HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-01-11, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO tIa..144bilea1000== =a=rnt..TIRMde. Ueasan9 reel:Rags With Sincere Appreciation of Pleasant Relations during the past year. We extend to you our very best wishes for a :appy New Year P May the New Year bring continued Friendship, Happiness, and Lasting Peace. SC TELEPHONE 59 31, ,•i• 0 GASCHO ...111==.1==,./1.1=34....=VatlafatiVOusetalantresmultml BROS. ZURICH -usieMelegialt=g1E1,32SSIMEORZNIVRO,MINEEEMENAIMiallaMIS URANO EX_CEP LIU'E Fire, Auto, aasualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. Hess, Lula Local Representative Zurich ZURICH HERAILD, )11111101.0011400.11111,11111.11.010101.011 ril 111111111111-11111j1 1111 racer I orP. WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES,ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR' PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND •FRICES, AT THE VERY BEST Menno Oesc't PRDUCE, WANTED. 511111111P1. ThS (W I EMT „ 11101111118 11111 Mr. Valentine Better of Dashwood was a visitor in town,. on Saturday. Mr. John Dinsmoate of Saskatche- wan iso visiting with...his brother, Mr. Thomas Dinsmore of the town ttne. Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch and some of his staff have beettlbusy taking stock at their plant at .Goderich. Because of the.abundance of snow on Thursday TV:14 Dec. 28th, .Chris- tmas festivities. were curtailed. Born—At Zurith on January 5th, to Mr. and Mrs.,..Gerald Regier, a daughter, (Marie: Agnes.) - • • Mrs. E. Bakery of near Dashwood is visiting at tligChome of her parents Mr. and Mrs.;. Remy .Clausius for several days., Miss Floreirete Haberer wno Is a student at Westervelt Commercial school, Londlba is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Theo. Habexier. Hay—Wm: Haugh" Two paling men of Dashwood likeStephen. — Reeve. A!ca;pm, mak:- many others, were stranded in. tAe uty Reeve, Thos. Love. snow stain: en the Bronson linean ,,UusbekorenrsVIngh Berry: h—A. Nieholson. t Sunday•emning. r Hullett—John Armstrong: Miss: Patricia O'Dwyer Who, spent. mtKi.Thop—N. R.Dorrace. the holays at her home here eturn- W. wawanoshown, $014101, ed to. Breda Hall, London, wh.ere. she E. Wavanosh—J. D. Beecroft . is writing off her exams. at Western Morris—Cecit Wheeler. University. Grey—Reeve A. Alexanderi, Deputy • P.O. and MTS. W. B. CObons, of Reeve Stan. Machan* TUrnberry—Ili. Quebec, visited Mr. and Mrs."-Sylv. 'Moffatt. • Witmer and Mr. and Mrs. Howick-L-Reeve D. L. Weir, Deputy rs. O. Wit-- • mei: a few days before journeying Reeve, .lehn Winter" on .G to Chicago, 111, U.S.A. ederich town—Reeve W. • • • - 4er, Deputy, W. C. Attridge, Miss Meda Surerus who spent the. Clinton ----V. D. Falconer, holidays with her mother, Mrs. Gert- Seaforth—J. P. Daly. . rude Surerus of the Broneon iae, Winghain—J. J. Evans, has returned to Toronto where. she is Blyth—W. H. Itioritt. Brussels—R. J. Bowman, on the teaching staff. Exeter—B. W. Tuckey. Mrs. Robert Baker of the Town Rease11-R. E. Shaddick, Line, has received word that her son " New members, Pte. Meade Baker, who is serving with the armed forces in holland, has. been slightly wounded. On Friday evening, Dec. 29th, a pleasant time was .spent in Bunco and Bingo by a number of young people at the home of the Misses Helen and Dowthy O'Brien, On Wednesday evenifig, rec. 27th. Nola and Ralph Krueger of the 14th Con., entertained a number of their friends at their home, Due to the ter- rific storm the merrymakers were un- able to return home until the follow- ing day. • The many friends of Miss Singular who is at present staying at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mellett are pleased to hear that she i, progressing real well after the in- jury she received in the recent ac- cident. Mr. and Mrs. Auston Baker and on of Stratford, Miss Beatrice Bak- er of Seaforth, Miss Wanda Baker of Clinton, were all home for the holi- days at the home of •Mr. anu • Mrs: Robert Baker, near Blake. On Saturday evening, Dec. 30th, Miss Patricia O'Dwyer of .Brescia Hall, Western University, who spent her holidays at the home of her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer, had a few of her friends in for a pleasant evening and lunch. hone: i65: TIO11111WailMa LOCAL MARKETS . 111111 inslaspiNiOgrO Thivirsd4y, J.1.01044,ayy.111,k, IBM . . . . 4443e1F444140,104440044+444444047.1141,191'* 1+ • iCorreeted every Wednesday) Eggs ........ 31; 29‘,., 22 Butter per lb. 38 Chickertu,dt'essleell Ducks, dressed 25c Geese dressed 24 Wheat bushel . . ... . „„ , „ .109 Oats, bushel 50c Barley). bush. ...... ...„ Buckwheat; . 