HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-12-17, Page 4t}: tr‘,. .411. 'laser • 11; ZURICH 4 014141010 —441.14•X•11,10•1411•101111.6161.4111.,a1111...a.t..41.4.amaisranol +++4444,4•++++++44+.1, z FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1953 Strarting at 8.30 P.m. 15 Regular Games of Bingo: Chicken 10 Special Games: Turkeys 2-25c or 5-50c. Door Prize Turkey. sa. "We can't fford to take chances , that's why we, like ebentares" "When I retired, I looked for an investment that was safe, that paid good interest and that could be bought for a short term. I wanted to be sure of one hundred cents on the dollar at maturity, My Huron & Erie five year debentures do all this for me at interest on my money." 40a Ask for the folder 20 Questions' District Represenatives Listed below; • acaaRafaliBliaMaMalMaaRraimaasasea.:),...s,,,,, ZURICH — J. W. HABERER HEAD OFFICE — G d's Great Gift FOR UNTO YOU 15 BORN T1115 DAY IN THE CITY OF DAVID, A SAVIOUR WHICH IS CHRIST THE LORD, BRINGS REAL JOY -- Fear not; for, behold I bring you good tidings of GREAT JOY, which shall be to all people. BRINGS REAL PEACE— Glory to God in the highest, and on earth PEACE good will 'toward men. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, R. R. 1 — Zurich, Ontario IMP=MMEMSES Christ *OP in the TOWN HALL - HENSALL On • Sponsored by Hensall Branch Canadian Legion General Admission — 75 cents 43016grAthalMea=h411Lk4543311014811MNISMUM=8=Iffilih, AVIN9h2t4MagahhOMIVOSMERGIOMORMit Worrxen's Institute ' Isn't it strange that Princesses and king, and clowns that caper in saw dust rings, and common people like you and me, are builders for eternity. Each is given a bag of tools, tumbled mass and a book of creeds; and each must make 'ere life has flown, a stumbling block, or a stepping stone. God Bless you all— And a Merry Christmas. —Zurich W. L It was a blue flag with gold tre- foil and had been presented recentla to the Guides by the Institute. Cap- tain Marjorie Schilbe 'replied very fittingly with many thanks for their gift, The meeting then closee with "The Queen", with Marion Turkhehn at the piano. 3 • a • • a • a a a a a a 9 Had Joint Meeting The Zurich Girl Guides and the W. L held a joint meetieg rn the .Zurich Town Hall, on Tuesday even- ing. The prgrarn was presented by the Girl Guides with Captain Marj- orie Schilbe and Lieut. Shirley Fair- burn as their leaders. with a inemb- ershop of 15 girls and 14 present, all looking attractive in their official uniforms of blue with red ties. The meeting was opened with roll call drill. The Guides taking their Place by sitting on the flooe for campfire while ,presenting the program. A piano solo was given by Donna Oesch a cornet solo by Ruth Weido; vocal solo by Linda Bedard; Silent Night, accompanied by Miss Janet Gascho at the piano; Baton Drill by Diann Thiel; followed by tap, These num- ero were all well given and encur- aging for splendid talent our young 'elks acquire. Mrs. Meyers, presi- dent of .the Zurich W. T. read the following address; in presentation of the Flag. Dear Patrol Leaders and Guides: It is a great nleasere for the "members of Zurich Women's Institute Lo be present at your meeting to- night. We are few in number be' tease of the weather and road cons alitina. • It fa a busy time too for all of us, but we feel if we again postpone this meeting, with the, girls, it would , A big change in the weather situ - take us into the new year. You have r aticm has come about since Monday bad and used the flag, 'but tonight we i when there was some rain followed want you to know it is with pleasurelbal one of the heaviest falls or snow ave present it to the girl guides. We I seen in many a day, and by evening The Women' Institute know you r many small trees were bent to the will live up to the high standards of 'ground with the very heavy wet this world wide ormizatfon. We , snow, Cars and trucks became stuck also hope that some dav it will 6 ' d 8 1,vere i arout I . , Luncheon was served by 'the In- stitute members, A. lovely social time was enjoyed. The Institute continued with their business wan the president in charge. Minutes were read .and adopted by secretary