HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-12-24, Page 44. tOlOCIR ONTARIO TO OUR MANY Friends and Patrons Wishing You All a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the NEW YEAR Pearson Motor Sales Zurich Ont. Pontiac, Buick Sales and Service Phone 78 PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! TPR !INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SIM sTWIN, CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RA:DER & MITTLEHOLTZ Phone 63 -- Zurich 11 4 4. • FOR 1UNTO YOU IS BORN THIS DAY IN THE. CITY (OF fDAVID, A SAVIOUR WHICH IS CHRIST 11 -IE 'LORD. 4 • ;• BR INM -Fear =loot; for, behold 1 bring you good tidingsof 'GREAT JOY, which alkali be to ell people. ;BRINGS rREAL:IMACE— + Glory to God in the highest, and on earth PEACE loud IIL tkooktalid plea. vinueomoomseeerommememso God's Great Gift tGOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER. Box:Z.0, R. R. 1 — Zurich, Ontario • ar • • • • • • The 'Mee 4f 'Temperance A. sort of "Kinsey• report,.on campus drinking has !been .published recently. It is an analys ,of the survey con -- ducted by the centre ,of alcohol stud- ies i';) f Pale lerliversityewhich has been working in the problem of •,alcohol for twenty .years. Questionnaries were sent to .1900 men and women students in twenty-seven ' colleges throughout the country. Here arethe conclusions drawn ,$rpm the answers. Where both parentsense•alcohol .92% of the men students drink also, ,and S3 p.c. of the .wouten. Where only one palest .drinks, the -percentage is 88 of me, .54 of women. Where both abstain, it Is .down to 158 h.e. of men and 23 p.e. eeevomen. •Clearly, paren- tal example is ali iraporte.nt factor in the deeision of college-youthabout drinking. 'Whatever may the facts about drinking ;in •Canadian Colleges, that which holde of parental {exampl e across the line is probably ;equally true of Canadian youth in egeneral. —Advt. DASHWOOD Walther League tibristmas' . Party The Leaguers held their Christrnae, party with an exchange of gifts on Tuesday Dec, tieth, croldnoee was played; prizes went to Eleanor Bec- ker, Earl Weiberg and Wesley Rader. Lunch was served •by Eleanor Beck- er, liarbara, Hoehler and Marie n Ruder. EVA111. Church Christmas, Tree On Sunday evening, Dec. 200, the E.U.B. Chureh held th CI 1! nnu: Tree. Rev. W, i.lerote evne the thi ii'' Mc, .11 ion s, solo 4, Ph" exc ciefm Were vflpre4a ted Mr. Bruce Sieback of 'Sebeingville, addressed the assembly. The childr- en were all given treats. efieses Betty and Lois •Gaieer of London spent the week -end with their mother. Mrs. Cora 'Geiser. Mr and Mrs Allan Faulhafer of Kitchener visited with the latter's father, Mr. John Bender and other: relatives on Sunday. Mr. Seigfried Willer of Waterloo,' 'spent the week -end with his parents,' Mr and Mrs. Rudolph Miller. Mr and Mrs Walter Beisenthal of Hamilton who were married Sature day are honeymoonene in the corn- munity. St. Joseph & BlueWater Area An Afore Thought 'This issue of the Zurich Herald well be the last one before Christmas ,and for the year of 1953. In sum- ming up the past we find many changes in our surroundings. Rel- atives and -friends who were ,among the rnteery makers last Christmas are no more. Homes have been broken by death, or by absence of loved ones. Some were shifted to foreign toun- tries in defenee of their home laed, Others have thesen other countries Ito seek sueeess in life, and for many reasons you will find many changes oceurred. People who inhabit the earth. are always peeving, inventing, and fieekin gs and the ;motive for it all, is it not to attain feme, so that they well be glorified by their fellow men. There are many way e in ach- ieving those great worldly honors; • one go about by force, eomby labor and others gain ilt by know- ledge in current efiairs in life. Other.' by power ;elven to them by those li ZURICH HERALD Are Y U Dollar Wise. CO-OP FEEDS ARE YOUR BEST BUY Heesall for the peat efty-one years and the oldest resident, will on rri- dayi•Dee. 261h observe hie 940.113h.th day at the home of his daughter, Mrs P. L. Blechman rwith whom he resid- es. Born In Wurtemburg, German'Y, in 1869, rNfr, &tile learned the trade of Shoemaking at the age of 15, came to Osavada when 2121 years of age and resided in Orediton for some tirne.He was married in 1889 to Frances Kais- er o flensell who predeceased him in 1940, then moved to ClanderhoYe for ten years. Taking up residence in Hansen in 1399, he eondueted a shoe store for seven years. He spent some time in Brampton and Harridan at his trade, before settling again in HensalL In addition to his trade of shoe making and repairing he also operated a greenhouse for eight years In 1939 M •a d Mrs Zile& cele- Thursday December 41rth.., 100$ brated their golden wedding Annivk, ersany. Their union, was