71) . . . . . , . . ... . . . Shorts. and bran,. tool 30.00 • Middlings, ton 32:001 HURON; CP:LINTY' COUNCIL. TheeHuron, estinity:c..euri,m, of 1945-• will be composed, of the; following.; reeves and deputy. reevew: AshfieldL--Gilbert FrayneL, Colborne—Alex, Watson, Goderich Twp — Geo. Sanley—Jehn Pepper:"3 8140 0084104411349,6 0049 01117eaS1,&0-9Batelagi HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Problem We all realise that the Hard Anthracite 'Coal is very i scarce and hard to get at present, and many substitutes 1 Imust be used instead... We are endeaouring to supply our Customers with the best of coke in different sizes, and other fuels which give fairly good satisfaction in the place of hard coal... If in need of Fuel consult us and X .0, o o 1 we will try and help you but OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line .pf heavy and shelf Hard - Ware always in stock, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses mr;:ztzo* csir.01,-0 5 gAir\ q4::ct,•-$L W1-1 — ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE ; 81/11041061441060111.511WerreielVettaftglietf=111,'X'4VA•SCIMOVIR41 Fractures Bone DASHWOOD The new skating' rink is in fulk swing after a lot of hard work. by the boys of the community. The: ice is in excellent condition. Ex4n- body. come out and enjoy a good night's fun and exercise. $kating every night. We are look -big Air - ward to some fast hockey coAues, and a carnival will be held in, the near future. LiVirs, T. Luft is vW4ing iu Kitch- ener. Miss Lois-Gaiser underwent an op- eration for appendicitis in London on Monday. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson areturned to Detroit and Mrs. Smith ana Joan retuned to Windsor after attending the funeral of their father, the late Richard Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Keierman and Mona left for Chatham on Monday. Late Richard Baker Richard Baker, well known dist- rict farmer, near Dashwood•passed away at his residence after a -week's illness in his 67th yer on Monday; January 1st. Born in • Stephen Twp. the son •of the late Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Baker. He was united in marriage to Martha Ehlers in 19a3 who survives besides four daughters, and one son. (Irella) Mrs. George Tomlinson, Detroit; (Verdi) Mrs, On Friday evening whih, Mrs. Al -1 . some Amiel Lucan; (Lomeli) Mit bort wee propeeine, walm milk for her little m.;epti el 1 Wm. Smith, Windsor; (Florence) she, slipped on the floor and fell to Mrs. Floyd Wein, Dashwood and Syd- the extent that she fracted the smaiiurme. ! nay of Dashwood. Two sisters, Mrs• aid ea-, given and ,,„: •George Dashwood and Mrs. gettil;g along as weli as can be ex- Steve Godkin, Vancouver, B. C. The pected. WAR. AND MARRIAGE Why does war send the divorce i •"cher.r,e," civilian. --4 and servicemin alike, with j, Burn of the Evangelical church budy rested at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home in Dashwood from where the funeral was held on Wed- nesday, j"..auttry IIrd at two pan. Rev to be deny. about it? Read "War and ofeciatintr, illtOrment followed in the • . . I . .p.u,..1.111,,e. Exeter cemetery. 1:1'he nail bearerr noted research authority, starting in were: Ed. Maier, Garnet WilIert, The American Weekly with this surie' Iviiifred m„rmr, wmschrm,d.c,r, pal dny's Ran. 14) issue Of The Detroit rr 5' Iwin :Miller, MerrYst TISTRT411,. gar elKep4++444144*********** NEW ENAMELWARE 4 We are very fortunate in receiving a shipment of 'Ne'w.• 3 Enamelware, such as Cooking UtensiK Etc., whia seem to be -of very good 'quality, and son-tre lattractiie: color designs... To apprecigte these articles one Must 4. + see -them. We invite your inspection. MATTRESSES ' MATTRESSES +. 4.- 4.- 4 Our Stock of 'Mattresses ii very good, and you liave-a-• I: : 4- • a finerange to choose from, a fine stock of Spring t ; Filled Mittresses, also -the-usual Felf'filled :Mattresses., :: Priced Very Reasonably - BED ROM FURNITURE 41, wv.:, e hasomevery attractive and ,newly designed 'Bed Room -Suites just in, which are of Ille-oewest-Ratterna and fibighes... Be sure- and see them if 'intetested'itt: this like of furnitmee A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Irsrerything in .Stielf and Heavy -HardWa.te, Johnston & Kalbfleiach lim—dware es Furniture. Plione- ea 4.4,44,,h),+ +44+44 4-14+++.40,54.000 •044.re++++.1.4.+++++++4044+4144 olles=mytt. 4t, 4MR*`iNgOOT laWmzwalamar=m=mau.24tIoNIMNsira: Dead and 'soled AnImals J't REMOVED) PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 231 SeafortIM DARLING and CO. Of CANADA (ESSE NTI AL°. WAR INDUSTRY). 1111111111IMMINSISIBIHNLY • 1 1 oitseettaasonemeeeseeosses• 0414:4)&111esseseasseeimeileo YOU WINTER'S FUEL Col4kr Days will soon be here which will demand the mg.st suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. L0 if us fill your bin while prices are lowest. FEEDING MOLASSES It is §orne considerable time since this all important product has been on the market... But we were fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, _Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply PLOW POINTS --- REPAIRS We carry a complete Line of International and other kinds of Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, Etc„ for all makes of Plows. „Let Us Serve You!, L. Sane & Son 111414000.40043214301111.64006441CMSID sett,eessiesoesitaisigsgieseo. • 11•1•100 PAPER IS DAILY BECOMING SCARCER And mstrictions about its use are getting more stringent. It is therefore necessary that all sub- scribers to this paper who are in arrears should bring their Subscription at least up-to-date. Our supply of paper each week is becoming very limited and as new names are being added, who have paid in advance, we. are obliged to remove such names as are in arrears on our list. The label on your paper shows the date to which your subscription. is paid. If it requires attention please attend to it N 0 W THE ZURICH HERALD ....ever......11=Irm.rmrgerroZrommr;.Thorroirwl1=1.1.14.rtentr...==""....14.7.1`4.