HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1945-01-04, Page 1Established 1900 oxt3nd to our ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. Rev. E. W. Heixnrich, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 1.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to sell Services Betty Anne Beauty Shop fHE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest, of methods and Ifiquipment. And besides all this is our years a Mxperience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4 19 45 ea ors EMMANUEL EVANGE ;CAL CHURCH C. B. Hockendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 amt. Church School 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. Are You Suffel;,,, F Headaches? -LI so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT., God Glasses at Reasonable Prices COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABI F. PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday, A Publisher's Blessing 0 blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But knowing his subscription due, Sends in the money to renew. A doubly blest is that good friend Who waits not till a bill we send, But promptly sends us the amount Wherewith to straighten Ills aecount 6•11•110,1111MSNIMMMSIMP 4++++ 1-i-14++++++++++++4,1-+++ t•+++++++++44++++++++++++++ D 'A5 3 artoilman luntrat Gine i, t, + + Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance 4. -a..4.• ir• . of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and 4. Funeral Director. .1. -4. + * MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. a + .i. + + -a DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 -1. + + 4- i- + Dashwood — Ontario 4. + + + During the past years of Shortages ot some lines of Merchandise, we tried our very best to supply those very lines to satisfy the needs of our Customers. We wish to thank our Customers for bearing with us in not being 'able to supply Goods beyond our control. We pray that this war will be over very soon, so everything will again become normal As this Year of 1944 is coming to a close, we wish to thank our Customers and Friends and wisb you one and all A MERRY CHRISTMAS Ancl a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR! Friends 'fealty CARD OF THANKS Mr. Harry McAdams has returned home from the .Seaferth Hospital, where he underwent an operation. And wishes to thank all those who sent cards and fruits while in the Hospital and at Horne. Harry McAdams CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this medium of greatly thanking all the Electors of Hay Township for electing me on Monday as -their Reeve for 1945. I Onll endeavor to serve them to the very best of my ability. William H. Haugh. How To Get People To Church (Kincardine News) The bell in the Anglican church at Lion's Head will again be used for the purpose for which it was install- ed. Lately it has been used as a fire bell and when the rector rang it for a charch 'service citizens assembled quickly, believing there was a fire in the village. 1945 CAR LICENSE PLATES Toronto — Ontario's 1945 motor vehicle license plates will not go on sale until between January 10 and Ian. 15th. due to manufacturing de- lays, Geo. H. Doucett, minister of highways said. It was originally plan.- ned to start sale of plates on jan. 2. Ab out 680,000 plates ---blue with white figures—are .being manufact- ured under an easing of steel restric- tions by. the Federal steel controller. For 1945 cars- will carry one new plate on the rear and the present 11043 plates and 1944 windshield stic- kers will be abandoned. C. P. S. SCT -1001.. REPOT The following is the report of the results of the Fifth ICIass Christmas Examinations in Zurich Public Scheel Grade X --e- Passed in niiee:..stebjects.: Leo • ,Dacharnie. Passed in 'siX sub- jects, Maurice O'Dwyer, Laird Schi1Jbe. Grade IX — Passed in 11 subjects, Anita . Datars, William •0"Baien.'. Passed in 10 subjects, Jaces Fuss., Campbell Krueger, •Ruth Krueger. Paesed in 9 subjects, Marjorie Hoff- man,. Passed in 8 subjects, Doreen Hoffman, Joan Merner, Leo Smith.. Passed in 5 subjects, Pauline Hess, Earl Schilbe. Passed in 4 subjects, Doreen Sebilbe. THE ELECTION The Election for Reeve ror Hay Township on Monday was a rather quiet event. In fact, owing to the severe' storms, the bad and cold wea- ther, and the holiday, in the forenoon it looked as though there would not be any voters out at all, but in the afternoon, the turnout was not too bad coneidering the travelling con- ditions. As will be noticed it was a very close contest and had the travelling been permissible, we still maintain that it would have been a close affair, as both men were very popelar, and the votes were split a- bout as well as could be expected. However, Mr. Haugh who has been eleven years as councilman, will now houlder the big responsibility of be- ing reeve, and we wish him every success. Following is the results as the votes were cast: Poll No, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Geiger 21 27 97 71 29 22 11 16 Haugh 24 10 45 72 39 10,1 10 120 Totals—Geiger 294. Haugh 321. Majority for Haugh -27. OBITUARY Bayfield Doctor Passes • Mr. David Volume, who came to Hayfield four years ago from South- empton to practice medicine, died on the evening of December 29th in his 7.1th pelr after an extended illness. He •.