blessed with four children; two sons, Lorne, of Windsor and Earl (deceased); We daughtera, Mrs. W. R. Bell and Mak P. E. Buchanan, nenstal Mr. Zeolite is able to be up every day end 10* dress himself, has a wonderful, mew ory and likes to remirace over de• changes that have taken Place siege he came to Canada. Council and by the power they re- ceive, they discharge the task en-. trusted to them; but it is always to the best interest of mankind. Do they use the spiritual examples given to the early ruler? we fear many of the saintly advices have been !ad a- ide to cope with the pace of a festee moving world. Such as we live in day; and in nearing this Christmase, day, there are no better times for us to enter our plea to the infant child'0`. of the crib, who will bestow to the worthy all the necessary help to. bring about peace and contentment of mind. For us, we are llYtng in a land of freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and above all freedom to worship God as we chose.e But we are .confranted with manye problems from afar, and the divid- ing line has narrowed between peace; and deetruction: we of us live in a land of concord. and administered: by men who fear God and seek his; daily evidence; but are others giving; their 'full measure of co-operation? If not, we fear the lowly are no ag-e gressors, by their greed in diabolical,' ambibion. It mieht be the inroad to our downfall. This is .onity an afore Christmas thought and word, and,'': shpuld it bear some good fruits we will consider ourselves amply re- warded for the space and time given. • STANLEY TOWNSHIP Announcement Mr and Mrs Orrin. Dowson, 'Varna, announce the engagement of their• datrhter. Marilyn Janet Elizabeth, to Robert Wilson :Bunn -hey, Willow - dale, son of AIr andMrs Herberti Rmnaney, Victoria Harbor. The marriage to take place early in Janne cry in Varna United Church, . CONVENED IN ZURICH The Stanley Township Federation . of Agricultural annual meeting and' banquet was held in Zurich Cornroun-. ity Centre with 260 in attendance. Ladies of Varna United Church ser- ved, and the meeting was presided' over by president Alvin Rau. Short, addresses were made by Elston Car- diff, M.P., Thos. Pryde, MPI'. and. Agricultural Representative G. W. !Montgomery, who conducted the ele-e; etion of officers. Wilfred Shortreed, newly -elected president of the Huron Federation, brought reetings and a report of the workdone by the county He introduced •the guest speaker,Rev Bert Daynard, .Stafra, who delivered an interesting and emphatic address, "'Keeping our Democracy." The new president for Stanley leederation is Anson McKinley, who in a short talk thanked the ladies for the banquet. , Mrs. Louis Taylor replied. Mr. Mc- Kinley also presented Alvin Rau, the, retiring president, with a lighter from the Federation to show memb- ers' appreciation for the splendid work he has done in the past three years. Officers for 1954 are as foll- ows: president, Anon McKinley; vice-pres., Alex .Melleth; Do•ectors: Leon Bedard, No. 1 Sepa.rnte; Jack Scotchmer No. 4 W Ken. Scotelnner, No. 4 E; Elgin Porter, No 3; Bert McBride, No. 5; Harvel, Hayter, No. (5; Victor Taylor, No, 10; Elmer Hayter, No. 13; Cele -ellen Parke, No. 9; Gordon Johnston, No. 7; Wilmer ;Jones, No. 14. HENSALL Mr and Mrs Irvin Reichert and family were recent visitors at Ham - titan. Mrs. Nancy Koehler of Toronto is visiting with her ehildren Hay Twp. MISS Alice Dougall of Toronto, spent a few days -recently with her brother'Mir and Mrs. W. R. Deugall. elm Amelia Schroeder spent a few, days at St..Clair Shores, Mich., where she attended the funeral -of her:bro- ther, Mr. Henry Bender, a former re- sident of Hay Tarp, Their 62nd Anniversary Mr and Mrs ohn T. Mitchell, rel sidents of Bensall for the past. 26 .T years, will observe their (52nd wed- ding anniversary on Christmas Day, Dec. 25th. On their wedding day 62 years ago, they recall of the weather as much like the past tew weeks. While driving to,Pnblin to take the train to Toronto and Montreal, the farmers were out plowing,' the land in the mild season. Mr aril Mrs. Mitchell who resided in Tuckersndth before corning to Refloat, enjoy good health. Mr. 'Mitchell being very act- ive going about town. They have one eon and three daughters. To Have 94th Birthday Mr. John ?motto arofildolt THE OPENING CLAUSE VILLAGE Except for ,Santa Claus himself, the photographer was ,about the bus. lest person arOvind at the 'recent op., OF SANTA ",•••...: • • ' lening of Santa Claus Village at 'David in the Laurentians north of Montreal. Pilled with the joyous spirit of Christmas, the enthusiastic icamorman recorded the above inter. Val eating snaps, including No- $ Chapel of Saint NiCholas Which 04101 tains a Crib reminiscent of the Christmas. (Courtesy Canadianij ine \vay Photographer.), 4