HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-01-25, Page 5MUCH, OMTAI 9 1111V1000,. CADS WANTED CASH FOR FOX ' HORSES --D animals removed, Twe-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Ct'edi.- ton 47r15, collect. P ac x_91141 I liam . LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and IVMiddlessex 1 AM IN AA POSITION TO CON- taet say Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit year business, and if not satisfied wiU ssake no charges for Services Ron - !tared., ARTHUR WEBER --'Dashwood Phone Ph 5? 'r 12 ETERINAR 1 A.N Or. W. B. COXON.. B: '• Sc• VETERINARY SURGEON e!®ee with Residence, Main Strutt, Opposite Drug Store yvrlch BUTCHERS Zuricbs' popular MEAT IARR.ET Let Us supply you with the very Choke of Fresh and Cur- e! Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Yungblut & Son PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically our approved ed grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Win. O'Brien Phone 101, Ree. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery - W Y Wah t, For Sae est, Found. � Etc. Ado. inillis 4'r, • Column. NOTICE , 'he Annual Meeting of the Zurich Lgricultural Society will be held in ' TOWN HALL - ZURICH i On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31st 1945.at 2 o'clock, p.'rn. iusiness--Receiving Financial Re- lort,• Election of Officers, etc. Vm. Decker, President. i. F. Klopp, Secy,-Treas. FOR QUICK SALE A dark red Durham bull 1 -year old Apply to E. W. Rader, Dashwood. Phone 47 r 17. .� , + )ia SALE' A Jersey Heifer in calf, due in February. Ed. Haberer, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE About 100 new sap pails at 8 cts. Bach. L. A. Prang & Son. • FOR SALE A solid brick dwelling property, centrally located in Zurich for sale. The house is equipped with rurnace and bath room convenience, there is also a large garage and a good hen house. For further information ap- ply at Herald Office. NOTICE FOR RENT OR ON SHARES --All or part of 100 acres of land, clean and level. Apply to Ed. Stelck, R.R. 2, Zurich. TENDERS WANED Tenders will be received until Jan- uary -27th for 15 cords body wood preferable half beech and hair maple 14 inches long. State price deliver- ed at Blake School. Ervin Gingerich Secy-Treas., Zurich, Ont. R.R. 2. LOST In Zurich a young Collie dog, black with white ring on neck. Find- er. notify Philip Masse, Phone 3r82. FOR QUICK SALE A Jersey cow 6 years old, due July 1st. Apply to Julius Mantey, Phone 84 r 19, Zurich. CHICKS FOR SALE Strong, healthy S. C. White raeghorns from a flock headed by PEDIGREED R. 0. P. males. At prevailing prices, Our incubator capacity is limited,' sc we suggest -that to avoid disappoint- ment you order early. Twinniaples Poultry Farm. 13. J. Klopp, Prop PIGS FOR SALE A. limited number of man pigs fog ............A aa, colo -.-..Alvin Gineerich Phone 84 r 3, Zurich. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered crean, We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in Charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. taco, Hews Pte. ,lack O'13rien of• Hamilton was. vieek-end guest with his parents, Mr nd Mrs. Lennis O'Brien,..; Don't forget the Bingo in , the !'own Hall Friday evening, sponsor - d by the Lions Club. Mrs. Edmund Reichert is a patient n Victoria Hospital, London 4 ores- ;yet. ,Mrs, Clara Decker, airs. Ted. lteinbach and Mrs. Wm. Davidson f the Goshen line south, were at ondon on Sunday. Dr, Archie MacKinnon of Cann aught Laboratories, Toronto, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. M. MacKinnon. P. 0. Wm. and Mrs. Gibbons+. who had been,visiting with the lady's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Sylv..'Witmer, left for Mitchell on Tuesday. 