Mrs. Win. Forrester; treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Newell Geiger; projects were discussed with great interest and carried. With aeason's Greetings to everyone, was cheerfully given, •and a joysl time was spent, Old King Winter Arrives Are Y. 0 1U ise? CO-OP FEEDS ARE YOUR BEST BUY U. S. A. POPULATION " _ZURICH 1-1ERALD e Voice of Temperance Dr. R. G. Bell, Medical' Director of ShadowbroOk:Health Foundation,told ala audience recently "'Many .uf the country's alcoholics need never have been addicted had they, known the danger signals early in life." Oar youth in Huron Comity and through. out Ontario will grow up knowing the danger signals if. advantage is taken, of present Department of Edu- catin regulation's. For Alcohl Edu- cation is now an obligatory subject of Study of Grades Ten and Eleven. The Pepantment is being urged to extend this . teaching„ tiort,n :into Grade even rand eg; since many stridents never reacaa'',Grade nine. It goes without saying that in Churches and:Sunday •Cchool alcohol education . ,• 'should be carried on continuously, A •Yery excellent Teacher's IVIanual for . Alcohol Education has recently hem produced by the Ontario De- partment of Education. Preachers, 8Sunday School teachers and leaders , of young people's groups interested al; .this vital subject. will and this Is growing at more than 2.b million manual invaluable.—Advt. a year since 1947, has now passed. • The Huron County 'Temperance Fed - 160 million mark. Adding a nativ:e- eration:—Advt. born 'citizen every second, an • grant every two minutes, U. actually increasing its population fata ter than India. However, it stands only fourth in world populationevise. with Chinese numbering at 450 mil - ion, India at 365 million, Russia at 200 million. DASHWOOD • . Robereilayter Sr., returned home after spending some weeks with her' daughter- and husband, Mr and Mrs, Joe Bruce in Windsor, who spent the week—end here. 'IVfr and Mrs Ferd 'Miller, Edith and Thank You! Norman, spent last Sunday with Mr and alma ' 'Sweitzer at 'Grand Dear Publishe.r of Herald: Bend. ,• , Enclosed find.cheque which will bring my subscription up to date.. We certainly enjoyed the visit of your nephew, Gordon SMith, also Lorne and Teddy Klopp this summer. Just like being in Zurich, except we. didn't havr. any wonderful Canadian • - Had Christmas Concert • -The Dashwood public school pupils presented their annual Christmas pro- gram to a large audience Friday Dec ala Songs, drile, 'reCitations, danc- ing: and dialogues were featured.Mrs food prepared, as they didn't tell us I.C•s0 McCrae was' pianist for.the ev- they were coming. We, hope that anybody from Zurich coming to c the Los Angles area will drop in to see us. The summer of 1954 or '55, at the latest, will see us back in 'Zurich for a summer visit, we hope. Thanks again. Very truly yours, Myrtle Thompson, (Myrtle Raabe). 58-5 Las 'Cases Avenue, • Pacafic Palisades, California. ening. The teachers are Mr R. Middle ten, Miss J. Ritchie and Miss J.Haugh Men's Club Hold Supper The Men's Club,of Zion Lutheran church treated' their wives to a tur- key dinner at the home of Mr and :Vita Reinhold eve of' Dec. 10 There were 16 present. The isommit- te0Oin charge was: A. Keller, Stan, Dinney an.Cliff Salmon. Following the dinner a game of opposites was , won by Mrs. Edgar Restemayer. THANK YOU! as*Euel-tre followed With Mrs. L. Hig- islet being high, and Stan Disney R.R.1, Kenabeek, Ont. Dec; 37'§4, conSolation prizes to Mrs V. L. Be - Dear Publisher: Please find en- aaoi. and Rein Miller. Mr, Edgar closed my subscription to the Herald ReSternayer won the prize for hav- es I like to get the home news: -jag !the most lone hands. Messrs. James Hayter, Clifford Seiti#on, and Harold Weber Trustees ofTaPaihwood were returned by acc- laMition. Wallace Wein and Harry ZiOner failed to qualify. aa*triand Mrs John :Barr and dau- ghter of London, are spending a week with 'the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Stire. Miss Shirley' Pearson of taoderich Twp. spent the week -end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Pear- son. Howard Weiberg, Lloyd Bender, Siegfried Miller and John Denomme all of Waterloo spent the wees-end with their parents. Mr