HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-01-11, Page 5WII4011,40141741100 BUSINESS CARDS W A i l°,1 D M FM (FOX ,I .ARSE$ -•-Dead animals (removed. Two-hour ser-' 'vice day or might. �I'hone Ca edi ' ton 47r1.5, +collect. Jack Wil lienee P,T. •4. 6--`41 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- fact any Auction Sale, regardless $e to size or article to sell. I solicit , velar business, and if not satisfied will �ncrke no charges for Services Ren- Imred, ARTHUR WERER--Dashwood Phone VIat2 VETER1NAR1A.N Oa k;.a� CO`.O'. B-�. Sc. Ti ,+ ted P R•Y SURGEON On •r ..:js, Residence. Main S`.reet, ct-ollosite Drug Store Zurich F'lrous„ •tat^ v,, � - r. ..� �1. BUTCHERS --_-------s;;{.yam'qatl��yy Z111°4.011.9' !� op u 1 ar Mia &r, 1°.. . � �R ET Let Us sup 1y you with the very C f.,..ice of Fresh A d Cur- ed M :ts, Bo1ognas, Sausages, • Ect-, always Electric Refrigeration n hand. Kept french Highest Cash Prices tor Y Skins �q-Wooll, � Hides. anQ-d n Ra -"� R�ngb u 6J ' Son PRODUCE Farm PrOallee. WANTED 1 -lave your Eggs Graded scien trifically on our approved grad ing Machine which gives th producer every advantage. Also Creamy and Poultry. .� O'Brie Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zwkh res sly Crean Your Home Market for Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plu n premium for delivered crear We are equipped to give eff. tient . accurate service. Eg Find Poultry department it charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Muth Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK 1'HE LARGEST RESERVE B ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MI UAL COMPANY DOING 13USINE OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on T 81st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 rotal Cash in Bank and Bond $273,613.47. Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Y E. F. KLOPP---ZURIC1 Agent, also Dealer in Ligh lug Rods and all kinds of F Insurance • Int Your Want, For Salk` ,oat, Found, Etc. M. in ibis Column. • LOST ) ;T.tr Zari•ch a ,young. Collie dog, :l Reek with white •ring .ora meek. Fla- 1 r aietif,y Pdaij.,lla Masse, Phone 3r82,. • ,_, 1 . _ FOR QUICK SALE ' A jersey -cow :G years old, due July ' 1st, Apply to Julius Mantey, Phone 34 r 19, Zurich. CHICKS FOR SALE Strong, healthy S. C, White eiegirorns from a, flock headed by PEDIGREED R, 0, P, males, At prevailing prices. Our incubator capacity is limited, so we suggest that to avoid disappoint» relent you order early. Twinmaples Poultry Farin. B. J. Kropp, Prop. LOST In- Hensall Dance, a ladies' Gold Locket Bracelet. Finder return to Herald Office, Zurich. FOR QUICK .SALE A men's fur lines fur coat in good, condition.—Call at Herald Office. PIGS FOR SALE A limited number• of. smair pigs for immediate sale. ---Alvin Gin,gericll, Phone S'4 r 3, Zurich. PIGS F,OR SALE 10 young pigs foe sale, G weeks - old. ---Emerson Gabel, Bronson line, FOR SALE Ford Pulley for tractor, apply to Lorne Gingerich, Zurich. . - 1:0R. SALE - One dozen mixed pullets or would exchange on pair of young pigs. Ted. Leibold, 'Babylon Line. STRAYED STRAYED, from pasture farm, on Babylon Line, three head of cattle, 1 ,Tersey and 2 -Herefords coaling twc years of age. Finder n etify, Ear Gingerich, Phone 2206, Zurich. • Meeting of The • Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in. th ' Council Chambers, Court House Goderic.h, commencing Tuesday January 16th, at 2.00 p.nl. All accounts, notices of deputat ions and other business requiring th attention of Council should be in th haauls of the County Clerk not late than Saturday, January lath. N. W. Miller, County Clerli Goderich, Ontari ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 AFTERNOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office s (Member of Canadian Weekly New: paper Association.) 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES—;I.50 i- year, strictly in advance. $2.00 me be charged. No paper discontinue g until all arrears' are • pain up uete, r at option of publisher. The aate c which every Subscription is paid donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES ee In Memoriam, one verse 50c. 21 for each additional verse. Card Thanks 50c. '--- Auction Sales- $2.00 for one i al sertion if not over four incites length. ' Miscellaneous articles of not ma than four lines. For Sale, To Rel Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one ,L- sertion 25c; 2 ins. 40c; 3 ins. 50c, IT- Contract advertising made, kner SS on application. . Address all Communications to; yet HERALD OFFICE, ZURICH. arsTO OPEN -FEB,,, 15th. Toronto -- Ontario's 21st Le; 4 lature will open its second sese February 15, it was officially an tn"lanced at Queens Park the other c ire Thi,,; is a week earlier than last y There have been two changes in 't lin ' since the. Legislate ZURICH HERALD ;Mr..A let Roup who spent ;San- tay at .Blake was .storm, stayed. Mr. and Mrs. Glare 1Ylelick are this 'eek moving ,to Dashwood where may'• Vleliek has seeured a position with be Guenther Transport. fete, Cyril Ducharme of T3arry- eeld spent reveal days at trate name f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davjd Oucharme. Mrs. Victor Dinnin is supplying the local Telephone, switchboard, in the absence of Miss Elda, Reichert who has been ill. .. Pte. Norman Fleisehauer has re- turned to duties after enjoying the