1Mr.and MrS. Andrew Coxon . of Milverton, accompanied by their son, Chief Petty Officer Percy A. toxon and Mrs. •Coxon of Halifax, visited over the week -end al the home of the former's son, Dr. and Mrs. W. B. •Coxon of Zurich. The Coxons from Halifax remaining over for a few days, before leaving for the eastern coast. What ai Storm!' What looks to us as the most sev- ere blizzards of the winter is raging at present, Wednesday, with all traf- fic tied up;. as :the storm is so in- tense that the local plows cannot cope with the situation to keep the roads passable. Snow is flying a- round and piling 'up. It commenced shortly after seven this morning and is making good headway to block up the roads for days to come. Cold ,Weather Footwear RUBBERS, GALOSHES 1 Boots or Lumbermen. Up-to.the Minute DRESS SHOES for Ladies and Gents. School and Sunday Schoes for Children SHOES REPAIRED With Best . Quality pre-war Leather. Good Workmanship, --Lowest Prices ED. J. DA ■ AR RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES points below freezing. Very little snow to speak of the highway is bare, cars and buses run- ning daily from North Battleford to ,,Saskatoon passes by our gate daily •The equipment is now valued at $50 - so we have it very convenient to tra- 400. He said it would be economy' vel either by bus or train, or car, to replace much of it as soon as pos- sible, and some of the surplus will be needed for machinery repl acement. Reeves Tuckey, of Exeter, and J. F. Daly of Seaforth, favoured the T Love, G. Ginn, A. Watson. purchase of heavier equipment for Property --B. Smyth, G. Frayne, 13'i fighting snow and Reeve Bowman ,wTuckey, A. Nicholson, R. E. considered it would be good business Shaddick. to build up a surplus part of which. County Home—A.. McCann, J. F. Daly, B. Smyth, A. Watson, D. L4 Weir. Massey Harris Advise ORDER 3FOURe"idi H1NE$ EARLY FOR 19.45! 1 HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 -to ' 600 SIZE 'at 400 to 450 SIZE @ 850 to 900 SIZE @ (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES $70,75 $59.50 $82.75 INS.) Tex. Shop.;I49 Oscar Klapp Rett. MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. ion with the Provincial Dept. of Wel- :ir, $14£ 1 ; .ounty highways 1.56 fare. Mr. Miller having had five ye- niiils ou 11ffr total, 4.25 mills ars' experience in the office is now on $230 .• ' alta, the cost of seconds well conversant with the. County aff- ary schoo;. ,or townships. airs and a capable man. Following are the members of the We will\have at the end of 1944 committees appointed: about $20,000 to add to the surplus Executive -A Nicholson, lt. J. Bow•+ built up in the county highways ac- y D.Falconer B. Smyth, C, count in previous years,' County En-. Attridge. , eraser R. Paterson told the council, Legislative --,B. W. Tuckey, J. D4 Beecroft, W. Haugh, G. Ginn, S, Machan. Finance—+R. E. •Shaddick, .l. Win. ter, H. Moffat, J. Pepper, A. Nichol. son. Education—G. Frayne, C. Attridgts Thank You! Aberdeen, Sask., Jan. 10, 1945 Dear Editor: Enclosed find ren- ewal for Herald for another year. We have had a ,grand winter here with only a few cold days and very little snow to speak of. Grope 7n this district in the past summer were very good and with good prices for all farm products the farmers are all wearing a broad smile. Wishing you and yours a, .very Happy and Pros- perous New Year, and Hallo to the boys. —David Schnell. Fielding, Sask., Jan. 10, 1945 Dear Editor. Enclosed find renewal for the Herald. I noticed "A Pu'blish— er's Blessing" and that included ane.' People do get careless in paying for their papers so the Editor must give _thein a reminder so they will respond The weather has. been quite cold for the past two weeks 32 below zero and with some high winds wh2;ch makes it so much colder. To -day it is very mild, snow melting, only four •CHEER UP! -EARLY SPRING Kitchener — An • early spring is in the offing, according to A. J. Cun- dick, former alderman and now a member of the Public Utilities Com- mission. Known as a weather pro- phet he relies on the "Walpole In- dian. method" to reach his deductions He would not say when the present storms would cease, but did say that milder weather making its appear- ance in February, would herald an early spring. PARCELS TO HOLLAND The Canadian Red Cross is send- ing 30,000 food parcels for destitute civilians in Holland, N. C. Urquhart chairman of the Society's National Executive Committee, announced. Immediately we learned of the ac- ute situation in Holland, arrangem- ents were made for food :parcels to be diverted from Lisbon. This food will be part of a 9,000 ton shipment being prepared by the International Red Cross in co-operation with other Red Cross Societies. The Internat- ional ship is now loading'at'the'Port- ugese port and is expected to sail in the near future with a full cargo. of food, including bulk wheat and'len- tils. Germany is expected to grant safe conduct for the vessel to enable it to discharge at a small Netherland port in occupied Holland. BIG RETURNS FROM