HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-01-04, Page 7• LoomLooma DOWN IN THE MOUTH When George Blackman, attendant at San Francisco's Fleishhacker Zoo,lost a bucket,he immediately checked up on two -ton Pebbles, the ippopotamus.Above, Pebbles says "A -a -ah" to prove he didn't swallow the bucket. OTTAWA REPORTS That Canadian Farmers Have Achieved a Remarkable Record of Food Production During Five Years of War. The farmers of Canada, says the Canadian Federation of Agricul- ture, finished the season of 1944, after five years of war, conscious that they had accomplished in those five years the most remarkable job of food production on record. Pro- duction figures presented to the annual Dominion -provincial pro- duction conference held in Ottawa in December told the, story of this achievement. In meats the 1944 production was the greatest on record, more than 24 billion lbs. Compared with 1939, farmers produced 10% more total milk in 1944; 19% more but- ter, 80% more cheese and 70% more evaporated milk. Egg and poultry figures were the highest on record. * * * I The Federation, as the national. voice • of organized agriculture in Canada, had aprominent role in the conference., The president, H. H. Hannam, who with seven mem- bers of the executive, sat at the Dominion provincial conference table, emphasized the importance of this type of planning in produc- tion from year to year to bring far- mers into partnership in planning the direction of necessary produc- tion adjustments in a constructive way. The working out of a system of floor prices was the next step, Mr. Hannam said. He added that organized Marketing would neer( to be carried into the international field. * * * Of Canadian co-operative en- terprises telephone services are the most numerous with a total of 2,- 387, according to the latest data compiled by the "Economic Anna- list", published by the Dominion Department of Agriculture. This is for 1942-43. Credit unions are next, numbering 1,780; dairy indu- stry co-operatives number 446; food products, 518; petroleum and auto accessories, 600; feed, fertilizer, etc., 825; farmers' mutual insurance co-operatives, 400; coal, wood' and building material, 413; clothing and home furnishings, 229; live- stock, 225; fruits and vegetables, 161; grains and seed, 105; poultry, 194; machinery, 125; fishermen, 67; hospital care, 60; miscellaneous merchandising, 535; miscellaneous marketing, 14; honey, 6. Payment of war service gratui- ties to discharged personnel will be commenced soon after the first of the New Year. The re-establish- ment credit, it is intimated, cannot be paid until the discharged person has applied for his war service gra- tuity and received a statement of the amount for which he is eligible,. * * * A blinded war veteran, Major E. A. Dunlop of Toronto, has been appointed chief of the disability training and placement branch of the Dominion Government's De- partment of Veterans Affairs, the minister, Hon. Ian Mackenzie, has announced. Major Dunlop lost his sight in a training accident in Eng- land when he heroically picked up a live bomb dropped by a soldier in an effort to remove the danger. Have You Heard? A young tvi f e, wishing to an- nounce the birth of her first child to a friend in a distant city, tele,, graphed, "Isaiah 9: s," Which passage be- gins: "Per -unto us a child is born, unto us it son is given." Her friend, unfamiliar with the Scriptures, said to her husband, "Margaret evidently has a boy who weights nine pounds and six ounces, but why on earth did they name him I'saiah," —o- . Patron—"May I have some stationery?" Hotel Clerk—"Are you - a guest of this hotel?" Patron—"Heck, no. I'm pay- ing $5 a day." —0— Pate:' Lend inc a shovel to get my friend out of the bog. Farmer: How far has he sunk down? Pat: Up to his ankles. Farmer: Can't he get out him- self? Pat: Ah, but he fell in head. first. —a— Uncle: "So this is the young hopeful, eh? Why, I looked just like him at that age. What's he crying about?" 