-nte born in Kineestore and gradu- ated in theology at t'Queen's Univer- later !,eleg engaged in Inission- ary work in 'Western Canada. He :elated medicine at the University of 1:11avitolne and upon graduation as a , I ees" e• al -1' e en:lee-iced medicine in. , t...e.11 the Weet Indies arta re - til to Caeada opened a practice . I 'e 7....fineeent. He served oveeseae 1 in the Caeadian Medical Corpse for tl.!e.... y nr; in the First Great War: 4 ITe 11 survived bv his wife formerly ••••••••••••••••••mmadm.• • ens Chester L. Smith, Publishav $1.50 a Year in Advance n's Greetings •111111•{1•11•P Mr. and Mrs. 'Orville Witmer and Mr. and Msrs. Albert Deichert motor- ed to London one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thiel, were visitors at the home of the latter's parents at Teeswater during the holi- day rel Miss Martha Heideman of Hensall is spending some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Heide- man. Master Donald Weber of Hensall, spent his holidays at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber. Miss Shirley Krueger of London, spent a few days holidaying at the home of her mother, 14th con., over Christmas week. Miss Patricia O'Dwyer who is a stu- dent at Brecia Hall, London, is holi- daying at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. ODwyer. Rev. and MINS. Lloyd Kallbileisch and family of Elrnira and Mr. R. J. Kalbfieiech of Detroit spent Christ- mas holidays with relatives m Zarioh Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuntz and Mr. Harry Rose and son Kenneth of Windsor visited at the home of the mother and wife over Christmas noli- days. Mr. and Mrs. Bowden and. childeof Brantford have returned home after pending Christmas at the home of Mrs. E. TurItheim and 'Min and Mrs. Ed. Gascho. airs. Alibert Deichert who is a patient 'at London Hospital, spent few days with. her husbanda,nd iittie son in town over the holidays. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Deich- ert is progressing very favourably. Purchase Transport Business The Thiel Brothers, Transport, have ,purChased the, Trucks and bus- iness of the Willard Transport of Hensall and will be in a position to bring up more pick up articles £rorn the Toronto distant. This is a great convenience to Zurich and commun- ity. RABBIT HUNTER BLAMED Dashwood — A hunter returning from a jack rabbit drive was blamed for a disruption in telephone 'service at Dashwood on New Years Day. Service was out, officials said, by a shot from a shotgun piercing the Main cable feeding the Dashwood ex- change, which is operated by the Hay Municipal Telephone System. The cable is a 200 -pair one serving be- tween 50 and 100 circuits, located at the main intersection of Dashwood, about 100 feet from the phone -office. However, the efficient lineman, Mr. T. H. Hoffman soon had the necess- ary repairs made regardless of . the -bad weather conditions. HYMENEAL . The home of Mae and Mrs. William R. Dougall, Heneall, Thursday, Dec- ember 28th at 3 p.m., was the scene of a charming wedding, when their daughter, Dorothy Ann, became the bride of LAC Douglas L. Hughson, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hughson, Alliston, Ont, Rev. R. A. Brook, minister of the United church, Hen- sel], performed the ceremony. They were unattended. The bridal music was played by Mrs. M. R. Rennie, and the .soloist was Mr. M. 14. Rennie, of Seaferth, aunt and uncle of the bride •For her wedding the attractive young bride chose a floor -length gown of slipper white satin, short train, shir- red bodice with tulle veil, and her Iridal boupuet were American bea- uty roses, and she -wore a Lady Bul- ova watch, gift of the groom. Later followinea reception at the home of the bride's patellas, LAC Hatelesoe • and Mrs. Hughson left for a weddingl trip to Toronto, and pointsnorth, the bride travelling in a Kentucky sand I PHONE YOUR ORDE-R F011 The funeral took! 'n'A.Te al' CPS with meie-hing het end , I; 'en, on :,7,p1(lay, from the home in gloves, }lack suede Leg end ihnean to Knox Presbyterian church Over 11(.1. dress ehe wore a powderi e. with interment following. *blue Kellwood coat. Guests Nt'ere i . ) lw:,.'7 : ',5'tc?. nr. Nortnue was . preeent frotn PetraNa, Toronto. Ti- - , A i A now . A C 111•Cr ef the Canadian ion Leg • win, &Moral, Eeter, and Allisto 40n. I . , • !:tail the Southemption Votary Club. IThey 'will reside in Exeter, PATRICIA 15 jewels $2475 DEAN 15 lewek S2975 With that Xmas. Check why riot buy yourself a Timepiece, a Fine Ifulova Watch.—HESS, THE JEWELER .316141 For positive identification al the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coale Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds - Highest Cash Prices paid fee Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10- Hensall 0004011(90.••••*••••eoeseseamisee•e•••••••••••••eseceses Westlake - Brokenshire FUNERAL & AMBULANCE 1.SERVICE Comnfortable. Hospital Bed for Rent • Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich amieirat*assosies'eltioCilvelseets • 4 4 omes soceeseeses•••••••••••••• Cut Your Fuel Bill In 11 • Buy Storm Windows and Doors Headquarters for JohnsManville Building Materials 1: REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A t. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. F. a KATIBFLEISCH LV SON • - ZURICH -11 It++++++++++++++++++,:.4.4.+ +44444 +++++444-4-1.4t-1-4-3- ++44.-14 f LET US QUOTE YOU! . Phone 69 - •0000.'•••••••OpIM•Wiaros** asuasagaeteeaMernat'SZOMS= "NS" • WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS AND FRIENDS, OUR HEARTY son's WE THANK YOU! PI • reetirips gt. FRESH GAOCERiES ALWA73 ON }-ND T 1" 'r lu-MA f4,1 tog: 44.411 Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: -97 1 1 11