TURKEYS OF WOODSTOCK 1'1E LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF. ANY CANADIAN MUT- TJ.A.L COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Det. 81st, 1986, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds 3278,613.47. lutes. _$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP_ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rode and all kinds of Fire Two of the more important turk- ey raisers in this community added to their bankrolls in the neighbor- hood of nine. thousand dollars from the sale of this much sought after fowl at Christmas time. To say that this was all profit, however, would be far from; the point. Mr. Percy Harris of Cromarty, marketed about 800 turkeys that netted over twelve tons and Mr.' Ted Pooley, of Winchelsea,; Insurance Crops were very good around our district last year and only hope we can harvest another such crop, as we have had tastes of drought, grass- hoppers, etc. for several years. Wis- hing you the compliments of the sea- son. Yours Sincerely. Mrs. Will- iam Thompson. Huron County Council could be .spent on up-to-date equip- ment when available. On the recommendation of the ex- ecutive of the Council on Friday raising the salaries of Clerk N. W. Miller and Treasurer A. H. Eskine to $2500, an increase of $300 each; of Miss Evelyn Cooper, court report- er to $1,300; Miss Margaret Cooper stenographer, to $900; Caretker Geo James to $1,300, increased by $100. The sessional indemnity of the co- unty councillors was raised to $30 -and to $7' per day for committee meetings. Huron County Council convened in the Court House building, Goder- ich last Tuesday, for the .January session and at which time the new Warden Alexander was chosen and in addressing the council, said he hop- ed,. the county would continue the pay-as-you-go policy. He congratu- lated the county on the success of its patriotic efforts and its record in Victory Loan campaigns. He would like to see preference given to ret- urning members of the armed forces when appointments to government of other positions are made. At the Wednesday afternoon sitting Norman W. Miller, who has been acting as clerk since the beginning of the war, when Clerk J. M. Roberts was given leaveof absence to goon the RCAF., was appointed permanently to t he clerkship, Mr. Roberts has in the meantime been appointed to a posit - sold'.over 400 birds. The latter still _ has a couple of hundred birds Olathe is finishing for market. Mr. Harris' Jo"xl l , turkeys are raised on the range and j .11 are herded by Mx. Harris who keeps a nightly viligenee over thein as the least disturbance will start them all IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED off on a rampage. Mr. Pooley raises MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R all his turkeys on wire netting. To OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE- produce a well finished bird requires MEMBER TO CALL AT THE expert feeding. With a ceiling price HERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES of 45 cents a pound the gross re- ARE ALWAYS LOW AND WORK. moan sum. ---,Exeter Time,-A.is ovate. M.A.NSHIP GOOD. i ,,U.ri, 1,. OM th;; two flocks: "Nt'.4 .ro �,. , yet';. ,w.. ,.er, The planting of trees was advised by Mr. Patterson to assist in the con- trol of drifting snow. The provisional estimates for 1945 were submitted by treasurer Erskine and referred to the finance committee The estimated expenditures are $162, 705, less the estimated revenue of $163,481. The rate will be made up as follows: General act. 2.70 mills Agriculture—J. Armstrong, J. D'4 Beecra£t, A. Wat.•on, H. Berry, A., McCann. Children's Aid --J. J, Evans, T. Love! A. Alexander. Police—T. Love, H. Moffatt, J. J. Evana. Warden's Committee — B. W. Tuckey, R. J. Bowman, R. E. Shad - dick, J. F. Daly, J. Armstrong. Equalization — H. Moffatt, H. Machan, J. Winter, W. Haugh, J, Pepper. Library Board—R. J. Bowman, . D. Beecroft, A. Alexander. Health and HospitalizationIRI-- Health and Hospital—V. D. Fele coner, H. Berry, B. W. Tuckey, A. Nichilson, C. Attridge. Criminal—Judge T. M. Costello, N. W. Miller, W. J. Baker. Good Roads—C. Wheeler, N. R. Dorrance, W. H. Morritt. 0 TO A MILLION CANADIANS ATM I - o r MONTREAL "''working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1817" Zurich (Sub-Ager1.ci): Open Mon., Thurs., and Sat. Hensall Branch: W. 13. A. CROSS, Manager 41 4 4