HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-12-17, Page 8• 4 1a a a a 1 a 1 a a a a a a • 40• 40 4040 40 40 29 40 I"""•.:•••••• • 40 40 40 • 40 40 40 • 0 ai • 4040• 40• 40 40 2 • • 40 40 Thursday, Deeereiber am, 1004 1!!!!!.40. SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash YOUR PULLETS NEED REAL. GROWTH IF THEY ARE TO BE IN TIP-TOP SHAPE, NEXT FALL, TO PRODUCE LARGE EGGS EARLY, DURING THE HIGH. PRICE SEA- SON, AND KEEP OIL LAYING STISAWLY, SHUR-GAIN GROWING MASH. IS FULLY TESTED UNDER CANADIAN FARM CONDITIONS. IT IS MANUFACTURED LOCALLY, ELIMINATING. FREIGHT COSTS AND MIDDLE, MAN PROFITS, AND SOLD DIRECTLY TO' THE CON- SUMER. MILT DEITZ & SON Zurich - Ontario 1111111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111 1 2 • 2 40 2 H. V. 8 FOR MEN— r1/ ZURICH ONTARIO paskral.M11.11.1 THE STORE WITH THE STOCK WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SEASON. ABLE GOODS SUITABLE FOR •-• ris s FOR LADIES— Everything in new lines of wearing Apparel, Dressing Gowns, bat-wing Pullovers and Cardigans, Silk Lingere; large supply of newest in Nylon Hose, Silk and Woollen Scarfs; also wool Blankets, Linen Tablecloths, Pillow Cases, Luncheon setts; see our line of Stencilled Towels Special at $1.25 ea. Our Stock of Men and Boys' Wear is larger than ever... We can supply everything from Sox to Station Wagon Coats. See the newest in Jackets Suits, Overcoats, Nylon Sox, Ties, Scarfs, Sweaters, Belts, Trousers, Caps, Hats and a complete line of Work Clothes. See the new line of Men's Ties, Special at $1.50 ea. 11-,11-1-1 .H1,,...1A LOCAL NEWS 'Miss Shiela 'Schilbe of •Loon, was a visltod in town over Sunday. Mrs. Carrie Knechtel, Mr and •allra Ed. Pieta and :Mr and IVIrs Otto Weber, all of Kitchener attended the funeral ef the former's cousin, Mr. Wm. Rennie held recently; Had Picture in Paper .,,, ::. . Miss Joyce Witmer, 21urse-in-train- ing at Stratford 'General Hospital, spent the week -end at the awne of her parents, IMr and Mrs Oreille Witmer. We were delighted, along 01 with her friends to see Joyce's pTotpeee A in Saturday's London Free Press, VP showing the beautiful Christenasart p work that she had drawn On:the window at the Hospital, to make Chil- ,.`,. dren happy as well as grown up fah Congratulations, Joyce. 40 40 40 40 40 40 vI 40 40 40 40 GROCERIES! `6 VP 40 40 40 Groceries - Dry Goods Men's Wear '40 400 TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH A complete supply of fresh Groceries always on hand; New Raisins, Currants, Peels, Candies, Boxed Chocolates, Walnuts, Mixed Nuts, Peanuts, Oran', Cranberries, Calif. Grapes, Etc. ALL AT LOWEST PRICES 2 1 1 WM.:A.2M e lysdale Store Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES • CO --OP. FEEDS a a a Cured and Fresh Meats Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! ! GIVE US A CALL! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE ..Phone 98 r 1 ,ts 1...,,t4intle ',• DON'T FORGET • The big- Feather Party in the C4m- munity -Centre, sponsored nil4the Zurich Lions Club on Mondey.4Y- ening. There will he lots of fun for all with an abundance of choice rewl. A nice way to get your Christanas fowl if you are lucky to win some. Bring the familfy, out, the more that j are in the lineup, the better win., be your chance to win. And remember proceeds 'will be used fbr welfare work, There wil also be a draw for a new television set, which will. go to the winner holding the lucky ticket. HAD CONCERT A very enjoyable evening was spent at the Bronson Line school S.S. No. 4, Friday evening when 'the teacher Mrs. IVIenno Oesce and pup- ils entertained the section to a.Ipve- ly Christmas party. The childien'in their usual entertaining manner p;xe- sented a short spicy program. After which a number of games were play- ed: Little Russell Logan, who is soon to leave for California, was presented with a leather purse and a beautiful leather bound Bible by Roy McAdams. Little Lincta Meidinger read the presentation. After vattrh a delicious lunch topped off with ice cream was served. Rev. H. W. Rembe Passes FORMER PASTOR DIES REV. H. W. REIVIBE The Rev. Henry W. Remle, -63, Evang. Lutheran Church miniSt#,': • who retired last year because of poor health after 37 years' reinistryi (ied at the General Hospital, Hankil-• ton. He was the son of Mrs. Rernbe and the late Rev. H. Rembe a former pastor -of that 'city. Born in Montreal he received his early education in (0400000411a00016100006000004t09.00464,6410e4.46, HARDWARE — SEEDS end FURNITURE Your Fuel Nee s Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we ran arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT 1 Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? g Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, g Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evctroughing and Tinsmiti-) ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. STADE & WEIDO1 zuRtcH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE Paremeave•iaeonafseetaeseaemaa;51eimestaseawaaaeseaasamoesto Hamilton, and advanced learning Waterloo College and Seminary, and in 1915 came to Zur1ch wheee served St. Peter's Church until he 'yielded to a call in Winnipeg where he was instrumental in the erectiOn'i of a school for elementary student* From Winnipeg Mr. Rembe served at Massey, Ont. Funeral i.zervices held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Hamilton. He is survived by his ow, the former Wilhelmina Leist; -2 sons, Karl and Glenn, both of Hain- ilton ; and four sisters. The remains were laid to rest in Woodland Cem- etery, Hamilton. Huron & Erie DEBENTURES or Canada Trust Certificates NOW PAYING ON INVEST- MENTS: S100,00 OR OVER 1 OR 2 YEARS 8% 8 AND 4 YEARS -a%% 5 YEARS 4% INTEREST HALF YEARLY J. W. Haberer Phone 161 Fire, Auto and Casualty Insurance. "finmedil te service" IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2 % on savings . deposits may be maned Real Estate Services For prompt attention call RAYE B. PAIERSON Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO 0 ▪ MONTREAL OTTAWA . WINDSOR NIACARA FALLS • SUDBURY SAULT STE. MARIE CALGARY • vAticouvxm THREE INSPIRING CIIRISTMAS. STORIES The American Weekly with Otin- day's '(D.e.c.• 20) is.te of Detroit 'Sunday Times presents three ietpir- ing Christmas stories: "The Heart of Christmas" by Jamei Hilton, "A Star for„Bobby' by Manuel Komroff and "A Perfect Christmas Tree." See The American Weekly with this; Sunday's Detroit Time. GIVE A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE ZURICH HERALD For A CHRISTMAS GIFT ""' ' e••••.1,, rr. • . e • Westlake Furniture 1 2 • • 402 • • • • • ao 0 • • • • 040• 0 SUGGESTIONS FOR GIFT GIVING — "HOME FURNISHINGS" A worth while way to say 'A Merry Christmas". Come and MakeYour Selections at WESTLAKE, FURNITURE We have several new plianos to choose from for the home. Good variety of 'small tables rnirrors,lamps, rugs,electEritcc,s7wEinteg. rn,achines, iureka vaccum Cleaners, ALSO A GOOD , CHOICE OF TOYS Zurich Phone 122 or 89. Phone 122 or 89 Zurich 40 2 40 40 1 a 40 • 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 400 1010 10 40 40 40 10 40 • -* 40 9. 40 40 40 • 40• 10 10 10 10 40 9, 1' 0' 10 hristrin ng IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO ORDER THAT NEW LIVING ROOM RUG IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS Dorval, La Salle, Axminister and Broadloom FOUR RANGES TO CHOOSE FROM DROP IN AND INVESTIGATE OUR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER ON RUGS GIFT CERTIFICATES A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL GIVE YOU A GIFT CERTIFIC. ATE FOR ANY FLOOR YOU WISH TO HAVE For a Most Practical Gift, Give Floor -Covering Do you want your Home to have that NEW LOOK Over the Holidays? We are still in a position to Install any type of Floor before Christmas. ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Phone 240 - Zurich. komumum M1111111111111111MMEN 1111111011-11111111ENIIMMIIIIIIMMIlitill4, Your ardware S tore40 40 Wishing You All the SEASON'S GREETINGS And Thanking you for your confidence and CO, operation extended to us over the year. We wish you and yours a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS And a HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Don't forget our big Free Draw to be held Dec. 24, at 4 p.m. Get your coupons in now. Lorne Rader and Ted Mittleholtz Rader & NiiitiehOtz - Hardware Phone Zurich 63. tilitmomm11111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 1111111111111 1419N1111111111111111111111111111111111111111MR4111110HP WALL BOARD Easy to paint oz paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched Mapkt Flooring. Per 100 Square ireeqi $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 1 0 % Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can he eatui.liP and Economically Converted halts extra Bedrooms or an income pm. ducing Apartment. . You can de most of the work yourself. $ee our collection of plans and Wow FREE ESTIMATES 1UST ARRIVED, A FEW CARLOADS OF CEMENT,, PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies 5