7 •ittle Niece: "He must have heard what you said." To Learn Farming The Hard Way When training of, soldiers who wish to farm, is begun in Canada, one feature that should not be ne-' glected is the care and manage- ment of farm animals, says the Hon. Duncan Marshall. If the man to undergo such training has no farm experience the only way to give such a training is on a farm where livestock is a chief feature, and the time should be taken to do this. The idea that a man un- acquainted with livestock can learn by lectures is too foolish to be considered. FOUGHT SIDE BY SIDE War brides who arrived in Montreal included an English girl who has become as famous for her personal bravery as for her good looks. She is Mrs. Sonia D'Artois, shown above with her husband, Capt. Guy D'Artois. Both parachuted into France to helpP'revianize Mavis. resistance to the° German armies of occupation. ously they had been married after meeting at a paratroop training centre in England. Shown with them is Capt. D'Artois' little neice, Clau- dette Courchesne. THEIR FREEDOMS Someone has. listed the Four Freedoms which man should as- sure to his animal friends. They are: Freedom from Hunger, Free- dom from Thirst, Freedom from Neglect, and Freedom from Ex- posure. —Halifax Herald. how You Can Get Quick ReliefFrom Sore, Pain r .1 Piles Most people seem to think the on- ly way to get relief from their sore, I 1 painful piles is by local treatment. Local treatment may. give tempor- ary relief from the itching but you Can easily see why such treat- ment wil not cor- rect the cause of your piles. No lasting free- dom from p0e can be had unless the cause of the trouble is corect- ed. Piles are tine to intestinal onuses so the best wny to get lasting relief is to trent them internally with a medicine like Eleni-Roid. Hem-Roid is a formula that has been used for over 40 years by thou - of pile suf- ferers. It 10 a net i1, highly con- centrated tnblet, easy and pleas- ant to use. This cleverly c 0 m pounded tablet formula, directs its medical action t:0 relief of the congestion that is the real cause of • your piles. Horn -Rohl rowel free, easy and comfortable movements, 'quickly relieves itching Irritation enol sureness and sttrnu- le.tes better blood circulation in the lower bowel, With good blood eir- dilation hi the lower • bowel, the LA -233-X painful pile tumors soon heal over eaving the sensitive rectal mem- branes clean and healthy. lure invite you to try Hem-Rold Posed by a Pro fessinnal and let it prove itself. You can make your test, in the privacy of your own home. NO COST ',If you are not convinced that this is an amazingly easy and surprisingly ettectvie method of trenting your sore, painfill, piles, Get a package of Hem-Roid to- day from a n y drug store and use it as directed for JUST PIVII DAYS, At the enol of that time it you are not ab- solutely sure Ic 1 m iota is the nicest, e0t cleanest Ht and most effective p 11 e treatment you ever tried, re - Model turn the unused portion of the package to your druggist and he will promptly re- fried your money. Nn'P1;: '1'11is generous offer la backed by n reliable firm doing bus- iness in Canasta for n good ninny years, Item-1aoid must Ieeip your pile eoudiilon weighty, eassi(y and pleasantly nr this aitillnle, easy 'lest dulls ;cou nothing, Try it today, From Winter White To Summer, Brown Contrary to popular belief, the weasel and some other fur -bearing animals do not change their coat colors from summer brown to win- ter white and back because of sea- sonal temperature variations. The change is determined by the length of daylight to which the animals are exposed. VTith this knowledge, biologists and animal breeders can make an animal produce a summer or winter coat color at any time of the year, said Dr. L. B. Clark of Schenectady '(Union College), in a General E.le:tric Science Forum. Underwater cooking is accom- plished in submarines through rise of peanut oil. • C Meh3MOi AThiD MUSTARD CREAM applied to the affected parts, quickly relieves sprains soreness and stiffness, rain disappears and conlfoil re turns. Try 11 tonight Int relief OEMs POPIiIRATER SISIPI CRISO. ne a le, rl se ewes elivra,liestless On "CERTAIN DAYS' Of The Month? If functional periodic distttrbances make you feel nervous, Cranky, high- strung, tired, weals and "dragged ottt' —at such tunes— stare at ones, try Lydia L. Pinkhant'8 Vegetable, Cern- pound to relieve Such symptoms, Here's a product that itatt+s rrATuar•.. Follow' label directions. Pinkham's Conrpottnd 18 worth, trying/ Made in Canada, LYDIA E. P¥l tt AM'0 COMP1 UND Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. If a guest snakes a blunder at the table, is it necessary that the hostess do the satire thing in order to put the guest at ease? 2, If a formal wedding is to take place at Moon or during the after- noon, what should a man wear while attending it 3. Is it necessary that the full name be engraved on a visiting card? 4. Should a girl write notes of thanks for bridal shower gifts that are sent' to her, or is this only necessary for wedding gifts? 