HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-01-04, Page 8.*; URIECH, ON't'AttUO r X04 '+1Y0 TELEPHONE 59 eason's Greetings With Sincere 'Appreciation of Pleasant Relations during the past year. We extend to ,you our very best wishes for a Ha y New Year May the New Year bring continued Friendship, Happiness, and Lasting Peace. GASCHO BROS. roe. ZURICH SC JG STJT �,E AL INS NCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. ' • ess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich 1 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE i411111111illii 111111+.,t; [1 1i 1lllll�lil TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's .son's reeti n s AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND` HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS iD. = Utl' /C "` QUALITYsituegioeimeekomesmaologeometeofootawitogoommewe - f° • • • 3 • • ZURICH HER ALD 1110{ wIt) hi1)11111[Uill�l'N111111111111titoilI1.11! it Ij11111111).111.GIii 1QI 1�Ip161011 11111 -. ""' �llllllllllllltU tMi111, Z[JRI Grocer l tore At this time of Year we can give no greater or more impressive mess- age to our Many Customers than by Extending a MERRY CFI ISTMAS and a a• HAPPY NEW YEAR stdenn} rOesch Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 155- ; c,!�Iji11111i1IU,lll..1 IlllUhiii iIIIIIllimllllimlldilli tlil IIIIIIIN'lllullll pill imosugummanj mop INIiI ljlh, IR.CAL INEREST LoCAL MARKETS Mr. Ward Fritz made a :business trip to Toronto last week. Mrs. Ogg, teacher of room No. I, Z.P.S. spent the holidays with relat- ives in London. Miss Ruth Church of London spent Christmas and New Year's at her home here. Pte. George Grenier of the Armed Forces was a week -end visitor at his home here. Miss Pauline Hess is spending her vacation at tile home of her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Heist, at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess and fam- ily were Sunday visitors at the 'o:t the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Travithick at Brinsley. Mrs. Harold Stade and Miss Marg- aret Elliott, R.N. of Windsor, spent the week -end• at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade of town. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heideman, (bridal couple) spent Christmas at the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. E. Heideman. The many friends of 1VIr. Ivan Yungblut will be pleased to see him in his business place again, as he is suffering at present with ,a condition of lumbago. Mr. Milton. Dagg- of Toronto, and sister Miss Twyla ,Dagg sof Lucan had a very pleasant holiday the past week at the home of Mrs. E. G. Krueger, 14th Concession. Mr. and Mrs. Bell of Detroit; Pte. and Mrs. Cole of Exeter were noTiday visitors at the home of the ladies' father, Mr. Aubert Hendrick, of. the Blue Water Highway south. • Mr. and Mrs. A.. j. A•ulerich with their two sons Richard and. R,onald••of" Detroit were visitors at the home of Mrs. Auleich's parents, Mr. and Mrs Louis A.. Prang for the 'Christmas holidays. • Mr. Arthur Truemner and son. John of Toronto were New Year visitors at the homes of the former's sisters, Mrs. W. S. Johnston, and Mrs. Milne Rader of town, and Mrs. Theo. Rader of the Goshen line, south. 10 GOALS OF MEDICINE IN 1945 Scientists, searching for new meth- ods to save and prolong human life, hope to make headline progress. Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor, The Journal of the American Medical Association, tells .. in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Jan. 7) issue of, The Detroit- Sunday Times. .what is be- ing done about babies, blood and rejuvenation. tom+ N Tr ICE . SERVICE Some Winter- As we go to press we are more and more becoming .snowbound here in Zurich. Roads are blocked to the north and south, and it will be days before the roads can be opened up to let any kind of traffic through. Unfortunately the . big truck that handles the Township snow plow has some part broken and is laid up• The (Provincial and County plows are be- ing taxed to the limit, in fact we do not see any too much of then at all, but the road to Hensall is being kept open to some extent. The storm still rages on and by the looks of things this Wednesday noon with the baranoter 'failing again there is little hopes for a let up for a day or two at least. We had anticipated e mild and easy winter with the lovely fall weather, but this sure is Some Winter: (Corrected every Eggs Better per lb. Chickens, dressed I3uees, dressed Geese dressed Wheat bushel Oats, bushel Barley, bush. Buckwheat, bush. Flour, cwt. Shorts and bran, Middlings, ton Wednesday) 31, 29, 22 38 ....... 30 to 20 25c 24 1.09 50c 73 70 2.60, 2.75 ton .. ....... 