HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-01-25, Page 1• ZURI lEstablished 1900 044.1/6••••••••*••••••••••••• HERALD ZURICH, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25 1945 Chester L Smith, Puldieho $1.50 a Year in Advanoi •mwormwomaam.• By buying Gov't Securities ytIi °toot your homes EMMANUEL bZVANGELICAL. CHURCH vororeasiosmowaream C. B. Healesadara. radar Mrs. M. Oeselt, Orgrawist SUNDAY SERVICES 110 ext. -Divine Worship. ,a.rn. Church Scheel ,7.30 p.m. -Divine Services. • ST. PETER'S 'Iltvanirelkal Lytham Church moms - ONT. fRev. E. W. Heirnrich, Paster an2.-Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.-Sundsry School. N.30 Divine Worship. JEtverybrody Welcome to all Sarvisars ITheo. Steirjbach, Secy. Moving Pictures A. TOWN HALL HENSALL ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31et. At 8.30 p.m. ' Pictures consist of Seven in- cluding "Battle of RuLa", ssia" "History of Power in Canada," andAtuaielli Overtuers Ne. At two o'clock p.m. there will be a shOwing in the Hall for School Chil- dren. Sponsored by the Hay Township Federation of Agriculture. NO ADMISSIOIN Bert Klapp President Betty Arum Beauty Shop *'HE HOME OF THE BETTER 011. PERMANENTS ne Better Oil Perreassente applied 'with the very latest of seethed& and itquipment. And besidessil thia ,he our years of gliTerience in all Hair Etreierher GIVE US A CALL! Phone 68 four your Aypo.inleasets. MRS. EDW. GASCRO, -Zurich CROWDED OFF Mr. Clarence Reid of Henrall, dri- ver for Wileon Allan of Hensall,Vho operates a fleet of trucks, had a rather thrilling experience Saturday, while driving to Windsor with abaci of turnips, while driving on a 'nar- row road near 'Windsor, Mr. Reid and truck were crowded into the . • • LIONS CLUB NEWS - On Monday evening was the first regular meeting of the Zurich Lion's Club, and they were Royally dined In the spacious dining room of the Dominion Hotel, *Zurich. The executive if the Exeter Oh& were invited and they came fifteen etrong of which one wa.s a lady elotcutiaist, who rendered a few snappy numbers. ,Sceneone has said with eo many Lions around, even the weather is now turning "Lionlike." But A most splendid time was enjeyed by all. one of the visiting Lions who t very handy at woodcraftrnanship, made a wooden pistol and presented it to Zurich Tailtwifiter, LIM George Dei - chert, and he made good use of it by gathering in nearly three dollars in ten cent fines froth Lions who just did not exactly "hue to the line" and what a multitude of fun it all was. Lion Harry Hew reported on the undertaking of the open air rink, as everything going smoothly, and that a bingo is being held in the Zur- ich Town Hall this Friday eveningof .4 'whicl-i..the funds will .go to defray the expenses. So give the local - Lions ' your4' support by. attending this entertaining event. Are leou siruring flan She Dated Methoele wed EquiPmeithirti, A. L COLE, OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GbDERJOH •• ONT. Hesaaohoo/ " • 7. " .;Have your Wyss Eraidniita Crit0d Glasses at Reaeoutible Prices ABLE GLASSES REASONABLE PRICS „ :At C. E..,.Zurbniggp OPTOMETRIST ai EXETER " The Newest Approved Method Egaiight Testing Use. Open *very • W.e Day Except Wednesday. +++++++++++++++.14444.-1211 I 1•444-14++++++++4.44+4.4.44+41 44 4' 4. fe:jartg offmart tincralome Private Car Amlolance Service for the Conveyence' of Sick and Injured. • Licenst4 tmbakner and Funeral Metter. 'MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY 430t. NIGHT TELEPHONE N. 70 Dashwood - Ontario WE ARE NOT SAVED BY- -THE MERE ACT OP JOINING A CHURCH! 1Cor, 12.18; Co.!, 1: 18; Eph. 2: 8,9. --ArrEatinotc, TO FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF CHRIST Heb. 4: 15; Rom. St 23 -THE ORDINANCE OF WATER BAPTISM! ROM. 5: 1, -KEEPING ME TEN COMIVIANDMENTS! Mark 10: 17- 174-22; Jai. 2:11.0 OBSERVING THE GOLDEN•RULE! Rom, 3: 9-12, -DOING THE BEST 'YOU CAN! Isa. 64: 6; Titus 3:5, -KEEPING THE LAW. Romans 3. 