5. When eating cherries or grapes at the table, what is the correct way to remove the stones from til.e mouth? 6. Does it show good manners to send social invitations by tele- graph? Answers 1. No; the hostess should ignore the blunder and pretend that she doesn't see it. 2. A cutaway coat, with striped trousers. 3. Yes; avoid using initials. 4. Yes, she must thank the donor of any gift. If she didn't it would' show lack of ap- preciation, 6. Remove the stone with the points of the fingers and place it on the plate. 6. Yes. Something Missing; Big B,en's Chimes When dawn came one morning last week Londoners "within range" of the Capital's fames clock," Big Ben, missed something. He was not chiming. His hands stopped for the second time during five long years of war. They were stuck at 10:47. They remained there for more than 12 hours while men in the clock room tried tc find out what was wrong, The Ministry of Works explained that Big Ben had stopped owing to a mechanical defect. Big Ben has stopped only a few time% in his 80 years. Snow and ice on the hands, a painter's ladder, a rat's nest, and a piece of Nazi shrapnel in the 1941 blitz, a work- man's hammer, have been among the reasons, Nazis Acting Like Plague Of Locusts The Germans are "acting like a plague of locusts" as they fall back in Czechoslovakia, stripping the country of all food and movable equipment and leaving its citles piles of ruins, the head of the Czechoslovak Government Dele- gation for Liberated Territory charged Dec, 14. There's `Moon -Glow' Over South Coast For the first time since the start of the war, blackout restrictianar were relaxed last week at Dover, Folkestone, Hythe, New Romney, Lydd. and other coastal towns and adjoining rural areas. The modification was similar to the half-light, or "moonglow," now general in London, CHECKED/ ear ca .,/iffy -or Money Back, For quick relief from itching caused by eczema,; athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions. use pure, cooling medicated, liquid P. D. D.. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and. stainless. Sootbes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D."PRESCRIPTION. DISCOVERS M SKIN REMEDY This clean stainless antiseptic known all over Canada as ilioone's, Emerald 011, is such a fine healing agent that Eczema, Barber's Itch. Salt Rheum, Itching Toes and Feet, andother inflammatory skin erup- tions are often relieved in a few days. Moone's Emerald Oil is pleasant to use and it is so antiseptic and casesroffiloniha tandingy ohaveuyi�ern ld- ,.ed to its influence. Moone's Emerald Oil is sold hY druggists everywhere to help rid you of stubborn pimples and un- sightly skin troubles—satisfaction or money back. • BABY CRICKS 100 CHICKS FREE . W1TH EVERY ORLh1R OF 100 PUL - let chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn . pullets •$22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $19.95 per 100. White Rock Pullets 324.95 per 100. Brown Ieg- horn Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock, $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery;.•Chatham, Ontario. A, $60,09 CASH PRIZE WILL BE given to some •lucky one who can guess the correct or nearest correct number of ordinary white beans contained in an Imperial Quart Jar. There are 33 prizes in all. Send for full details of con- test.. at once. The contest ends January 15th. Place your order for 1945 chicks now. You will save money by ordering early and you will not only save money but will make extra money by taking early delivery. Send for early booking pricelist today. Also lay- ing and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. T w ed d 1 e Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 131.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1946 CHICK'S NOW. and not be disappointed. All .chicks are from. guaranteed .test- ed stock, and from 26 oz. •eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed 312.00 per 100, White Leghorn! mixed 311.00 per 100. Barred Rock Pullets 319.