and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver and Mr and Mrs A. E. Oeatreicher spent Sunday in Chatham with relatrves. Mr and Mrs Ward Kraft and fam- ily of London were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs E. ,Koehler. Mr and Mrs Martin Laub of Exe- ter 'spent Sunday with the latter's sister, sMrs. Herb Wein and family. Christmas is near *at hand and We have no snow up here neither any frost in the ground. It has oeen grand fall for the farmers to get their work done up. Crops were pretty good considering the dry suniz mer, hope yet are all Well. close -wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Yours Truly, Mary. A. Johnston S. HURON W. I. RALLY The district executive of South Huron Women's Institute was 'held in Hensall, Nov. lath with represent- atives from all branches in S. Huron. Mrs Kenneth Johns, president of the District, was in the chair. A schelar- ship drive to raise $2,000 in Huron County was discuased, the interest each year to he given to a girl, 16 who has completed six subjects under the Home Economics. Several memb- bers gave highlights of the rally of Institutes in Huron, held recently in Gorrie. Mrs. Johns stressed that each Institute have one meeting of St. Joseph & Blue Water Area the year confined to some particular These of United Nations. Mrs. Pfile Mr. 1VIelvin Bedard and son or Grand Bend, presented a report of he Area Convention at London. The Detroit- spent he week -end visiting with relatives in this vicinity. 954 district annual, to be held in eaforth, was discussed. Mrs. Newell Mr end Mus Fred Ducharme and eiger, Zurich, gave a reading, Mrs, Sarah Jeffrey were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr and Mrs MEET THE TEACHER John Vileemish of the Blue Water By Kathie Kalbfleisch south. ( Exeter Times Ad vo cafe ) The Misses Bridget Laporte and In the offices of business and in- Loreta Ducharme motored to Clinton ustrial firms in many cities and on Sunday•last visiting relatives. wns of Western Ontario, there are 'Miss Georgina ,Corriveau of Lon- enographers and bookkeepera who don spent the past week -end with .her ave been taught by Mr. E. H. Jones parents on the B.W.Highway. e head of the co•mmerciai depart-- Until recently, resorters from ent at South Huron Distvict High Ducharme's Beech were travelling to hool. and fro as they had during the scour - Mr. Jones was born in Barrie, Ont. ching summer months, they had a few years later his family moved very long srummer of it, getting full Toronto, where he attended Raw- value for their investment. son Public SchooL He was an out- The Hartman family from the nding student at Vaughan Road Goshen Line South, called on Mrs. Ilegiate Institute, His alma mater Hartman's parents, on the B. Water the University of Toronto where he on Thursday last. jored in mathematics. Here he oh- Mr and Mrs Wm. Weising of Sala ned his Baechelor of Arts degree nia were evening visitors at the d, attracted to the teaching profes- home of Mr. Iridore Duchartne on n, he enrolled at the Ontario Col- Friday last. Meat of the Ducharme •e of Education. Family gathered together to meet After graduation he served in the the visitors. The evening 'was spent teorological Service of Canada. renewing past incidents, and after re a most interesting job kept him midnight a chicken dinner was served .y busy. Part of the time, his work After enjoying themselves. to their s forecasting weather; the rest of heart's content, all retired.to their time, he taught the aircrew train- homes in the wee morning hours. how to use these weather calcul- Snow ploWs are at it again, remov- ons in relation to their attacks ing snow from the highways, shoving inst the enemy, When the war ended, he taught at pitlemansingall trtcittiizTs' which ?hien °IV: - Rehab i 1 i tati on ,School in Toronto way. This being the first big Nis- il he came to Exeter. cornmun- Mr. Jones teaches shorthand, typ- iztayr,daltiolirouthgeh seasonerdinistrthici.5ts had as , business, lavv and beekeeping to much snow some time ago; we were students taking the cominercial fortunate to have had dry footing rse. To Night 'School cla • till this late fall date. But from he typing. He is also advisor to now Student .Council, On it is perhaps well for us to Ithough Mr. Jones is keenly hi- adapt ourselves to snow and winter sted photography, his work at weabh°4 for we see no way ant un - el leaVos, him little tirne for hob- iess we migrate from here to some szhiler clime for the next few 1] t 1 G d to h st th Sc A to lin sta Co is Ina tai an sio leg Me He vei wa the ees ati aga the unt ing all eau mpassable, and the teat p eaeuie and privilege to beaa 'plows were called out but could not the long to another world wide organiz- ' cope with the heavy deluge of snow A Min, The Womerue Instrtute, be- followed on Tuesday and Wednesday tere 't cause to-dayomen of rou are the WBut things are easing off a bit ane •tho omorrow. land roads are being, opened, olos Thursday, December 3.7h, I.95g IT CAN MEAN A LOT Future capital, accumulated through Life Assurance services .can be Used to educate children, pay Or your mortgage, buy a. hoine, take a long - planned vacation start in business for younself or carry out other long- range plans. At your convenience, I should be glad to discuss your tate Assurance requirements. T. H a rry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company Phone 70-W — All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood, Ont. ,1 MalnerataiMa0 PRI1111111111 HIM 01 11 11111 111101111111EIHMNIIIN P I 11! E E R ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW araes.a. , .wstaa. aaasaaa -ata There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RADER & MITTLEHOLTZ Phone 63 -- Zurich aaseasaa, saseesaaaalaaaatessaaoa • IN CANADA'S MOST MODRN ELECTRIC RANG[f Last word in beauty of styling... , quality of construction and com.. pleteness of appointments . . . with Seven•Speed Push•Buttom, Controls on all Surface eletnentx. fully automatic oven withloolt.in door.. , automatic clock control operates oven, rear set, face element or appliance outiet. Available in Double.Oven astk Sinple..Oven styles. ' ..• EL ELECTRIC illsziNG, STADE & WEIDO - ZURICH • HENSALL Mr. and :Mrs Guy Bedard of Lon- don spent the week -end with the lat- ter's parents, Mr and Mrs Stewart Bell Mr and Mrs. T. McPherson of Lam- beth were visitors with Mrs. Flora Colloid, Mrs. E. Broderick and Mr and Mrs. Orville Smith, Mrs A. Crerar returned home after visiting with Mrs, E. Mitchell in London." Mr and Mrs. Peter McNaughton and son visited with Mr and Mrs. Harold Scruton in Port Dover. Mrs. James W. Bell left to spend the winter months with relatives in Oakland, Calif. Mr. Fred Peters who suffered sei ions injuries in a recent accident,was reported to be improving in St. Jos- eph's Hospital Lon -don. His trip which was fractured in the accident has been set. Miss Betty :1Vlickle, nurse -m -train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, spent a few days at her home here. Mrs. T. Parlmer was admitted to Clinton Hospital in the interests of her health. Mr. and Mrs Laird Mickle and family were visitors with the form- ers mother, at Ridgetown. Mr .and Mrs. Harold Redden andl Jimmy of Dresden were visitors with Mra. Catherine Hedden and Herb. STANLEY TOWNSHIP 'Miss illarbara avieconnell, nurse -in training at Stratford, was a -visitor with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Hugh McConnell, Varna The Varna United Church Christ- mas entertainment will be held on Wednesday eve. Dec. 23rd. The W.A. of Varna United .Churcht are planning to have a chrlarnas Pageant in the near future, A large number from Stanley ata tended the Federation banquet in Zurich, 'Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong a the Goshen Line, near Zurich, left recently to spend the winter months in Florida, Gail, Ann and Lynn Gackstetter, of near Kippen returned home after spending a week with their grand. parente, My and Mrs Wni Homey la Exeter. Miss Donna McBride, nurse-in-tra-, ining in ,Stratford Hospital, visited with her parents, Mr and Mas Atviyk McBride, •Mr and Mrs Stuart Beattie mut children of Wingham were visitor's with her mother, Mrs, Robert Mea Bride, Kippen. Mies Ina Itopp of Zurich spent it week with her friends, Mr and ilifra. Arnold Gackstetter, Mrs. A. Gackstetter and datighter Karen jean returned home rroan the South 1/Uron Hospital, Exeter.