20, 28. BUT t'lly grace Are you saved through faith; And that not of yourselves; it is the Gift :of God; not of works lest any roan should- boase..*". EA. 2: 8, 9. "Whoioever shall cal upon the name of the Lord shall be Saved" "There is wav which seerneth right iunto a man, lout the end Thereof are the -ways ef Death." Proverbs 14: 12. TUNE IN: PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. 01(14AI:toned Revival Hout. rebroadcasts on many stations at various times. CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor 1 ditch owing to a ,truck and trailer driyhog ifoin e opposite direction, hogging the road, upsetting the truck and -spilling 6 tons of turnips into trillesee • . • .•4 ..ee.;•t 1.4•092.101.11MMIMBNIN•10 Mrs. Hilton Truemner 14th Con. ;Vag 41, recent visitor at London. Pte. Charles Thiel of London Bar- racks apent the week-enw with his wife and daughter here. Pte, Newan of the Clinton Radio School and wife are guests at the Doinin on House for a few. weeks. Please note that the Red Cross work room will be open on Friday ate ternoon instead of Thursday after - Ilion a this week. Pte. Jaek O'Brien of the Armed Forces wiahes etitr exprees his sincere thanks to the 'members of the Zurich Red Cross for the -woolen Enveater he has received froth them. The annual meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society will be held in the town hall, Zurich next Wednes- day, afternoon, January 81st. The ,uneual bueinese will be gone over, in- cluding the appointment of the 1945 oard of officers. " Mrs, Emily Fuss and Mrs. Bertha Block who have been at Detroit since before Christmas, hare relearned to their homes in town, and report as having had a most enjoyable time WW1 friends there, . - 'Miss Patricia O'Dwyer *ha has talfen her B. Se. degree at Western eeh;.X4or , ri.r yersity and Brescia Hall, London, ret rned to the home of her parents Ifir and 1Kre. P. 3. O'Dwyer where sh enjoyed a week's vacate:or. She eett e.nday fSt. Joseph's Hose , pital,.London, where size will take up IIII OW* VP • • .2' With thee Xmae. Check why not buy yourself • Timepiece, a Fins Bulova Watch. -HESS, THE JEWELER For positive identification *1 the World's Finest Anthracks ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coati Roe Farms Milling Co Vitimized Feeds Highest CiLsii Priem paia Eggs according to Grads W. A. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Mensal training. Her many friends wish her very etfccess. THE NEW WARDEN • • the ditch. Mr...Reid and his companz e ion Tack Nicholson of .Seaforth, craw- leCOUt of the cab" to safety, and were not fictrt. But it took them four hott*,to gather up the turnips. • :Fenn Forum .: • • 31 members of the Blake nem& Forum met at the home of Mr. Roy McBride to discuss the subject "We all have Something to Learn." aire Hugh McBride was convenor for the! evening. Next week the Forum will meet at the home of John .Armstrong: The members of Farm Forune No.. 7, Hay held their regular meet- ing on Jan. 22nd at the home of Mr. and Mrs: 3. Deiehert,-Jr.' on the Blind Linee to discuss the .subject "We all have Something to Learn. The meet- ing under the chairmanship of Mr. Carl Haberer aW 1w:reed that there is more information on agriculture for farmers available than most farmers are aware of. .The.Forum at the same time had the .pleasure to eele- 'brate Mr. Delehergs 50th birthday anniversary. The foram. had a very enjoyable time with games, music and song. A. birthday. cake, bearing 50. candles, was cut deeing lunch period' and proved to be , excellent eating and was enjoyed by all present. Afe ter wishing Mr. Deichert many happy returns of the day, the meeting clos- ed by singing the National Anthem. Annual Meeting The 70th Annual Meeting of the Policyholders of The Hay Township Farmers'- Mutual FireInsurance , Company will he held in the Town Hall, Zurich On MONDAY, JANUARY 29 tix, 1945 At 2 o'clock, p.m. I. Receiving Reports of the Presi- dent, Seeretery.T'n i ry and editors. 