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white .Rocks mixed 315.00 er-,,-100, white Rock • Pullets 24.00 per 100,' Brown leghorns mixed 313.00 per 100. Brown leg horn pullets 324.00 per 100. • We guarantee 100% live deliverybalance paid , Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. City t "BOUGHT 500 CHICKS FROM YOU last month. 600 still alive". Good news but that is the news that. :customers write into Top Notch Chiekeries year after year. Yes the biggest and most impor- tant word in the poultry business is livability. Top Notch chicks are all from Government Approved bloodtested breeders. Good news too, a special discount will be given for early booking orders and an additional discount fbr early deliveries. Free catalogue and pricelist. Also laying and ready to :lay pullets for immed- iate delivery. Top Notch Chick- eries, Guelph, Ont. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED ywant them. B our when chicks a red reng Rock horns mix d $11.0000 per 0pervhite 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, White Leghorn pullets 322.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Cies. 36.00 per 100:. Leghorn Ckls. 32.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz. eggs or better and from special mated .flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. $1.00 books' your order. balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. LAYING AND READY -TO LAY pullets, Barred Rocks, New Hemp - shires, 'White Leghorns for. im- mediate delivery. Also booking orders for day old chicks now. Free catalogue. Twedtile Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont, 2C, PRIZE CRICKS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order now, Prices for mixed baby chicks, nlaies aha females; Bar- red Rocks, 312;00 per hundred; White Leghorns, 311.00; White Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leghorns, 313.00. Pullet prides: Barred Rocks, $10.00; White Leghorns, 322.00; White Rocas, 324.00; Brown Leghorns, 324.00. 25 tree chicks, our choice, will be given tor each 300 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard Chick EIutchery, I3rt- tanhle' Heights, Ontario. 1'\111 • CANNOT EMPHASIZE TO() strot-gly the necessity Of ordering terrehtulideofbeec, quantity ncat delivery. It's the best way to get what you want• And if you have equipment, an early start gets you into the good paying' markets for poultry and eggs. Bray iIatchery, 130 John St. N„ Handl- ton, Ont: IT4.teereea A 1`t 1"' NlNG HAvil YOU t til rill c; Nl l er dyeng or to foinforrmalioita etglad us rinWe o answer your questions. Depart- ment 11, Parker's Dye Worlo Te- rmite. HAIRDRESSING LEA RN 14..AIH..DI1,ESSl,N(i TETE Robertson method. infarina tion on request regarding classes. etny, 137rn AvenueidRRoad, Torng onto. FOR SALE TWO CARLOADS, WELL BROKEN Draft horses, Percherons, Bel- gians, 4 to 7 years old, weighing' 1500 to 1700 lbs, Apply Ross E. Matlock, Box 29, Gorlitz, Sask. CANADIAN GROWN SAGE for sale, 31,15 per pound. Postage prepaid. cig n's Orchard, Cedar Springs, AIRDALES, BOSTONS, COLLIES, Wire Fox, Cockers, Dalmations, many others. 4323 St. Dominique, Montreal, P.Q. COCKER SPANIELS, CHOICE PUP - pies, blacks, reds, parti colored, champion blood lines, Shipped on approval. Dr. Watson, Howick, Que. FIVE REGISTERED SHORTHORN bulls, 9 to 12 months, $100 and up. J. D. Jackson, Harriston, Ont. BROWN FERRETS, SURE HUNT - era, young males 35.00, young females $6.00, yearlings $7.00. Armstrong Bros., R.R. 1, Paris, Ont. POULTRY. GRITS BUY CANADIAN GRITS, AND` SAVE 26% and produce-•. better eggs. We have avallab}e- for immediate shipment in cart'"lots or less, white soluable ° l% Calcium, Carbonate and white insoluable (over 99% SiliestW—Agenta""':want- ed. Write for prides ande samp- les. STINSON REEK -SUPPLY CO., LTD. 6585 Delorlmler Ave., Montreal. Que. 44 ACR ES )3dK SAND, � 5Calland.Godbuiliing00 H cash. Mike Kricfalusia, R.R. 6, Tilbury North. HANDY GIFT, PLASTIC CIGAR- ette case, assorted colors in fancy b o x, postage included 31.26, quantity limited. J. E. Beause- jour, 4557 Papineau Ave., Mon- treal. COMPLETE SAWMILL, 10 TO 15 - thousand capacity, ready to go. Steam tractor, power -edger, cut- off, etc, Will consider part cash, Dart lumber. Contact H. V. Zim- merman, Manager, at Pinewood, Ontario, or write Pennington Lumber Co. (Canada) Ltd., Birn- amwood, Wisconsin, 1015 acres bush, good dCLAY rainagee, two storey