New Year's vacation with his wife and child, - ,Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick and family of the Blue Water HigllwaY, were New Year visitors at the home of Mr.:and Mrs. John Brenner.. F.D. Allan Gascho, who has been. at the Western Coast for some time, is spending a few weeks with his parents, 1Mr:+, and Mrs. John E. Gas- eho. Messrs. Jacob Iiaiberer and George Deichert, Auditors of the Hay Mut- ual Fire Insurance Company were at Crediton on Tuesday where they went over the Company's books. -:'Mira Rosabel Albrecht of Bruce - field spent several days at the home of her parent::, Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht in the New Year. CoId Weather Foetwear RUBBERS, GALOSHES Boots or Lumbermen. Up -to -the Minute DRESS SHOES for Ladies and Gents. School and Sunday Schoes for Children SHOES REPAIRED With Best Quality pre-war Leather. Good Workmanship --Lowest Prices Mrs. A, Brisson of the 14th con. has left for Detroit where she in- tends tb visit relatives for the ter months. Mrs. E. Schroeder of Haiirax, ie :Spending; sonic time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Uttley. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Meidinger and daughter of Brampton were New Year visitors -at the home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Meidinger of town. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton 0. Smith of then Blue Water Highway attended the funeral of Mrs. Smith's mother, the late Mrs, John S. Wilhelm near Baden on Saturday. Mrs. Wilhelm had reached the ripe old ago of 94 years, 3 months and 27 days. The neighbours of Mrs. Wni. S. Johnston were pleased to hear that she returned home after spending New Year's', at the home of her sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Rader of th• Goshen south. Owing to the bad road condition Mrs. Johnston was unable to return to her home till Tuesday of this week. e c n• in t•, n - ED. s,L DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNKS - AND SUITCASES Thank You? 1 wish to publicly express my gratitude to the menrbere of the Zurich Red Cross for the lovely READY TO TELL. Claire Wallace, and her .surprising information aibout people and events, provide the touchstone of the new "They Tell Me" program, which re- turns to the Trans -Canadian Network Heard thrice -weekly, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 1.45 p. I a, ssey-:Jaid Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1945! HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS SON TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at 400 to 450 SIZE @ 850 to 900 SIZE @ (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES MY ALLOT - $70.75 $59.50 $82.75 INS,) TeL Shop 149 Os •1 3 KInj Res bi MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. French feast if you wieh to call it is very ancient and dates back many 'centuries and in the quant little French parish it is observed to -day sweater I received from 'them. Also as elsewhere in French Communities. On New Year's morn. when one looked to the north, to the south, and to the easterly direction, one. could see at •a very early hour lignts glow- ing in every home where the parents were preparing a dainty and tasty breakfast, for the coming of the chil- dren arid ,long before daylight one could hear the drone from autos from all directions, travelling towards their parents' home, where good wishes were. exchanged and whelk the chil- dren' knelt and- asked the benedict- ion of the parents, such is the spirit that exists in this little parish from year to year, a tradition that time will not rob. New Yeai visitors our Burg Pte. Dominic Jeffrey of Montreal visiting with his family and relative-'. The Misses Cecilia, Masse or Forest Antionette Masse of London with their parents in St. Joseph- Mr. and Mrs. Harold .Siemon of Goderich, with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. Vin cent Jeffrey of Detroit; the Misses Shirley and Doris of Detroit with their parents in Beaver town; Me. and Mrs, Thomas Denomme or Lon- don holidaying with their parents; Mr. arid Mrs. Joseph Cantin of St. Joseph left on Friday last for De- troit, Windsor and other pornts. Mr. Frank Jeffrey of this burg recently after .spending Christmas holidays with his daughter in London. Mr. and Mrs. Len Sararas who have been visiting in Windsor the past few weeks retirned to their home on the Blue Water south. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis •Charrette—Its a boy. We understand due to heavy roads for travelling the Dashwood mail route ,has been divided and Mr. Norman S trams has the Blue Water south, thence to Dashwood, istry for 55 years beforretrri.ng .5111-1-, WE WONDER 1987. A son of Rev. and :Mvi, Jacob We wonder what the New Year lura in store, We wonder why the old year failed score, and still We wonder if -the Devine hand will guide We wonder if the Leaders will abide and still rd s We Wonder why they carry on such strife We wonder why they take away Much • life, and still We wonder that if not some day ones will be We wonder if thoae same v made to pay, and still We /svoeder when our Heroes come hack We wonder if they'll show their plunk f or else be slack Or will they fight on in the foreign land For justice and for Knights they w:tl i Ostend. • I thank the Women's Institute for remembering ma at Christmas time. —Faithfully