30.00 32 00 serves coupons. 'Officials said that butter production has been insuffic- ient to keep pace with demand even under the rationing „system which first imposed a limit of eight ounces a person a week. The eight -ounce ration was reduced to seven ounces to conserve supplies this year. - DASHWOOD (Last week's Items) Pte. Albert Miller of Niagara spent a few days leave with relatives here. Pte. Walter Ness of Prince •Rupert spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs Ness. . Miss Iris N9blo.ck of London, spent the holiday . with Mrs. Ness Pte:Russel Tieman of Camp Bord- en spent a few days with his parents. Mrs. Sillery of Stratford spent the holiday with her sister, Mrs. Wolfe. Miss Joan.. lamith of Windsor, is spending holidays with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Mr. Richard Baker is on the sick list, we hope for .a speedy recovery. Mr. Koehler of Kitchenea spent the holiday with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. Koehler. Pte. George Wolfb of Camp Bor- den spent Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe. Mr. Harold Weber spent the holi- days at his home here. Miss Irene Martene of Detroit was a holiday visitor with her mother, Mrs. Martene. Miss Zeta Nadiger, R. N. of Howell Mich., spent+a few days with ?'ter par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce or Wind- sor and Mr. and Mrs. John. Snyder of Brantford were holiday visitors with their mother, Mrs. Hayter. Mrs. Keys of London visited with her mother, Mrs. T. Kraft over the holidays. Betty Taylor of London, and Jim- my Taylor of•Petrolia, spent the holi- M1s. Chau. Stein - BUTTER RATION TO $E CUT The Prices Board have announeed that the butter ration is being re- duced from 7 onnees a week to atop G ounces a person a week on Jan:, 1. no step is beimr taken to adjust eeeeun?ptatian to supplies during the winter months of low proeluction,Phe reduction will be made effective by makingu butter ration coupons valid at •t time instead of in pairs and by having three of these coupons become •. eel i .te'h month instead of four. 'To en couras;•e boralehaltle;'v to spread.the reduced ration over the period of ehottege. the inviter eounons will re- main valid until declared invalid as now is the ease with sugar and pre - Thursday, January 4th, 1945 :;: a4 4a.ii+► 410e44. 1$4444044440,44440.11440444** •r• 4 4 • 4 4 day with Mr. and hagen. Flossy Smith of Toronto, spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Kleinstiver. Miss Grace Wein of Port ;.Manley end Miss Marie Wein of London spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wein. Mgrs. Walter Fassold and cnrtdren of London were. holiday visitors with '"?r. and Mrs. P. Faran1'1, Mr. Leonard Birk of txuenrh, spent !e-- d.. les with relat't-e;. ?•?C. Miss Davidson of '.Toronto spent Mr. and ,rlrs. +11e week -end with Stuart Wolfe. Pte. Ray Guenther who has been Flame on leave, has returned to 1 Prinee Rupert. Mr, and Mrs. Oto lestomeyer spent Christmas with their son Huh - !qt in •London. �•. 4 4 Johnston &1� eisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 We are I-Iappy to take this Opportunity of Expressing our ,Appreciationat the Patronage that has been accorded us dur- ing the past Year and Wish one and all I. Merry Christmas A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS New Year 't' H .1•+.1 t1.***+.41.+0.9 .� 4*i. ••irsi•+++++14++ **11 b$!i., Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) • ••••®••••••••M•••••®•®111•N 0111.41.11100*.•/3•••.•N•i••••• • a YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the • most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. • • •• • • • $. • 1 • 1 • tatri r 02,11 " tlemsrS?afaG;£3do FEEDING MOLASSES It is some considerable time since this all iniportant product has been on the market... But we were fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now! .. PLOW POINTS --- REPAIRS We carry a complete Line of International and other kinds of Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, Etc., for all makes of Plow§...Let Us Serve You! Sce 11 Son mos eeteS8r.6•ffi•••te PAPER IS DAILY BECOMING SCARCER And restrictions about its use are getting more stringent. It is therefore necessary that all sub- scribers to this paper who are in arrears should bring their subscription at least up-to-date. Our supply of paper each week is becoming very limited and as new names are being added, who have paid in advance, we are obliged to remove such names as are in arrears on our list. The label on your' paper shows the date to which your subscription is paid. If it requires attention please attend to it N O W I THE ZURICH HERALD