brick house, 2 barns, good water and roads, 3 miles from West Lorne. Good market for cash crops. Price 36,500. Discount for cash. Box 190, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto REGISTERED — POLLED HERE -- ford bulls, any age, Domino breed- ing. R. E. Thurston & gon, Bob- caygeon, Ont. SNOW PLOUGH, V TYPE WITH side wing, mounted on White Truck, Richler Truck & Auto Parts, 874 Wellington St. Mon- treal, Que, CIRCUMSTANCES 1.5 paiof beautiful 131uelSouth American Chinch easy to raise, pcon- dition, handle. My loss your gain, T3ar- gain for group. Write Mrs. Walter Bauchman, 179 llth, Idaho Falls, Idaho. _ ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pul- leys brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2826 Dutferin St, To- ronto. MEDICAL BATiMEE[LA FOOT 3AT.M destroys ttllvrtnntlSboe ()Hawn agent Denm' girlie More Ottawa HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DTX- on's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pntn 'Remedy? it gives rood results. Munro's Drug Store. 335 1:1"•in, Ottaprn. Postpaid $1.00. n'rnrdAC'H AND TTlll1''•t0 Willgirs often ars the cause of ill-ilealtlt in hmmnns, ail are. No one lin, mune! Why not find out if this is '0t1r treublc° Triter. `Til 0 nog. oculars—Free: Write , Remedies, Spec"intiste T•,"nnin 9 A TTTTAT, II F•T'V SITTIgetrtgETT (111' 1111 should try fry Tl on's -Remedy. Mun- rn'a Urine' Store 516 T`i,.in, Ot- tawa. T'netpi£td $1,90, rAny, ilr ACaA:ailrlat" Nleg-,,;(1 ,. 7 T< SEED aTT"� .) T '[ 'ii TT Grader, 'Per/Tiers hi 111• re,,,on- mend, '1101)reenitir' Western. e )5e) ti - torturing, 'rex iIT':eia("A i, INeartee• more FREI) A, 0OT)1)1NrPCON Tl01VS• sells, tarhnneres mu..ten l 0, 100' mento 111 01111,,11. To Tornn 1' ISSUE 1---'45 OPPORTUNITIES Ii`OR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING S('HUOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton. & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa, OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay; Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PATENTS F'ETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ," wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. ?ROTO GRA PITY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and. printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25e REPRINTS 8 nor 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Toronto PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your film rolls to Canada's largest photo finishing studio. GET BETTR PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e A customer at Berwick, N.S., writes I want you to know how pleased I am with your wonder- ful work and prompt service." We have such letters from all over Can- ada. ENLARGEMENTS S for 25c 4x6" in Easel Mounts. S2 it:CTAL PRICES ON FRAMIN...1 AND COLORING Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement coloured, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders • 0 STAMPS 1 ACADIAN STAMP CO„ BOX 68, Masson, Que. Free, Set 4 iilcua- dor, Darwin Comm. to purchasers of our 30c, 100 different packet, requesting approvals. Post free. WE BUY STAMP COLLECTIONS— best time to sell—good prices paid. Send in for offer. Also fine stamps on approval. York Stamps, Toronto 1. STAMP COLLECTORS, CANADA,. Newfoundland, United States, West ladies, Pacific islands, (31b- ralta, Malta, other British Colon- ies and foreign stamps On ap- proval. Stamp Market, 240 Alfred St. Kingston, Ont. TEACHiERS WANTED) PROTESTAN'.' TEACHER WANT - ed for School Number Three Mar- quis and Otto, commencing Jan- uary, 1045, state qualifications. salary expected. Sheldon shoe- maker, Seer tl•:ty, 'la:'lwell, £Olt. Qt,AL11''r111) TEACHER FOR 5, S. No. 7, 11tnchitlbr"uko. Duties to commence January 2. Apply stat- ing salary, cru iliii(0tiona to lint'- ' old Reynolds, ,eo. Tre,ts•., Godfrey, Ont., II.1l. No. 1. fyl'Itahs w 'rni) Rr':t=1S'rtutt r) - NURSE, $90 PER month, room and board included. $90 gtacinale nurse Crpmonth, room and board included. Apply Wclfltt lr 1 vote Hospital, Waterford, Ont. GENERAL Dill' F i;12ADI'ATl3 neg. Nurses, fro hour day, it day. ween: altcrnN"oa eery ice—day or night, 300.ne monthly with 11111 ()fn:inee. got nwall General Hospital, comm gill. Ont 1n'ANTIe1) T1.W�SWOOTI T,(0511 014 V10N1iI011 p1111ity. Wiil talcs 'r Sm:r11 per- centage t r et elm. Phe Oakville Basket Co. Limited, Oakville, Ont.