Yours, Pte. Cyril Du- charme. Oldtime Runaway A rather exciting moments were experienced on Tuesday afternoon, where the team of horses owned and in charge of Mr. Edmund Uesch of the Goshen line north, became un- manageable in town while at the loc- al mill, although trying his very best to hang on to them, we are told they straddled a post near Mr. H. Krue.g-)' m -'s property, 'there they were separ- ated, the younger horse bolting for home while the older one decided to see the sights of the, village, but both were caught and no harm done with the exception of the harness and some parts belonging to the sleigh. Had New Year's Guests Traffic was moving slowly in this district on Highways the past twoo weeks as roads were heavy by continual snow and cold weather. Strong winds were blowing Which whipped the loose snow around and blocked the roads. Like many other places, New Years was observed at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Or- ville Smith on the Parr Line, Hay Township and guests from London, Exeter and Hensell were stranded there for many days, as plows could not get through and much less the horses who could not break through the heavy crust on the snow banks. Minister Dies at Kitchener Rev. L. H. Wagner, 87, a veteran of Evangelical Church pioneer work in tete West and one -tinge pastor of Zion. church, Kitchener, died at his home, Kitchener, on Monday arter, a brief illness, ig-Te served in the min- ` THE OLD SONGS Weaning the elegant accoutrement ton, jack Reid, told Ernest Taylor. of an earlier decade, the `"1+•our Gen- It is about a 'year since Producer tlemen of Studio A" ptesent a gal- Kay Stevenson proudly presented the lent picture, gathered about the four gentlemen to the audiences of pianoforte to sing "The Oto Songs." CBL, Toronto. Now they are heard CBC Trans -Canada Net - in anti about Here they are with chrming Jean over the Dean, their accompanist. Left to v:-o:k. rights Ernest Berry, William Mor- a Wagner, he was born in the Allegh- eny Mountains and came to Canada Ione year old. He attended when ionschool at Kitchener and later North Central. Evangelical College in Nap- les- e'rville, M. He served at Hespler, Plat ay. tsville, Niagara Fails, Stratford, Seb- theringville, 'Toronto and Waterloo prior to his appointment at Zion Kttchenor. In 1006 he was named strper•intennd- ear, ent of missions in the West and sor- res parte 5 arlc it first session adjourned last y Nelson Arles, C.C.F. mornber for JobPrintingEsexoa year IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE- MEMBER TO CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE 'WHERE PR ARE ALWAYS LOW AND WORK- MANS1W' GOOD. flounced he has left the C.C.F. party and now is Independent Labor, Mit- shell F. Hepburn, who sat as Indep- t session, has returned. to the Liberal party which he will head as House Leader. The Maatling now: Prog- ev sive ConservatiVes 38, Liberals 15, C,C•l+k, 3R, Lab-IProtr. 2, Imre,, Labor t Toted 90. '' cadent ,r,iberal member for .Ergsn .a.s ved in that capacity for 20 •years. Surviving are two sons and two da- ughters and five grandchildren and five greatgrandchildret. St. Joseph and Beaver 'Town (Last week's Items ) Once more the feast of the New Year has paesed and gone, but not without loaving wound the.r, time will not heal. 12 oweven this old.. CieSNAPS1-4th cui ctn uy(WEAN Enlarged from portion of negative taken with a folding camera giving post- card ostcard size pictures. Exposure 1/100 second at f.11 on supersensitive film- OMES the time every year when that where water is, with its bright many of us make for the lake or reflections, you have exceptional seashore for cool breezes, swim- chances for making fine pictures. lasing, sailing, motorboating, fish- Usually by the lake or ;.eashore, ing, and the marry other pleasures even on cloudy days you have more that go with a sojourn by the water. light to work with than inland. The extra light gives you oppor,;nnity to Any one can enjoy this fun with - "stop down" (use a smaller lens ey- elet a camera, but verily to go and ening) and thereby obtain sharp, return without having wade a pie eleta cut (retails. ture-story of your visit seems as Also there is no better place for useless as trying to write n boor: interesting action laictures than a about it with water for ink. When summer resort. Except for the you have finished, your nleebeach itself and the hotels, cottages may retain some of it for a time, and wharves, everything seams to but eventually you remember little be in motion. Of coarse, if you want else than the fact .that you "Yes, close-ups of fast action you shotald iharc. 'carslate that will say, "but be equipped with a fast camera, but. . I hada good time that srinuner; but don't forget that splendid work with what did you de, whom were you many seater scenes is done with an with, what did you see? Bet a mil. inexpetrsive fixed focus camera, If Noir that with nothing in your snap it is rapid motion such (v an ass - shot arbour to show foe it, You wilt preach;(it; motorboat, ,.hoe ,:turn are, remember scarcely anything of the anger at a distance of 75 to t00 t►0 ; e details of that good time, and re.Serol usually you get ii �vit>'tet: t gretfully wish you could. f Then Lave an erg; n goate s.. n;atie Another reason for taking your i when yes, .. , 1 • y 1, re is ' "" neat+e•r:r to the lake or see