2. Election of Directors mut Audit- ors. 8. The discussion of ether matters in the interest of the Company. A. (1001) ATTENDANCE IS RE- QIJESTED Thomas Levee Herbert K. Eilbee, P reeldent, Secretary • Alexander, Reeve :of rey illownship, was on Tuesday' la,st elec- ted Warden of' Huron County. He -has been eight year in municipal life; this is his first 'year tis 'reeve after serving four years as deputy. reeve. The fast Warden of Huron to eorne from Grey Townseirp wa,s, Robert Livingstone in 1916... Mr. Alexander is the youngest inember Of the new council. He is a Liberat in politica and a Preebyterian in relig- ion. , He is engaged in Mixed farm - on R. R.. 2, Listowel; is married and has one 'son, Albert. Dominion, Rouse Prop. Sold • , Mr:. Wellington Johnston eolt1 the well; I3M Dominion Hose .property and -furnishing,s 'in Zurich to his sol Rose Johnston, -who gets immediate possessfieen. The many friends wish lire and Mrs. Ross Johnston every success in, their undertaking, as this place has a good reputation to the travelling publie, and has been own- ed by the Johnston family for many yeanse The former proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington johnslon have made ntarry- friends, who would often deka miles out of their eiray to come. to, Zurich and be guests at the Dom- inion Home. We understand Mr. anal Mrs. Johnston intend building a new.• residence on their lot- just south- ef' the hotel, -which will make a veree nice location for a home Catherine Betsbhen, or bettee known as Mr. Christian Zirk passed away at her home, lot .1.2e con. Hay Tovirnslaip on Friday in her 75•.t1 year. She with her husband had 'been residentson the leronsen Hay, for the pest 25 rears. nee hue - band predeceased her three menthe ago. She was a very hard working and industrious war,rtan, and is. serve ived by four daughters, Mrs. Arthur Gabel, Hay Township; Mre, Phil Cade, '. ',eth and ' (eeon, Wilton Grove, and Lotele at home: r'e"en and .1)1p,:a Thee. field; Percy and Rodger, of •Voledo, Ohio; Alfred, Vancouver; a sister, Mite. E. dndill, Detroit. Tbn body rested n fhe T. Herne reolteeee Fee- eral Homo in Dashwoott Mitt %mete the funeral was hold on Mooeley 2 p.re„ with ieteement in, the, Zetieb Droneon Tine eemetery. Rev: (1. re, Heckenderee of the Zurten leteenetel, cal 01(11.41 otliffictod. OBITUARY Mrs. Cris. Zirk Pak-ses- 1 osseepeeseeeeisaosesosessoasonesioonsolloosestmo.""4".."" Westlake Brokenshire PUNE ITLANCE uf, C.Infortabie Hospitai Bd tfor Kent Dy and Night genies Phclto 35,2urci SSA . . 111011014.40.4"6"0444+441"+'''.4 -:' • e• ++++*+++++++ 4.4, 44:44+: 0- ' Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! .,,, Buy Storm Windows and Doors / , •• LET US QUOTE YOU 2 IltIG S " Headquarters for -johns -Manville Bulfing Material 4E-PLACTHOU WINDOW PANENOW. WI GARY A s LARGE ' A$SOItTED STOCK ., . OF GLASS WI HAND AT ALL + TIME. , AND WILL DQ YOUR GLAZING; WORK WHILE YOU • ' '; f' • WAIT. . . . 1 F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Pikone 69 , - ZURICH .1104140444.44,44-s+++++++.t.t++4-4.441k4444444,4944413...4440.4,44.84.441 JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, WE HAVE PEED FEED Pioneer Big' 3 Laying M and Hatching Ration, P.* Starter and Concentrates The Chick Season is ikke, around the corner. Start your Chicks right with Pioneer Chick Starer. In spite of the difficulties in securing them, we have the. following Items to offer: Coc! 14";varO Bassen PAPA!, Slonnlernent, Oyster Shell, Hen and Chick Grit, Etc. Al 'Vt.'. A %1:‘..„ l,••••11 ••%••13 01•4•44 V ot re: E If41 k 1111.5. 7,q71.1rP VP WA& Edmund Swarb...entruber, Prop,. 41,tarsillifareir•etitiMMIlieleeettrQeeitalier ereee teee ON is.,111 5.2111 6 - Phone: 11-97. .40.4nr.4340.4mmrsrimmor 1