is quite ill. Several blood transfusions are being given her. Mr. and Mrs. Brow: acre re - idents of Zurich for -a few years, ag in the block -labia known as the HARDWARE. sups ea FURNITURE 'A Lot of Snow • - Your..,' Fuel Problem • • We all realise that the liardAnthiiwite Coj very scrce and hard.to get -at jitesent, and many substitutes must be used instead. We are endeavoUring to supply our Custoraers with the best of coke in different size, and other fuels which give fairlygood satiSfactk,ii in the place of hard coal... If in need of Fuel coasuh us and •. .we will -try and help you but OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, .Evetroughing asad Tinssnitti- ingour Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall ST D Mattresses • 1..; - ONT. • QUALITY PRICE SERVICE' itootteesezaseo esteed,Aearetmossesoos. • Mr. Kuno Hartman who lives 'a ew miles .south of' Zurich on the Goshen line, managed the other day to get to town, this.. being the first time since before Christmas. Mr. Hartman, who • looks hale and hearty regardless of his winter confinement Owing to the high now banks, ad- vises us that in order to got t he Main road from his la.neway, he was eioliged•to get out and lift up.the tea eabone wires to let the horse through and we wonder if he will be able to F19 •S any wires at all after the storm that is prevailing to -day, Wednesday. ANNLJAL REPORT To the Zurich- Branch, Bible Sac-' iety.-Very mama thanks for your excellent Branch conttabution width I notice is up to your usual generOus standard; and all the more accept- able as it comes from so large a num- ber. of contributors: Season's Greet- ings to all our friends in Zurich. Youre 'Sincerely -Donny Bright, Dis- trict Secy., Western Ontario Bible Society.. The! Oentribtetions for 1944' were aAllett.a: Or a little higher • than the preatous year, for which those in cheap life very thankful. Collectidnaat Service , . ..... .$28.77 lam; "I"aafi.jand Blind Line .. 4.50 t •;;lia • 3.85 .1", I in d Line . 3.16 Goal. Vorilt 2.80 Goshen south 8.75 Zurica north Zurich centre 21.955.50 21.10 • oath 4.50 Brotaaa north 8.25, 1.1111 conefeAne •3.75 . Well 11orte! al.20.87 Eggs li utter per lb. 38 Chickens, drawled ..,........ 90 tn. 20 Ducks, dressed • • 25c Geese dressed 24 Wheat bushel - 1.09 Oste, slenahel 5 0 c Barley, buah. 78 Buckwheat, hush. 70 Flour, cwt... • 2.60, 2.75 Shorts . and Iran, ten . .., ...... 30.00 Middlings!, ton • 32.00 Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer mot - Wed to London on Sunday. Hay Township Reeve; William H.'. !laugh attended the • Huron ‚County Council session at Goderich last Week Miss Laura Durst a Ben Miller, and Mr. Bean of Blyth were Sunday guests at the home of the former's aunt, Mrs. Wm. Truemner. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Hamilton and little daughter of London, were Sunday guests 'it the home of . Mr. John Galeter, aed with the O'Dwyer tam i I y NEW LICENSES - • .The i- auto licenses have gone on sale in: Ontario ea Monday of last week. The license plates are white letters on a, blae,bapkgeaund. There will be just one license plate to a car again this year. • ALLOWED SHIPPING • _ - London 'Turkay is permitting war supPlies' to be. shipped through the: Dardanelles Straight to Russia, a British Foreign -Office commentator (disclosed. Shipments began without any objection from the Turkish • Gov- eriment once'the • German air bases in.the, Ionia- Sea'and the Balkans had been neutralized by the Allies, he said.. • • CAREFUL'.. YOUR BABY MAY CATCH EMOTIONS . ;Baby. is just as susceptible to fear, hate• or teniper as he is to whooping cough or the measles. Joseph Gol- omb, waitieg.ia, The American Week- ly With this. Sunday's (Jan. 28) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, tells of -curious iscidents where baby "caught" • emotions, some beneficial, but many harrnfel, Get. Sunday's Detroit.. • HOMES. WITHOUT IrTJEL 4n appeal 'was issued to Toronto citizens over,, the,week-end on behalf of Mayor:Ss:feeders, Toronto, asking thera to sio,.pt a "friendly neighbor- ly poliay'" „and lend coal to neigh- bors whose .supply is exhausted, A- bout 3,000 householders are report- ed to be witheatuel. With good co- operation and help the erises was taken care of. • AN INDUSTRIOUS KNITTER • Since the beginaing of the, war to Nov.•27thrlast,..4Mrs, George James, af •Goderich has knitted 236 pairs of socks, .63 pairs. searnen's baots, •29 pullovers aweaterS; 14" pairs or wrist ibands, three tuck -in •znafflees,. three boy's sweaters, three girls' sweaters, three pairs of mitts and one pair of gloves. Besides these, this indefatig- ahle worker for the Red Shield .has knitted numerous articles for her grandchildren, and other socks for relatives in the armed forces, This is a prod record for anyone to ach- leve.--Goderich Signal -Star, • • • FISHING INDUSTRY AT STAKE At their annual • convention in Owen Seural ethe Lake Huron, and Georgian Bay Commercial Fisher - mens Association endorsed the pro- osal of Oa °ataxia Department of Game and Fisheries that a question- aire be circulated amongst the men engaged in this industry in these waters, aleking opinions on an alter- nate' closed and open season for lake trout and whitefish during the spawn ing For many :rears 10,:al fishermen have uilged. that this sho- uld be done, to conserve and improve the ea catch ••••ealaa. • • + a fine range to choose from, a fine stock of . Spring 4. •.Filled Mattresses, also the ueual Fitt filled Mattresses : * Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE - 3: : 0 4 We have some very attractive and newly designed Ekd Room Stites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes.. Be sure and see them if 'interested in P- this line of furniture. 4.. • A Fun Line of all the Horn* Requireassott , • Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware 1 IjOli. nt3t011 8C• lialbfleisch 1 I Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68 • +.........**44.0•••••••4•••••••••••••••••••••44+12 Al11111111.1........11111111.1.m Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. •-; Sesitirth 15 DARLING. and CO. Of CANADA. LTD. • (ESSENTIAL WAN INDUSTILY) • "' r r • YOUR WINTEWS FUEL Colder Days will soon be.here whieh most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment:' -k' fillYOU'i'ti;whilearices are lowest. • e„ • ": • FEEDING MCCA4SsEs • It is some considerable time since this all important product has been on the, market... But were fortunate in secioing a supply. Also have Cod Liver 'Oil, ..Etc. fer Live Stock. Get your supply Now! .. 'PLOW POINTS - REPAIRS We carry a.eomplete Line M International and other kinds of No* Points, Sole Shoes, Lanslaides, Etc., for all makes,of Plows. ..Let Us Serve You! • Schilbe & Son voseseatme,rfr1-s****!aa• 61110011111,0111/110110101/011041•849 .ONE CENT a Word (mininum 25c.) is all that it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald • An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by • several thousand readers, many of who will be • terested in what you are advertising or are offering for Sale. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105. • THE ZURICH HERALD 'aa •